
Speaker Boehner for President in 2016? Countdown to Econ Faultline

Speaker of the House John Boehner may emerge as the winner in the budget ceiling game of chicken bringing the nation’s public budget to the brink of default. That politician most deserving of merit promotion,  John Boehner is a political operator in the hot seat under extreme pressure running cool moderating between conservative and appeasement sections of his party as swell as leftocrat Demo Party apparatchiks in the Senate and Executive tranches of government.

Since Bill Clinton the people have failed to elect a President with substantive national political service experience (*Barrack Obama running virtually unopposed had a couple of years as a U.S. Senator). Clinton, Bush and Obama followed extreme ideological agendas rather than mainstream national interests. L.B.J. and Richard Nixon though on opposite ends of the national political debate were grand American Presidents without a narrow or foreign point of view.

An historical failure of democracy is in electing leaders that are popular instead of good. The public should have no difficulty in viewing Boehner in the role of President as a contemporary right-leaning L.B.J.  style operator coordinating reform and maybe making the change-promises that Barrack Obama made and failed to deliver (except for debauching social morality with homosexual marriage and forcing through a corporatist health care plan).

 As important as getting the Hispanic vote is that of getting the queer vote; Speaker Boehner would probably get the queer vote better than Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden. Negroes, Somali-Americans or whatever the politically correct term is these days vote essentially race-first and would vote for a Boehner-Rice ticket. So would I even though Boehner is no Ralph Nadir. Boehner could suggest that the Washington Redskins change their name to the Washington Whiteskins in order to get the vote of aboriginal Americans (those would be the people descending from the Amerigo Vespucci era of the North American continent history (as well as insular and island possessions).

In the Second World War some Nazis made lampshades from Jewish skins. On the other hand, in my intermediate school gym class boys played basketball with shirts and skins teams. That was fine if one wasn’t embarrassingly obese.  I can’t recall any tubs of lard at all. There were no vending machines in the school. Maybe the Redskin’s name should be reduced to just ‘Skins’.

I haven’t actually seen an American aboriginal with red skin. There are red states full of Chicoms (just joking) Republican voters. Maybe those are the real target of the hostility to the D.C. football team that if renamed the doofus’ would better reflect the political antics of the capitol. The Washington Redskins name probably have nothing to do with the imported tradition of taking scalps or skins-that’s a Wall Street and global banking quantitative trading practice this century.

What was the name of North America in the pre-Columbian era anyway? We know at least that Alaska was called Alaska so maybe North America should have its name changed to North Alaska out of respect for aboriginal tradition?

American political-economic leadership seems uncomprehending of the nature of change and realpolitik the past 20 years. Blinded by the bright lights of Broadway when the cold war ended with the advantage to capitalism the nation’s political leadership disastrously deregulated finance liberating a generation of greedy private investors to begin buying up everything abroad they could. Global financial schemes from derivatives to buying shares of Chinese businesses became the norm. The economic development interests of the United States were downsized in favor of support for the corporate investor’s global funds and stock portfolios. President Obama has continued that support following G.W. Bush and Bill Clinton while the nation’s economic house has become increasingly disordered and wealth concentrated.

Paradoxically the Chinese Communist Party leadership runs the world’s most fiscally conservative government and that is paying off richly. If financial conservatives at the national level is defined as working to develop one’s own national financial well-being first and foremost the Chinese are plainly winning as conservatives. American political and Wall Street leaders have for-themselves taken a liberal course investing globally, cutting taxes domestically and appeasing the populace with franchise burger-flipping jobs and providing the middle-class with tens of millions of illegal aliens for cheap labor. Wall Street has provided cheap imports for the poor and middle class to purchase. The U.S. government has built up 17 trillion dollars of public debt during the era of malevolent political neglect of U.S. national interests.

A conservative international policy was an historical course for the U.S.A. until the international conflicts of the 20th century. A liberal domestic policy without development of a costly federal government bureaucracy was also a normal state of affairs supporting national prosperity. For much of America’s history small farm holdings by families with a majority of the people producing food for-themselves made it more challenging for wealth to be concentrated. The gradual industrialization, urbanization and computer networking made Americans give up their farms and rural properties and become urban proles working for abstract global entities called corporations. 

Government altered its nature after the end of the cold war to reinforce the corporate elites and financially began flying by wire without sufficient regard to traditional national conservatism.

China may still be applying principles of national financial conservatism but the United States has forgot the hard lessons learned by the 1929-30 Wall Street crash and the depression of the 1930’s. There are real political-economic material facts of life on Earth that differ from abstract financial theories. Economic theory should be intended to support the national practice of economic well-being of the people of a nation. The real interests of the citizens are in prosperity, security, a good and flourishing ecosphere and a sense of spiritual freedom.

The alternative direction for economic theory is to apply abstract principles to benefit collectives called corporations as individual globally without regard to the interests of nations or citizens. Nations and national legal systems are the primary foundation for human and civil rights. Elites inevitably seek to redistribute civil rights and economic empowerment from the majority unto themselves. Erasing national borders is a fact for speed of light corporate economics today and erasing the real political boundaries that is a trendy accompanying propaganda effort to draft the public support toward a world in which they have no legal or political power at all. That is a bad direction for American voters to take breaking so bad the unknown founder would roll-over in his or her grave.

One wonders if John Boehner could orchestrate a symphony of national economic reform if elected to the White House in just four years. Politicians are such a mess these days after all running blindly through the streets of Pamplona like the bulls and the runners themselves chasing a golden orb of profit floating through the hills of China and the prairies of India while the forests of S.E. Alaska and other rain forests are under assaults by bank-financed loggers of old growth so big box stick frame dwellings financed by global networks can sprawl with asphalt and mercury vapor lamps.


President Buck Says; 'Debt Limits Are Extortion!'

President Buck of Globalistan said that organized crime has taken over the legislative branch of the nation’s government making extortion demands that his party participate in negotiating process. Long-standing Globalistan policy is to not negotiate with terrorist mafiososo; a good idea if they are actually mafiososo rather than legitimate political opposition. Drive by media and the World Bong are in support of President Buck.
 A caushush belly for economic war and revision, the extortion demand of the gang of legislators is that public debt not be increased. That criminal demand is of course against sound business policy wherein credit card limits are never given borrowing limits because the Globalistan Government will give zero interest loans to too-large to fail banks to the lenders. This is all just common sense as the President likes to say.

The Head of the World Monetary Anti-Extortion Fund has pointed out that without an increase of the Globalistan debt ceiling Globalistan will default on its foreign debts and the Global House of Economic Cards will collapse in a worse disaster than the first Frasier-Foreman fight. Global economics work like this...

The international financial elites invest in every nation globally and cut domestic spending on environmental conservation, public education, transformation to a low entropy business footprint wherever possible. U.S. public debt is supposed to help prop-up the Wall Street and Tootsie globalism with business regulation cut along with taxation. Advantaged individual investors and corporations can prosper, China can develop cheap production and rising consumerism and Americans of the middle class and poor can have public debt.

Fly by wire Wall Street global acrobat economics have the fundamental capitalist principle of self-interest and the public can hold the bag. In fact not only can public debt be increased, the poor can be blamed for that, for wanting to have food to eat. Public welfare outlays can he exploited as the primary reason for the greedy incompetence of global elites failing to implement a fair and balanced U.S. domestic economy as well as a global economy that relies on increasing Globalistan public debt.

The main problem now with the Globalistan economic situation seems to be the unwillingness of any of the elites to shoulder responsibility for competent new economic policy that fundamentally changes and upgrades free enterprise. Free enterprise with caps on the size of corporations, the number of corporations an individual can invest in, progressive taxation, caps on the quantity of mass and individual can consume privately or use in business ventures annually (mass quotas) and a basic welfare state that provides secure borders and guarantees of basic human needs will liberate human ingenuity for quality invention, patenting, production, full employment, good public health and so forth. Change is required and all are called to think, yet few are there that do so adequately.

President Buck will pass the challenge from the debt ceiling extortionists once more. Perhaps more tax cuts and increased public spending can be innovated along with a liberal increase of zero interest loans to challenge global banks.


President Expects Speaker Boehner To Lose Game of Chicken

The weirdness of Obamanomics that inevitably deepens the federal debt while concentrating wealth leaves us breathless. The President expects Speaker Boehner to lose the game of debt ceiling chicken and veer out of the crash course with the juggernaut of national economic doom the President is driving toward. Speaker John "Crybaby' Boehner probably will avoid the crash of federal fiscal default, too many Republicans are heavily invested in the Wall Street financial swindle to draw the federal debt line at 17 trillion dollars.

Why the President desires to crash the U.S. economy is something of a mystery. It is possible to generally consider the other main factors in the developing fiasco though. The media just needs someone to blame, and with the wealth owned preponderantly by Republicans it’s reasonable to support those leavering the organizational collectives known as corporations from both sides of the political opinion line.

The Democrat Party represents the rich and the middle class a little having thrown the poor under the bus some time back. President Obama was the scarlet pimpernel rescuing the Bush tax cuts twice from the jaws of expiration following his work at loaning trillions to banks and giving them zero-interest loans worth 85 billion per month. With Fed Reserve Chief Bernanke leaving he has nominated Janice Yellin to shout for the economic loaves.

The Republican Party of course works for global corporate collectivism through Wall Street stock networking. They are for-the-rich plutocracy with token references to classical American values of the founders. Not very nationalist these decades they have many non-abomination supporting nationalist plain Republican members deceived into believing the party has some nationalist pragmatism about it vestigially. Many of that sort of Republican migrates seasonally to the Tea Party.

The Tea Party's values are somewhat traditional, yet like libertarianist thought in the present era the global Plutocracy would benefit most from financial deregulation. It is just the poor and environmentalists that are concerned with reality nationally speaking, yet they have very little real representation.

Obamanomics probably will deepen public debt to 21 trillion dollars more or less. Interest on the public debt will exceed one trillion annually. The Obama cult of personality drawing in homosexual support is a rather unreasoning economic policy that has cash as a kind of unreality to be printed out or taken from the rich with no consequences for public debt. When the Premier of China asked Sect. Kerry about the debt recently that highlighted the problem facing the poor in the years ahead when the enormity of the debt brings financial austerity to the U.S.A. one way or another.

In the future financial austerity it is the poor that will suffer most with public programs for the poor being cut first and foremost. The rich and middle class will be invested globally and weather the financial storm well. The majority of democrats and the Republicans that aren't prosperous will suffer most and find an unsympathetic global majority unwilling to support a deficit financed life style for Americans with loans. The rich will have outsourced quality jobs globally and made it very difficult for Americans to negotiate for new quality jobs or defense of boundaries from illegal immigration. Loss of political power will be the most direct consequence for the Democrat and Republican middle class and poor who comprise such a tiny minority of the world's population. The President seems too happy to drive the economy into ruin, especially supported by a media with fantasy economic reporting about the U6 as well as the state of the environment.

Speaker Boehner will not stop public debt from deepening for he, as well as Chief Justice Roberts and bought and paid for by the global Plutocracy.


Federal Default the Tough Love Way to Reign In 20-Year Spending Spree?

The bright side of Federal budget negotiating failure is that it might compel budget reform. With the default date of 17 October fast approaching and the Democrat Party refusing to face the negotiating reality it is quite possible that the Federal Government may go into default on its debts for the first time and in so doing start the apparently necessary steps for budget austerity. Welfare to the rich and regulations made to concentrate wealth along with indifference about federal government reform have made the escalation of debt perennial. At 17 trillion dollars a default capping the debt might be the shock needed to get the rich politicians to put there thinking caps on about reform.

With federal default the cost of federal borrowing will rise. As it is the federal government for some time has been issuing electronic currency at zero interest to wealthy banks-about 85 billion dollars a month, so the money supply available for the government to borrow at a much higher interest rate is no problem. The federal economic geniuses will find a way to deepen the indebtedness of the United States while cutting programs for the poor without trouble. The poor are always the first to be thrown under the bus by corrupt governments.

It would be helpful if N.P.R. had it's federal financing cancelled. They make it difficult to take the U.S. Government seriously. With a KGB-like propaganda branch such as it is who needs foreign propaganda agencies?


President Obama's Half-Brother on Egypt's Terrorism Watch List?

Much has been made in recent weeks of the possible relationship of President Obama's half-brother to middle-east and North African terrorists organizations. Because the Muslim Brotherhood has been proscribed in Egypt recently, and they are Malik Obama's Sudan-based I.D.O. Islamic Dawa Organization parent organization, Egypt is contemplating putting Malik Obama on the terrorist watch list. I.D.O. may provide financial support to the Muslim Brotherhood.


President Obama apparently has a cousin off concern for terrorist support as well, yet there are a several references to Malik Obama's support for terrorism references on the Internet. One wonders if President Obama is entirely neutral on the topic of Middle East politics or if he is a little partisan?:

These kinds of Middle East data are a little far-flung for many Americans including myself. Its not exactly an implication of Billy Carter drinking beer behind the gas station or something. These might be weird right-wing claims that aren't true of course. I do not know if the somewhat less than useful regular broadcast media has looked into the issue.




President Obama Will Not Share Budget/Debt Ceiling Negotiation Says in Effect 'My Way or the Highway!'

President Obama failing to realize that the legislative branch was divided in half between his party and the Republicans last elections is adamantly unwilling to support Senate negotiations with House Republicans over the budget and debt ceiling issues. Senator Harry Reed of Nevada, the Senate majority leader is unwilling to work at all with House Republicans to resolve the government funding issue. President Obama has developed a propaganda putsch to blame Republicans for a potential government debt default yet everyone knows that its the guy in the White House and his party that get the blame eventually; the buck stops there.

The President is an odd negotiator. He threw in the towel to give the rich their Bush II era tax cuts permanently without getting anything in return, and he agitated for that. He has support Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke's electronic printing of 85 billion dollars a month of interest free loans to favorite bank, and yet he refuses to negotiate even partial funding for Veteran's education after returning from battle as well as other services for elderly and injured former service members and that is inexplicable. House Speaker Boehner has said he is willing to sign off on V.A. funding.

The President has chosen to make debt ceiling negotiations a turf war with a demand that Republicans sign off completely on what he and Senator Reed want. I have news for the President; financial negotiations are the traditional strength of Republicans, it was an ill advised tactic to choose that battle at this particular time to try to win. Republicans could easily let the thing drag out 60 days or more and let the Buffalo chips fall where they may.

Compromise is on budget requests is requisite for a divided legislature. One can't just refuse to play unless the other side throws in the towel first as the Democratic Party seems to expect in the debt ceiling mess. The President is appears willing to let the U.S. Government debt slide toward default unless he gets his way. It just may, and that crash would perhaps limit deficit spending in the future too. It would be a messy way to correct the history of twenty years of bad federal policy development. 

The bright spot in the dark economic cloud is that the economy needs to be reformed anyway to an ecological sustainable basis. Today a mink or a weasel with nearly white fur stood on my foot looking plaintively at me as if asking- "Why is it so warm in Juneau Alaska October 2nd without any snow even on the top of the area mountains?" If the creature understood English better than Republicans and Democrats communicate on debt ceiling negotiations I would have told it that bad federal economic policy has helped exacerbate global warming. And that's just the way it is.

Publication of "A Universal Widget - In the Realm of Forms"" (science fiction)

  I have published a philosophical science fiction novel named A Universal Widget - In the Realm of Forms. Basically it is an investigation of philosophical, cosmological and theological relationships.

  If given the chance to learn of the shape of things and why they are, wouldn't anyone? What is the realm of forms? What is a Universal form? Is every widget an imperfect reflection of a perfect widget, an image of the original? These are questions Socrates asked or some that he might have asked. There are answers that might change the way we think about reality.

  The Martian philosopher Patrick Voevoda and his xenopologist traveling mate are taken up in a quest to find a missing Universal widget.


A Free Download for October: Creation and Cosmos - The Literal Values of Genesis 2nd Edition

For the month of October 2013 a free EPUB download of the second edition of my book Creation and Cosmos; The Literal Values of Genesis is available at
 Many people haven't a good idea of the relationship between the Bible and scientific knowledge in a very substantive way. Philosophers like considering questions of larger issues that many haven't given enough thought to as well as to reconsider issues ossified with time. For the past century individuals have contemplated the rich field of the cosmos and its creation analytically. These are my thoughts on the topic.

A Free Download for October - A Place for Faith (poetry)

A free EPUB download of my book of poems A Place for Faith  is available through October 2013 at


A Free Download for October - St. Novilistricka - Dimensions (science fiction)

A free EPUB download of my philosophical novel St. Novilistricka - Dimensions is available through October 30, 2013 at;

Capitalism is More Natural Than Socialism

 Capitalism is probably more natural than socialism although economically challenged people are probably happy enough if either works reason...