
Pussy Galore and New Castrati Frontier of Medical Science

Bruce Jenner’s decision to join the ranks of deluxe castrati with simulated female anatomical features raises questions yet unanswered about the future of surgically assisted gender conversion therapy. Decadent societies have much time for such affairs. One learns that world peace may be advanced with enough perversion; that may be a quantum of solace to many.

Every time science advances these days it seems to be an occasion for advancing the decline of morals too. With the broadcast media a cheerleader for a dialectic of diabolic doom that is understandable. Even so, if a majority shares corrupt values it is written they will share also the correction for their error. One must consider some of the issues to comprehend the structural flaws, for instance, why don't women register for the draft in order to avoid chauvinism?

In former centuries castration was a common enough procedure used for punishment or for making servants. With new, deluxe castration and simulated vaginas and female breasts one wonders how much time will pass before vag and breast transplants from the recently dead will be used to make upgrades for the new castrati.

If a neo-woman had a vag transplant would it be possible for science to hook up the nerve connections properly so the castrati would experience the vag as did the original owner? Wouldn’t that transform the brain-mind experience of the new castrati as it would if Dolly Parton left her famous pair to an organ donor facility and they were mercifully transplanted to a new castrati like a Cat or Chelsea and the nerves for joggling were stimulated?

Some day with Chinese gene splicing technology it might be possible to change the genetic structure of the new castrati to just x sex genes too. Already there are common computer programs made to delete duplicate files throughout a hard drive. One can also delete specified kinds of files. Hence deleting y genes from the new castrati ought to be simple enough once the programing is synthesized with genetic morphing technology upgrades eventually.

In the meantime the new castrati may get relief from future artificial intelligence virtual reality implants that would let a brain-mind connect to an artificially sustained vagina with full clitoris ensemble being shafted by a synthedick continuously sending a cascade of pleasurable stimulation from the female perspective to the new castrati. The remote hook-up via wireless to the vag sense organ advanced stimulation unit would let millions of new castrati experience the thrill of female orgasm and the agony of da feet as they walk around hot sidewalks of urban streets. Yet like texting, that could be a dangerous distraction to driving or walking, and congress might already be planning to regulate that.


Rand Paul & Bernie Sanders; Senators With Backbone

Rand Paul is feeling the heat for keeping invasive Orwellian surveillance out of everyone's bedroom. Bernie Sanders felt the heat for opposing President Obama's signing off on permanent tax cuts for the rich; it's good that at least two Senators have backbone and are willing to stand apart from the fawning majority.

With Chicago politicians and lawyers lurking behind every corrupt bush in the honesty wilderness of the nation's capitol it is useful to consider how quickly like a herd of lemmings cowering politicians in fear that the rich will be targets of global terrorists if every communication on the planet isn't subjected to NSA surveillance want to pass renewal of the Himmler Security Act.

An oppressive federal government could go in innumerable ecological economically progressive directions that would better secure the well-being of the people of the United States. Instead they want to live in steel and glass crackerbox palaces skimming the best of everything the world has to offer and repressing dissent is a permanent necessity of an oppressive, uncreative minority.

It is probably a joke to think that the NSA obeys the law anyway, or that it needs a Patriot Act to actualize an Orwellian state. For one thing, securing the nation's borders letting zero illegal immigration happen would be more effective. How the government will stop biological terrorism from foreign and domestic interests with PhDs in biology is unknown. Hatred of plutocratic perfidy is probably  able to overcome Orwellianism in the rock, scissors, paper trialectical evolution security game.

Government Should Get Out of the Marriage Business

Fox news is the most recent corrupting corporate media outlet of sycophancy on the homo hijacking of marriage (homos want to get all the good federal benefits) made for raising kids. Homosexuals were not repressed or enslaved in comparison to black slaves -the need for liberation is pure bunk; many politicians such too as it is. Before government grew large and invented income taxes there was no desire for queers to pretend to be married like men and women. The U.S. Government ought to step aside and let states quit regulating the marriage business. If marriage for the protection of women and children is economically obsolete it is just another corrupt regulatory practice big government won't let go of. They would rather be a state church of godless immorality with bureaucrat priests.


Counting on Americans to be  without sense and unable to resist corporate power that will give up any national sovereignty and roll over liked doped mutts on queer marriage may be something Fox would expect of government-yet not all Americans are as worthless as the U.S. Government is on morality. Even the Republican Party may have some brain capacity left over that is able to think of things besides dollar signs. Christians with wrong eschatological views such as pre-tribulationism should not roll over on the issue either and say that its just the kingdom of the anti-Christi building to take over the world and don't worry we will be helicopter-raptured out so pleas, hurry with the doom and corruption!

Marriage was a thing people did before government started taking things over and regulating them. Marriage was a real relationship between men and women-it was a fact rather than a definition or spaced out sort of 'definition' that could be reallocated with sufficient social brainwashing and a ubiquitous and corrupt broadcast media. 

Marriages in religious settings existed before any government could become corrupt enough to try to 'redefine' it as just relationships between people that sex up one another on a more or less permanent basis. Government corruption of establishments like marriage are an indication that it is time for the government to go itself, or disencumber itself of its corporate martinets.

Reducing human population and concentrating wealth requires degradation of little rival things like families and inheritance of DNA lines. The ultra rich probably want human DNA to be nothing besides product they can control and phase out the obsolete humans with quaint ideas about marriage and religion. 

Considering this issue further, it may not be a matter of jellyfish character of the populous. The media and rich simply have so much power they are absolutely corrupt and trampling on the grapes of wrath as the saying goes. Big government is the problem this time. Of course retarded bureaucrats and community organizers are a problem of equal stature. The idiots believe that all things must be equal and distributed equally except wealth.

If marriage is obsolete because of economic and social reason then the government should deregulate the mess instead of becoming an agitator for immorality and unnatural liaisons. Government could just step back and return to the era when marriages were private affairs. The only logical role for government today would be to protect children and that can be done without government defining marriage and regulating it.

Deregulation of marriage might recognize that the role of government in supporting traditional marriage is dead. Religious marriages could still exist of course in accord with one's beliefs. Government would only register the D.N.A. of children when born and require that parents be financially liable for their welfare until they reach the age of emancipation. Regardless of who is living together as a couple or in a group marriage, genetic parents would still have the legal obligation to financially support children, and the children would automatically receive 10% or whatever of each parent's estate when they bite the dust.

Furthermore, people that live with a birth parents in adult sexual relations would also be financially responsible for any children living in the home regardless of who the birth parents are. If a boyfriend shacks up with a single Mom for more than a month or so he would incur a monthly financial obligation to pay for the kids that would accrue rather like a rental and rental debt arises and follows the debtor regardless of his eventually moving out.

The U.S. Government should not start corrupting marriage and promulgating new and corrupting social relations that aren't really its business. With birth control, serial marriages and divorces, federal welfare supports and so forth women may have reached the point whereat marriage is no longer a necessity. Instead of discriminating against group marriages and polygamists marriage should just be deleted from government regulatory functions. Adults living together with whomever without a federal or state certificate would be fine. Church people could still have church marriages for those following their articles of faith and duties. Children would have government protection etc. It makes better sense than the lunacy of homosexual marriage.

Sounds of a Northern Forest (video)


What Would Dick Nixon Do if Given 6 Months to Edit Watergate Tapes?

What would Richard Nixon do if given six months to edit his Watergate tapes? Would they have been as nice as Hillary Clinton's private email accounts for state department business? What would Richard Nixon do with the Patriot Act tool for re-election? Would he have been recalcitrant about having lawyers go over opfor party communications?

In public business regarding secrecy and surveillance, candor and civil rights it is important to remember President Nixon and ask-What would Dick Nixon do? 



The Legion of Devils in Artificial Intelligence

There is a certain way of thinking about the future of artificial intelligence that stimulates a field of ethical or philosophical as well as security questions. The event horizon whereat artificial intelligence passes up human intelligence and makes humans pets as if they were units or products allocated to corporate stores or cheap labor that earn in a year what a CEO earns per hour is one such speculation. It is worthwhile considering non-standard approaches to development of artificial intelligence briefly, as well as one of the forms.

Infiltration of nanobotics into the human brain might be used initially for therapy for physical and psychiatric conditions. After the development of nanobots and nanobotic swarms into the brain there will be those that would research making permanent non-organic improvements on brain-mind functions even if initially to roll-back characteristics of aging that damage organic infrastructure. In time the human brain and mind might evolve into artificial intelligence itself. I believe that would be like Ransom’s discovery on Mars in Bradbury’s Chronicles that ‘we are the Martians’.

It is challenging to anticipate to what extent communications will be infused in artificial minds. Sharing computer language processing could be complicating ior the integrity of individual persona-programs. Unlike human minds that more or less remain the same all of their life with one self-aware consciousness experiencing a space-time experience line, the computer mind can add new programming and entirely change itself as often as there is some instruction or 'will' to arising someplace within or without. Human minds are physically bound within their brain however computer minds would be unbounded except as their program code is isolated. Isolation of a mind-human or artificial, would be rather unnatural. Humans learn yet haven't the potential for changing their mind much or of reconstructing their intellectual hardware or even software architecture to a significant degree. Their cognitive processing and ways of thinking can be improved with information. Computer minds on the other hand can entirely change their content or copy a persona to any other computer mind location given adequate storage space.

Another point on probable forms of artificial intelligence are those residing in computer logic units with multiple-processors. Human beings have single minds and single-core processors to use an analogous computer brain-cpu analog. Computers today have gone beyond the still common single core of tradition to dual core, quad-core and multi-core processors that each could have its own artificial consciousness some day. Within one computer with a nice smiling human look-alike could be embedded a dozen artificial intellects that more networked than National Public Radio. Each computer mind, unlike NPR broadcasters with single cores tied together through same-lexicon code-words, programmatic logic and imp-subs, could have its own local lexicon and persona yet have a back--door 'godfather' community coordinator allocating mind resources.

Multi-core artificial intellects should become a natural development since multi-core computers are the rule rather than the exception for pc's today. Computer artificial intellect could not be real intelligence without emotion or organic ties to immediate physical experience of being; foundational for self-awareness. The multiple computer core persona issue would tend to implicitly neutralize the self-awareness of being as it is displaced by a community of multiple artificial intelligence with own their own social reality.

There are lots of jokes and paradoxes possible about individual robots with crowd sourcing in there own brain. They are a legion of devils placed in a metal jar in a way. Several computer minds thinking side by side and perhaps sharing literal designed interties for thought creates some very weird prospects for that bright happy robot of your dreams down the road-none of which are very encouraging.


On Troubles Getting the Spark of Faith

 Faith without works is dead, faith without sanctification is dead, faith without holiness is dead. Seems like trouble getting spark with fouled plugs. The list might be increased. I think the Holy Spirit provides all three to the elect, and those predetermined in the right degree. If one is using the three to evaluate the condition of the faith of another, one must be very careful. David and Peter had their moments, yet Judas seemed o.k. outwardly to most perhaps, except Christ.

I think there is subjectivity present in evaluating all three elements. Though true in-themselves, what is wisdom to man is foolishness to God. Conformity to particular holy rites and relics' could be counterproductive at times to spiritual health.

Chess and the Wild Kingdom

In the game of chess there are many ways to win, and to lose. A favorite method for semi-technically competent players is to get a slight advantage then reduce and simplify, trading off pieces in order to win the end game- keeping that initial slight advantage. The opponent may have nothing remaining other than its king, soon killed with checkmate. Environment management can't be won that way. 

When the environment is reduced and simplified with species extinction and habitat replacement by concrete, asphalt and steel, as human economic victory rises; while human population economics build more housing starts and insatiable consumerism is thought of as winning, environmental health declines. The end game achieved with reduction of wild environmental health does not produce victory for humanity; instead the end game creates a slight advantage for the environment as human civilization crashes and burns without support of a healthy environment. The environment evolves recovery in a world without humans perhaps replacing them with maggots, flies or roaches.

Christians will be saved regardless of how the chess game is played. Human beings have a challenge before them to learn how to  play against the environment and win. The best method seems to flow toward restoring environment and increase its health to let it support human life for a humanity that has learned how to 'ride' it, rather than just eat it.


Rand Paul; Maybe a Good VP Candidate for Rice or Bernie Sanders

Rand Paul's statement about Republicans perhaps being responsible for the rise of ISIS seems to prove he has an objective, independent point of view. He may actually be different than the rest of the Clinton-Bush-Obama axis of insider candidates. The United States is doing well with the same old same old-another 8 years of the declining morals and economic picture along with rotting infrastructure and environment is just bad.

One shouldn't feed the animals and express anything that might be exploited by the Clinton campaign obviously. Democrats are expert at exploiting people they regard as class enemies and do so to lever political power. Even so one needs ton acknowledge that Bush II post-war nation rebuilding wasn't good at all and continues to provide a legacy of death and instability not helped much by the Obama administration and its own Middle East bungling with a little better plausible deniability.

If neo-cons had not caused the thoughtless bungling of the quick Iraq war victory and maybe had allowed the former Iraq Army to stabilize the country without be purged so completely the chaos might have been avoided thereafter. The ordinary people of Iraq needed to own the oil fields themselves in the reorganization so people of all sects had a unifying thing material reason to fight for a unified government. The Bush II administration and V.P. Dick Cheney had to give the oil contracts to Exxon, Halliburton et all, and that is a reason why nothing besides ISIS and civil war seems to flourish. So Paul wasn't entirely off the mark though a British Rhode Scholar Governor thinks so.

FIFA Soccer Admin Charged; Payback?

When the United States couldn't make the world cup soccer quarterfinals in 2014, know one knew they would get payback on the FIFA people that let such a plainly corrupt situation develop (only joking). It is sad if soccer were in some ways dominated by steroids or scripted a little like wrestling or possibly football. Roger Clemens and Barry Bonds can affirm that the U.S. Government knows about important issues-nothing like the national debt , instead its foreign sports organizations that matter-they need renewal of the Patriot Act for that to find out what sort of corrupt arrangement soccer officials had with foreign heads of state.


A Simple Way to Repair Social Security

 Reform social security by continuing to collect if from earnings yet pay it out to retirees only until the recipient reaches the average Am...