
Rand Paul & Bernie Sanders; Senators With Backbone

Rand Paul is feeling the heat for keeping invasive Orwellian surveillance out of everyone's bedroom. Bernie Sanders felt the heat for opposing President Obama's signing off on permanent tax cuts for the rich; it's good that at least two Senators have backbone and are willing to stand apart from the fawning majority.

With Chicago politicians and lawyers lurking behind every corrupt bush in the honesty wilderness of the nation's capitol it is useful to consider how quickly like a herd of lemmings cowering politicians in fear that the rich will be targets of global terrorists if every communication on the planet isn't subjected to NSA surveillance want to pass renewal of the Himmler Security Act.

An oppressive federal government could go in innumerable ecological economically progressive directions that would better secure the well-being of the people of the United States. Instead they want to live in steel and glass crackerbox palaces skimming the best of everything the world has to offer and repressing dissent is a permanent necessity of an oppressive, uncreative minority.

It is probably a joke to think that the NSA obeys the law anyway, or that it needs a Patriot Act to actualize an Orwellian state. For one thing, securing the nation's borders letting zero illegal immigration happen would be more effective. How the government will stop biological terrorism from foreign and domestic interests with PhDs in biology is unknown. Hatred of plutocratic perfidy is probably  able to overcome Orwellianism in the rock, scissors, paper trialectical evolution security game.

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