
Charleston Church Slaughter; Fibe Bottles of Single Malt Scotch and a Bag of Chips

When nine Christians were slaughtered in a Charleston church (Emmanuel African-Methodist) by a young white man seeking prey at a prayer meeting the firestorm of media exploitation was sure to follow. The federal Government began a Hate Crimes investigation. It is o.k. to hate the government yet not to act upon it except at the ballot box. Crimes made up on politically protected elements of the population are regarded as hate crimes while some elements are unprotected. That discrimination seems hateful to those left out in the heat without a raindrop of relief, yet to move on.

The brains of 21-year olds are not yet fully wired. They still short-circuit things and act rashly. I believe the brain is complete at 23 when the synapses are fully insulated. With the economic challenges young people face it is sometimes simpler to just act upon a fantasy and end the challenge. Young Mr. Roof will have a lifetime in the Aryan nation or some other prison gang or a date with smoky the chair some decade ahead very likely if South Carolina has the death penalty. The penalty for hate crimes on Christians may be death, and for being black and Christian, maybe 2x death, yet Christians themselves would probably forgive the crimes 70x7 if they could, well, the laws were probably designed to protect Muslims anyway rather than whites (or does that cross category lines?). The Tao of terrorism seeks the lowest course through multiple channels falling as rain from the rich and rising up through the scuppers of the slave-labor hold as the heavy ship of despair takes on water and merges to become one with the sea.

The majority of Americans don’t want white supremacy. With the practical problems of getting a job and a place to live in America for youth with such a profusion of corrupt corporate networks and fast trade housing derivatives swindles endemic to banking and lending tradition traditional avenues to prosperity may seem out of the realm of possibility. Some youth may fantasize of the glory days of Rhodesia and the Congo, King Leopold and Robert Conrad’s river trek to the Heart of Darkness where all was sweetness and light. Most people don’t, and do not even reflect wistfully upon General Gordon and the glory days of the Klu Klux Klan when it was easy to have job security. Most Americans and most white Americans prefer to try to view others as equals socially and spiritually speaking and desire to flow through the masses like guerrilla economic warriors without being singled out for their race or genius and thereby have problems getting a safe parking spot at night on the South side of Chicago.
The founders knew that the majority might need to revolt against a corrupt minority. Some might have felt it would make their day if they got the chance to hunt down some Tories and add another notch to their gun belts. Others were of a more philosophical turn and considered that all human life, even that of oppressive rulers was precious and should be terminated only with careful deliberation even perhaps, sending them to Valhalla with respect, bagpipes and a sacrificial bottle of single malt scotch. The founders wanted people to have guns in their homes to defend against criminal threats of union thugs at their door to steal their lunch, computer and valuable baseball cards, in addition to the opportunity to defeat homeland gestapo forces in a pitched battle if they come to cut off their balls to enforce Z.P.G. except for illegal aliens. Sometimes a well-organized militia with unbreakable codes might crowd-source flash rebellions against hated governments that oppress the masses, outsource jobs to China and throw every American citizen into a global labor pool.

It is an important historical point to learn that one cannot have a Jacobean reaction with a revolution and arrest of politicians of interest for summary trial and execution of judgment. Mass movements leading to revolt may be indexed by sociologist of course and pre-empted by pollster distros that everyone is against revolt. As the propaganda may have some 10% truth content per serving and be selectively featured the necessary degree of ability for subversives to organize a community to revolt may be challenging to attain.

The founders probably felt that some sort of Occam’s razor existed within a sane boundary such that individuals would not just go out and throw away their life in a single attack because they hate the government or the job situation or minimum wage and homelessness, or because they don’t have a Lamborghini. Though one needs guns for self-defense against gangsters usually one waits for gangsters to attack before shooting in self-defense.

The founders were preponderantly honest revolutionaries that would not have thought of doing anything dishonorable like shooting Christian fish in a church barrel like some sort of Darwinian predator fish eating the littler fish. If Fast Tramp authority is given by Congress to let extremists lever trade advantages for planetary plutocrats with a simpleton's majority assent no one thinks of putting on the suicide vest waiting by the door to be a minute-demolition visitor to the hallowed halls. The founders waited until the time was right to stand their ground and blast hated British oppressors into Fish and Chips Valhalla with musket fire and mobile artillery. King Gustav of Sweden invented the mobile artillery practice in one of the wars of the reformation era. The founders knew history rather well. Without the destruction of British imperial power in the U.S.A. Adam Smith’s capitalist techniques wouldn’t have had much traction and Captain. Morgan’s rum would have been the only alternative supplier without a mercantilist tax.

The founders wouldn’t have expected individuals to wear suicide vests and blast churches or NPR, Homeland Security or Fast Food Trade Franchises as a way to express their own dissent with policy that does not support their own financial advancement because it is counter-productive kill oneself, in-effect, for upward-mobility. In this era of mass-produced drugs maybe some do not reason so acutely and just fuel up with bad music, flags and theory, put their foot on the accelerator and blast away the bad dream and themselves in the process. Even so the founders would have supported rational government environmental policy and directed economic practices that would negated the circumstances that lead to such mass-produced, common, individual irrational behavior.

The Charleston Church should have been a priesthood of believers, Mr. Roof should have been walking and riding mass transit or a bicycle and not driving a petrosaur sedan. Maybe the African Method-Episcopal should not have a racially discriminating name indicating racial or ethnic origin. Maybe Methodists and Episcopalians should not support a homosexual clergy or marriage (some sects are working on it). It is certain that Prot churches are environmentally challenged to one-up Pope Francis' illuminating environmental encyclical communique.

Perhaps the government should provide a minimum income to all citizens. Perhaps all illegal drugs that provide revenues of a vast sum to criminal gangs should be duplicated with synthetic federal production and distributed at low cost in order to put drug gangs and cartels out of business. If people are dumb, good government need take that into account. Then with better education about the real hazards of certain drugs a majority might choose to remain healthy and uncorrupted so far as possible with all the food additives, air pollution and chemicals poured onto their lawns not to mention copper dust brake pad death of Alaskan frogs.

Guns are not the problem-bad government is. Bad government kills far more people that cars, and bad government makes life while alive, bad.

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