
Degenerative Social Effect of Music Lyrics

Plato would have banned all musicians from a society, yet some music seems good for the soul. Even so one must wonder about the degenerative social effects of males listening to popular music lyrics designed to be heard by women. The long term effects of rock and roll music lyrics designed for women along with illegal drug use may have some sort of feminizing impact on the American psyche and grease the skids for judicial activist foisting of homo marriage on the states. In many work facilities male workers are required to listen to musical agents of socialization even such as 'everyone has a devil inside'. I saw an Army Sgt. listening to such a song long ago on a radio like a dumb animal conditioned for Satanic taking.

Perhaps that isn't so however. One might believe that black hip hop culture arises in southern states to continue the practice of not appearing rural or servile amidst the ancestral white slave-owning culture, and that is reasonable enough although it does provide fertile ground for hispanic illegal migrants without slave ancestors happy to form the underground economy doing work that blacks are reluctant to. Such a theory may be incorrect. It might be easier to test the social effects of effeminizing lyrics on males in a controlled research study environment. I wonder if such a study was been made.

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