
Google Changes Make It Difficult To Download Youtube Videos

There is a practical value especially regarding education in downloading free videos from Youtube to watch off line. Many can afford brief interact access to download that don’t have the luxury of watching a video live on-line. Consider the the number of people in Africa and elsewhere in the underdeveloped world that will share wireless INTERNET access long before they have their own desktop computer with a subscription to an INTERNET provide and high speed digital fiber optic or satellite. Free easy download of videos to watch later are essential for propagating farming techniques , for sharing emergency medical techniques for recognizing new communicable diseases downloading from a medical diagnostics made simple channel, or how-to-repair-a-computer video for changing a broken screen or installing a replacement keyboard for example.

Several years ago when I hoped to get a couple of quick M.A. degrees to become a traveling educator and was considering Kenya as a place to work I discovered that a University there had just two books on science. Those were the wild west days of opportunity to be a journeyman philosophical educator that I missed out on. Discussing the classics of literature and philosophy, world history and writing with third worlders would have been interesting. Infusing free videos to the world's poor-unlimited access to all that humankind is willing to provide free of charge-is an essential tool for human development. Such channels should share advertising revenues with creators in order that even the poor might have hope of affording a dentist or buying new shoes for children's feet.

With the cost of books still too high for a majority of Africans as is regular Internet on-line time, letting Youtube or others offer Free View and Download Channels is a virtual social requisite. It's the equivalent of a universal free book provider to the majority of the poor of the world that can use data and instruction on every topic. There will always be those that can afford a print version of my 'A War to End Democide' on 2003 era issues, yet there are more that can download my science fiction product; 'A Universal Widget; In the Realm of Forms', for free. Free is the right price for most souls of the world.

Yek there are some that spend a lot of cash to produce proprietary works they sell viewing of their product for a profit. Understandably they don’t want anyone to view their product without paying through the nose. People that post such product belonging to others on Youtube where it can be downloaded free drive the quest of those producers of expensive copyrighted works to stop free video downloads.

Google should give Youtube video producers a box top check off that will allow people to let their video be downloaded free. I have 380 videos posted at Youtube and don’t care if anyone downloads the somewhat less than feature items. There are innumerable Youtube video producer-creators who would allow their videos to be downloaded free-of-cost. So to keep rich Hollywood movie makers happy, instead of stopping all video downloads an algorithm should be made to screen out works that are posted without consent of the producer-creators. Youtube should find it easy to protect and delete no-download products with deep pocket creator-producers such as the creator-producers of Star Warps VII; The Evil Empire Buys the Universe to Putt Jingo in Chains.

It might also be possible to let some video channels classified as ‘blogs’ or ‘education’ rather than ‘entertainment’ be free to download, and those restricted channels such as entertainment be of a sort that would require verifiable creator-permission to download.

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Regarding Colin Wilson's ''The Outsider'

Nice statement and photographic presentation; Clint Eastwood walking away from the philosophical showdown a winner. There are a few more tha...