
Pussy Galore and New Castrati Frontier of Medical Science

Bruce Jenner’s decision to join the ranks of deluxe castrati with simulated female anatomical features raises questions yet unanswered about the future of surgically assisted gender conversion therapy. Decadent societies have much time for such affairs. One learns that world peace may be advanced with enough perversion; that may be a quantum of solace to many.

Every time science advances these days it seems to be an occasion for advancing the decline of morals too. With the broadcast media a cheerleader for a dialectic of diabolic doom that is understandable. Even so, if a majority shares corrupt values it is written they will share also the correction for their error. One must consider some of the issues to comprehend the structural flaws, for instance, why don't women register for the draft in order to avoid chauvinism?

In former centuries castration was a common enough procedure used for punishment or for making servants. With new, deluxe castration and simulated vaginas and female breasts one wonders how much time will pass before vag and breast transplants from the recently dead will be used to make upgrades for the new castrati.

If a neo-woman had a vag transplant would it be possible for science to hook up the nerve connections properly so the castrati would experience the vag as did the original owner? Wouldn’t that transform the brain-mind experience of the new castrati as it would if Dolly Parton left her famous pair to an organ donor facility and they were mercifully transplanted to a new castrati like a Cat or Chelsea and the nerves for joggling were stimulated?

Some day with Chinese gene splicing technology it might be possible to change the genetic structure of the new castrati to just x sex genes too. Already there are common computer programs made to delete duplicate files throughout a hard drive. One can also delete specified kinds of files. Hence deleting y genes from the new castrati ought to be simple enough once the programing is synthesized with genetic morphing technology upgrades eventually.

In the meantime the new castrati may get relief from future artificial intelligence virtual reality implants that would let a brain-mind connect to an artificially sustained vagina with full clitoris ensemble being shafted by a synthedick continuously sending a cascade of pleasurable stimulation from the female perspective to the new castrati. The remote hook-up via wireless to the vag sense organ advanced stimulation unit would let millions of new castrati experience the thrill of female orgasm and the agony of da feet as they walk around hot sidewalks of urban streets. Yet like texting, that could be a dangerous distraction to driving or walking, and congress might already be planning to regulate that.

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