
Pacific Free Trade Deal; For $24 Dollars More

There are good, bad and ugly treaties. The sovereignty giveaway free trade for the rich treaty is bad and ugly. President Obama's support for the Trans-Pacific 'Free' Corporate Trade Deal will dump U.S. workers in the same global labor pool as those of Indonesia, China and India when subsequent trade deals are fast tracked through. With billions of low-wage workers in the same labor pool American labor supply will have little value.  For every American there are 1500% more foreign workers. U.S. wages ought to decline to parity with those of China, India and Indonesia, Bangladesh and the Chinese islands populated by hermit crabs in the South China Sea.

It is true that genuine U.S. geniuses will find jobs in the future world labor pool new world order, yet those with I.Q.'s under 150 will be just more cheap labor competing against a surfeit of foreign labor. The Rich Pac Freak Trade Authority would put Americans into the Hong Kong class of Democracy where distant rulers decide who will run for fearless leader locally. People will be free to vote for a Clinton or Bush, or a person of interest from Oxford, yet none will really give a dam about the U.S.A. Global plutocrats will view their former independent colony with amusement.

Manhattan was sold to foreigners for $24 dollars. The Obama administration and effete Republicans seek to sell out the majority of Americans for the equivelent of $24 dollars of cheap job retraining. The retraining costs to dope people into voting for the act of treason that is the pac fast track trade deal is chump change to the ultra-rich making all things work together for the consolidation of planetary wealth.

Americans will lose their democracy as economic power shifts further to globalists.

The United States can be an example to the world in ecological economic innovation with government regulation of geographical zoning to promote ecospheric recovery and full employment. Presidents need not choose between a command economy of socialism or a free market. Corporate and communist collectives each seek the increase of collective wealth. Building social mass capital and that of the ecosphere together is the rational goal that all capitalists should have. The U.S.A. needs to become a synthetic intelligent promoter of full employment and advantage green capital and ecosphere. It isn't that tough to imagine the increase of social mass capital withe ecopheric recovery for a world of oppressed people who should like it better than oily command economies, pseudo-free market for corporate plutocrat neo-capitalism, wars and environmental devastation before the rich cull the majority to have it all for themselves. 

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