
Holy War; Diabolus and the Decline of Civilization

After reading The Holy War’ of John Bunyan written generally while he was imprisoned in England during the 17th century it was natural to make a dead reckoning sort of comparative systems analysis of the United States in relation to the situation of the allegorical Holy War. During the past two decades I have written periodically of the position of the United States within the historian Arnold Toynbee’s cycle of civilizations paradigm developed in his ‘A Study of History’. In that work civilizations reach a Universal phase before they fall-spread to thin I suppose as they follow greed abroad. There are obvious parallels in that respect between the Roman Empire, the British Empire and the United States today-especially since the Clinton era of promiscuous globalism. The Holy War provides a contrasting yet concurring filter to view the position of the United States in contemporary history.

The Obama administration seems to have reached the pinnacle of la cage aux folles movement to bog America down in 1960s spawned Darwinian anti-establishmentarianism with the Supreme Court soon to announce if they concur in wishing U.S. states to all be forced to submit to homosexual marriage and I suppose, more legal dope would be up next. Vast public debt deepening toward 19 trillion dollars presently, sending jobs to China and flooding the nation with millions of illegal aliens seem tools for concentrating wealth in survival of the richest cutting edge evolution.

For not only might civilizations have a secular Toynbean cyclical evolution directed by the lack of wisdom of politicians corrupted by personal greed and will to power, civilizations and the people in them as individuals are under the deceiving power of Satan too. The United States today is one of the leading agents of Satan for destructive change toward a diabolic society of decay toward a new world order. Historically Satan is always busy and about his business to leave the pit of doom where he was tossed by the Lord, and retake the city of Mansoul that exists in the continent of Universe.

After the Lord retook Mansoul from Diabolic possession he explained that he left some Diabolans in the city walls and under the structure in holes to provide enough danger to the people of Mansoul so they would be vigilant and defend their virtue in being saved by the Lord and reconciled to faith in God. In the absence of external challenge people become decadent and corrupted. Toynbee noted that in the history of ancient Greece; Greek nation states with too soft of life failed in inter-nation competition when it occurred while those with more challenging lives thrived. Of course Toynbee also observed that arrested civilizations existed-such as that of Eskimo-where the external challenges were too great to develop very far beyond survival and in to a more advanced technical level of existence.

Holy War is a popular term in the Muslim world today as it wars against the whiter and more prosperous west. It is something of a resonating Toynebean theme that the first Holy War of the Muslim world upon the west with a broad based Ummayad era attack on Iberea, Sicily and Turkey brought the Muhammadan movement and civilization to maturity and a Universal phase before its decline and fall. As an external proletariat for centuries now becoming an internal proletariat in Europe and the United States it is developing protracted jihad on a west that is abandoning its historical faith in God and waging an anti-holy war upon first itself and the world for Diabolus.

Christians in the United States today are declining in numbers though it is perhaps not yet a crisis. Too easy of a life accelerated with the broadcast media moral corruption and disruption of individualism has made Americans stop darkening the doorways of churches with their shadows on Sunday mornings and instead pursue secular interests. The loss of spiritual well-being precedes the decline and fall of a civilization too. Europe experienced moral and spiritual crisis before it had its decline and fall of the 20th century. American intervention-the intervention of a Christian nation-resuscitated that continent’s people sort of from their living dead condition for a while. The unsaved and reprobate are the new generation of living dead. Europe is again in a living dead situation required I suppose by virtue of the complications of political, economic and environmental structures. It is very challenging to find niches in that heavily trafficked environment for the soul to be philosophical and contemplative of spiritual affairs.

The third world is said to be new loci for the increase of Christianity. That may be true, yet Christianity in Europe had millennia to develop without the broadcast media or Hollywood corrupting the social environment. As soon as they arise, and as modern technology permeates a society a great conversion to worldliness follows. It is not reasonable to expect that Africa and Asia will be spared the conversion to worldliness and control by elite Diabolans that follows.

The U.S.A. as a primary social agent of change to a diabolic moral condition for the world has internal challenges to its Christian church that preclude moral revival. One is the hierarchical priesthood that developed in the dark ages under feudalism. Today that structure provides family oriented church pastors a small business revenue stream. They are reluctant to change. Larger traditional churches are losing numbers because of disbelief in the post-Darwinian era skepticism. They tend to evolve toward worldly feel-good secular forms of disingenuous worship. The PC USA has homosexual marriages and female pastors disinclined to reform.

As millions leave former mainstream churches-5 million in the last few years- some seek a more emotional worship service with fundamental values. Of the lost 5 million 2 million moved to evangelical churches perhaps. Evangelical churches have a pre-tribulation; just a remnant will survive end-times world view well suited for a period of declining faith in the Lord. Fundamentalist church pastors are glad enough to let the nation slip toward a diabolic status as they can explain it with their wrong eschatology and be comforted with job security leading the flock.

The remedy for declining Christianity is a proper interpretation of scripture on two critical points. One is Genesis cosmology and the second is end-times cosmology, the third is a priesthood of believers’ church reformation that sets aside the feudal church leader model for an egalitarian though theologically disciplined ecclesiology with the Lord as High Priest.

Darwinianism lies is in opposition to 12th century science that is used by Christian fundamentalists to interpret the book of Genesis. Biology isn’t physics of course, and creation content of Genesis is not limited to biology.  I have written about the topic elsewhere and won’t repeat it here. It is useful to say that words are representational and that physical cosmology and its mechanics differ from words referring to it. There is much room for speculating about how the cosmological mechanics actual existed and one is not limited to dark ages scientific interpretations of Genesis; God wasn’t limited to such methods.

In end times cosmology the events of the Revelation have mostly occurred already. In the first century the destruction of Jerusalem was the culminating act of the tribulation. The church descended upon mankind as the New Jerusalem in that period-the place where the Temple of the Old Jerusalem was replaced by God living in temple of Christians themselves. Christianity is supposed to increase to become a majority of the world though it may take thousands of years. When there are few Diabolans remaining the Lord will then return to the Earth (meant land in the ancient Biblical language).

The United States today with so many wrong ideas forced upon the masses through a profusion of media is plunging forward through the brambles of good sense like a diseased bull in a whore house seeking sex slaves for same-sex Satanic marriages in order to emasculate global population increase, downsize people  and concentrate wealth for the rich. Obviously the world has environmental and economic challenges yet the diabolic way of fixing things doesn’t work-that’s a lesson easy to learn from history.

I suppose I must make a disclaimer here to dispel the notion that my evaluation of the U.S.A. is unpatriotic or that I must be an idealist about Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, North Korea or Canada. Actually I realize that evil is ubiquitous. It is the diabolic problem acting upon humanity slogging on with original sin thermodynamics. I simply expect better from the U.S.A. as silly as that may be.

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