
America's Hong Kong Menu; Clintons and Bushes

In the new world order of plutonomy Americans will be free like people of Hong Kong to elect whomever the ruling powers decide can run. In the corporatist tradition those be Clintons and Bushes of Jolly Rodger authority.

I wanted to say a word about Clinton and Bush positions on religion in America.

According to Jeb, Hillary says religions should suck up any sort of conflicting opinion with the state and eat dirt, and of course many religious folks do adjust their doctrine to state corporatist wishes. The Methodist Church is seeking to have reprobate gay ministers teaching that Sodom & Gomorrah were discriminated against and homo normality is the sweet new world order. The PC USA has already done some of that agenda. 

Jeb knows how to pull the right strings to get a demographic majority. The Bush method of cornering the fundamentalist vote has got Jeb's special added corner of the Hispanic vote too. Jeb can speak the lingo of the south of the border set rather well. Two demographics points is a kind of advantage. Hillary of course has the fem and homo votes as well perhaps as black, unless a Republican candidate can get someone of color to run instead of just someone with a tech label that says black but looks white. The ultra rich probably view them as flavors of ice cream, yet still ice cream.

Jeb Bush is a little like Hillary on thinking that religious people should shut up and knuckle under to the party line whenever politics and religion have divergent opinions. Jeb said that Pope Francis ought to butt out of global warming or climate change. It just isn't the Pope's balliwick to talk about weather or other issues that politicians already have a lock on.

Jeb because a Catholic 25 or 30 years ago in what turned out to be a savvy demographic affiliation for getting votes not only from the family's evangelical franchise but also from Catholics. The troublesome Pope though would have to say politically incorrect things like maybe global warming is a danger or the rich countries should move toward sustainable economics. What a left-wing wacko!

In the U.S.A. the fundamentalists have been trained that global warming is a hoax-doesn't the Pope know that? What's wrong with him? can't he get his act together? I'll bet Jeb Bush though long and hard about the switch to an amillenialist church. Full disclosure-I am a post-millenialist, and Jeb might even have had pre-mill thoughts like his brother G.W.

Maybe politicians should stay of political issues altogether and just work as accountants for the rich. Hillary and Jeb have lots and lots of money, that's for sure.


The way of Satan's devices to corrupt the Christian church in the U.S.A. is largely through the state, corrupt elites, feminism and homosexuality. In time  worldly compromise from the church as well as emboldened demographic desires of homosexuals and women to have leather elbow pads on tweed suits in gentrified hierarchical priesthood positions will aggregate a takeover of the mainstream Christian Church. To an actual Christian finding an actual Christian Church will be experiencing a cool breeze on a 120 degree day.

The primary reason that Satan is having such an easy time of slowly taking over the Christian Church in America is largely the fault of the ministry itself. It is normal enough for corrupt worldliness in Hollywood, government and politics to pressurize Christians as political opponents, yet Christian ministers have largely failed to be accurate in preaching three Christian points that are salient features of the church. They are wrong on creation theory, wrong on end times theory, and wrong about church leadership; a priesthood of believers is needed, as Luther recognized, instead of a temple era style hierarchical priesthood.

Since Christian ministers won't step aside from their own personal comfort and security to reform the protestant movement. That is since the heirs of the reformers are unwilling to be reformers, they hold the door open to worldliness moving in to takeover the church. Their wrong end times eschatology expecting doom to happen soon greases the skids of moving the Satanic idol into the external church representation of the temple of God.

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