
S. Carolina Should Sell Its Government Rebel Flags

Flying a confederate battle flag at the Columbia capitol is harmful to white political interests. Its as if Munichers still flew the Swastika over their regional h.q. People hate being slaves and hate those that celebrate owning their ancestral kin still. It may be a pride thing for the I.Q. challenged of the South to malinger in the flag issue, yet it would be intelligent to move on and just sell the official flags from the state capitol and give the money to the next of kin of those Christians slaughtered by the rebellious pagan throwback. When Ulysses S. Grant granted Lee's request for surrender because of the pitiful, starving, shoeless condition of his surviving troops in the Army of Virginia, he did not fail to grant them easy terms. It is dishonorable for modern Americans to forget that. Ghengis Khan would have slaughtered the survivors like as not. Gov. Haley should auction the rebel flag supply.

Realistically it is unlikely that any sort of rebellion against the U.S. Government with military force would work any more. If Robert E. Lee was a better commander of rebellious generals than of West Point cadets the south might have stood a chance if they'd got better military supplies from Britain.

In Ukraine the U.S. Government is dumping advanced drones to target Russian sympathizers in the field and a host of other high-tech business tools of war. War is an important business for South Carolina too and they tend to support killing overseas rather than in D.C. The Roof rebel at 21 didn't know the facts of life evidently. The U.S. Government has a monopoly on violence and surveillance techniques and has even innovated modern forms of torture to apply to the Muslim problem.

The U.S.A. would rather fight Russia and take the heart of their historical nation entirely rather than have peace. It seems as if the U.S.A. prefers a step by step long term aggression policy through proxies and enmity for a few decades during which time southern defense contractors and Washington D.C. people would have something to do for easy cash.

I believe that policy is as silly and wrong-headed as the confederate flag at the capitol of South Carolina yet people are happy to lose votes, elections and respect of a majority of their fellow citizens in the pursuit of wrong policy without prospect for success.

I ought to say that a unified Europe and Russia is a much better direction to work on than that of conflict. In time national boundary conflicts would fade away I think if the United States were to butt out.

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