The vote to give fast shist power to the rich to move corporate products around the Pacific Rim faster than peas in a shell game is up for a vote today. With the freedom to relocate all production to cheap labor nations with weak environmental laws Big-mart can go ahead and deploy its robot store-shelf stockers that also sweep, mop and wax the aisles as they slime their trail along. The cost of labor in America can be downsized yet they will be happy with pheromone mists sprayed delicately wafting sweet smells from corporate orifices overhead. More power to laser scanners! Corporate oligarchs unite!
In reading Thomas Brooks' work on Satanic Devices to attack Christians I have looked at contemporary public actions where Satan is pushing large scale assaults in the war for man's soul. Turning Christians away from God and toward worldly concerns as the end-in-itself without interest in after life or Christian ethics in the meanwhile is a standard operating procedure for the main adversary of humanity. Infiltrating and corrupting marriage in the United States is one fundamental front of the war. Like Hitler's S.A. it has sent its best trans-social disordering forces to take down human rights. America modeled marriage on Christian guidelines; now thee government is like a plug up toilet corrupting marriage to send its sewage flowing back up into the church establishment. Unfortunately too many weak church pastors follow they state's power and social will more than the will of God as discerned in scripture. The PC U.S.A. has taken up the corruption of marriage doctrine for one, and there are others in a state of apostasy too.
audio- Marriage in the U.S.A. historically is a Christian institution along Christian guidelines. It was not a Muslim structure with polygamy permitted as normal. Neither did government provide any benefits for marriages to start with. In fact the only thing government did about marriage was to register those who where to clarify property lines and such as the United States was not a communist society. Homosexual marriage is a direct attack on the Christian foundation of marriage as well as on private property and inheritance. It is wrong to associate Christians with the perverted egression of homosexual marriage or of a monogamous institution of marriage as not being exclusively heterosexual. Because of the wide-spread use of effective birth control and abortion medical interventions and the elimination of heavy physical labor as the primary occupational of employed citizens as well as broad corruption of morals marriage is somewhat obsolete as far as its original purposes go in a cntext that concerns government. Plainly the vast legislative benefits added to marriage went to far to unequalize citizen's rights with a corpus of specialized class rights exclusive of everyone else. Since public sentiment and the judiciary have been determining that Christian marriage is no longer a desirable model for the state to regulate it would be wise for the state simply to vacate future involvement in marriage. It may be time for government to get out of the marriage business and just protect the rights of citizens in concerns such as those of youth. It might be right to assure that genetic parents have an obligation for child support to pass on their wealth to their genetic offspring at least as much as to adopted offspring. Government should just simplify as chess players do in reducing pieces to clarify the end game-in this case eliminating superfluous and unfair laws so government can go about the business of protecting human rights equally. Plainly Christians can continue to have church marriages and vows that they would be accountable to if they want to go that way. Muslims too could have several wives, yet those would not be recognized by the state. Also, homosexuals could marry to sin in the Church of Satan and be accountable for-themselves in the afterlife. It probably would be wrong to repress the desire of the sinful with force if their sins only doom themselves. Government can legally enforce civil contracts between individuals such as people want to encumber themselves with, yet government ought not itself be offering some sort of adulterated neo-Christian marriage establishment as an ossified social institution for residents of the United States to live within. That is as wrong as the butch power of public radio to oppress individuals in order that communes might expropriate power and form a command economy.
One wonders about the logic of U.S. intervention in Iraq following the initial successful military invasion of 2003.In the latest episode to counter the ISIS Sunni insurrectionists that developed as a post-Saddam resistance against infidels movement to establish a fundamentalist Sunni caliphate, President Obama has decided to send four or five hundred trainers to motivate the poor performance of the Army Army to fight. That is sort of like finding a coach who will restore the Knicks to the Fraser, Bellamy, Bradley form of yore. It is also improbable and the military doesn't have a coach of Phil Jackson caliber up to the task of motivating Iraqis since Petraeus was cashiered for somewhat lustful pursuits and emails of a classified nature in some sort of trade possibly for some kind of favors. Iraqis like most people like money that has value. Giving all Iraqis shares of the oil fields would give a common and unifying political-economic principle that is lacking in the present Iraqi state of affairs. In the present state Shi'a face-off against Sunni with D.C. trying to be martinets of Iraqi leadership confining their options to theoretical American style stage democracy with dummies of one side caterwauing agin t'other. In more basic, less decadent societies without question of homo marriage often those tribal and religious contests spill blood. then strongmen take over to suppress dissent. In the U.S.A. rich people just buy up everything and fire anyone in opposition to the will to concentrate wealth and expand power globally. Willing puppet politicians yap like hungry dogs to the kibbles and bits of policies pleasing to the rich,. American interventionist policy seems like the tensor calculus of not being able to fight the way out of a wet paper bag always relying upon superior military force and killing a lot of people; rubbing them out like insects with special insect killing technology. It might be more realistic to take up practical human policy-not diplomacy to dupe the poor for the benefit of the rich, and just apportion Iraqi oil fields to all people-Sunni, Shi'a and Christian-such as remain-so they really have financial ties that bind to overcome their religious squabbles. On a practical basis American desire to have the terrorists hush up and make nice probably won't happen soon. Yet if the ordinary people of Iraq have a rational government that issues equal stock ownership of Iraqi oil in a one-time distro social organization may form around the new facts rather than of a few soldiers of dubious allegiance forming to receive free weapons and training to kill under U.S. supervision until American leaves again so the real battle for Iraq can resume. Middle-East terrorists probably know that the United States won't tolerate the existence of a terrorist, fundamentalist Middle-Eastern caliphate for domestic political reasons among many. U.S. politicians have been friends of many global dictators for financial reasons in the past, yet they cannot be so with dictators that oppress women and queers to the point of death in the later case as there are quite a few women and queers that vote in the U.S.A. Isis terrorist cannot much enjoy the hard raps on the knuckles by drones and various experimental weapons that perhaps greet them on occasion. Given some chance to join peacefully in stock shares if they are Iraqi citizens many of them too would probably opt for the good coffees and shade of being an owner sharing in oilocracy.
Jeb Bush has taken up his brother's belligerence on things military in recent comments about President Putin and the Ukraine. I only mention this because a recent poll found that Europeans are against arming the Ukraine while Americans and Canadians are hawkish on that-perhaps because they have traditionally been at a distance from those European conflicts that cost millions of lives yet suffer no harm from it themselves at home. Bullying is a funny charge from the family that bullied Iraq into social destruction with what-a half million dead and millions more displaced. Maybe Jeb Bush believes that Russia is a pushover militarily speaking, yet not even he ought to be swell as not to take nuclear missiles seriously. maybe they are just talking points to crank up more defense spending for insiders and favorites of Bush business. People had believed that Jeb was the smart one, yet now he sounds more like the dumb one. Maybe the nation needs another T-ball Presidency to stoke up the defense industry again. Someone has to go out and subdue opposition to concentration of wealth for the ultra-rich.
more than 9 billion people in the world today consuming the planet's
finite resources and polluting it blythe pouring chemicals into the
ocean and sky, and dumping convoluted foul compositions onto land,
management of the economy has taken on a new importance going beyond
traditional concerns about jobs and ordinary standard of living. How
the economy functions in regard to its overall effect on the world
environment is as important as the state of the present standard of
living for the masses of population.
standard of living for the masses depends on the environment and
state of world resources being in good shape. Media propagandists and
apologists for rapacious rich environmental pimps persuade the public
that everything is cool when it is not. The environment is not a
psychological issue however-it is a reality-for-itself. Many workers
of iniquity in the media and of the 1% perpetrate evil-upon others
intentionally in order to have temporal power. That malevolence is
consistent with original sin.
must leave others alone to develop their own freedom so far as
possible. To cross the border of phenomenal private rights of freedom
is one of the temporal cardinal political sins driving human efforts
to ruin. Boundaries define being's content, lust seeks to corrupt and
surpass all boundaries. Freedom lets individuals understand rational
constructions that bound oceans, planets, individuals and forms.
Boundaries are topological features of reality that Satan seeks to
destroy to make itself sole survivor as the Universal,t ranscending
mega-sociopath numero uno.
are many economic conspiracy analyses explaining how the one percent
under the power of the cabal that own big banks and use the Federal
Reserve as a tool for world conquest are destroying the future of the
United States and the partially free world while they destroy the
environment and pplan to get rid of much of the population too sot
the rich can swill in hotbubs and rub-downs with smoke blown up their
a's. The video from the 'Thrive' group is without doubt the prettiest
conspiracy project video out there. It has some really beautiful
photography and even marvelous toroids. One might wonder how it is
even reasonable to put together a theory of world domination by an
elite without some sort of metaphysically meaningful device that
underpins all of the physical Universe like the humble torus.
one has a couple of hours to spend being informed about a dirty,
high-level financial conspiracy that with Illuminati to discover why
government has repressed the truth about crop circle communiques from
extra-terrestrials, the video seeking to let mankind 'Thrive' has got
to be one of the better choices. With another Presidential election
next year maybe Americans should know that after President Reagan
their Presidential leaders have been yard niggers for the rich 1%.
With 90% of the wealth the bank-owning goons are tightening up their
new world order over hapless ant-men yearning for subjugation.
to say the corporate owned media is a dangerous propaganda spewing
lap dog of five agencies advancing the interests of the most rich.
NPR would fit into the mix as a sort of sixth stench
government-corporate hybrid odor. The video is like a Walt Disney
pictures family entertainment conspiracy feature film showing the way
through dark storm clouds and roiling doom that will be relieved when
the true-true power of the torus is realized at last. I think there are notions of Alaska as a kind of optimal verdure health where
nature naturally thrives. Its good that the U.S.A. has a park area
set aside for nice video scenes while the conspiracy is going ahead
to decimate nature and vanish countless species.
Lord Jesus Christ is the only meaningful hope for mankind in the
temporal Universe. The "Thrive' video by an heir of the
Proctor-Gamble corporate fortune (actually photographed with the late
President Gerald Ford) isn't relevant so far as that goes yet it does
provide succinct analysis of some of the workers of financial and
social iniquity undermining us all.
policy of the post-moral era of breaking bad seems poised to create a
new mass social division to replace the communist cold war moral
choice that was a forced option between the evil empire and all
things of sugar and spice and everything nice. Age of fracture
tectonic plate overlaps of communism and corporatism have negated the
evil empire criterion of the Reagan era and brought the new paradigm
of Nietzsche’s to the for; moving beyond good and evil to planetary
rule by concentrated will of super-wealth.
Cooper’s brilliant work ‘School’s Out’ lyrically encapsulated
the ethos of meaninglessness of morality that is the guiding fog of
the U.S. Government today. ‘We got no class, we got no principles;
we can’t even think of a word that rhymes’ is the Universe of
business where cool is rich, and power is deep for billion dollar
babies with many miles to go before they sleep.
position in Eurasia is an inconvenient long-term obstruction to land
expansion eastward from investors in the west. Isn’t Ukraine a
starting point for fires of creative destruction to reduce the new
evil empires of resistance to hostile takeover for concentration of
wealth by the godless Supermen of scientific amorality?As the
wildfires burn east they could add more nations to specimen bags of
power reinforced with media mafias of a new Pravda from Boston and
Democrat Party can add more Vietnam’s to tame down resistors to
colonization by godless Superpersons seeking to subjugate. In a
'whores with microphones' media era the public is obligated to tithe
concentrated wealth through networks. Occassionally investors realize
that men must pay whores-not vice versa-and so they must have a
pittance of wages to spend on godless atheist trifles required to
pomp a princess-queen. Women were not always so wicked as those of
the media have become.
immoral leadership spreads like a descending cloud of socially
communicable plague to destroy individual private interests and
freedom from tyranny one must wonder if powers breaking bad will
break free some of the United States to go their own ways too, as if
they were little Ukraines seeking to break free from historical
powers that founded and oppressed them.
the brave new world a war between those with no morality and those
that believe in any sort of transcendent ethical values; classical
values, Christian values-even Buddhist or Muslim values, appears to
be the contest for Mansoul. When morality has all been blown away so
cold blooded supermen/women and creatures of uncertain sex rule, one
can discern that moral leadership is out for summer.
After reading The
Holy War’ of John Bunyan written generally while he was imprisoned in England
during the 17th century it was natural to make a dead reckoning sort
of comparative systems analysis of the United States in relation to the
situation of the allegorical Holy War. During the past two decades I have
written periodically of the position of the United States within the historian Arnold Toynbee’s
cycle of civilizations paradigm developed in his ‘A Study of History’. In that
work civilizations reach a Universal phase before they fall-spread to thin I
suppose as they follow greed abroad. There are obvious parallels in that
respect between the Roman
Empire, the British Empire and the United States today-especially since the Clinton era of promiscuous globalism. The Holy War
provides a contrasting yet concurring filter to view the position of the United States in contemporary history. The Obama administration seems to have reached the pinnacle of la cage aux folles movement to bog America down in 1960s spawned Darwinian anti-establishmentarianism with the Supreme Court soon to announce if they concur in wishing U.S. states to all be forced to submit to homosexual marriage and I suppose, more legal dope would be up next. Vast public debt deepening toward 19 trillion dollars presently, sending jobs to China and flooding the nation with millions of illegal aliens seem tools for concentrating wealth in survival of the richest cutting edge evolution.
For not only might
civilizations have a secular Toynbean cyclical evolution directed by the lack
of wisdom of politicians corrupted by personal greed and will to power,
civilizations and the people in them as individuals are under the deceiving
power of Satan too. The United States today is one of the leading agents of
Satan for destructive change toward a diabolic society of decay toward a new
world order. Historically Satan is always busy and about his business to leave
the pit of doom where he was tossed by the Lord, and retake the city of Mansoul
that exists in the continent of Universe.
After the Lord
retook Mansoul from Diabolic possession he explained that he left some
Diabolans in the city walls and under the structure in holes to provide enough
danger to the people of Mansoul so they would be vigilant and defend their
virtue in being saved by the Lord and reconciled to faith in God. In the absence
of external challenge people become decadent and corrupted. Toynbee noted that
in the history of ancient Greece; Greek nation states with too soft of life
failed in inter-nation competition when it occurred while those with more challenging
lives thrived. Of course Toynbee also observed that arrested civilizations
existed-such as that of Eskimo-where the external challenges were too great to
develop very far beyond survival and in to a more advanced technical level of
Holy War is a
popular term in the Muslim world today as it wars against the whiter and more
prosperous west. It is something of a resonating Toynebean theme that the first
Holy War of the Muslim world upon the west with a broad based Ummayad era
attack on Iberea, Sicily and Turkey brought the Muhammadan movement and
civilization to maturity and a Universal phase before its decline and fall. As
an external proletariat for centuries now becoming an internal proletariat in Europe and the United States it is developing protracted jihad on a
west that is abandoning its historical faith in God and waging an anti-holy war
upon first itself and the world for Diabolus.
Christians in the United States today are declining in numbers though it
is perhaps not yet a crisis. Too easy of a life accelerated with the broadcast
media moral corruption and disruption of individualism has made Americans stop
darkening the doorways of churches with their shadows on Sunday mornings and
instead pursue secular interests. The loss of spiritual well-being precedes the
decline and fall of a civilization too. Europe experienced moral and spiritual crisis
before it had its decline and fall of the 20th century. American
intervention-the intervention of a Christian nation-resuscitated that
continent’s people sort of from their living dead condition for a while. The
unsaved and reprobate are the new generation of living dead. Europe is again in a living dead situation
required I suppose by virtue of the complications of political, economic and
environmental structures. It is very challenging to find niches in that heavily
trafficked environment for the soul to be philosophical and contemplative of
spiritual affairs.
The third world is
said to be new loci for the increase of Christianity. That may be true, yet
Christianity in Europe had millennia to develop without the
broadcast media or Hollywood corrupting the social environment. As soon
as they arise, and as modern technology permeates a society a great conversion
to worldliness follows. It is not reasonable to expect that Africa and Asia will be spared the conversion to worldliness
and control by elite Diabolans that follows.
The U.S.A. as a primary social agent of change to a diabolic
moral condition for the world has internal challenges to its Christian church
that preclude moral revival. One is the hierarchical priesthood that developed
in the dark ages under feudalism. Today that structure provides family oriented
church pastors a small business revenue stream. They are reluctant to change.
Larger traditional churches are losing numbers because of disbelief in the
post-Darwinian era skepticism. They tend to evolve toward worldly feel-good secular
forms of disingenuous worship. The PC USA has homosexual marriages and female
pastors disinclined to reform.
As millions leave
former mainstream churches-5 million in the last few years- some seek a more
emotional worship service with fundamental values. Of the lost 5 million 2 million
moved to evangelical churches perhaps. Evangelical churches have a pre-tribulation;
just a remnant will survive end-times world view well suited for a period of
declining faith in the Lord. Fundamentalist church pastors are glad enough to
let the nation slip toward a diabolic status as they can explain it with their
wrong eschatology and be comforted with job security leading the flock.
The remedy for
declining Christianity is a proper interpretation of scripture on two critical
points. One is Genesis cosmology and the second is end-times cosmology, the
third is a priesthood of believers’ church reformation that sets aside the
feudal church leader model for an egalitarian though theologically disciplined
ecclesiology with the Lord as High Priest.
Darwinianism lies is
in opposition to 12th century science that is used by Christian
fundamentalists to interpret the book of Genesis. Biology isn’t physics of
course, and creation content of Genesis is not limited to biology. I have written about the topic elsewhere and
won’t repeat it here. It is useful to say that words are representational and
that physical cosmology and its mechanics differ from words referring to it.
There is much room for speculating about how the cosmological mechanics actual
existed and one is not limited to dark ages scientific interpretations of
Genesis; God wasn’t limited to such methods.
In end times
cosmology the events of the Revelation have mostly occurred already. In the
first century the destruction of Jerusalem was the culminating act of the
tribulation. The church descended upon mankind as the New Jerusalem in that
period-the place where the Temple of the Old Jerusalem was replaced by God living in temple of Christians themselves. Christianity is supposed to
increase to become a majority of the world though it may take thousands of
years. When there are few Diabolans remaining the Lord will then return to the
Earth (meant land in the ancient Biblical language).
The United States
today with so many wrong ideas forced upon the masses through a profusion of
media is plunging forward through the brambles of good sense like a diseased
bull in a whore house seeking sex slaves for same-sex Satanic marriages in
order to emasculate global population increase, downsize people and concentrate wealth for the rich.
Obviously the world has environmental and economic challenges yet the diabolic
way of fixing things doesn’t work-that’s a lesson easy to learn from history.
I suppose I must
make a disclaimer here to dispel the notion that my evaluation of the U.S.A. is unpatriotic or that I must be an
idealist about Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, North Korea or Canada. Actually I realize that evil is
ubiquitous. It is the diabolic problem acting upon humanity slogging on with
original sin thermodynamics. I simply expect better from the U.S.A. as silly as that may be.
Brooks in 'Precious Remedies to Satan's Devices' examines one
particular Satanic device to snare the soul that has wide-spread use
today. One use of the device occurs in the attack upon Genesis in
order to make just-worldly cosmology opulent and desirable in
comparison to parchment of Genesis.
presenting the WORLD in such a dress, and in such a garb to the soul,
as to ensnare the soul, and to win upon the affection of the soul.”
Satan seems to use confusion
about the construction of the Universe today as a way to draw people
to faithlessness and frustration with the Bible. Those that wouldn’t
know a proton from a quark leap to faith in electrons and football to
disdain Genesis. The media love that. There is no need for
It is true that some theologians
use 12th century scientific assumptions in interpreting Genesis and
limit God a priori to means of construction readily understandable to
the 3rd millennium man. That wish to a void scientific research and
rely entirely upon the theological work of the past to understand
Genesis tends to reinforce secular, atheist, arguments that the
Genesis story is obsolete-when of course it is not; it is the
interpretive paradigms or scientific assumptions shaping hermeneutics
that are obsolete. Though cosmology and physics require intellectual
effort to understand, a theologian should not defend his own
intellectual sloth.
Brooks councils that Christians
ought to have humility in spiritual matters in order not to leap into
error for-themselves. Brooks writes that Christians should not go
beyond scripture. Regarding spiritual concerns I agree. Speculation
about spirit that is not revealed by God can lead to error. The
Universe however is more of a physical concern although it is
possible to infer a spiritual foundation for matter. That question of
how God who is Spirit creates mass that is not something else
(probably) is likely an unanswerable question. It may even be
improperly formed. With humility though it is useful to know enough
about cosmology such that Satan cannot back one into a corner and
dictate one’s hermeneutic to oneself, perhaps requiring that one
have a three or four thousand year old scientific database and accept
that God too is limited to that.
is a theoretical cornucopia for considering God's spiritual means of
constructing energy, mass and dimensions. The Bible says that He said
the word and that was enough. One can understand that vibrations of
string theory could have commenced then with particular frequencies
given to strings fluxing an inflation of the Universe with the new
content. particular means might be inferred logical from what Genesis
says to only a limited extent. One also has the material Universe to
consider as a kind of artifact of God's creative impetus.
consider only the remnant of creation that is the familiar Universe
of mass and energy, form and substance and extrapolate with theory
from the observable about what makes it work. The question of how it
originated is entangled with how it works. Because science is not
theology it cannot meaningfully address abstract theological
speculations concerning creation. Contemporary M-Theory, Emperor
Theory and String Theory do consider hypothetical meta-physics of
extra-dimensions as if they were mathematicians considering abstract
forms of geometry, algebra, and topology with calculus, yet that has
some verification issues. This is just another of what I
am sure are millions of potential credible methods that God could
create and sustain a Universe that is conformable to Genesis. I will
not strictly correlate the physics to Genesis day-phases herein.
This is just the technical presentation for another theoretical
mechanics outline version 7.1.
dimensions add up to time. This is a conjecture about reality and the
construction of the Universe. That is, to clarify, about the content
of how it exists-not a question about if God created it or not. The
Universe outside Wal-mart has some sort of means of being not made in
China. Physicists contemplate an infinity of Universes, Higgs fields,
particles, waves, quantum uncertainty and so forth as content
enabling stuff comprising mass and energy. Cycles of shaping and
forming the play-dough of matter with wonderful illustrations of
stars and galaxies producing wonderful dust, elements and etc.
replete with smart creatures able to think and watch football or shop
at Wal-mart, even listen like programmable fuzzy robots to NPR. I am
not writing about all of that nor making ontological arguments. I
believe God created what is through one means or another. This paper
is more like asking the question; did God use a 9 iron or a wedge to
get the ball into the hole?
and time seem to coincide in expansion. One wonders about the nature
of time and how it differs from space, or if it does; as time appears
to increase like space in another way-a dimension called time where
one can move forward.
If just spatial dimensions are
moving and a conscious observer experiences the intersection of
moving dimensions as time, can time be said to exist externally, or
isn't time just a subjective perception of the observer even though
it is a real experience?
none of the dimension sheets intersected there would be no
possibility for the existence of time. Maybe consciousness requires
change of intersecting dimensions and the experience of time to
seems possible that like two-dimensional ants living on a
two-dimensional world-sheet pushed forward by a large finger, it
would not be possible to measure the force moving the entire
dimensional world sheet from outside the world sheet-even if another
world sheet is passing through it, such that there are really just
two one-dimensional world sheets that added together seem to be a
solitary two-dimensional Universal world-sheet. If the world-sheets
have changing topology, of the dimensions generate energy through
inter-dimensional contact, there is still no way to measure the power
of God pushing the world sheet dimensions along their course.
as a Christian thinking about this, and about the perennial matter of
what component of the experience of reality is subjective and what
objective, the 'let there be light' matter indicates that light was
perceived by God when it was made to exist. For human beings or other
beings in-a-Universe light would be a way of experiencing an energy
field of a particular sort. Such energy would not appear as light
does to a human though without an observer experiencing photons as
human do, unless of course some other particle or wave in a field
could cause a sensation similar to that caused by photons such that a
human would think of it as light. That energy could be caused when
dimension plates intersect as virtual energy to stimulate Higgs field
quanta, and time could be thought of as discrete, relative positions
within the temporal transition of dimension sheets.
Physicists have a term-concepts
named configuration space and phase space that I can use to refer to
the condition of dimension sheets. The configuration of content and
form of a dimension sheet is static or fixed. When dimension sheets
intersect they stimulate changes, and the changes can be called phase
space. Phase space with energy and matter thermodynamical changes is
an emergent phenomenon of intersecting dimension sheets. I suppose
the relational angles at which dimensions intersect might effect the
phase space configuration (a useful retro-term).
question I would have about phase space is to what extent
constructions in phase space are more that emergent phenomena of
time? Would phase space constructions exist in a meta-phase
configuration? Could emergent matter-energy construction in phase
space redistribute content from one dimension sheet to another? Might
dimension sheets change relative size in that event?
Plainly one has no idea how many
dimension sheets could exist or why they should 'in the beginning'.
It could be like an infinite deck of dimension-sheet cards the Lord
used to construct a 'house of cards' of a temporal, expanding
Universe from a singularity of one dimension; increasing until His
purposes are served; perhaps after determining what souls will go to
eternal heaven, and for whom the bells will toll in hell.
One doesn't know what to say about former Speaker of the House Denny Hastert's alleged homosexual child molesting of some kid in the locker room of a high school. The government revealed his paying hush money of more than 3 million dollars. I suppose that sort of leverage got the N.Y. state legislature to cow tow under pressure to queer marriage-quality politicians do those quality things. If homo marriage is forced upon the states that sort of locker room attraction to minors, already promoted by the media and entertainment queer set as normal as part of the Diabolan agenda to send souls to hell, will probably increase. Hastert may be innocent yet the devil isn't and the Devil is large and at work in D.C.-maybe in computer security.