
Alaska State Senate Seeks to Trim Public's Share

The Alaska state  legislature, notorious for corruption, passed a bill to trim the public's portion of oil revenues and natural resources sales by limiting Permanent Fund Dividends at 1000 dollars. No one put a limit on government spending or public debt of course. It is easy for politicians to rationalize taking money directly from the poor, students, minors etc and giving it to the government.


State insiders traditionally kick back to special interests in and out of government instead of using intelligent economic development ideas. So the first time they have revenue shortfalls they seek to make it up by trimming the public's earnings from the Permanent Fund.

The Alaska Permanent Fund was created by former Governor jay Hammond to assure that ordinary Alaskans could share in the state's oil wealth and also that the heritage would last into the future when the oil ran out. Now the Senate feels it was created for their discretionary spending to make up for their lack of integrity and competence.Instead of cutting the size of government and kick backs to insider contractors and special interests they simply cut the public's share.


Why Alaska Should Ban Fracking

The State of Alaska has challenging economic issues yet it should ban fracking even so. From the basis of the experience of other states such as Oklahoma with extensive fracking to increase oil and gas production from depleted fields it is known that fracking stimulates earthquakes. Oklahoma has a zillion small earthquakes where it never did before fracking.


Fracking may upset that equilibrium pattern and stimulate larger, more frequent and potentially life-taking earthquakes besides polluting groundwater. The state of Alaska is made up of numerous broken off pieces of ancient continents that sort of drifted up to Alaska as if they were detritus caught in an ocean gyre. It is not just one or two plates colliding. Even the weight of the rocks in various areas differ, and that's a reason why the large Susitna River dam should not be built to compound disequilibria.

While Alaskans should vote for Donald Trump to avoid the Clinton conundrum, they should be aware that environmentally speaking American leadership is often retarded, deceptive or both.

To recapitulate global warming points…

Alaskan average temperatures have steadily increases the past 50 years and sea level has increasing threatening coastal areas with flooding. Atmospheric CO2 is higher now than in the past 4 million years at Hawaiian and Antarctic measuring stations and globally at 400 parts per million. Satellites observing the Arctic ice cap since 1980 have noted its steady decline. As the reflectivity of the ice is gone earlier each year the Arctic ocean absorbs solar heating earlier accentuating its positive reduction in size the next year. It may entirely disappear within 10-15 years during the summer. Rush Limbaugh doesn't know basic science about the carbon sequestration cycle in the oceans. The oceans can absorb just so much and become more acidic killing shellfish by weakening their shells. The oceanic carbon sequestration cycle is a several million year cycle and it is already over-used. Warm water fish species are moving north.

I mentioned those points before encouraging the insiders only Alaska State Government to economically diversify even during tough economic times. Fuel cell power plants for the rail belt and wind power generators for coastal cities should be supported. While native region public schools should be fully funded private school vouchers should help stimulate privatizing non-native corporation public schools to reduce costs. More innovative and human crime corrections systems should be innovated to reduce costs, and health and employment care opportunities for the poor and homeless should be increased with the collateral benefit of reducing corrections costs.

The Republican Party should be the one with smart, ecologically rational business leaders rather than losers. Business should lead the way to ecospheric reason instead of recalcitrance. Failing fundamental scientific learning about the ecosphere is a sure way for Republicans to lose maybe 30% of the voters that are scientifically literate.

If Democrats merely nodding their heads toward environmental reason get the vote of the scientifically literate and yet do little about fixing it through business and legislation, the Clinton corporatist-elitist-neo-socialist tyranny becomes established from administration to administration while Republicans are regarded as Scroogish Mr. McGoo greed-driven cranks. With the most basic fundamental scientific reason-completely compatible with Christian theology I should point out -see my recent book


- a better nation with strong free enterprise and environmental integration can be led by Republicans instead of godless atheists.

Rainbow is a Reminder to Get Strait With God

When a rainbow appeared in the sky over the Pulse nightclub shooting scene the media and public failed to comprehend its meaning. generally they mistakenly took it as a sign of sympathy rather than a reminder of a promise from God that he would not again wipe out all human life on Earth because he was disgusted with its sinful behavior. A life of booze, dope and homosexuality qualifies profligacy sufficiently to incur God's wrath under the old covenant. 

The New Covenant of the Lord Jesus Christ allow people of faith to be forgiven for their sins. It does not condone sin.


Genesis 8: 21 "And the Lord smelled a sweet savour; and the Lord said in his heart, I will not again curse the ground any more for man's sake; for the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth; neither will I again smite any more every thing living, as I have done.
22 While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease."

Genesis 9: 12-17 "12 And God said, This is the token of the covenant which I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations:
13 I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth.
14 And it shall come to pass, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the bow shall be seen in the cloud:
15 And I will remember my covenant, which is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh.
16 And the bow shall be in the cloud; and I will look upon it, that I may remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth.
17 And God said unto Noah, This is the token of the covenant, which I have established between me and all flesh that is upon the earth."


Why Fewer American Men Work These Days

Illegal aliens and automation are taking low-skilled jobs traditionally done by male workers. The Washington Post ran an article on declining male participation in the workforce yet seeking political correctness neglected to mention the ready supply of cheap illegal immigrant labor reduces wages and demand for U.S. labor. Not everyone wants to be a college graduate or is suitable for that. In fact for men college can be a waste of time for men these days when they should be just lifting weights, posing and learning math and solar panel installation and wiring.


LFPR by education level

Automation puts a lot of people out of work. The self-driving cars, trucks and garbage truck  AI systems will continue that trend one would think.

Consider New York City garbage trucks if fully automated without drivers...platforms that move slowly around and pick up standardized trash containers...no sanitation workers strikes, no employee costs and so forth. That trend may go nation-wide. Yet it is a pejorative use of the word low-skilled and unskilled that regards male workers displaced by illegal aliens and automation non-factory tasks as without much skill.

Consider the simple fact of athletic male physical fitness for ordinary laboring. By the time of age 30 the muscle learning of a laborer differs from that of a sedentary office worker. A female skilled computer typist would at age 30 might not be able to put in a good days work as a laborer out doors yet would be paid much more these days. Even simple work skills like lawn mowing at 100 degrees f develops skills. Several years of experience make a difference in almost any non-factory work realistically, yet those skills are not valued at all except by a few employers that realize the difference experience makes.

It seems that for human beings there should be a long-term effort to create innumerable low-skill outdoor arboreal sorts of wilderness 'landscaping tasks' that would allow people of all levels of physical condition and age to earn a living. That is just a goal. I believe human beings enjoy working outdoors and in keeping the environment healthy. They can take their tech with them for information and amusement on-the-job with computerized clothing.

It seems that for human beings there should be a long-term effort to create innumerable low-skill outdoor arboreal sorts of wilderness 'landscaping tasks' that would allow people of all levels of physical condition and age to earn a living. That is just a goal. I believe human beings enjoy working outdoors and in keeping the environment healthy. Field workers can take their tech with them for information and amusement on-the-job with computerized clothing . Human beings should develop a certain ecosystem ethic that let a substantial portion of the population work in wilderness environments protecting and maybe scientifically interacting with it, as low-skilled workers not only on Earth, yet off-world too one day.


Trumping Those Elites

It is a rather amusing fact that some political elites didn't get the candidate they wanted this year. Ordinary Americans have experienced the lack of good candidates for President since Ronald Reagan. While people like Bob Kerry used to enter primary races, elites generally get their man or woman leaving dissatisfied voters looking at third parties.

Disgruntled Republican insiders and the media promote dissent from the Trump campaign. House Speaker Paul Ryan- the fulfillment of Tom Clancy's character Jack Ryan, continues to be less than enthused with the trump campaign. Voters might get the idea he would rather have the ultimate insider Hillary win than the sole pro-nationalist candidate in the Presidential race.

Ryan was quoted as saying he wouldn't ask anyone to go against their conscience in reference to anti-Trump candidates. It's good to know that Ryan was an ideological twin of Mitt Romney with nothing about being his running mate that bothered his conscience. Romney has been one of the most disgruntled Republican leaders, so much so that it seems as if he would like to run again for the office and wrest the opportunity from Donald Trump. Paul Ryan's conscientious objections to the Trump campaign were eventually overcome with pragmatism yet it seems as if the realpolitik of Republicans actually needing to work to get the office with enthusiasm rather than acting like frigid wives that must, if absolutely necessary, service their husband, hasn't occurred to them. They seem to think their is always a Monica that will take care of things.

The new Testament book of I Corinthians VI warns about sexual immorality, informing us that homosexuals, adulterers, fornicators, drunks, revilers, don't enter the Kingdom of God.

First Corinthians chapter six...

9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the
kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor
idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of
themselves with mankind,
10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor
revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of
11 And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but
ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the
Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.”

13 Meats for the belly, and the belly for meats: but God
shall destroy both it and them. Now the body is not for
fornication, but for the Lord; and the Lord for the body.
14 And God hath both raised up the Lord, and will also
raise up us by his own power.
15 Know ye not that your bodies are the members of
Christ? shall I then take the members of Christ, and make
them the members of an harlot? God forbid.
16 What? know ye not that he which is joined to an
harlot is one body? for two, saith he, shall be one flesh.
17 But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit.
18 Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is
without the body; but he that committeth fornication
sinneth against his own body.”

Politically speaking the least bad alternative is far more likely these days than am actual ideal candidate. Because elites, the Clintons and Bushes, Obama and/or diplomats that want to bomb the Assad regime into oblivion and create an ideal Sunni caliphate state, anarchy or a corporatist vassal entity have corrupted U.S. politics since the end of the Reagan administration, it's worth remembering that the state and political candidates are not the kingdom of God that voters join with, as if they were joining with whores and debasing themselves individually. The democratic state is the best available way still existing for representative government to exist, and it requires pragmatic electorate participation even when the sky is dark and the way is murky since there are greater evils; Hillary, lurking in the darkness.


C.I.A. Chief Wrong About 'Lone Wolves'

Head C.I.A. Chief Brennan is wrong about 'lone wolves' presenting a difficult threat. Gangs of wolves are far more dangerous and likelier to attack than the comparatively placid and possibly starved 'lone wolf'. One should be wary of martinets of wolves with hidden connections and controls of external criteria. The empowerment of evil through concentrated wealth even culturally and its reciprocals of dialectical opposition may make bureaucrats hate lone wolves and seek to use them badly.

I was riding a bike at 4:10 p.m. along a popular bike route on River Road in Tulsa today, alone, with the heat index at 105 degrees fahrenheit when a red-maroon jeep with a roll bar and three guys through a can that hit me. They were going at least 40 m.p.h. The gang is far more violent than individuals.

Wolves are social animals and likelier to travel in packs. If they are existing existentially and alone in isolation from wolf society that indicates some sort of social dysfunction and/or anomie and chaos existing in wolf world. It such cases super-predators may have destroyed wolf families or habitat loss and alien  invaders have encroached upon wolf world.

As it is in  Disneyworld where 'lone wolf' alligators snatch infants right from the shores, so it is in the wild kingdom where misunderstandings about the nature of wolves and alligators have led to confusion about normative social behavior metrics misdirecting security efforts toward vulnerable isolated individuals that are easy prey for gangs of super-predators.

Social organizations exist as extended families coordinating the efforts of super-predators via Facebook, Twitter and even via telephonic devices, cyberspace in general and via drone carrier pigeons. The phenomenality of evolution in ad hoc opposition force social organization may precipitate  storms of cranked warriors of the day hitting soft targets. The induction effect of world coordinating media broadcasts should not be ignored on mythical individual wolf predators emerging from a mythical wilderness, possibly adversely influenced by CO2 levels of greater than 400 p.p.m.

The C.I.A. might not support criminal conspiracies and cyber-space criminal gangs (thought the term is pejorative of course) and thus drives them into the shadows. Even going so far as to force them into individual actions and then exploit declining wolf populations by associating them with super-predator individuals in an age when individualism is already under attack by criminal gangs, government and the broadcast media.

The broadcast media and cyberspace social organizations are primary agents of socialization. As formerly a mass audience might walk down to the stage for conversion at a Billy Graham Crusade, today masses of alienated youth with poor economic opportunities for a good job living in an era of progressive moral decay may leap into the cauldron of self-destruction and killing of others for patriotic reason. patriotism may in this instance be defined as any cause greater than oneself to which one may have allegiance-even a whiskey bottle and the ideal distillery I suppose.

The C.I.A. should leave wolves alone and do something about finding who illegally kills wolves just trying to survive in remote neo-wilderness areas of the world. Plainly a new generation of micro drones will allow easy smuggling of explosives, dope, weapons and fissile materials over the Mexican border into the U.S.A. as well as to permit safe importation form ships at sea into Mexico before they are boarded for inspection by Mexican customs. Those actions will not be done by lone wolves of the sea.

Modern wolves are not permitted to take even a few hundred domesticated animals from northern range in any given year without cruel and unusual culling of the population by ‘legal’ hunts. Besides increasing the degree of global heating with anthropogenic emissions of CO2 wilderness quantity and quality is being reduced while government is so remarkably uninventive about creating new value theories, physical land use zoning and transportation technology that would rebuilt vast areas of the wild and wild life even while creating fully financed meaningful lifestyle options for all U.S. citizens serving as good examples for Mexico with its tragic misuse of its land rendering a Greek-like utopian environment with value-added jungle margins to conflict, chaos and social challenges. Mexico hasn’t got enough lone wolves to criticize government, the media and pervasive malfeasance as it is.

World CO2 level Hits 400 ppm

The world atmospheric CO2 level reached its highest mark in 4 million years at 400 p.p.m.


That is a serious thing difficult to reverse and the Clintons corrupting the Democrat party make it politically challenging to work on meaningfully. The Clintons seem to want to enrich the Brits and global plutocrats while creating an immoral swamp in the U.S.A. Americans need to get beyond the Bushes and Clintons and return to fundamentals politically speaking with much common sense. Vote Trump in 2016 and someone like Bob Kerry in 2020.


http://400.350.org/  what it means for the future

Hillary's 8-Year Swamp of Economic Doom

The nation's economy some have said (from Russia with love), is like that of a botox beauty with ugliness and rot lurking below. A generation of post-cold war deficit spending economics and the tech advance of quantitative trading, global derivatives scams, mortgage schemes, networking of business, foreign outsourcing of jobs, influx of tens of millions of illegal workers and dubiously meaningful for anyone besides the rich foreign trade agreements has brought the nation downward for many sluffing the majority towards neo-imperial servitude. The Democrat Party under the Clintons and Obamas entirely supported that development even making permanent tax cuts for the rich. Besides Bernie Sanders as an independent democrats completely rolled over for a belly scratching on the tax cuts led by President Obama.

The Democrat Party with a majority was complete doom for the U.S. middle class and poor. They substituted an unaffordable health plan created first by Richard Nixon and homosexual marriage for economic management competence. Nothing much else got done so the nation voted in Republicans to congress where little was done with a split between parties in the Presidency and Congress. It is now time for the Republicans to elect Donald Trump and put up or shut up on economic policy. It is now the time for the Republican party to take control in the political cycle.

If Hillary were to be elected it could mean eight years of economic doom and foreign policy fiasco. The electorate being spoilt enough just might elect one as corrupt as themselves ideologically too. Reform would not happen since the Democrat lawyers are puppets of Harvard and Oxford economists plannings to make aristocracy of a tiny minority through financial empowerment. A tiny minority should never rule since they evince dysfunctional value theory.

If the electorate were rational they would elect Trump, ask Speaker Ryan to step aside and let a pro-Trump candidate have the House megaphone to think of quotes of support to say instead of criticism or damning with faint praise. Republicans should return for two years to control congress and then Democrats might take over the Congress and advance environmental policy initiatives even though Democrat environmental approaches are usually more sound than substance. Trump should have the border security corridor completed by 2019 and the labor market in the U.S.A. and Mexico might improve.


British Royals Encourage Homo Power Movement

Britain's Prince Andrew posing for a homo magazine continues a lengthy history of British imperial pro homosexual politics. It is the case that the pejorative term of homo bullying is thrown about liberally to discourage free speech political opposition to the additional encroachment of evil. No one should possibly let aristocracy and royalty expand in any way, and the homosexual error isn't unfairly a political item reasonably people can comment on.


Imperial powers are fundamentally corrupt. They and the Nazi's used homosexuals to advance their political interests and unethical people on Wall Street and in the U.S. Government have as well. In nature for the past few million years homosexuality has been wrong. Even prior to moral and ethical instruction from divine revelation homosexuality was a sexual dysfunctional though select scientists may say that people did that sometimes. People often do things that are wrong. Just doing something doesn't make it right-such as diving into a body of water of unknown depth that turns out to be extremely shallow.

The homosexual issue problem could have been easily addressed in the U.S.A. if the damn Brits had not been such perfidious up with fagginess persons of disinterest. Homosexuals could have left marriage and its historical establishment alone and simply advanced their own new relationship criteria on a secular foundation. Americans basically defend individual rights that do no harm to others and believe people should be free from harassment, terrorism from the media, Muslims, corrupt government, imperialists, Nazis, illegal aliens and slick Wall Street computer scams concentrating wealth, if they think about it. Government and corrupt politicians and media at home and abroad unfortunately choose to promote homosexuality and a godless atheist new world order agenda in order to degrade democracy, individual rights and promote British and plutocratic imperialism globally.

Individual rights rather than class rights was the basic parameter of the U.S. Constitution. The entire hate crimes thing is mental and subjectivist. It is a wrong direction for the U.S. Government to go as it seems to want to silence democracy and promote imperialism. With the cornucopia of self-defense and surveillance technology good government could promote and reinforce individual security rather than passing new cattle protection for various herds and colors every time some predator bites their butts in a manner of speaking. Strong individual security is reinforced when strong collective security such as border security exists concurrently. The class rights approach is a divide and concur approach for advancing hegemony of financial imperialism.

Homosexual behavior in a public setting is a kind of biological war threat in comparison to the harmlessness of heterosexual behavior. It is not simply neutral behavior. If women eyeball a guy its not a threat, yet of guys do that it is a threat. In nature people fought and fighting led to killing sometimes. Christian moral instruction informed people that killing is wrong following the ten commandments. The atheist, homosexual axis of imperialism on the other hand promotes Neitzchian beyond good and evil scientific world views without sin as a valid concept. So one might ask, since Islam also has no concept of original sin, if the Orlando Pulse shootings had any sin about it, and where the evil was that occurred, since evil is a judgmental kind of thing that moral relativists know hasn't extensional or empirical validity... absurd isn't it?

 Even so it is rare in America today to see any sort of public display of affections of a sexual nature on the street. Homosexual contacts in public can be infuriating or perhaps disgusting to see those unwilling observers. Christian moral values are those values that are most humanitarianism yet also those values most under attack from British imperialist-homosexual-godless atheist access of evil secularists with wrong, implicitly contradictory values.

As Americans work to break down their Christian traditional and security at the border and as the Obama administration makes itself a kind of political H.I.V. the likelihood of an increase in disorder following an increase in corruption and social degradation may increase. It is not possible for society to evolve itself as steel bunned robots without morality programmed by Super-media government tools to not care about anything without nothing to fear except hate and inappropriate emotions. While the radical left uses copious dope to erase from its memory Muslim history of war on the west the past 1200 years, there may be more Muslim crimes from time to time. The Obama administration and British Royals have put the U.S.A. on the path of decay.


Six Days of Creation and a Multiverse

Louis Berkhoff writes in his book Systematic Theology on page 165 of “The Hexaemeron, or the Work of Separate Days” on the paradigm of the six days of creation. He interprets Genesis chapters one and two from a conservative perspective, rather well in fact, and his evaluations of the opinions of various scholars that have taken different approaches to finding alternative meanings for the days in Genesis with extended time periods is helpful.
Some scholars have taken the days of Genesis to represent geological epochs, and I have considered that myself, yet is not necessary to regard the first reasonable alternative meaning for the days of Genesis as the gospel truth even if they may be found to be not in conflict with scripture. Language has an intrinsic capability for permitting several possible meanings, unlike arithmetic expressions that have a single sum in regard to the numbers.
Much of the conservative approach centers on the meaning of the Hebrew word for day; yom. Berkhoff writes on page 166 that; “it must be admitted that the Hebrew word yom does not always denote a period of twenty-four hours in Scripture, and is not always used in the same sense even in the narrative of creation. It may mean daylight in distinction from darkness, Gen. 1:5,16,18; day-light and darkness together, Gen. 1:5,8,13 etc.; the six days taken together, Gen. 2:4; and an indefinite period marked in its entire length by some characteristic feature, as trouble, Ps. 20:1, wrath, Job 20:28, prosperity, Eccl. 7:14, or salvation II Cor. 6:2.”
It is difficult to find a particular value for the meaning of yom in Genesis that would be exhaustive and exclusive of other possible meanings in natural science today. God is eternal and time periods are temporal. The nature of what time really is isn't actually known.
Time is considered to be a relationship of matter, energy and change that is observed. Max Tegmark noted that in a Multiverse (my recapitulation of a point made in 'The Mathematical Universe' of a Level 4 Multiverse) it could be that consciousness passes though a static, pre-existing field where all things past, present and future always exist and consciousness experiences the passage as time. If God is unchanging and eternal, every possible Multiverse that could exist, in every form, may exist eternally too (my point).
Eternal God might have a different criterion for temporal space-time than can be presently understood of humanity. If one takes the six days of creation as a basic paradigm for God's creation or endowment of a Universe-for-others (human beings) explained to mankind, then the description of Genesis may be consistent with an evolving Universe as it is observed by humanity (with science) that is in-itself a nominal stage within the eternal and omnipotent being of God.
Contemporary cosmology has speculated that the size of the Universe adjusted for early hyper-inflation may be ten billion trillion light years rather than the much smaller approximate 100 billion light years of the observable Universe. Whatever the size of a Universe that may exist within the context of an infinite Multiverse is, the field itself-a Higgs field, that lets solid state forms of energy exist as mass, could be itself embedded in a field, within a field, within a field with infinite regress.
There are secularists that theorize creation out of nothingness can be achieved naturally from virtual particles emanating from the Higgs field for an instant before disappearing . As a source for the singularity and all of the energy and mass of the Universe virtual particles cascading into being in a vacuum would need to aggregate and then form a singularity before exploding and inflating. If the field from which virtual particles formed then hasn't changed, it is a paradox that the existing mass clumps in the Universe such as stars and planets don't attract additional cascades of virtual particles and a multitude of singularities and Big Bangs at least more often than every 13.7 billion years.
Virtual particles may be fluctuations of the Higgs field rather than that of an absolute vacuum that may not exist in any case (a logical irony). That vacuum energy may not be infinite however. Instead it may exist as a form of energy also within the Higgs field endowment. The entire Universe or Multiverse may exist within a greater field pre-existing the singularity. It seems to me a little churlish to get too insistent about how God actually worked the first light of the Universe on technical points or to what he was actually referring. It is a beautiful paradigm that is probably true at several levels. Uncertainty exists in the world of physics, in that of knowledge, and is a reciprocal of spacetime, being, nothingness and intervals with the certainty of probability. Theologians may benefit from the certainty of uncertainty too. Faith in God is the best certainty anyone can have, and the truth of scripture, minus the uncertainty of interpretive error.
The days of Genesis may refer to periods of light dark that can be paradigmatic recurrence yet not in form or type of event. Light being separated from the darkness-the first day, may have been within the first second of the Universe, however the darkness of space before the appearance of stars was a potential second recurrence of day, as could have been the formation of galaxies and of life as vegetation at various locations across the Universe. If earth is taken to mean dirt then the appearance of life on it, in a Universal sense could have been non-local.
Berkhof makes much out of the difference between particular seeds reproducing their own kind as distinguished from evolution. That seems a misunderstanding of evolution biology though, in that evolution did evolve species to do exactly that (cattle not giving birth to rabbits for example). Evolution does reach the stage the Bible speaks of, yet not instantly as if by magic. Genesis may have referred to the salient feature of Gods work rather than every little detail.
If historical conservatives of the future in a time when no one remembers much about car manufacture said that ancient documents (car scripture) said Ford made automobiles on a certain day, each after their own kind and disagreed with mechanical production evolutionists that say that Ford bought steel and synthetic metals, electronics, tires etc and evolved forms of cars that hat a common ancestor model T on the production line, to my way of thinking the point is that each are true points that describe the same event in different ways.

What is Meant by 'Atheists Have No Morals'

Divine command moral norms following Moses and Deuteronomy were plain and simple. Alternatively modern godless individuals haven’t anything ...