
Why Alaska Should Ban Fracking

The State of Alaska has challenging economic issues yet it should ban fracking even so. From the basis of the experience of other states such as Oklahoma with extensive fracking to increase oil and gas production from depleted fields it is known that fracking stimulates earthquakes. Oklahoma has a zillion small earthquakes where it never did before fracking.


Fracking may upset that equilibrium pattern and stimulate larger, more frequent and potentially life-taking earthquakes besides polluting groundwater. The state of Alaska is made up of numerous broken off pieces of ancient continents that sort of drifted up to Alaska as if they were detritus caught in an ocean gyre. It is not just one or two plates colliding. Even the weight of the rocks in various areas differ, and that's a reason why the large Susitna River dam should not be built to compound disequilibria.

While Alaskans should vote for Donald Trump to avoid the Clinton conundrum, they should be aware that environmentally speaking American leadership is often retarded, deceptive or both.

To recapitulate global warming points…

Alaskan average temperatures have steadily increases the past 50 years and sea level has increasing threatening coastal areas with flooding. Atmospheric CO2 is higher now than in the past 4 million years at Hawaiian and Antarctic measuring stations and globally at 400 parts per million. Satellites observing the Arctic ice cap since 1980 have noted its steady decline. As the reflectivity of the ice is gone earlier each year the Arctic ocean absorbs solar heating earlier accentuating its positive reduction in size the next year. It may entirely disappear within 10-15 years during the summer. Rush Limbaugh doesn't know basic science about the carbon sequestration cycle in the oceans. The oceans can absorb just so much and become more acidic killing shellfish by weakening their shells. The oceanic carbon sequestration cycle is a several million year cycle and it is already over-used. Warm water fish species are moving north.

I mentioned those points before encouraging the insiders only Alaska State Government to economically diversify even during tough economic times. Fuel cell power plants for the rail belt and wind power generators for coastal cities should be supported. While native region public schools should be fully funded private school vouchers should help stimulate privatizing non-native corporation public schools to reduce costs. More innovative and human crime corrections systems should be innovated to reduce costs, and health and employment care opportunities for the poor and homeless should be increased with the collateral benefit of reducing corrections costs.

The Republican Party should be the one with smart, ecologically rational business leaders rather than losers. Business should lead the way to ecospheric reason instead of recalcitrance. Failing fundamental scientific learning about the ecosphere is a sure way for Republicans to lose maybe 30% of the voters that are scientifically literate.

If Democrats merely nodding their heads toward environmental reason get the vote of the scientifically literate and yet do little about fixing it through business and legislation, the Clinton corporatist-elitist-neo-socialist tyranny becomes established from administration to administration while Republicans are regarded as Scroogish Mr. McGoo greed-driven cranks. With the most basic fundamental scientific reason-completely compatible with Christian theology I should point out -see my recent book


- a better nation with strong free enterprise and environmental integration can be led by Republicans instead of godless atheists.

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