
Human Free Will and an Omniscient God Can Coexist

 If a designer created a robot able to think for-itself so far as making decisions, can it be said that the designer made the decisions in particular cases because he invented the criterion that is the robot’s critical reasoning endowment? If parents invent a kid able to think for himself are the parents really giving the kid free thought if in some way they can foresee the future? If an artificially intelligent automobile goes wild and makes bad decisions, would it be unreasonable to adjust its free will with punishing program rewrites?

One wonders about the role of humanity exiting in-the-Universe. If it was created for a particular reason in the purposes of God, and if it strays from those right roles should God be indifferent, or would one expect Him too be?

If humanity is to have a relationship with God for eternity perhaps as independent subroutines can the creator tolerate them flawed or wouldn’t he debug them as would any programmer?

One wonders if there may be contingent beings generally I suppose as a theoretical criteria, yet the facts of concrete being seem self-defining; cognizance of self as Descartes pointed out in the Meditations. Sartre pointed out that people are condemned to be free in Being and Nothingness. If God who is absolute spirit creates portions of reality whereat sentient beings exist they are still free and seem to be so for-themselves though God pre-determined the Universe and those that would exist in it. Within that Universe people have sufficient degrees of freedom to make correct choices that would be compatible with the will of God or not.

Degrees of freedom applies in motion and in quantum mechanics too I believe with phase space, three dimensional and four dimensional space permitting different hypothetical motions. While all people are more or less bound by the physical criterion of existence they find themselves in they can with thought, change it. Many people choose to just exist physically without a spiritual component restricting their thought in some respects, although thought as an ideation freedom can be developed. The relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ is the way to reconciliation with God as adopted children of God. If God is absolute freedom in-himself to be adopted and freed from the paradigm of original sin and the bonds of just the world is the right way to have freedom.

I have wondered about God's eternal economy.As the absolute good how could he tolerate sin in his presence for ever? Those that choose to not reconcile themselves to God and want to go their own way, will do so even if it leads to some place not fully funded by God to create pleasure for the lost.

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