
British Royals Encourage Homo Power Movement

Britain's Prince Andrew posing for a homo magazine continues a lengthy history of British imperial pro homosexual politics. It is the case that the pejorative term of homo bullying is thrown about liberally to discourage free speech political opposition to the additional encroachment of evil. No one should possibly let aristocracy and royalty expand in any way, and the homosexual error isn't unfairly a political item reasonably people can comment on.


Imperial powers are fundamentally corrupt. They and the Nazi's used homosexuals to advance their political interests and unethical people on Wall Street and in the U.S. Government have as well. In nature for the past few million years homosexuality has been wrong. Even prior to moral and ethical instruction from divine revelation homosexuality was a sexual dysfunctional though select scientists may say that people did that sometimes. People often do things that are wrong. Just doing something doesn't make it right-such as diving into a body of water of unknown depth that turns out to be extremely shallow.

The homosexual issue problem could have been easily addressed in the U.S.A. if the damn Brits had not been such perfidious up with fagginess persons of disinterest. Homosexuals could have left marriage and its historical establishment alone and simply advanced their own new relationship criteria on a secular foundation. Americans basically defend individual rights that do no harm to others and believe people should be free from harassment, terrorism from the media, Muslims, corrupt government, imperialists, Nazis, illegal aliens and slick Wall Street computer scams concentrating wealth, if they think about it. Government and corrupt politicians and media at home and abroad unfortunately choose to promote homosexuality and a godless atheist new world order agenda in order to degrade democracy, individual rights and promote British and plutocratic imperialism globally.

Individual rights rather than class rights was the basic parameter of the U.S. Constitution. The entire hate crimes thing is mental and subjectivist. It is a wrong direction for the U.S. Government to go as it seems to want to silence democracy and promote imperialism. With the cornucopia of self-defense and surveillance technology good government could promote and reinforce individual security rather than passing new cattle protection for various herds and colors every time some predator bites their butts in a manner of speaking. Strong individual security is reinforced when strong collective security such as border security exists concurrently. The class rights approach is a divide and concur approach for advancing hegemony of financial imperialism.

Homosexual behavior in a public setting is a kind of biological war threat in comparison to the harmlessness of heterosexual behavior. It is not simply neutral behavior. If women eyeball a guy its not a threat, yet of guys do that it is a threat. In nature people fought and fighting led to killing sometimes. Christian moral instruction informed people that killing is wrong following the ten commandments. The atheist, homosexual axis of imperialism on the other hand promotes Neitzchian beyond good and evil scientific world views without sin as a valid concept. So one might ask, since Islam also has no concept of original sin, if the Orlando Pulse shootings had any sin about it, and where the evil was that occurred, since evil is a judgmental kind of thing that moral relativists know hasn't extensional or empirical validity... absurd isn't it?

 Even so it is rare in America today to see any sort of public display of affections of a sexual nature on the street. Homosexual contacts in public can be infuriating or perhaps disgusting to see those unwilling observers. Christian moral values are those values that are most humanitarianism yet also those values most under attack from British imperialist-homosexual-godless atheist access of evil secularists with wrong, implicitly contradictory values.

As Americans work to break down their Christian traditional and security at the border and as the Obama administration makes itself a kind of political H.I.V. the likelihood of an increase in disorder following an increase in corruption and social degradation may increase. It is not possible for society to evolve itself as steel bunned robots without morality programmed by Super-media government tools to not care about anything without nothing to fear except hate and inappropriate emotions. While the radical left uses copious dope to erase from its memory Muslim history of war on the west the past 1200 years, there may be more Muslim crimes from time to time. The Obama administration and British Royals have put the U.S.A. on the path of decay.

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