
Obama Released Thousands Of Immigrant Cons that Committed More Crimes

The Boston Globe has published some investigative articles on the President and Justice Department's release of tens of thousands-perhaps hundreds of thousands of convicted immigrant felons went out and did new crimes. Immigration and naturalization had said that maybe 10% reoffend, yet the Globe found the percent was more like 30%. If ICE released 100,000 convicted immigrants it is likely that 30,000 new and entirely avoidable crimes were perpetrated on Americans. That is a significant number.



Plainly solid family and community support is helpful for keeping criminals from being at the mercy of the street and other criminals when they are released. Not every con that walks out of prison has an equal opportunity to become a productive consumer with a gas guzzling SUV, cable TV and an easy non-lifting sinecure. Even so, it is logically easier to keep illegal aliens from entering the U.S.A. than to jam up courts and resources for processing convicts that in some cases are not even welcome to return to their own nation (such as Mexico).

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Regarding Colin Wilson's ''The Outsider'

Nice statement and photographic presentation; Clint Eastwood walking away from the philosophical showdown a winner. There are a few more tha...