
C.I.A. Chief Wrong About 'Lone Wolves'

Head C.I.A. Chief Brennan is wrong about 'lone wolves' presenting a difficult threat. Gangs of wolves are far more dangerous and likelier to attack than the comparatively placid and possibly starved 'lone wolf'. One should be wary of martinets of wolves with hidden connections and controls of external criteria. The empowerment of evil through concentrated wealth even culturally and its reciprocals of dialectical opposition may make bureaucrats hate lone wolves and seek to use them badly.

I was riding a bike at 4:10 p.m. along a popular bike route on River Road in Tulsa today, alone, with the heat index at 105 degrees fahrenheit when a red-maroon jeep with a roll bar and three guys through a can that hit me. They were going at least 40 m.p.h. The gang is far more violent than individuals.

Wolves are social animals and likelier to travel in packs. If they are existing existentially and alone in isolation from wolf society that indicates some sort of social dysfunction and/or anomie and chaos existing in wolf world. It such cases super-predators may have destroyed wolf families or habitat loss and alien  invaders have encroached upon wolf world.

As it is in  Disneyworld where 'lone wolf' alligators snatch infants right from the shores, so it is in the wild kingdom where misunderstandings about the nature of wolves and alligators have led to confusion about normative social behavior metrics misdirecting security efforts toward vulnerable isolated individuals that are easy prey for gangs of super-predators.

Social organizations exist as extended families coordinating the efforts of super-predators via Facebook, Twitter and even via telephonic devices, cyberspace in general and via drone carrier pigeons. The phenomenality of evolution in ad hoc opposition force social organization may precipitate  storms of cranked warriors of the day hitting soft targets. The induction effect of world coordinating media broadcasts should not be ignored on mythical individual wolf predators emerging from a mythical wilderness, possibly adversely influenced by CO2 levels of greater than 400 p.p.m.

The C.I.A. might not support criminal conspiracies and cyber-space criminal gangs (thought the term is pejorative of course) and thus drives them into the shadows. Even going so far as to force them into individual actions and then exploit declining wolf populations by associating them with super-predator individuals in an age when individualism is already under attack by criminal gangs, government and the broadcast media.

The broadcast media and cyberspace social organizations are primary agents of socialization. As formerly a mass audience might walk down to the stage for conversion at a Billy Graham Crusade, today masses of alienated youth with poor economic opportunities for a good job living in an era of progressive moral decay may leap into the cauldron of self-destruction and killing of others for patriotic reason. patriotism may in this instance be defined as any cause greater than oneself to which one may have allegiance-even a whiskey bottle and the ideal distillery I suppose.

The C.I.A. should leave wolves alone and do something about finding who illegally kills wolves just trying to survive in remote neo-wilderness areas of the world. Plainly a new generation of micro drones will allow easy smuggling of explosives, dope, weapons and fissile materials over the Mexican border into the U.S.A. as well as to permit safe importation form ships at sea into Mexico before they are boarded for inspection by Mexican customs. Those actions will not be done by lone wolves of the sea.

Modern wolves are not permitted to take even a few hundred domesticated animals from northern range in any given year without cruel and unusual culling of the population by ‘legal’ hunts. Besides increasing the degree of global heating with anthropogenic emissions of CO2 wilderness quantity and quality is being reduced while government is so remarkably uninventive about creating new value theories, physical land use zoning and transportation technology that would rebuilt vast areas of the wild and wild life even while creating fully financed meaningful lifestyle options for all U.S. citizens serving as good examples for Mexico with its tragic misuse of its land rendering a Greek-like utopian environment with value-added jungle margins to conflict, chaos and social challenges. Mexico hasn’t got enough lone wolves to criticize government, the media and pervasive malfeasance as it is.

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