
Hillary's 8-Year Swamp of Economic Doom

The nation's economy some have said (from Russia with love), is like that of a botox beauty with ugliness and rot lurking below. A generation of post-cold war deficit spending economics and the tech advance of quantitative trading, global derivatives scams, mortgage schemes, networking of business, foreign outsourcing of jobs, influx of tens of millions of illegal workers and dubiously meaningful for anyone besides the rich foreign trade agreements has brought the nation downward for many sluffing the majority towards neo-imperial servitude. The Democrat Party under the Clintons and Obamas entirely supported that development even making permanent tax cuts for the rich. Besides Bernie Sanders as an independent democrats completely rolled over for a belly scratching on the tax cuts led by President Obama.

The Democrat Party with a majority was complete doom for the U.S. middle class and poor. They substituted an unaffordable health plan created first by Richard Nixon and homosexual marriage for economic management competence. Nothing much else got done so the nation voted in Republicans to congress where little was done with a split between parties in the Presidency and Congress. It is now time for the Republicans to elect Donald Trump and put up or shut up on economic policy. It is now the time for the Republican party to take control in the political cycle.

If Hillary were to be elected it could mean eight years of economic doom and foreign policy fiasco. The electorate being spoilt enough just might elect one as corrupt as themselves ideologically too. Reform would not happen since the Democrat lawyers are puppets of Harvard and Oxford economists plannings to make aristocracy of a tiny minority through financial empowerment. A tiny minority should never rule since they evince dysfunctional value theory.

If the electorate were rational they would elect Trump, ask Speaker Ryan to step aside and let a pro-Trump candidate have the House megaphone to think of quotes of support to say instead of criticism or damning with faint praise. Republicans should return for two years to control congress and then Democrats might take over the Congress and advance environmental policy initiatives even though Democrat environmental approaches are usually more sound than substance. Trump should have the border security corridor completed by 2019 and the labor market in the U.S.A. and Mexico might improve.

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