
Marx, Feurbach, Engles and Fichte; Students of Hegel's Socratic Irony Interp

Feurbach, Marx and Fichte were students of Hegel. The era of German romaticism was in full swing with the idea of Socrates about irony and subjectivity, relativism vs naive empiricism experiencing radical development.

Apparently Hegel in his criticism of Socrates felt that the negation of truth or knowledge in outward social structures in favor of individuals discovering the truth for-themselves, went to far, insofar as it left everything negative and a vacuum. The romantics liked that and some developed the concept so far as to be virtual nihilists with a self-defining ego and the only meaningful fact.

Hegel developed his idea of the historical dialect of the world spirit realizing itself, and Marx and Engels followed along adapting the paradigm to their own purposes. Hegel though was wrong about the world spirit for several reasons, and off the mark about his criticism of Socratic irony I think. Yet he was right that one should have a positive doctrine (Marx tried to propound one, however the positive doctrine should be conditional, contingent and pragmatic rather than explicitly comprehensive and explanatory universally and inclusive of the political environment.

Probably Darwin came closer to actualizing a positive doctrine similar to Hegel's evolving dialectic, yet without any sort of spiritual or socially deterministic pretension. Evolution obviously does not progress in a bifurcated dialectic yet is discrete, although all within a unified physical law paradigm that is thermodynamically deterministic.

I believe that God set the Universe into being and transcends quantum cosmological explanatory paradigms. So he may entail determinism and indeterminism concurrently due to his omniscience and omnipotence. Temporal points of view may aspire toward a reductionism that present a political point of view as natural law. That generally would be in error.

Solve Vehicular Terrorism With Self-Driving E-Cars

The recent vehicular terrorist incidents in London are a blast of the past when it was fairly common for drivers to mow down lines of pedestrians on American streets during the 70s and 80s intentionally or unintentionally. Las Vegas was hit a few times. Electronic self-driving cars of the near future may reduce the opportunities for driver-terror killings.

Self-driving electronic cars are much safer to refuel than gasoline vehicles and of course comparatively non-polluting. It would even be possible to keep them recharged on the highways if they had a toy-race car like in-the-street power line to draw on. Electronic self-driving cars will be much easier to track, and could be programmed not to be able to attack pedestrians on sidewalks.

Muslim terrorism isn't just going to go away. As leftists support the flooding of the west with Muslims, and as the majority of people of any society produces a lot of mass produced souls without a lot of good sense who will perpetrate popular terrorism as if it were a hip thing, increasing the number of Muslims in a formerly Christian society of a different race will statistically increase the number of low-tech terror incidents too. Tech remedies for how such works of evil are perpetrated is one approach of correction.

Variations of the diners' dilemma occur in the phenomena of Muslim immigrants to England. The left tend to want to promote the minority to political status of high rank in order to demonstrate inclusiveness consistent with the theory that  is perpetrated by the excluded. While the minority Muslims tend to regard promotions as such, presumably, as weaknesses, and that encourages more terrorism and more concessions from the majority.

As Muslim immigrant levels increase as a percent of the population, 'defections' to perpetrate acts of terror increase too, as the benefits and opportunities to conquer the target society are regarded as improving.


Global Warming and Nakamura-Gserper-Position Flow Velocity

Excellent article; it explains something of Naka's method. That game vs Anand is a work of art. I wonder though if fluid dynamics-especially Columb's law, while capable of serving as a metaphor for the flow and velocity of  characteristics of money, isn't more suitable for chess positions and power applications such as Naka's in the games above.
About 70% of Wall Street trades are in some way essentially quantitative computer generated speed-of-light transactions. Funny thing about computers and algorithms is that they don't care much about global warming spoiled as they are with super-cooled and costly air-conditioning temperature regulation systems. An exception might be that in a computer's cold-blooded logic it might search for ways to profit from global warming increase. It is risky to trade against the quants anytime for they might spot vulnerabilities in the soft underbelly of the market and make a killing suddenly sinking one's own investment.
Externalities to one's game strategy such as may be lurking on the Q-side are more hidden in the real world from the view of trading stockfish/sharkfish schools.


Trump; A Free Man in Paris

President Donald Trump's withdrawal from the entangling foreign commitment of the Paris environmental accords will cut a few of the Gulliver tie that bind U.S. foreign policy and allow control of the nation's destiny from meddlers abroad. George Washington warned about making permanent foreign alliances, and that advices was forgotten by the Obama and Clinton administrations.

It will be possible to form discrete free enterprise global warming reducing protocols with a little innovation that would support transition into better and more optimal configurations for business, transport, and government policies and actions. It would be possible to create new approaches and new was and structures for government to coordinate improved technological menu choices. Rather than an Obamacare for health exchanges or carbon credit swap meets online, there could be multiple option production and efficiency exchanges for business ventures and government policies globally that take into consideration national interests and sovereignty.

There is a tremendous range of opportunities for the innovation of most efficient energy and trade/production relationships and configurations that might be packaged by principles with or without government support. Just as the patent process could be reformed globally such that exclusive patent rights are limited to seven years and after that the inventor receives a 10%r oyalty from anyone using the invention. That would accelerate the rate and application of efficient inventions. That upgrade should be prioritized by the U.N.

                                                           a free man in Paris

Should National Defense Be Made Cheaper

It is ironic that people complain of the high cost of defense. If war making were made cheaper would wars then be easier to order? Supply and demand; market economics, should bring the cost of war down so every nation could afford one yet it hasn't fortunately.

If capitalism cutting down costs with competition could turn out tanks for $19,000 insteaf of $3 to 5 million each. If missiles culd be made for the price of a Volkswagen-what a world it would be.

The U.S.A. still ought to get more value from its defense budget since discretionary spending comprises such a small portion of the federal budget and national debt is about 19 trillion, 900 billion dollars.
War is definitely costly to prepare for these days. Defending against nuclear, biological and chemical weapons threats plus terrorism is expensive and requires a lot of science. I feel the volunteer military should have lower wages and be supplemented with a draft so everyone contributes public service as they should in a democracy.
If the U.S.A. can get on good terms and work together with Russia that would be about the only practical political innovation feasible presently to reduce the cost of defense-as it did after the end of the cold war for a while. Otherwise, getting synergy on defense projects with more direct civilian applications would be a good approach that's underutilized.

An example would be building a fresh water making border security canal instead of a wall on the US-Mexico border. Salt-water from the Pacific would be siphoned uphill with solar power and flow downhill each direction from the continental divide. The water would evaporate in the canals and be condensed under plastic or glass and collected.


Anti-White Day at Evergreen State; Hate Crimes Establishment?

Evergreen State College; a remarkably ugly campus in Washington State that looks like a habitat for primates in a dark forest, has developed an anti-white hegemony over the staff and faculty. The college President was cornered by students and not allowed to urinate in private. He did not say 'you're the duke', but appears to have kow-towed to student racist demands.

Students and faculty have also abused a Professor Bret Weinstein at the College blaming him for not participating in anti-white day. It is rather amusing because he is a Professor of Evolution Theory, and would be meta-considering the events in which he is a target. This is the Obama administration legacy coming out of the ground.

The Democratic Party has vacated economic reason since Bill Clinto was getting blow jobs from a student intern in the White House. It is Democrats who are supposed to look after the interests of ordinary, not rich Americans. Instead they are spaced out social yahoos creating havoc and panic wherever they can. They simply want to bitch and sabotage rather than do anything positive regarding the economy.

Right now the public debt is 19 trillion 860 billion dollars. Future obligations must be another 30 trillion. The budget is out of balance. It is ordinary Americans that will suffer eventually from a non-sustainable government economic policy. Democrats have allowed that to happen in their mad pursuit of the anti-white, feminist, homosexual, globalist agenda. It was President Obama tha signed into law permanent, vast tax cuts for the rich.


It is unimaginable to me that students would be allowed to intimidate or try to, a college professor or president. Personally I would expell them and fire staff that tolerated that sort of thing. Professor Weinstein, although probably not a Christian,  should be made the College President and given an armed personal security escort when he must mingle with the student-gangs,



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjNRtrZjkfE&t=257s Bret Weinstein's Ted talk on Evolution theory

That evil college; Evergreen State, should never have been formed. Instead, some sort of stepped pyramid wind and solar farm should have been constructed at that site.

The Paris Discord (a poem)

The Paris Discord

Sweet nutrients for whale trail mix
blubbering way through oceans of opportunity
with wisps of acid rain fallout symbol
memories of Priam and Helen
Goethe and Faust
lost in the irony of social relativism
worries of a falling sky
rising sea levels
global warming

penalties of sin
Achilles' heal.

The Paris Discord and Hillary's Homo Axis of Evil

People dislike Hillary Clinton so much that any sort of opponent can be elected running against her. If she keeps encouraging the left to be a lunatic fringe majority speaking out critically agianst Trump after her most recent loss last year, Trump policies will all see good in comparison to the laternative possibility that might have been; Hillary Clinton as President. She and Bill are catalytic convertors unto imperial depravity killing the rationality of the Democrat Party..



The Clintons moved the U.S.A. toward a queer, Satanic future. With the Supreme Court voting to force homosexual marriage on the states, the queer states of America destiny supported by Hillary arrived. If the sea level rises a little or even a lot, for many that seems less a concern than the butch government of femnazicrats issues immediately It is difficult to get any susbtantial environmental defense and rehabilitation sorts of activities done national and internation ally when to do so advances a satanic agenda too. If anti-global warming measures were tobe taken seriously globally it would be necessary to seperate it from the axis of homosexual marriage crowd politics.

It there is actually some sort of 22 year window before the temperature rises 2.6 degrees then reality ought to outlaw all fossil fuel burning vehicles and factory exhaust tomorrow. The ability of meaningful ecospheric action positively is non-existant. Cars are the major source of global warming gases in the U.S.A. Around the worlld cars and every engine burning gasoline alone would keep the greenhouse gas effects increasing. Who would stop that and ban all internal combustion engines using petroleum? Hilllary and Barrack's homosexual agenda levers with the global warming danger politically. That makes people not want to coopertate.

President Macaroon of France attacked President Trump yesterday and ala Marx expropriated Trumps 'Make America Great again' ad slogan to in effect;  Make Paris and Napoleon's World Empire Great Again. Disrespect from France and Germany is reaching new post-war highs, and Hillary Clinton fuels that.


Trump Keeps Israel Embassy Where it Is Instead of Building Another

Apparently some people are getting tired of the same old staid U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv and want to build another one with better glitz and fortress quality security upgrades to keep Arab suicide bombers from destroying it or Muslim hostage takers from looting and shooting, hacking and chopping there way through government personnel as they are wont to do when possible.


The United States probably can't afford to spend a billion or two on building a new super-fortress like embassy high in the city on a hill of Jerusalem simply to make a political statement. It would be cheaper to build a solar powered l.c.d. billboard in Jerusalem letting the world know we think Jerusalem is the Israeli capital as well as running images of President Trump at his best fishing for salmon in Alaska, photo-hunting grizzly bear and whales, and serving the poor in homeless shelters, lunch.

Trump Seeks New Deal After Nixing Paris Accord/Solar Panels Cheap etc

Not too surprisingly President Trump wants to negotiate a deal himself on climate change criteria and cancelled the participation of the U.S.A. in the Paris accord today. Do it yourself can be a guiding light for Americans now. Maybe its possible to have energy indpendence and solar power too.
                                                          a free man in Paris

http://www.ebay.com/itm/252375729807 Renogy 50 Watts 12 Volts Monocrystalline Solar Panel


http://www.climatecentral.org/news/first-commercial-co2-capture-plant-live-21494 Swiss company makes fertilizer from atmospheric CO2

Electric vehicles can be a weapon against global warming if users recharge their cars themselves with solar and wind power-or even fuel cells. Fossil fuel exhaust accounts for half of the greenhouse gas emissions from the U.S.A.

$400 small electri bike for travellers https://swagtron.com/product/swagcycle-e-bike-folding-electric-bicycle

$799 Folding mountain bike https://www.amazon.com/ANCHEER-Lightweight-Integrated-Lithium-Ion-Suspension/dp/B01MUAG7U5/ref=zg_bs_3405141_2?_encoding=UTF8&refRID=D5ADSKC45QH4YS91GSTR

$25,120 Chevy Spark EV https://www.cars.com/research/chevrolet-spark_ev/

Broke Branches (poem)

  Dialectic clashing of evolutes- trees left right and center political arguments following guide paths in the dark through the snow and hil...