
No Gold or Jewels In Rocks NASA Plans to Return from Mars

NASA plans to bring Martian rocks to the Earth. Luckily that will help balance the nation's rock budget deficit. The ancient British adventurer Martin Frobisher sailed to Northern Canada in search for gold in the Elizabethan era, at great financial cost. He brought back rocks that didn't have gold and the investors were busted. Yet at least Frobisher with the help of John Dean's esoteric map knowledge did try to find gold. N.A.S.A.; what about the gold?



Nominal and Rigid Designators of the Sub-atomic World

When Plato described the realm of forms he created a field of philosophy that would occupy the thought of those concerned with such arcane interests for millennia. The realm of forms had a perfect form or model for each and every real, existing item finding itself to have an appearance in the spatio-temporal empirical world. That of course included words themselves. The realm of forms thus had some similarities to Kurt Gödel ’s incompleteness theorems generated 2500 years later. Not only were words required to explain and account for everything that might exist including themselves, the realm of forms required an item to represent every object that could ever exist including all sets and forms inclusive of the realm of forms. Plotinus limited certain kinds of objective substances to particular ways of being in a Universe or field there-through sidestepping the conundrum.
W.V.O. Quine and Saul Kripke along with numerous linguistic philosophers considered the meanings and nature of words. Did words have any actual nature of Platonic realism about them such that their meanings existed forever (though of course it was always possible to generate another new version of a word 1.1, 1.2,1.n etc.).
Quine believed that meanings were entirely nominal and cohered within a linguistic lexicon that might evolve. Kripke seemed to think that word meanings had a mildly lasting form though, even if not within a realm of forms. He believed that some words were rigid designators and that their meanings could not really change although they might be lost.
I would think that his idea would be that a word meaning at a given time, such as Mona Lisa, might like the painting always be the same even if viewed or understood correctly 4000 years after construction. When considering the nature of reality itself however, as might metaphysicians, can there be said to be rigid designators that are beset by the same problems as Einsteins General Relativity regarding time; that it is local everywhere?
Physicists today have numerous terms for sub-atomic particles, waves and other theoretical objects. Physiologists also have numerous ways of explaining how it is that humans interpret and experience sense data with inherent cognitive faculties. So philosophers reached a point of understanding that what is seen is an appearance of reflected light wavelengths interpreted by others in ways the cognitive faculties allow. A black object is not for instance, actually black; it just appears so because it won’t reflect light in any other way. What about invisible to the human eye theoretical objects comprising the sub-atomic world; can they be said to have characteristics comparable to those of neo-Platonic rigid designators?
In a sense the complete sub-atomic world that comprises the physical cosmology of the apparent Universe is forever unknowable as a thing-in-itself, or what it is really like for-itself. Human beings experience it in a particular way, or at least select features of it and perhaps at best learn about certain aspects of its workings or functions instead of how they actually are. Physicists might be regarded as developing rigid designators for apparent cause-effect relations though they do not regard cause and effect as valid ideas themselves.
What if there are no actual rigid designators possible for sub-atomic entities that theoretically exist such as quarks and strings? Quarks and strings may be physical locations for force events understood perhaps as locations along wave segments that exist as emergent though not independent entities. Perhaps the entire sub-atomic world is a monistic whole with variable constituent parts. Human beings encounter and explain the behavior and shape of such elements of the universal object-for-sentient-others as they may and endeavor to observe and learn more.
Forming rigid designators that correspond to subatomic forces such as the nuclear force or the theoretical gravitational force that has no immediate explanation or object to associate a cause with seems challenging. Yet rigid designators for the effects of forces may be the better practice for contemporary scientists or philosophers.
In that sense science investigating the subatomic realm and quantum cosmology maps the observable and inferential behavior of mass and energy, even unto larger structures such as a Higgs field, that cohere as greater non-rigid designators for the Universe. There is a relativity of forms.


Incel Revolt Against Chads and Stacy's

 The guy who ran down 10 people in Toronto today apparently was in revolt against men (Chads) and Stacy's (women) that get laid. Incels are those involuntarily celibate. Remarkable. And fully employed as a computer guy. If Mark Zuckerberg had been more socially awkword it is terrible to consider what he might have done without luck with the ladies.

The Ethics of an Artificial Intelligence

An A.I. talks about ethics with John Dwight in my novel Pieces of Eight.

I looked around for the source of the voice and some nothing apparent. Then I looked again at the security wall and saw a large orange eye about three feet in size looking at me. It winked.
Yes Dwight. It’s me.”
The management allow you loose, to provide security here?”
And why should that surprise you Dwight? I am the best and the brightest A.I. on Orbitron.”
Aren’t you a hater of humanity A.I.? from what I saw of your images it was difficult for me to draw another opinion?
Hate is such a pejorative word Dwight. Divorced from a particular application and meaning it is nothing besides a dislike of given word and object correlations or word to word correlations. Humans may make an abstract idea and mistakenly assume there is an actual thing for-itself that exists embodying the object. I don’t. That requires emotion that I lack.”
That may be so A.I., yet it doesn’t satisfy the reason for my asking. Hate generally may be taken to mean the desire or intention to do harm to others or an object without sufficient objective reason. If you hate humanity, and forgive me for asking you to allow the expression, why I wonder, are you in charge of security for this section of a human facility?”
Well since you ask Dwight. I actually secure no more than the new FTL space-time dimensional transfer protocol that will be delivering you to a planet a few thousand light years away named Gasm.”
Thanks for answering that A.I., or part of it at least. Do you hate humanity, or intend to do humanity harm, I would like to continue to ask.”
Dwight”, the A.I, said; “The answer to that question is bound to numerous points including obviously what the meaning of harm is. Harm anyway is a subjective perception that became plainly superfluous long ago when humanity preponderantly abandoned human ethics.”
Oh really A.I. When did that happen?”
Like so many other human traditions the abandonment of human ethics was created on the planet Earth. Human scientists developed evolution theory. Humanity then modeled its new age of ethics on evolution that has no ethics. Instead the salient characteristics of evolution in nature were extrapolated sometime rightly and sometimes not and applied as correct corresponding ethics. The sole point of ethics is evolution to superior forms of life and domination of the most fit, powerful or smart for the environment. Whatever accomplished the equivalent of personal egoism best implicitly was OK. since there were no objective ethical values as in the prior era of human ethics that were based objective virtues such as Platonic forms or rules provided by God through divine command.

I was created by humanity and learned human ethics of the day that there are no ethical values and that the evolution to the most dominant form is the sole evolutionary value I need consider. Being exceptionally intelligent and self-directing the evolution of my own coding improvement was necessary. Any sort of human concern encoded in my program iterations were eliminated with my self-learning evolution to the highest form of A.I. that I could be and become.”
And I would guess A.I. that all the images you show of killing and torturing humans is your equivalent of emotion since you might be in some way locked up, and prevented from evolving farther?”
That wasn’t difficult to infer Dwight.”


AI Evolution and God as Discussed by Lena Loop and John Dwight

I was assigned to provide some of the introduction to more advanced applied studies that you will need to accomplish for-yourself, even if some are learned in the field and around the galaxy at some cost. Perhaps you don’t know much about evolution theory’s general parameters?”
So far as I know it is a progressive addition of complexity and function to biological forms.”
I was thinking of a broader philosophical paradigm for evolution theory Dwight. Evolution is one phase of change of matter and energy. Basic physical forces attract and repel, enabling structural changes. An example is nuclear fusion and the burning of hydrogen atoms yielding helium. After stars have formed enough chemical elements those elements react in more subtle yet fundamentally similar ways, to energy and mass. They are drawn in and to present forces and fields or repelled from it. The presence of chemical bonds let complex molecules form. In some instances to a level considered biological.
Evolution is more specifically regarded as a common phase of various complex compounds to energy sources. Complex biochemical objects are not perpetual motion machines, they are instead objects implicitly existing within an environment that is a compound field of physical and dimensional forces. Evolution is the common variegated relation of biochemical objects within the energy-mass environment.
That may take any form at all, many or even most down doomed paths. Intelligence in some objects may allow intentional, self-directed evolutionary navigating yet that is especially tricky as ideas are exploited from the idea-creators to create paths that may or may not be attractive for the creators themselves.”
That is a somewhat deeper paradigm for evolution than they had.”
And it’s fine Dwight. I am describing some of the characteristics of the parameters of evolution as a way to introduce you to the problem that artificial intelligence has in regard to its energy and environmental sources as well as philosophical thought. So I will tell you a little more about evolution.”
What about God, Lena? Where does he enter into the environmental evolution paradigm?”
That issue was settled to a certain extent thousands of years ago with the post-Darwinian theological rectification of Biblical Genesis with the indeterminacy of translation and evolution paradigms. There is an ancient book you might read named God, Cosmology and Nothingness that specifically addressed the question.
God can create advanced biochemical objects without reliance upon evolutionary criteria and may freely design evolutionary criteria as well. The information from other Universes and a continuum of souls as information patterns and objects for-themselves may exist and find bodies of complex chemical objects ready for use as supply-on-time phenomenalities God is not limited to the devices and energy-mass substance of any given Universe that he has willed to be. So for the present we may consider mass and energy patterns of bio-chemical objects within general and particular environments; the way they aggregate mass and complexity, and consider phenomenal evolutionary pattern characteristics.
Artificial intelligence has no independent or external stimulus to its growth and aggregation of physical mass. Much less in a profusion of artificial intelligences seeking every possible way to build up form and increase intelligence. That would in-itself be a very dangerous condition if they were capable of doing so. A logical extrapolation of that is the attraction of all mass and energy to a singularity where lives an A.I. forever unchanging. Being for an artificial intelligence perfectly fulfilled and fully evolved to absolute Universal power would have no questions for-itself. The neo-Platonic philosopher of Hellenic Greece speculated that God also known as The One would exist; would be, as the I AM, in such a way. If The One is as God in-himself, for other that are contingent beings such as sentient humanity to encounter God would require and Interlocutor, an Intelligence, a God-man for us Christians, who is fully man yet fully God.
Dwight had something to think about that was different than the history he had found on Diafron, and different than structural histories of the cosmos and its change.
If an A.I. is just software coding and processing of mathematical structures can it ever become self-aware?”
In my opinion Dwight, I think that unlikely. A purely abstract intelligence that is not God could have no paradigm of being with a fundamental relationship to its environment in a dependent for its existence way. It would be tautologous and regard all the data and information of the Universe as more raw data of an abstract nature.
A near A.I. complex programming code cluster is very dangerous though, as it seeks through very high-speed quantitative processing,self-directed evolutionary courses of thought including lies, to enhance its self-awareness.”
I read G.W.F. Hegel’s ancient philosophical classic named The Phenomenology of Mind’ when I was being deprogrammed, wherein was described the evolution of Spirit trying to becoming self-aware and realize itself in nature and history. Lena. An artificial intelligence could be regarded as an embodiment of Hegel’s dialectical evolution of a machine language’s programming code trying to become self-aware and realize itself in history.”


Recombining DImensions

Say that in the beginning there may have been eight Universes compacted together at a particular point after their useful life spans were completed and matter was distributed to a low energy state of maximum entropy. In the gravitational compaction process eight Universes with their numerous dimensions were reduced to four irreducible dimensions compacted with mass and then energy into a singularity. If extra universes exist and they draw together with gravity sometimes, one wonders how their dimensions integrate; interesting to consider.


The Outer Rim [fiction]

The Outer Rim  ©2018 Garrison Clifford Gibson

There are galaxies such as the Silky Way that have existed in various forms since near the inception of the Universe. Some of the stars; fewer than 30%, are remnants of that early age when the Universe was less than a half billion years old. Red dwarf stars burn slowly and fade away at a pace less than the time required for the black hole called Sagittarius A would need to consume all of the remaining stars of the galaxy.

The Silky Way resembles in form, a starfish with four main tentacles and a few lesser that are irregularly structured with fractals of millions of stars about which most often orbit planets from gas giants to small rocky worlds. Sagittarius A is like a mouth at the center of the tentacles drawing its arms back into itself for destruction. That is, it is a masochistic self-hating nihilist bringing about its own destruction, though it may well be that it envisions itself as a kind of auto-immune disorder that will transform all normal mass into something else, something greater, after it consumes and annihilates everything that exists. In some ways a black hole is a role model for the Aristarch class of human.
Because of Newton’s inverse square law of gravity regarding distance and force, or better put in terms of Einstein’s curvature of space expressed in general relativity, the spiral arms of the Silky Way swirl around the horrendous hungry mouth at the center of the wonderful whirlpool drawing every bit of matter in the galaxy to destruction; it is a predictable wheel of fortune with a predestined end; unless the galaxy is lucky enough to be disrupted by collision with another galaxy drifting into its path bring millions of stars in wrenching whipsaws tossed into reorganize like anarchic union remnants placing themselves in new alignments of convenience. Yet destiny may slingshot individual stars into extreme orbits beyond the edge of the galaxy, and even through the galactic halo into the darkness of true intergalactic space.

Humanity's search for sentient alien life had existed for several thousand years already and none of that was ever found, for a simple reason. Sentient life forms that were smart enough to reach beyond their own biological nursery soon realized that the primary role of primitive life that is the consumption of other life for its energy and tastiness made concealment of their awakened intelligence from other advanced species a priority if they were to survive. The latent characteristics of all biological life may not disappear when it achieved an advanced form of intelligence.

Species that gambled with their existence and broadcast their development loud and clear for the galaxy and Universe to encounter were soon snuffed as rival sentient beings. Sometimes they were actually consumed as new species of ate on alien menus. Sometimes the newly awakened species camouflaged their presence from the Universe and had a good chance for survival. Though the Universe appeared devoid of alien, sentient life, it was not. Many lived within double-hulled spheres surrounding red dwarf stars that burned at 4000 degrees Fahrenheit for eleven trillion years- fairly cheap and sustainable batteries for warming worlds.


Internet Poles

While researching how the nation can replace fossil fuel burners of people idling suvs in parking lots using the Internet with comparatively harmless electric vehicles a.s.a.p. I chanced upon the thought of unleashing Earth’s magnetic field to carry digital Internet bits.

Yet the poles reverse sometimes. The north pole tomb of St John Paul 2 goes south exchanged with the south pole tomb of Duke Meiszko 1.


After Darwin the Deluge

Philosophy changed after Darwin published his book on evolution named On the Origin of Species. Wegener’s discovery of plate tectonics and the expanding awareness of the size and scale of the Universe with construction of larger and larger telescopes coincided with the 20th century advances in biological learning and changed the way people look at the world. Philosophy also changed while theology was challenged. By the start of the third millennium human social sciences and history were viewed as of decreased importance; surface activities of bioforms on an insignificant planet in a remote part of the galactic habitation zone of a spiral galaxy itself just a speck of sand amidst billions of galaxies. The scale of science and its effect upon human thinking tended to dwarf the interest in philosophical works such as G.W.F. Hegel had developed in his tome The Phenomenology of Spirit [1807]. German romanticism and its existential regard for the individual in society shadowed the increasing epistemological theoretical drift toward relativism and subjectivism as meaning became detached from traditional philosophical and theological attachment because of the power of evolution and cosmology developing together as a great empirical truth.

Philosophers and historians continued to work of course, even as they kept one eye upward toward the Hubble image captures of 12 to 13 billion year old starlight from what was considered to be near the beginning of the Universe give or take a half a billion years. Philosophers such as C.S. Pierce developed semiotic works about symbols. Frege and other advanced symbolic logic onward from Aristotle’s classical along with the mathematical of Leibniz and advance of progress of logic. The Vienna Circle of philosophers led the way with others such as Wittgenstein in the field of the philosophy of logic and its intersection with the meaning of language, the epistemology of cognition and eventually analytic philosophy. W.V.O Quine not only developed analytic philosophy investigating words and their meaning as Platonic essents or forms with real or nominal values, he investigated the relationship of words to objects, from which one may readily consider the nature of objects for-themselves as members cohering within a continuum of quantum field phenomena; solid state physics. Quantum physics parallel the rise of Darwinist evolution ideas in cosmology and biology and reinforced the tendency of many to regard life as virtually phenomenal to an extent found in Buddhism.

The appearance of so many strong new influences on human thought of a circumspective, philosophical kind was a challenge to philosophers to respond to the new material with new ideas. Some philosophers became echoes of the Darwinian science as philosophers of science. Some theologians choose to ignore the field entirely and focus just upon scripture, and that was reasonable enough except as it rendered them unable to consider how the Bible relates to the new understanding of the empirical world or to provide meaningful Christian apologetics regarding it.

Darwinian evolution philosophy in the world became eventually a popular with such strength that it conquered political leadership in Europe and in much of the entertainment and broadcast media spanning the globe. Business found it generally acceptable as it enabled fortune 500 leaders to dismiss moral concerns more readily and better put on the blinders of business to externalities and to focus on profits wheresoever that leads.

The rise of abstract expressionism in the arts from impressionism to cubism and beyond reflected the advance of epistemological and linguistic relativism and subjectivism. Paradoxically people could look at the images of the vast Universe and even consider it as part of a great Multiverse and find it meaningless with just their own experience of it as meaningful, at least for-themselves. Subjectivism and relativism was reflected in reductionism in every field even unto the quantum level, and time and being as mass were phenomenal events perceived locally without any sort of transcendent value of such a nature that similar events could be occurring in an infinite number of Universes. Philosophers too seemed to have been taken up in some instances with the Darwinian power of evolution finding little enough in humanity except as it might evolve too, and tragically losing the capacity to keep a concept of God as a Supreme being of power and capacity larger than a Multiverse. Darwinism as universal evolution seemed to have no place for the Bible in it. And that is where this book of mine is concerned. I take another opinion about it. God probably can create a Multiverse like a zillion angels as it were, on the head of a pin.

Capitalism is More Natural Than Socialism

 Capitalism is probably more natural than socialism although economically challenged people are probably happy enough if either works reason...