
Essential Single Malt Whiskey for President's Trip to Quebec and SIngapore

When President Trump meets with some troublesome leaders and  North Korean Dictator Kim Un he should use the opportunity to introduce the world to American single malt whiskey.

Canadians have been lackey's of British Empire single-malt whiskey for centuries. That Scotch whiskey may have played a role in the burning of the nation's capital to spite Andrew Jackson who kicked Brit butt in New Orleans.

President Trump should provision a case of good single barley malt whiskey for Dictator Kim as well as the Prime minister Trudeau who is leader of the Canadian Empire with electronic copyrights that don’t cost $170 dollars.

No one knows what to expect from North Korea or Canada on free trade. President Trump could cancel NAFTA in Canada while the Senate considers conferring most favored nation on North Korea is they agree to allow a Democrat Party satellite office their, and to vote on giving Russia most-unfavored nation status.

The G-7 really has only one real mission; to educate President Trump on the benefit of transforming America and the world completely to renewable energy within 15 years and make a profit in doing so.

Passing as a Racial Majority in a Self-Driving Car

Self-driving cars have the potential to relieve those stopped for driving while black better than NBA championship millionaire pouting to refuse to visit the White House while a non-Negro or female is President. Self-driving cars are basically raceless, although the on-board computer could be given to speak with a Gulah accent and answer police questions about its driving respectfully.

Self-driving cars have some limitations such as passing a slow-moving vehicle ahead on a two- way street. Human drivers need to look ahead to determine if they can move out into the lane of oncoming traffic and accelerate to pass an impeding car ahead to return in time to their own lane before meeting with a head-on collision. Self-driving cars presently don't try that maneuver, yet they easily could with adaptive highway sensors that provide live information to self-driving cars of the location of highway traffic with, say, a country mile of the position of the self-driving car.

It is remarkable that Americans believe all sorts of silly things about energy and technology based on a willingness to believe things that reinforce the present economic methodology and establishment. Of course I refer to those that desire no change from the fossil fuel air pollution power system that developed during the industrial revolution and continued through the day of Henry Ford.

U.S. highways should have some sort of way to collect sunshine and release it to electric cars drawing it from a power line. Self-driving cars might be made even safer. I should remark that solar panels are not air polluters worse than coal plants.

FEMA Should FTX Guatamala Volcano Relief

After the Puerto Rico hurricane disasters were somewhat slow to experience FEMA relief (a deserved criticism or not isn't entirely certain) it became plain that FEMA could use occasional field training exercises for management and support teams. The volcanic eruption and disaster in Guatemala is a good opportunity for the FEMA team to establish the ad hoc political and equipment interactions required for swift reaction time in an effective way to relief victims.

Though its not part of the United States, the relief of volcano victims and the liaison and logistics required could serve as a test of the Federal Emergency Management Administration that isn't just on paper.


Mexico Puts on US Sanctions; End NAFTA

Instead of getting into back and forth with Mexico over tariffs on goods and illegal aliens the Trump administration should just end NAFTA. It's a worse deal than that with Iran in retrospect.



Presidential Tweets for Trolls Ordered by Court Seems Like Russian Collusion

President Trump could believe that those viewing his personal twitter line shouldn't be trolls or scum. In that he is possibly wrong. Jesus came to save the lost and sinners and the President has a similar obligation to convert he damned to some kind of reformed Republican Party if that were to ever exist. Democrat siding judges have said the President cannot block trolls or deny his tweeting to Russians or anyone else on the planet. It is kind of scary to learn that a federal judge is in de facto collusion with Russian agents hot to get the latest Presidential tweet.

 Skeptics believe the President wants to deny his political foes the opportunity to receive his sage commentary or reply in some forum or other with abusive, cruel, irrelevant and silly non-nonsensical rejoinders. Maybe its nothing like that. Hillary Clinton let anyone with a little hacking skill have access to her Internet communications while Secretary of State so it is reasonable to expect the President's private twitter line to be available to any sort of riff-gaff that can get someone to read the twitter feed for him or her and translate it down into simpler language.

 If I had a twitter account I definitely would read the President's tweets unless added to the do no read list. The President probably should have the T.S.A. make a do not twitter feed list when its done with the monthly do not fly list to help safeguard the nation.

Sypillis and Gonorrhea Up During Obama Years

During the Obama administration syphilis and gonorrhea increased steadily and that trend has continued into the Trump administration. Since the vast majority of such disease occurs in the homosexual community the rise might in part be credited not only to the administration, but to the Supreme Court decision to legalize homosexual marriage too.



Super-gonorrhea is occurring  and may increase in numbers with promiscuous globalism. Such is the nature of extreme social changes and failures of common sense and Christian moral criteria.

Project Precog and Plug-In VIsions of the Future

The Germany Asus Corporation is working a a two-display screen laptop that may reach the market in 2019. What about manufacturing a url plu-in device that would accomplish something like surround-vision for regular computers including laptops and notebooks that already exist?

Sure what might want a motion sensor built into the glasses so one could be warned about anyone with mal-intent approaching from behind while wearing the panoramic goggles. Yet the goggles should have software that allows one to set the size and nature of the display that one sees.


Saudi Arabia Gets First Ten Women Drivers; Insurance Rates to Climb?

Saudi Arabia issued ten driver's licenses to women and that raises the question of auto insurance? Will it be fair and balanced for men and women or will women drivers need to pay more for collision or road rage insurance?

One must wonder if Saudi will soon allow American and other foreign females to drive in the kingdom with their foreign licenses right away or if discrimination will continue. Solely female media should be permanently banned from driving in the kingdom and none other. There is no reason for gender adversity from the state making modern life and economics more difficult for half the human race.

The kingdom should be an outstanding place for solar-powering electric, self-driving cars.

More Smoke From the Demo Smoke Machine (Must Be a FIre)

The new charges by Special Investigator Mueller against Paul Manafort concerning witness tampering are more of the same sort of thing that is interesting yet seem more like a fishing expedition than else. That is there should be some real and substantive charges about the actual premise of the investigation rather than such as are friction about the investigation.

I would think that if S.I. Mueller investigated any random selection of Wall Street execs well enough he could find some chargeable offenses. That might apply to many tax returns of the top income earners of the nation as well. Though people should be as truthful as boy scouts in government and enterprise sadly they are not usually that meritorious.

If Hillary Clinton had won the election it is doubtful that a special investigator would have been appointed though obviously won should for a world of reasons. S.I. Mueller needs to do a credible job but there wasn't a solid causus beli for the investigator's office to start with; there wasn't a crime that required investigation. Instead the Democrat Party losers were clamoring for an intifada and way to attack or even reverse the election result. Harassing the President or finding some way to impeach his election effectively was the purpose of the Russian collusion lie; as if the Democrat Party are stalwart anti-Russians since Russia is no longer dominated by the communist party of the Soviet Union.

Back in the day the reds were the communists and associated with the Democrat extreme left. Now the media have labeled the conservative right as the reds because they are not communist. The true blue anti-Russian, anti-free enterprise Democrat Party has Special Investigator Mueller to help with a McCarthyite role of unAmerican activities, yet it really makes the nation seem like a farcical banana republic kind of place.

President Trump Could Ask the Eagles (rock band) to White House

The NFL Superbowl champion Philadelphia Eagles don't want to visit the White House. They have commitments to take a knew someplace I guess, or at least knee-taking practice. So the President rather lamely rescinded their invitation to darken the doors of the White House. Though Glen Frey died in 2015 it is possible that the Eagles rock band would reunite to play a couple of their hit songs from the 1970s (with a guest to take Glen Frey's place) on the White House lawn on the 4th of July.

Fundamentally, knee-taking should be left for prayer and special half-time drill teams that have pom-poms and tall marching band hats. Amateur knee-taking by pros in other fields often seem rather silly and pretentious.

President May Change Name of USA's Tallest Mountain to McKinley

 When the Dena’ina tribe arrived in Alaska between 500 and 1000 a d. Some continued southward to become Navaho. Navaho call themselves the D...