
Smart Phone Call Screening

Smart phones should have call screening so people have a choice about filtering out spam from personal and business calls.
Select 1 for Personal call
Select 2 for Sales call
Select 3 for Business call
Select 4 for Silly telemarker call
Select 5 for Crank call

Evolve a Military-Environmental Complex to Replace Military-Industrial

There are a number of ways to evolve a military-environmental complex to replace the military-industrial complex that President Eisenhower warned about in his farewell address to the nation. For one thing, the government can use the carrot to favor contracts with corporations that produce environmentally progressive items as well as weapons of war. The next non-Trump President should intentionally design an evolution toward a military that reinforces ecospheric health instead of just Wall Street big and dirty industries.

Army should know about land, navy the sea and the Air Force, the atmosphere. Each military element should ave a scientific division that learns all one can about the real element. If a President is weak on science and environmentally challenged appointing adverse leadership to head the E.P.A. to stifle it, the military might be able to help take up the slack. It should know what harm is being done to the environment counseled by experts, and structure methods to defend against its predators. While prosecutors and law enforcement agencies can arrest criminals if not able to correct them, the military is an appropriate scale of response to arrest ecospheric decay.

Countless millions of souls vote for politicians that reinforce their employers and large corporations. To change the criterion of reinforcing ecospheric sloppy, indifferent and predatory corporations who keep the military enthralled to their profit interests one must evolve the relationship of employers-corporations doing business with the government to those that are green. Global military that substitute for gutted and too small of scale environmental protection agencies could become protectors of the environment too. The military is intended in the U.S.A. to be of and for the people; not multinational corporations.

There must be numerous ways to drive the tiger of capitalism toward ecospheric conservation activities willingly and in cooperation with a military that values the ecosphere as much as General Thomas did for the union army in surveying battlefields before decimating the ignorant enemy. General Lee did not even know the fine topographic details of Virginia.

Because the billionaire club owns the broadcast media that is so pervasively crooked and racketeering and fundamentally against a healthy environment sustainable for humanity for generations ahead (at least 20), the government needs to work to accentuate the positive of ecospheric rehab and wildlife conservation directly after President Trump leaves offices. Most likely Democrats are good at campaign symbolism and little else besides debauchery legislation, so some independent candidate would probably be the only place to look.


Wouldn't the Moon be a Good Place to Build Supercomputers

The Earth's moon should be a good place to build very large supercomputers with superconducting easy at low temperature. Very large particle accelerators and infrared telescopes should also be early constructions as well as vast gardens under glass and in caves with light via fiber optics. Freeze drying food concentrates flung to earth with electromagnetic mass drivers would be useful, and lead the way to cheaper, faster interplanetary cargo travel.
The Moon- N.A.S.A. image

Relocate Laptop CPUs for Better Cooling, Increased Size, Speed?

If laptop and notebook computers are limited in size of their cpu because of heating considerations, wouldn't it be better to move the cpu to an outside locations where it isn't in a heat trap within the plastic or metal housing of the computer?

People use fans to cool computers and high power chips on desktops may have water cooling, yet cooling a cpu should exploit some naturally cooler locations on a computer than inside a case.

A cpu might extrude through the surface of a computer case in the lid or base. Probably the lid with the screen is a better, upright location. Some natural breezes or external fans or arctic air that natural cools things down even though the computer can release its heat directly to the air (an there could be a built in fan if necessary) seems like a better approach.

In fact one might have a complete notebook or laptop computer with the cpu seperate in a specially designed little box that plugs in. Then it could be simpler to make a low cost computer completely water resistant, and to have a built in solar panel on the outside of the vdt screen lid.

President Trump Should Pre-Pay the Webb Space Telescope

The James Webb Space Telescope is as valuable to astrophysics as was the Hubble ST and should be pre-paid in order to avoid budget wrangling. It will look farther and deeper into the Universe and with infrared observations may help reveal why the Universe is expanding and where dark matter is, if it is. This is very important. The Universe might be a project in a petri dish of some alien punk for all we know, though it was allowed by God through directed evolution. The President should not appear to be scientifically challenges and ought to pre-pay the cost for the Webb Telescope and put flame on the feet of project managers to complete it forthwith.


The government should not evolve toward support for corporate billionaire secret science on cosmology and astrophysics known only to billionaires themselves and their Chinese partners and engineers. Humanity has a right to e well-informed on such basic issues. Actually if President Trump cannot find a way to prioritize major scientific projects among other government expenditures such as meals ready to eat for soldiers instead of frozen mush*, or cannot forego a war or kinetic military action now and then (President Trump has been rather Reaganesque on that commendably so far), an international cosmology and astrophysics should form that would be funded by all participating government and remain public, publishing results as they find them instead of screening them on billionaire large screen displays.

*Cheaper military food rations should be dehydrated and lightweight, just add water kinds of items along with packages of pre-mixed vitamins. Total cost per meal should be less than $3.00. The food should be edible without water.

Two Week Supply of Coke Seized in NJ (3200 lbs)

Law enforcement officials were able to seize a two week supply of cocaine for New York City at the port of Newark, N.J. recently. A report states the value of the material was 77 million dollars. The cost of the loss to the owners might be as high as a half million (a guess).


The incident may provide good election prop for the Democrat 2020 election as they typically say that if dope is legalized it will take the profit away from criminals..


Regarding Illegal Immigration

The majority of U.S. citizens are not in favor of illegal immigration to the United States. It is a security hole that should be fixed with a border fence that works reasonably well and additional measures. There is something of a war for sovereignty of the nation going on presently with foreign nationals proving up that they rather than the U.S. government rule borders and immigration. The U.S. has been losing the war for some decades.
There are fifth columnists that support illegal immigration for various reasons from racism to cheap exploitable labor and even to destroy the United States and form two or three republics where the states were united before.
Sixty-six thousand illegal immigrants crossed over from Mexico in January 2019. Last year a thousand entered from Canada. Why border crossings are at an 11-year high, explained in 500 words
Illegal immigration in large numbers from Mexico and Latin America subverts rational ecological planning and labor wage values as well as the rationale for N.A.F.T.A. Illegal immigration works against Mexican economic increase from domestic production and drives down wages while driving up prices in the United States. The issue is bigger than President Trump. It is the Democrat Congress that is at fault for undermining equal protection of the law in this nation and creating an underground economy of illegal, exploitable foreign workers.

Israel is Rightly for Jews

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu recently said that Israel is for Jews; in that he is correct. Israel has only somewhat more than six million Jews- about as many as were killed in the holocaust. The United States has maybe 7.5 million Jews, and the global population is estimated and just 15 million.


There is no realistic way that Jews can allow themselves to be militarily or politically flanked from the inside or out of Israel. Unlike during the holocaust, in Israel Jews can at least go down with a fight-even if it were their Alamo. The nation of Israel should have a moderately liberal tourism policy, yet their existential security requires they remain a sovereign independent state for Jews. The stupid might not understand why.

US Annual Personal Income is About 16 Trillion- How Now a 4.7 Trillion Budget Proposal?

President Trump should be looking for ways to reduce and balance the federal budget instead of applying nearly a third of the nation's annual personal income to pay for it. Like the Democrats it is really spaced out. Inventing methods to get more bang for the buck without cutting the  safety net of the poor is the way to go.

The cost of the wall pales into insignificance in comparison to the real costly items. For one thing military wages should be cut in half and a draft restored to fill military ranks with two years of service required of all men and women who are citizens.

All citizens would serve three months at one station unit training, then two weeks a year for annual training in their m.o.s. For combat readiness active duty soldiers would have some purely volunteer units for those that view the military as a professional activity. They would have a moderately higher pay scale. With so many people in the pool to draw upon it would be reasonable to assign citizens to jobs they are well fit for- even as support elements.

Green New Deal Alternatives; Work in Progress

I have already mentioned demolition of major U.S. cities that would be replaced with hollow mountain range constructions for mass habitations with electric vehicle energy lines running between cities. Those lines would be super-conducting encased within liquid hydrogen made with hydrolysis Another idea would be to relocate all the world's cattle to Mongolia where the pharting would harmlessly be released at high altitude. Trans-world (via Alaska) hypertubes would replace air cargo traffic. Hypertubes would replace trucks cor continental mass cargo transit. 

This is a work in progress. Watch this space.

https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-47638586 Canadian technology to remove CO2 from air

Adam Smith; a friend of David Hume, imagined free trade and a self-regulating invisible hand of enterprise evolving the best economic situation. He did not account at all for the invisible hand's affect on the ecosphere. Actually the invisible hand is run by a brain dead mechanism concerning environment.

While free markets evolve they do not do so with any ecospheric sentience. Instead they concern themselves with profit. If the world were in substantial ecospheric decline the laws of scarcity would become in effect to reinforce the increase of value and profit. Some might try to find new Earths to dump supply if possible.

What is required is directed evolution of free enterprise with thoughtful regulation and incentives.

Humans May Have Evolved From Rats; Adam and Eve Were Spliced In

 Humans May Have Evolved From Rats Named Purgatoriuos 65 Million Years BC I had a concentration in history in college and learned a lot from...