
Illegal Aliens of Chicago Cursed USA at Gold Cup Match?

The United States is presently the best place on Earth for criminals from other nations to go to seek refuge. If they can steal enough from their own nation and make it to Mexico to cross illegally into the United States they find a welcome refuge from the Democrat Party- and even sanctuary cities to succor them. Foreign criminals that stay in the shadows can live in the U.S.A. for decades without concern of apprehension if they keep their criminal activities in the sanctuary nation to a minimum. Without any sort of documentation needed the illegal immigrant criminal has a new lease on life.

At a Gold Cup soccer match between the U.S.A. and Mexico in Chicago at Soldier field 85% of the fans supported Mexico. They were loyal to Mexico the foreign government; maybe they were illegal aliens. They cursed the Americans in mass chants at opportune times called the Americans faggots in the Mexican lingo. Thank you for that President Obama.


The border patrol gets a lot of abuse from Democrats that hate them and their work defending the borders of the United States against illegal entry, drug traffickers, human traffickers and the scum of the Earth that hate doing anything legally regarding entry to the United States. The border patrol is accused of hate for not loving the sometimes abusive fugitives they apprehend. Sometimes the dangerous illegals are armed. They are at any rate a never-ending opposition force waging a war upon the border patrol in a sense.

The border patrol cadre is being treated as were Vietnam veterans returning home by Democrats. AOC is something like the new Jane Fonda although she is not alone. The primary difference is that the border patrol isn't fighting a foreign war, they are defending the United States directly.


Border patrol agents may have to wrestle down the world's most active, aggressive trespassers. In one recent mass arrest 100 fugitives from all over the planet including Africa were caught. Some of those people are dangerous. A few have knives or guns, some know martial arts or carry disease. Stopping them isn't a wondrous task. It is not as if they are pampered U.S. Representatives having smoke blown up their ass by the left-wing media.


Because illegal aliens  are not planned in the U.S. federal budget; that is their numbers vary, it is difficult to plan reception and processing facilities for those caught in advance. Senator Booker would catch and release the illegals at best guaranteeing they won't be returned to their own country. It would be better to find a few closed military bases capable of sheltering a half million illegal aliens if necessary and truck them there until they could be processed by on-site legal authorities for adjudication.

Of course the conspiracy theorists would say that the camps are being developed to put lawful citizen dissidents in by an Orwellian state. That urban legend would be supported by the 5th column democrats that would flood the nation with countless millions of illegal aliens to undermine and marginalize the ordinary working class republicans that experience displacement from the presence of millions of illegals as well as to provide cheap labor for Democrat home owners. The minimum wage might be $50 an hour if there were no illegal workers in the U.S.A. They are a real lever to keep the minimum wage low low while the luxury tax for signing Kevin Durant to a max contract extension would have been 400 million dollars for Golden State. There is a large difference between the political class and the poor worker class.


Homosexuality is the Wrong Template for Human Social Existence

People have the freedom generally to choose between right and wrong. Homosexuality is wrong yet many people and politicians choose it, though for different reasons.

In the beginning there was the Word. He said let there be light, and a Universe got rolling (technically with light after 380,000 years when photons were free to escape extreme heat). With cosmic inflation a template for all being was set into motion. Like the CMB (cosmic microwave background) a corrupt structure was thermodynamically flowing along entropic lines. Mankind would have a special way of reproducing biologically, yet some would choose to put their procreative tools to other, inappropriate uses.

Mankind has the ability to choose to act in accordance with the natural, God given structures it exists within or go wrong. God has provided instructions to mankind for how to avoid going the wrong way. Still, people choose to do so anyway too much.

Homosexuality is like class C felonies for profit (i.e. burglary). People may work burglaries every day of the week, and if highly skilled at it, feel rather good about it. Even so, though they regard burglary or other class C felony as a good and proper way to spend night and day, it is not. People may argue about burglary or other class C felony and ask what is wrong with it- does it say in the Bible that it is wrong, specifically, or isn't the Bible outmoded or even hateful of burglars and other class C felons too? 

In the heart of the burglar or other class C felon he or she may know that burglary is wrong. Some inner voice afflicts the conscience of the burglar in the small dark hours when the burglar (or other class C felon) is not using opioids, marijuana, meth or scotch whisky to excess. He may fear persecution by legal authorities, so he enlist the help of the politician.

Decriminalizing burglary and other class C felonies is the job of the Democrat Party politician and the left-leaning U.S. Supreme Court. Without the analogy of burglary, the court actual did decriminalize homosexuality and expropriate marriage to transfer all of the rights and responsibilities of marriage (except childbirth) to homosexuals. Though it may be legal in the United States, it is still wrong. Renaming a pig an eagle does not actually put wings on the pig or make it an eagle.

Homosexualty is more appropriate for a communist cluster of maggots in a can eating natural the resource of dead sardines than for a free society expanding carefully, deliberately into space.

Politicians are about the  business of relabeling wrong things as legal things, and breaking things like marriage so they do not embarrass wrong social structures.  Politicians are happy with a corrupt society so long as they are reelected and rich themselves. 

As humanity expands in to space however their may be an Occam's razor stress test on wrong things like homosexuality; it may die out in the vastness of space as people too stupid to understand right procreative uses of human anatomy become more lost than the rest.

Homosexual marriage should be outlawed and homosexuals made to design their own legal entanglement. Lawmakers then could add to that establishment whatever benefits they deem appropriate. I am not writing here add criminal penalties to homosexuals in the United States. If people choose to be stupid yet not harm the civil rights and freedom of others, then that tends to be just their concern.

Homosexuals have a characteristic of expropriating existing institutions and establishments for-themselves antagonizing a majority of the electorate in some cases. With the help of malapropos elite judicial appointees deciding for evil the homosexual politics choose beligerence over peaceful coexistence generally. When it is possible and practical to leave well enough alone they attack existing structures such as marriage and transfer all of that institution's legal standing unto themselves instead of building their own, new structures in support of their own wrong sexual practices.

People good and politics with some wisdom might have a trait of getting their own legislation into law without needlessly antagonizing a large portiuon of the electorate. Instead of being offensive needlessly, they think reflectively about how to accomplish their goals without offending others if possible.


Sen K Harris Offers $100 Billion Racist Home Buying Plan for Blacks

Senator and Presidential candidate Kamala Harris has introduced plans to create a purely race-based policy to redistribute wealth. Instead of basing a federal program to support housing for the poor, she has created a plan to support housing for just one particular race; blacks.

At some point Democrats should start following Dr. King's principles of colorless equal treatment of the law instead of using new empowerment to benefit their own special classes. “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” M.L. King  

Democrats for a couple of decades have created a panoply of financial gerrymandering and flumery plans for their constituency. Instead of supporting federal policies that benefit all Americans based on need or financial caste, the Democrat policies are designed to benefit special interests of their membership. It hardly seems constitutional to tax people without racial bias or exemptions and redistribute solely on the basis of race.

The poor need housing because of financial privation. That class comprises individuals of every race. It is racist to deny the principal of providing assistance for all U.S. citizens regardless of race and to instead prefer to provide financial assistance to just one particular race. Crass, trampy racist programs do not build up the United States. Instead they instruct youth in the ways of racial privilege as a function of political power. That needs to stop, and should have long ago. If the majority of U.S. citizens that need public help to afford housing are black, fine, yet helping those poor individuals does not mean that white, yellow and brown Americans that are equally poor should be excluded.

In gaining rights and opportunities provided by the United States and the consitution, Democrats finding themselves empowered have forgotten or never knew the principal of equal treatment of the law. For the nation to do well in to the future it needs to start creating policy and law that objectively treat all people equally instead of finding reasons to benefit through race and gender special groups treated differently.


All people require the same basic needs of food, shelter, clothing, educational and employment opportunity, security and so forth regardless of race. Federal law should recognize those people and their inability to afford them regardless of race, gender etc. They are all human.


Joe Biden's Candidacy Needs Extreme Unction

Former Vice President Joe Biden's candidacy for the 2020 Democrat Presidential nomination is floundering on a downward spiral because he looks like the candidate most ready for mummification, or farthest along in the process of mummification. It is because of the contrast of his tanned face and sparse, thin white hair. The Cheshire cat smile is a little too much; great teeth that look youthful and out of place with the hair. There is a simple remedy for his problems; die his hair jet black or electric blue.

Former Senator and V.P. Biden is losing the hair quality race to President Trump who has steadily improved his dye jobs during his three years in office. Forgotten are the orange or cheeto hair jobs of the 2016 election campaign season when democrats had something to hate in plain sight. The President hair is now a little more golden than orange while only Joe Biden's teeth are improving on the face of the tired candidate.

Joe Biden- image credit US Gov
A complete hair makeover for former Vice President Biden would be shocking. The national and even international media would be all a twitter about it. Some would question the change. Yet it might be better than mummifying the candidacy.


President Trump

Sure, some cynics would note that the electability of a Presidential candidate should be on the basis something more substantive than good or bad hair. Yet if good ideas were the primary factor in electing a President, would either George W. Bush or Barrack Hussein Obama have been elected?

Cancel 2020 Census Devoid of a Citizenship Question

The government needs to know how many citizens are living in the country just like any business needs to know how many workers are at the factory or how many people live in a market area it intends to serve. The government should have an idea how many citizens live here to pay taxes and how many people live here that require government spending to serve them (including illegal aliens). It is so very basic that it is some kind of hate of the people and government of the United States to try to force them to be like mushrooms raised in the dark and fed a load of manure.

If the 2020 census takers cannot even ask if the respondent is a citizen of the United States there would seem to be no reason to take it. It might be cheaper to send such a lame, ineffective dogged-down wet piece of paper to specialists in Russia to complete with whatever fiction they deem amusing.

A public census is made primarily by and for the citizens of the United States. Determining who is physically in the United States and if they are citizens of the nation is a national security question. It is also a question that affects real political-economic relationships such as the minimum wage, the number of poor workers and the number of undocumented workers employed illegally. If one wants accurate mathematical comprehension of the minimum wage scale in relation to the numer of legal workers unemployed, employed, underemployed and illegally employed it is requisite to understand how many citizen or non-citizen workers are present and available for employment.

The Democrat Party trend in support of agreeably flooding the nation with illegal foreign workers is human exploitation at its historical core. If the SCOTUS also supports banning the people's government from knowing how many people are citizens it is a divide and oppress entity seeking to degrade further the meaning and value of U.S. citizenship for the benefit of global plutocrats.



Moon Base May Establish HTS Power Lines on Lunar Surface

The Lunar Base scheduled for construction in 2050 apparently will be underground; a reasonable choice for survival and safety, yet high temperature super-conducting wire may be established on the surface for several uses including transportation power and bringing electricity to underground caves, etc.


High temperature super-conducting ceramics have been a N.A.S.A. priority for some time. With the cold nights of the lunar surface superconducting wires for a power grid can be practical and cost efficient to install. Automated robot dogs can unspool power lines manufactured on earth and launched to the moon base and stretch them out along selected routes that electric surface vehicles can travel.


It would of course be possible to use very small rockets or mortars to launch wire ends outward from a spool and make a radius of super-conducting power lines.


Rare Democrat Intelligent Discourse (Rep Max Waters on Facebook Dollar)

Rep Maxine Waters made a spot-on discourse regarding Facebook's new Libra 'Zodiac' electronic dollar. This was a shocking event for many. Incredulity may even rock the market after years of Rep. Waters' wierdnesses regarding all Trump and border related issues. Apparently when money is at issue that might effect the prosperity of Congress persons themselves they can look away from hating President Trump and summon a few more points of I.Q.



Not All People With Student Loan Debt Graduated or Are Prosperous

Actually a lot of people attend college for a few semesters and never graduate. I got a degree from one college that had just a 30% graduation rate (nothing to brag about). When people are encouraged to try attending college and end up with thousands of dollars of debt that presents a problem for people just starting out. There are poor people with the noose of runaway student loans they just cannot repay working for minimum wage. That must get discouraging.

Whitehead's Statement About Only Half truths- No Whole Truths

Whitehead wrote before analytic philosophy and symbolic logic were too well advanced although he and Russell did a lot with Principia Mathematica. Truth theory (there are several) does yield whole truths. Disquotation and Correspondence theories for example, postulate the existence or non-existence of something, perhaps in a list. It either exists or does not exist. Like binary computer logic of 0 and 1 the location either has a 0 or 1. Sure there are other logic modes and additional ways of saying that something is or is not, and in some instances there may be states that are potentially 0 and 1 simultaneously perhaps, in a different structure, yet Whitehead's idea is probably pedagogical and referent to learning about reality and life generally- there is always more to things. Simplifying language and ideas so it is verifiable and meaningful and accurate using symbolic logic within an epistemology and ontology can allow one to find conditional whole truths.

The ability to falsify a proposition is necessary to verify or prove its veracity generally. That is a proposition to be true must have the possibility of being false (generally). For example, the statement; "There are many aliens living in the M-31 galaxy" cannot be proven to be true or false presently.

U.S. Women's Soccer Team Slams England in Semi-Final 2-1

The U.S. women's soccer team controlled the game for 97 minutes with a 2 to 1 victory over England. So many head butts at the ball going on it's a surprise that soccer moms don't expect players to wear bicycle helmets to cut down on brain damage through thin female brain housing units.


Capitalism is More Natural Than Socialism

 Capitalism is probably more natural than socialism although economically challenged people are probably happy enough if either works reason...