
Speed of Light and Mass- Crossing Over

I asked a question at Quora about increasing mass as one approaches to light speed and got numerous answers saying that it doesn't, yet other have written about concatenated effects of gravity acting to increase mass as one nears light speed. I believe it does. It is supposed to become infinite at light speed. Others say it doesn't and one may just pass write on through with no problem. If it does increase toward light speed I would think a comparatively trivial gravitational field aboard the ship would be obliterated as the mass increased opposite to the direction of travel to infinity.

There may be a few reasons that apparent mass could increase to infinity- that is various fields such as the Higgs, as well as gravity, might be more localized, and passing through them too quickly could increase the forces acting upon the mass of the ship. Since gravity itself travels at the speed of light, it is hard to say what would happen if one went faster...something though one might guess.

Because all of the forces that hold mass together- strong, electro-weak, gravity etc exist within a certain space-time circumstance it could be that some of those that hold the ship together would fail making the mass transition destructively. Maybe all of the particle related fields act at the speed of light.

Others have asked the question- here are some replies... https://www.quora.com/Is-it-possible-for-human-to-survive-if-they-travel-at-the-speed-of-light

Someone pointed out that energy is converted into mass within criteria of general relativity nearing light speed. Maybe people confuse general and special theory paradigmata.

A Political Lynch Mob Hates the Orangutan

The Democrats have never stopped hating on Donald Trump. It is no wonder that hey feels the impeachment is a political lynching.


Comparisons between saying one is a victim of a <political> lynching is hardly the same sort of thing as saying 'lynch the n's' as Democrat haters of the president seem to be claiming.

https://www.foxnews.com/media/house-dem-trump-lynching-kkk one Democrat Congressman said that the President is now plainly like the KKK (because of the President's tweet). Rep. Shiff's impeachment committee meets behind closed doors like a secret KKK meeting.

Democrat organs don't comprehend analogy. They of course never use analogy or simile themselves, sometimes providing smarmy lectures as if Americans were immigrants clueless about the history of the south after the civil war.  https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2019/10/23/donald-trump-joe-biden-lynching-impeachment-comments-why-wrong/4069280002/

Modern Democrats have worked to expropriate language use and basically make it impossible to express dissent. Even the President needs to hush, though it was o.k. to say anything wicked about the President including his hair (color) reminding them of an orangutan or giant Cheeto.

Because most of the media have gone along with the hate interpretation of President Trump it is an onerous task to verify the b.s. level of each new claim about the President. One wonders how Democrats have time for getting any public work done with so much of their time spent attacking 45.

Advanced System Care Seems Like Good Free Comp Security

Advanced System care by IObit seems like good free software for keeping personal computers running fairly quickly. It is free to download and install though there is an option for a pro version that costs about $24 dollars a year for three computers.

It has a surprising number of quality features along with options to install other free IObit software that is very useful including Driver Booster. That program updates drivers on the computer. It is very useful in locating drivers on-line for items like TP-Link range boosters.


For those that can't afford establishment anti-virus software like Norton, Advanced System Care has the most practical and functional of the free software for computer security.


On the 'Freedom' of God

I.M.O. people don't often consider God philosophically very well. They compare God to worldly concepts and language rather than God for-himself and God-for-others. Freedom is a worldly concept. What could constrain God? How could he be not-free? I think the term is not too relevant applied to God. As far as Christianity goes, people that are antipathetic to faith tend not to consider the original sin criteria at all well, nor the necessity of God's intervention to liberate souls from original sin spiritually through the Son. 

Even so, consider God as a self-standing, self-originating being, or one that always was even before the existence of temporal Universes. Consider for a moment one being that is infinitely wise and omniscient- that is a lot to consider. So he is perfect and has a divine economy of perfection. How to bring in less than perfect beings into existence, when omniscience and omnipotence may be requisite for perfection?


Are Russian Assets In U.S. Politics What They are Believed to Be?

When Hillary Clinton mentioned a couple of Democrat politicians and a Democrat Presidential candidates as Russian assets one immediately thought of the problem of communist infiltrators in government. Since the Soviet era the U.S. government has had the problem of Russian spies and assets. If Hillary Clinton and the Clinton foundation had not themselves been beneficiaries of Russian oligarchs the mention of other Democrats as Russian assets might be more convincing. Yet what are Russian assets today in U.S. political personnel?


Probably the Russians cannot be said to be communists. In contemporary Russian 1% of the people control 60% of the nation's wealth. In the United States the ratio is 1% of the people controlling/owning 40% of the nation's wealth. The inference is that Russian assets are likely serving political plutocrats globally. Giving tax cuts to the most rich is what a Russian asset would work for today. Wall Street could be regarded as a Russian asset.

 Very likely the latest Clinton b.s. about Russian assets is like the Democrat Party b.s. about Donald Trump as a Russian asset. He is simply a business guy without ecospheric conscientious regard or enough concern about Kurdish well being.

The most rich Americans should be taxed at a 75% percent rate to break up pay down public debt and to prevent concentration of wealth to plutocracy level. Government spending should be capped at some percentage of the U.S. g.n.p. except in time of declared war. Reason should replace rash spending as the principal for informing government policy. Perhaps most of the Democrat party are Russian assets and a few Republicans too. 



Some Don't Believe in Cause and Effect

Aristotle considered causality 2500 years ago yet David Hume was the first philosopher to write formally about cause and effect dismissively more than 250 years ago. In a way though, cause and effect is a language problem concerning relationships between objects and individuals. The law does recognize causes and effects. Fighting words issued can be a cause for someone punching someone else. Hate speech can elicit federal arrests. Pulling the trigger on a gun can kill someone. Law recognizes cause and effects. Philosophically and scientifically the topic is a little more amorphous.

That is because of the nature of language. Words are inexact labels and reference terms rather than the objects they describe that are things in-themselves. Chemists of course understand that combining particular molecules causes or produces certain effects. Someone concerned with language accuracy might say that the scientist caused  an effect believed caused by the chemicals- and that is the problem with the inexact meaning of cause and effect…what is the first cause, proximal cause or even responsible cause?

No one doubts that physical relationships exist- that are predictable and that can be caused with definite effects. Striking a match and tossing it onto a pile of gas-soaked rags causes a fire. Putting hundreds of extra tons of weight on a bridge far over its weight limit causes it to collapse. Drinking a couple of quarts of whiskey causes drunkenness or death; the trouble is in trying to isolate events and provide a first and complete cause with words.

One may be asking too much from language in that case. Language has nominal and pragmatic value. One needn’t describe every element of how some circumstance came into being (such as Scots migrated to Kentucky and produced bourbon after certain religious troubles in England etc. and the Universe was created and the Earth formed in the void etc.). A few words cannot explain everything that exists- a complete complex of compresence to use Russell’s term- inclusive of all history.

Physicists can use Feynman diagrams to show relationships of particles. Particle accelerators produce particular results at certain energies. One may be said to cause a cascade of particles to exist- yet it is merely useful language rather than an absolute explanation itself. Words are just words.

President Trump May Be Determined to Lose Two Wars

President Trump's sudden withdrawal of U.S. security forces from Syria has the potential to reinvigorate ISIS terrorists in the Middle East. So one wonders if the administration's efforts to reopen surrender talks with the Taliban will undermine 18 years of U.S. efforts to build a stable, non-belligerent Afghanistan.

The President would like to withdraw U.S. forces from Afghanistan because it isn't returning a profit one would think. The problems with the U.S. federal debt could be alleviated with good legislation and executive leadership better than with being penny wise and pound foolish from disengagement with foreign security interests in two troublesome locations. When so much effort has been invested by the U.S.A. in building security in two nations against ISIS and the Taliban it is wrong to be finding a way to lose after the main conflicts have been won.

The only thing the United States would get out of talking with the Taliban would be an opportunity to undermine our local allies as occurred in Syria. The United States will need to have troops in Afghanistan as long as it did in Europe following the end of the Second World War, for the radical Muslim forces are as serious about maintaining the status quo against all western culture as the Soviets were in fighting against capitalism.

President Trump should get the United States on to better terms and normalized trade with Russia as soon as possible, yet Afghanistan requires a commitment and focus within certain budget constraints of a century of necessary rather than a few more months. Instead of looking at it as a continuing war it should be regarded as troop deployment in a friendly country we are defending against terrorists that hate Democracy. While some member of the Democrat Party seeking to impeach the President may be Russian assets, I am not certain what that means since Russia is something like a Plutocracy these days with 60% of the wealth being held by 1% of the citizens (in the U.S.A. it is just 40% held by 1% of the people).

The President in his drive to help concentrate U.S. wealth has a lot of minion support from both parties. His tendency to throw friends into the fire to make up for the low tax rate the rich pay in order to save money is disturbing, almost equally to that of the content of  Democrat Party kool-aid. While President Trump is a danger to the environment's health, Speaker Pelosi and the Democrats are a danger to the U.S.A. and human morality. One can name their poison  in 2020 elections.


President Trump Seems to Slight Military in Preference for Money

President Trump has seemed to slight military service in recent weeks in preference for what seems an avaristic glorification of the pursuit of money. He sold out the Kurds in Syria recently deriding their military alliance with the U.S.A. as nothing more than trying to get land. President Trump has never been homeless nor experienced starvation and cold or heat together. Neither has he received wounds in combat as many Kurds have done. Land and liberty are important to people and not something that should fail to receive support from an American democracy. The world is replete with ants that will sieg any fuhrer that promises them bread and circuses or reality TV.

The President also slighted former Sect. of Defense Mattis saying he was the world's most greatly over-rated general. The former SEC DEF replied in a video (see below).

Very few Americans would vote for the reelection of President Trump if there was anyone available besides Democrats.  People regard the President as an a-hole. They also know he will work to keep the economy strong and brag about that as much as he can, and will appoint conservative court justices.

The Democrats are a godless party of sin and sedition reprehensible in seeking to flood the nation with illegal aliens, a history of cutting taxes on the most rich Americans to shed crocodile tears about the low taxes on the rich later. They support abortion and queering up the world. They want to add trillions of dollars of public debt to reduce greenhouse gasses without competence in ecological economics either. 

Their leading candidate Elizabeth Warren is a former special education teacher suitable for teaching dope addled Democrats. The only apparently quality Democrat is Sen Corrie Booker- a Rhodes Scholar like Bill Clinton who is also the former mayor of Newark N.J.

Senator Booker unfortunately is probably a dupe of the Brits- that is the point of awarding Rhodes Scholarships (duping Americans so British interests are enhanced). Booker drank the Kool-aid of the Democrat platform of homosexuality etc, yet also seems to be somewhat racist against white Americans, so he loses middle class formerly mainstream working class support.

Democrats probably should run Booker since they are all bad and he is the least bad. Needless to say, the greatest a-hole is the only electable candidate that wouldn't damage the country as much as Democrats will. When white people run the bottom of the barrel for the Presidency they should not be reluctant to elect non-whites that are running their best available (not all are doing that in 2020 obviously). 

One cannot have a perfect society. What would it be though? A perfect society would be one that works well to address actual challenges to its well being efficiently. If a democratic electorate could recognize and design remedies very well to problems; if one were to make a list of the ten most important utilitarian threats or challenges to national and international existence or well being today, for example, and the society could solve them and move on instead of bogging down and being spaced out or electing bottom of the barrel candidates for leadership- that would be about as perfect as it gets outside of one led by God directly-for-others.

New V.A. Dental Lab Contract is Bureaucratic Comedy

The Veteran’s administration dental programs are known for slack and under quality work. U.S. dental labs that process dentures, partial dentures, crowns and other products for the V.A. need sign a five-year contract for that work. The new contracts are a complete 96 page joke that few dental labs are likely to be willing to sign. The Federal Government seems to be against small business.

The trouble is that the contract criteria seems to have been written by an aloof, uncomprehending bureaucrat without a clue about the state of U.S. dental labs. There are just 3000 or so remaining because much of the work was offshored to China that uses fast courier services like Fedex for quick turnaround. Most of the U.S. dental labs are small operations with one or four employees.

Obama era changes put 250 U.S. dental labs out of business. Now it appears that Trump era changes are set to put more out of work in an effort to force corporatist (Mussolini invention) consolidation on U.S. dental labs so a few large labs subordinate to global plutocracy can take over. Democrats are as guilty as Republicans in building up neo-socialist corporatism.


The new contract has a zilllion conditions that many or most U.S. dental labs couldn’t comply with if they wanted too. For instance…

Each lab must have two fully qualified and certified technicians.
Each lab must be open 7:30 to 4:30 every day
Each lab must be located within 30 miles of the V.A. in some states like that might not work because of distances that need be traveled without dental labs near a V.A.
Dental labs must drive to the V.A. themselves to pick up models or provide courier service
Fedex and other pro courier services are not allowed
Lab contractor must have full digital construction capability (though the V.A. may not themselves)
Denture repairs must be completed within 4-6 hours the same day, picked up and delivered by the lab
Only federal holidays may be taken by the lab- no vacations

The stuff goes on for 96-pages.

It would be a good idea for the V.A. to use credit cards and pay for piecework at the same rate as ordinary dentists. It would be simpler and far more efficient to pay for what they need, The V.A. should deliver their own work to dental labs and pay for it when complete- that way dental labs actually would get paid for their work. Maybe V.A. work could be done by civil dental labs with a 10% discount off person-on-the-street price.

It seems to me that the federal government has moved over the years toward transferring costs to the civil sector with user fee increases while cutting taxes on the most rich (who now have a lower tax rate than the middle class).

China is Disgusting in Support of Censorship and Civil Repression

The Chinese reaction to a simple tweet of support for Hong Kong protests against cruel and unusual authoritarian laws that would arrest and relocate victims in Hong Kong to distant mainland judicial venues for incarceration and possibly torture is getting worse; they have demanded that Daryl Moore- the offender in Houston Texas, be fired. Plainly President Trump should find some spot in his administration to place potential Ambassador Moore should he want to delegate some of his N.B.A. duties and serve the people of the United States more directly. Maybe the KC Chiefs should hire Colin Kopernicus to replace Patrick Mahomes while he is injured.

The Chinese authoritarian government is swelling in its maleficent desire to repress free speech and civil dissent globally in accord with its prosperity dumped by Apple Corp and other western investor. Those people will sell out anything for a profit in fulfillment of Lenin’s comment that the capitalists will sell us the rope communists will hang them with. The proper place for despotic oriental servility is China- not Houston Texas; remember the Alamo.

Post-Modernism and Free Will

 Many post modernist behaviorists claim that free will doesn’t exist. They propose that subconscious conditioning from nature innately decid...