
Global Lag in Transition to Ecological Economic Policy

Ecological economics don't appear like Haley's comet for extra light whenever you need it. Empires and nations evolved into being for sundry reasons along common economic and geographical principals; live near water sources, build farm to market roads, aggregate populations at commercial sales centers, advance technology, consume environmental resources to progress the quality of life. That basic pattern continues to this day when the limits to demographic growth and exploitation of environmental resources have been reached. The end in sight for human civilization might be viewed as a fork in the course without adoption of ecological economic infrastructure.

The boomer generation was the first in human history to formalize the study of environmental economics aka ecological economics. Besides being a generation that implemented mass human and civil rights legislation and actualized advanced computer and software technology bringing knowledge and data from all of human history to anyone, a core formed amidst the traditional economics social reality that recognized the fact that human economics needs to transition to economic production that minimizes loss of natural resources, conserves the ecosphere's health and supports the continuing advance of quality of life for the masses.

That core tech-science of ecological economics is the generational hand off that need be taken up and run with a Walter Payton-like determination, growing to large scale to energize an economic transition of traditional methods into ecologically efficient ones through free enterprise, the fountainhead of creativity and adaptation. Reforming the national and global political economies with clever and fair legislation to encourage free enterprise to act within ecologically synergistic ways will be quite challenging, since mass changes need be financed with traditional economic methods and tax revenue support. It is like burning the planks of a wooden ship to fuel the ship steam engine while constructing a magnetohydrodynamic drive to power a hydrofoil trimaran with carrying capacity of all the passengers. 


It is a good idea to act where possible to respond to point environmental challenges (i.e. global warming) on a pay-as-you-go basis. It would be unwise to tie up the political economy with such pursuits that spend trillions of dollars added to public debt while neglecting the foundation problem of non-ecologically sustainable economic infrastructure, ecologically destructive legal paradigms and as a mass extinction of wildlife and ecosphere progresses actively. An ecological economic political economy should meet the challenges of global warming, habitat loss, mass extinction and support free enterprise within  ecologically and economically sustainable criteria.

Logically there are two basic options. One is to ignore global ecosphere degradation and count on space science and technology to build new mansions in micro gravity for humanity to occupy as the Earth is lost to life. The second is to restore the ecosphere with ecological economics while developing micro gravity habitats to expand to. The first option is a loss of natural life leader and has no return to Earth option if micro gravity or extra terrestrial housing flops because human life cannot adapt evolutionary speaking, to the different gravity and extra-terrestrial conditions. The second option keeps the Earth as a viable ecosphere for human and all forms of Earth life for millions of years while space colonization is slowly evolved along ecological economic lines.

Machiavelli vs Nietzsche

Machiavelli is the better realist regarding politics. He is on the short list of political philosophers of history that were most influential.'The Prince' is basic and easy to read.  Politicians have read him over the course of history. 

Nietzsche hadn't much to say that was useful regarding philosophy. He actually taught a course in philology and just a couple of people ever attended including a college janitor. Nietzsche has been revered by atheists and Nazi symps. His primary interesting point is the eternal recurrence at the core of Thus Spake Zarathustra where he is an advocate for being beyond good and evil as a superman. 

Nietzsche was more of a philosophically minded romantic political anarchist social commentator than actual philosopher; I like metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, truth theories and social philosophy concerning government more than weird ontological theories that appear prima facie wrong. It is useful to know what Nietzsche had to say in order to reply to  dopers that venerate him, should one encounter them circumstantially on the road of being


A Description of Truth Theory Parameters

There are numerous truth theories. Some people assume that truth is an objective thing-in-itself, as if it were an object. 'Is truth out there?" Tom asked Jane. 
"Yes Tom, Jane said, "Truth is sitting at a cafe table across the bay having an espresso." 
"So Jane, I must go for myself and talk with truth, what does he or she look like?" 
Truth is something more like a correspondence of an answer to a statement, or a relation of descriptive words that are consistent and verifiable.
 "Is it raining outside Jane" asked Tom."
"Yes Tom, it is raining outside this house". 
"Well Jane, I trust you, if you say it is then it must be true." Is 1 + 1, 2? Yes. "Is that answer true?". "No" "Then there is an inconsistency between the question and answer."
 - x- = +. A statement that is true and false regarding the existence and non-existence of a single item, that it exists or doesn't exist in one moment in time is apparent contradiction. Quantum uncertainty is like that sometimes, supposedly some quanta can be at all places in theory yet at just one place when observed. Most statements concerning truth do not involve quantum uncertainty and trying to juxtapose the same conditions of being in two different realms, that of quantum particles and solid-state, decoherent mass.

 Most statements using the word true or false are simply attempting to express the existence or non existence of select, designated states of affairs. Christians and Plato may describe some Supreme Being as truth-in-itself (realism and the Lord), yet that is like the problem of conflating different realms of being into one system using one lexicon for both instead of appropriate and different lexicons for each. People should agree to use a particular lexicon and then determine the existence or non existence of particular states of affairs or relation among objects, being and non-being. Sometimes the lexicon is tacitly accepted. Use-truth and social agreement, and convenient social truths aka big lies (some believe the Democrat impeachment effort is a big lie and like a Soviet show trial) can blind people with truth paradigm relativism of course. I believe Sartre called that false consciousness, although he was generally referring to self-deceit rather than a social paradigm of one class with operative lies that are regarded as truths as he described in The Critique of Dialectical Reason.

One might ask; "Should electric Yeti and Sasquatch be added as Christmas lawn decorations to reflect contemporary American ideals, to compliment the  the nativity scene." -Where is the truth in that?

 I like disquotation theory a little more than correspondence theory although they are similar. Coherence theory is often exemplified with religions.Maybe Democrats have a coherence theory based on hate of President Trump (so all attacks on him are true). I.M.O truth theories have a basic premise of saying what exists and what doesn't. Without that language is fairly meaningless, or rather, the meaning would be confused with the meaningless.

Truth theories were made by philosophers as a tool for examining how various propositions were determined to be true. That is a particular truth theory is a method-a logically, structured method, for determining the truth or falsehood of something expressed in words. I like coherence theory because of its Christian applications. It is important to remember though that the a given truth theory method paradigm can be applied to sundry applications. Disquotation theory has other names for it.


Syllogistic logic has its own implicit truth determining structure, yet it is well known that categorically or wrongly defined premises may invalidate the logical truth structure of a syllogism. Truth theories may be complimentary rather than in opposition sometimes. Stanford's encyclopedia has a lot of content about truth theory. Logicians and linguistic philosophers have made a great investment in structuring truth theories. Deontological and coherence theories tend to go together. One may have a lexicon or universe to drop into a truth testing paradigm or modal logic structure. Boolean algebra truth tables are a good place to learn about logical structures for truth. Here is a description of the correspondence theory of truth. 


Articles of Impeachment for No High Crimes or Misdemeanors

The Democrat lynch mob in Congress brought articles of impeachment for 'high crimes and misdemeanors' without naming a single crime or misdemeanor. The lynch leading theme is that the President abused power and obstructed congress (the Democrat Congress' political agenda as the majority since 2018). Apparently making no crimes or misdemeanors is an impeachable offense to Democrats.

That's really about it except for all of the tech stories for support that ignore exculpatory material, political history or dissenting opinion. The most humorous point is the fake news point that the President has weakened national security in comparison to Democrats that flood the nation with illegal alien support policy, legal dope and so forth.


U.S. Troops May Not Be Allowed to Defend National Borders

Apparently a federal judge is weighing the legality of U.S. troops defending U.S. borders. It may be that he or she believes it unreasonable to not require that troops defend borders only after foreign entities have passed through it in time of war. In other words enemies of the United States may legally get the first punch in on attacking the U.S.A.  The U.S. Army is allowed by Democrats to defend the borders of other countries at least (and Ukraine to a certain extent). The (probably Obama appointed) Judge might be concerned about soldiers getting too near the edges of the nation where they might fall off into space. It is possible that in foreign wars the United States military will be required to stay back of national borders and just stay in the middle of nations. 

The President sent elements of the U.S. military to the border to help get the border wall built and to defend the national and citizens against mass illegal entry to the U.S.A. by mass clusters of aliens from around the globe. Some are criminals and some may be foreign agents with hostile agenda. 

It might be reasonable for the President to station troops along the border with a boundary wall as one of the walls of their barracks. Some troops should be away from the borders where they can defend against foreign paratroops, Democrat party riots or insurrections, guerrilla wars or just to be able to enjoy entertainment venues when off-duty, yet permanent linear military bases along the borders would be a cost effective way to get more bang for the security buck.



Patrick and Yvonne Discuss Temporal Decoherence

"There are two-hundred and thirty possible crystal structures not including extra-dimensional super-positioned states of temporal decoherence..."
I needed to say, "Temporal decoherence in super-positioned states; that seems about as improbable as our entanglement."
"Beautiful isn't it? It works. Super-positioning temporal structures in extra dimensions through rotational time symmetry breaking allows compound structures to flow super-positioned phenomenally."
"Wonderful. That sounds good enough."
She looked at me sideways for a moment before saying, "So that analogy is basically representational of group theory matrix schematics of the appearance of anomalous inventions on planets around the galaxy the past fifty years or so over a region comprising thousands of light years. space-time curvature quantities locally near the accurate planets collectively form group structures one can visualize together as select Killing roots of Lie groups."
"So you might infer that could be our best positive trace to space-time coordinates of acts of the Universal widget. Terribly interesting Yvonne and a better method of data acquisition than snipping regicide. So what do you make of that?"
"Pat, because nominally it's an intentional design and the I.Q. phenomena required to develop such numerous inventions at so many permutating locations is above any known historical occurrence the inference of the existence of an anomalous intervention is nearly unavoidable."
"Um-hum. Is the pattern configuration semiotically a meaningful mathematical or physics symbol or could in be something functional for-itself?"
"That last point is interesting to consider. Exploiting select gravitational features in space-time warp as if they were some kind of atomic phenomenality such that it would be designed with group theory might create an unconventional compound structure. There are more possibilities such as the cumulative effect of invention enhanced planetary economies in select space parsecs. The leavening of the bread effect as it were."
"Could it be another kind of a macroscopic widget of unknown origin?"
"It could be the Universal widget as causal agent or another. Right now we haven't got defining data to the particular source of the invention allocations. What one might warp with vibration symmetries of such a field scale I can't imagine"?
"Well then Yvonne, let’s consider that a minute. Einstein's friend Paul Ehrenfrest discovered logically that matter could only exist in meaningful forms of atomic structure in three dimensions and one of time. With fewer or greater than three spatial dimensions complex organic life just couldn't develop.
Logically however there ought to be an infinite number of dimensions of infinite size and an infinite number of dimensions of finite size varying a little from every other comparable to Lie group geometry variations. We normally experience just four dimensions of space-time because those are the dimensions our mass is decohered and embedded within."
"I won't joke about that Pat. We ought to be embedded for-ourselves."
"Agreed. Like our Universe 1 that exists like a space in macro-quantum foam amidst an infinite number of theoretical Universe space-times the dimensions of standard experience are just those this Universe is given to occupy. The frequencies of concatenated energy vibrations fit it just right, like us."
"Marriage is the union of man and woman. The two sexes become one race. The intercourse of man and woman continue the human race. It's beautiful, effective and logical. The mystery of two sexes joining to be one race is not unique for humanity obviously. The yin and yang two-part dialectic generating synthetic, progressive biophysical upgrades are a natural process that doesn't often result in fully sentient beings amidst non-human species."
"Sentience seems the better way of evolved beings to realize the criterion of physical determinism and rise above it with intelligence to the realms of absolute spirit recognizable in Our Lord Jesus Christ."
"Salvation is another one of the mysterious grace things. In the rem state of dogmatic intellectual and spiritual slumber we are deterministic beings. In the salvation by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ we are free riders on the indeterministic liberty of God who can intervene in this or any necessarily deterministic physically existing Universe that is an inertial flow within a field fused with forms of entropy gradually dissociating the field coherence of the initial steady-state from the beginning."
"Yvonne, since any energy actualized here must conform or grow into the Higgs space-time matrix the form energy takes is determined by the fundamental field criteria it flows in."
"Pat, that's quite a vast range of potential selection criteria though, and symmetrical solutions for space-time field fundamental differentials might originate in the energy itself."
"Yes. There might be infinite number of dimensions yet any given Universe may exist with just a few of those. The number of dimensions given unto a particular Universe could vary in quantity and type. If there were a thousand dimensions possible for example, the dimensions numbered 1 through 1000 might each be of a different kind, or the combinations of different dimensions could result in synthetic dimension configurations experienced only as selected, virtually.
There is an infinite number of Universes that might exist contingent upon a hypothetical metafield of fields. It could be a field-mind or intelligence that may or may not actualize and bring to actuality contingent reality with some or all possible dimensions or Universes. The experience of creating being and nothingness may be just phenomenal potentials of the One."
She seemed to like the idea and added that, "Invention is synthesis of ideas-as natural as progressive sexual reproduction synthesizing new genomes in two-part recombination. The one human phenomena of being is pluralism within monism. In many forms the Universe is an expression from one God."
"Maybe the Universal widget has artificial intelligence sufficient to seek a return to The One."
"Maybe extra dimensions exist only phenomenally as constructions developing from mass temporally. As very small higher or lower dimensions they might arise locally as constructions cohering with energy forms."
"The Universal widget too may phenomenalize every form possible in three dimensions of space and one of time from higher U (1) dimensional topology differentials."
"It could leak inventions ahead of the space-time game time along a parallel world line I would guess if I were thinking of a reasonable explanation for a Lie group pattern of inventions on galaxy planets."
"Then to the most recent sector of Lie group inventiveness we should go."
"That's very cool Yvonne. It gives me a tingling sensation running down my leg."
"That could be blood poisoning. Is there a red streak moving toward your heart?"


U.S. Might Be Better Off Getting Rid of N.A.T.O. Except for Poland, Britain, Italy and Norway

The role of a bloated North Atlantic Treaty Organization in securing the peace seems outdated. It provides an opportunity for swells like the leaders of France, Britain and Canada to strut about dissing the U.S.A., without which, N.A.T.O. would be as able to defend Europe from itself or Russian, Chinese or illegal immigrant aggression as kittens in a wet cardboard box.

N.A.T.O. with Turkey as a member is like a bear with a foot caught in a bear trap. With President Macron it is like a rooster with one leg. Why the United States does not just keep a few good allies in it and call itself The Real N.A.T.O. I don't know.

N.A.T.O. is a tool for letting espionage flourish and for increasing ineptness and incompetence in developing reduced tension and prosperous commercial relations and American-N.A.T.O. Russian mutual defense pacts. In all likelihood the United States would be better off with a downsized and upgraded New N.A.T.O with Russia as a full partner in a Northern Alliance and Atlantic Treaty Organization able to defend the Arctic littoral against ruthless ecosystem destroyers and other predators that will flood north with global warming reduction of quality land to the south and economic refugees fleeing basic global incompetence at managing affairs in harmony with a world ecosphere.

Bureaucrats always want to expand organizations. N.A.T.O. is a vast neo-left-wing bird like a dodo that should be downsized. European nations that want to fight one another or make their own military defense pacts should be allowed to do so. N.A.T.O. probably is a tool for proselytizing global homosexuality and left-wing and or corporatist government these days with a need for a Russian specter-threat like an Orwellian Oceania enemy as it were. It is all ripe incompetence contributing to the basic mismanagement of global political affairs. The United States, Russia and a Rearmed Japan working together militarily would be good enough for global security as a kind of police force.

Americans should look after their own interests and not be led about like blasters in a master/blaster relationship by Europeans that eye Russian real estate enviously. The U.S.A. needs only a few good allies militarily speaking, and should get rid of the dead wood of N.A.T.O. that complains more than fights and largely agitates and frets about Russian as the enemy. Russia is only a symbolic enemy because European elites and the bureaucracy that is N.A.T.O. wants it to be, and that is not in U.S. interests at all. Neither is Iran as an enemy in U.S. interests, yet that is a different problem and one that presently must remain so for sundry reasons.

Americans are mostly ignorant about history and especially so concerning Russia. Ukraine was part of Russia most of the past 1100 years and regarding Russia as an unreasonable aggressor for not wanting to relinquish it is simply stupid. Everyone has wanted to own the Ukraine the past couple of centuries at least, and Euros have always been the people that invaded Russia rather than vice versa.

Russians had communism forced on them from the top down by leftist elites with German help. The vast majority of Russian were from a peasant or semi-slave serf background not more unhappy about seeing the end of the Russian aristocracy than former slaves in the American south would have been sorry to see the Jim Crowe south leaders relocated to Antarctica. Russians are good solid people- the old world equivalent of American westerners before the decadent era, and should be in a new partnership in military and commercial affairs relationship with the U.S.A. instead of being regarded as an enemy. TO make an enemy of Russia simply to satisfy the corrupt is practically crazy and incompetent policy.

If Russia, Japan the U.S.A. and a few N.A.T.O. members were solid military allies the rest of the world would realize they weren't going to rule the world militarily. If there was a 100,000 man international defense rapid response force that is not the U.N. or N.A.T.O. or the new U.S. Russia, Japan, Poland, Britain, Italian alliance, it could respond as needed to breakup unfair aggressive war among the not too powerful nations in conflict. That should be good enough to keep world peace and let the world leaders; especially the European smart-ass Harvard-like we-know-better-than-you leaders just go about business and commercial interests and spend whatever they want in their own defense instead of biting the hands that defend them.


How to Reduce Draws in Chess

Adding a new piece named 'The Doctor' in place of a pawn could make the game less inclined to draws. Alternatively a pawn promotion could become a Doctor. The Doctor could sacrifice itself at any time to return three pawns or two minor pieces to the battle that were taken captive. 

The Doctor could move two squares in any non-diagonal direction. Chess captives should have some hope of being liberated from the p.o.w. camp. The spec-ops Doc could at least mitigate that loss of freedom when pieces are p.o.w.s. returning a few good pawns or pieces to the battle.

Every few centuries adding a new piece for pawn promotion could make the game more contemporary. In ancient battle casualties were usually fatal. Today though, Doctors can return soldiers to fight another day, and combat docs are an important part of the fight.

A Note on the Berkeley Pit

The Berkeley Pit in Butte Montana has a water problem. Though the EPA is involved in treating the water for heavy metals and other pollutants the water increases more than the rate of treatment, and might reach the Clark Fork someday. The Berkeley Pit was at one time perhaps the largest open copper mine in the world.  Finding a long-term solution to the problem of treating mining wastewater needs to be found for not just that particular pit- it is a mining problem for communities around the nation and world.

If the polluted water reaches the Clark Fork and Snake, Columbia Rivers drinking and agricultural irrigation water- not to mention fishing, would be adversely impacted. Mining should really be accountable for the lasting damage to aquifers. 

If President Trump wants to improve his damaged environmental protection reputation it might be worthwhile fixing the Berkeley Pit problem. I wonder if evaporation with geothermal heat with the vapors absorbed by some substance that could be embedded in concrete at some safe place- such as building a concrete border security wall, would be a cost effective environmental remedy. Of course toxic metals could be removed from the vapor where possible, or the water could flow through a powerful electromagnetic field in pvc pipes with the metals segregated from the water.

https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/berkeley-pit  images

Experts Testify Political Rivals Have Immunity from Foreign Investigation

It is not at all clear why a sovereign foreign government conducting an investigation within its own borders comprises an interference in democratic elections in another nation. Innumerable times Democrats and their experts have made the claim that when President Trump asked a foreign president to conduct an investigation in his own country, with his own resources, that was a proximal or even vague interference by Ukraine (or President Trump) in the 2020 Presidential campaign. Probably no sovereign right the Ukraine takes in its own borders (excluding true or fair boundary issues) meeting with international law comprises an interference in U.S. elections- the paradigm that it does is stupid.

Even so, partisan experts testifying about what is an impeachable offense before the House Judiciary Committee made the point in so many words that a presidential candidate running against the incumbent is immune from investigation abroad, and if an incumbent asks for an investigation that comprises interference by that government in U.S. elections. That is, if Robert E. Lee or Jefferson Davis had run for the White House in 1860 President Lincoln could not have made any investigation about their connection to the British or any other foreign power in 1861-especially if they had announced new campaigns for the 1864 election during the Civil War (the Ukraine was part of Russia then so thankfully Ukraine wouldn't have been an issue.

A Prof. Feldman said numerous times that the President called the President of Ukraine to ask directly for interference in a U.S. election. That is a complete false statement in-itself. The President asked for an investigation of Joe Biden, and that is not synonymous with interference in a U.S. election. It is surprising to have several disingenuous academics in one setting. When I attended college the PhDs, MFAs, MAs and MSs were all of good character stating what seemed like unbiased facts, and just the facts. What went wrong in academia?

Any member of a prior administration that wants to conceal secret foreign bribes or benefits directly or indirectly needs to run for the White House to assure that he or she is a political rival and off limits to requests to foreign leaders  for investigations by the President.  It is interesting that there is no quid pro quo regarding limits on investigations abroad given to the incumbent. The Mueller investigation was proof of that. 

If Vice President Biden had made secret insider deals with Ukraine or weapons dealers in Ukraine it is an impeachable offense to investigate. If a Democrat wants to commit treason with a foreign power or sedition with a terrorist drug cartel they need to run for the White House too if they want to be safe. Hillary Clinton for example, could run anytime to update her immunity status abroad if anyone wanted to look into anything that could appear criminal (in the United States?) her foreign activities.

 How can Presidential candidates be adequately vetted without the help of foreign governments in some cases? If some candidate x is a sleeper agent or a Manchurian candidate, wouldn't it be useful to request investigations into the candidate where there are sufficient causes for concern?  If a former candidate like Sen. Ted Cruz runs again in 2024 and allegations appear, though vague, about his activities that might be illegal in Canada (this is a fiction scenario using a fellow of good character because he is sort of above this sort of thing), such as running a hidden prostitution business that pays less than union wages, or his membership in a hidden Cuban communist cell that seeks to take over the U.S. Government and transform it into a Leninst-Marxist government, when not counting profits from the prostitution money laundering business, shouldn't a request to PM Truedeau be made to look into the matter?

The policy would appear to inhibit alliances with friendly governments helping out with investigations into suspect foreign activities by anyone nominally running for the Presidency. A presidential campaign of any stature appears to be a good screen if conducting dark pool activities in Russia, South America and elsewhere.

Quantum Entanglement and Consciousness

 The hypothetical unified field includes space-time. It may all be one kind of thing at T=0. Energy is defined as the ability to do work rat...