
Direct Federal Presidential Vote Swipe Card?

It makes little sense to package the election of a federal President and Vice-President on state ballots so locals or any of innumerable organized ad hoc crime syndicates can have a chance to make it difficult to vote. Each U.S. citizen over the age of 18 could be issued one Presidential vote swipe card in some way when they sign up to vote. The card could be punched and swiped over a period of a couple of days at the start of each election year. It would be a good idea to avoid the entire packaging with state ballots and all of the junk processes about state voter registration that mobile Americans may find as inconvenient as Obamacare residency requirements.

 Credit card companies and even federal programs have no trouble with card transactions that require valid I.D. Issuing non-counterfeitable voter I.D. swipe cards that allow registered citizens to choose a candidate (or write one in on the signature line) while keeping voter identity secret regarding choice should be easy. The United States used to be a somewhat smart country making steady progress.

 Why bunk things up with silly state absentee ballot requirements with weird dates? Why not make things simple for any American so they can vote at any convenience store or check out self-service line for President?

 Some Americans of the Democrat Party want the nation to be made of immoral or amoral imperial stooges free to help concentrate wealth while cutting taxes like President Trump, Obama and Trump and slopping the pigs with affordable corporate health care; that doesn’t mean the nation need be stupid and anachronistic regarding voting booths and crowds as if they were Soviet proles in line for bread. If there was an easy to get Presidential swipe card I would run it through the card scanner in November when I buy a loaf of bread and gruel- If just to write-in the name of the best American clergyman who is post-millennialist or the most competent ecological economist.

Some conservative me-first and only Republicans fail to understand that a society advances generally in relation to how well off the most poor of society are. Like military units that make certain that privates have good health, food and equipment, civil society too functions better with few people structurally repressed with dysfunctional social economic positions. The federal government should at least streamline its federal election method so everyone can easily vote.


VP Candidates, Like Their Senior Partners, Have Inaccurate Ideas

 Voters are supposed to take Presidential elections seriously. Even the New England Medical Association (or was that the A.M.A.?) broke against President Trump’s re-election. I however find it challenging to take the candidates of either partner seriously this year, for I vote for candidates with the best ideas, least number of wrong ones, and find the offerings this year rotten.

I like Kamala Harris like most guys I would think- she won the debate with VP Pence by a large margin (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8819119/Kamala-Harris-wins-instant-poll-vice-presidential-debate-Mike-Pence.html) not just for being cute. Her ideas concerning Russia are dead wrong though. Let me explain why…

Politicians must lead sometimes and not simply be sycophants. President Reagan was the only one in his White House for complete nuclear disarmament and that process led to the end of the cold war. As a reservist in that era ending the Cold War and the threat of global nuclear holocaust was my sole priority. When that mission was accomplished through peace, it needed to be aggressively defended. Democrats have everything to turn back the clock with Russia and fail to comprehend Russian history concerning the Crimea and Ukraine.

Flying into Salt Lake City recently the pollution index was 100. I believe that was smoke from fires someplace west. I was a little alarmed envisioning a normal future of global thermal warming caused by mankind’s industrial and automotive choices. Watching Alita Battle Angel for a diversion on the aircraft while the smog over the Rockies, Wasatch and Salt Flats was so thick, I noticed the garbage society they lived in. Politicians need to lead to peaceful relations and ecospheric economics rather than functions as sycophants of Wall Street. Salt Lake is the ideal city for solar power generation, and has mountains for wind power- I wonder what percent of it and the flats are actually equipped so.

My concern for the Biden administration if elected is that it will be four more years of the usual promotion of Democrat cronies and flooding the nation with cheap labor while getting union support. Reforming society, Wall Street and government requires a stable, informed citizenry without millions of illegals usurping the political agenda. Rationality is not required for union work- keeping one’s head down and eschewing intelligent and independent thought is good enough. The government should create and Ecosphere Corps to help poor nations transition to ecological economics (including Mexico). That would help reduce organized crime on both sides of the border.

Progressive taxes on capital, income and inheritance need to be restored or implemented while Wall Street is given incentives to transition to sustainable ecological economic principles through regulation and incentives. Even greenhouse gassing can be down with incentives instead of trillions of dollars of pork distributed to advantaged corporations.


The Mystery of Two Dimensional Cosmological Field Interactions (or not)

 Apparently there is a continuing foundational problem with the standard model of particle physics known as the Copenhagen Interpretation. The model works for practical quantum calculations yet it has an observation problem and remains silent about the nature of the quantum realm for-itself when not observed.

 There are alternative theories to the standard model that include descriptions of the unobserved quantum world in a venture of through the looking glass Lewis Carrol science including multi-universes, string theory and more. Most of those alternative theories have similar or the same mathematical relations to the observed quantum world as that of the standard model, if I read correctly from Adam Beckler’s excellent book on the foundations of quantum mechanics in ‘What is Real?’; they just go about things deeper and look somewhat farther although speculatively.

 Becker’s book is an historical investigation of the historical developments, people and relationships of the standard model and what followed it so far. It is fascinating reading and quite surprisingly has a philosophically well informed review of where or how philosophical ideas influenced quantum physical theories, and the lack of philosophical insight tended to bring out the usual social herd-conformity unwillingness to risk new scientific thought. Most popular works by physicists have a paucity of philosophical awareness in conformity to plain specialization along neo-logical positivist lines of “shut up and calculate”.

 The true nature of the unobserved quantum world is yet unknown. There are investigators searching for ways to solve issues left unsolved by the standard model and to conform new theories with cosmological observations. One of the obvious problems is that of quantum non-locality that Einstein called ‘spooky action at a distance’ where entangled particles would need to travel faster than light to share the same information in an example of what is non-locality. Other issues arise with non-locality and Multiverses with probability etc.

 There are numerous ways that mathematics may find models adding to the standard model with or without a profusion-even an infinite profusion of Universes. What if it is much simpler than that however. What if the actual nature of dimensions for-themselves are misunderstood (not just as mathematical exponents)? For the time being, a simplified four dimensional Universe paradigm may be more useful (or equally useful) for ordinary understanding than that of N Universes. Following is a simple approach to looking deeper into the nature of the Universe (without any mathematical suggestions for methods of investigation).

 The way two-dimensional fields or membranes interact with one another is something to think about. Cosmology questions that arise from information one may learn concerning quantum field theory- invented by P.A.M. Dirac and quantum cosmology, the fields seem to suggest answers from each other for-themselves.

 Dirac applied Einstein’s special relativity parameters to field theory and invented anti-matter in a way presently unknown to me. Another datum to consider is that of the Higgs Field. It is said that the Higgs field slows down particles travelling at the speed of light to sub-light speeds. I believe the reductions in speed are perhaps known, and that the speed of particle-waves such as exists within atoms, are constant for particular species of particle-waves. Maybe electrons travel faster than quarks or not, and perhaps gluons are slower than neutrons- who knows? In my opinion though, lighter particles with less mass and more power over a distance are likely to have less of a speed reduction from c (speed of light), and logically one might guess that heavier particles are also slow. There might be a ratio of wavelength to speed and mass parameters too.

 The way that particle-waves existing initially in a two dimensional state are slowed down in the Higgs field and acquire mass in three-dimensional existence- perhaps with the third dimension being along the line of travel is something to consider too. I wonder in particular if the Higgs Field is also two dimensional and transects the two dimensional energy membrane that is morphed into three dimensions there from. The thought occurred to me that one of the two dimensions of the Higgs Membrane-field accounts for time and the other, the third dimension, with gravity increasing around mass more, and warping the second dimension of the Higgs Field-time, along with it. A warped Higgs dimension may affect other particles around it, although the relation of General Relativity’s parameters to mass may affect quantum particle-waves located in the area of the warped field significantly, or not. Time-dilation affects for the quantum particle-waves located on their own two-dimensional membrane that encounter the intensely warped one-or two dimensions of the Higgs Field bent because of mass accretion locally might be limited to Higgs Field shared third dimension phenomena- I have little capacity to take speculations of that sort meaningfully further.

 So I suppose the paradigm of two-dimensional energy membranes interacting may have thousands of permutations for geometric calculus modeling. If one dimension of a two dimensional membrane is space and the other is time that would seem prima facie to be consistent with a three-dimensional spatial Universe with a fourth dimension of time. Particle wave positions calculated with the Schrodinger wave function might collapse upon observation because arresting motion from a dimension of the Higgs field isn’t realistic-as it is a dimension sustaining the existence of mass in the third dimension at the quantum level where mass may be at any rate, entirely contingent and relative- an apparent wind speed instead of a real wind speed (a sailor’s paradigm). Alternately entangled particles may coexist along a dimensional plane on opposite sides and at a distance relative to third dimension positions appear with collapse of a wave-function with observation.

 String theory does of course post thousands of dimensions, or maybe hundreds, to make mathematics consistent with observations and theoretical quantum structures that could account for the mass-energy of this Universe. If two-dimensional energized membranes interact to form a three dimensional Universe though, that is another line of development to consider as well, and one that might potentially be simpler for non-mathematicians to contemplate. The pair of two-dimensional field may differ in starting energy form comprising a heterodox birth of a three-dimensional Universe with time. The granularity or potential for energy particle-wave forms may differ too, and the position of the fields relative to one another may change as they could be themselves in motion perhaps around a shared axis point. General relativity acting upon the interactive Higgs Field dimensional membrane could account for dark matter and the increasing acceleration of the space of the Universe as well. It is easy to infer a relation between the ‘slope’ of gravity and rate of acceleration of a composite three-dimensional apparent Universe and a two-dimensional Higgs Field.

 Symmetry Breaking Universe Snowflakes

   As an island Universe

with islands of thought

in entanglements of energy

was it ever something sought?


  Infinite clusters of Universes

like neurons of the mind of God

dimensions intersecting being

sent time and space far abroad


  One verse for a penny

separating one and the many

energized to be and become

shadows and silence on the run


  Day and night, dark and light

wave-functions of evermore

particular waves super-positioned

collapsing together left and right


   Symmetry breaking Universe snowflakes

flying apart across a vacuum space

with upwelling currents at noumenal pace

covering each side of a second dimension lake.


A Year for Pastel Poetry (poem)

 A Year for Pastel Poetry


  A continuing battle of colors

allocated across the Earth

better pastel orange red rocks

seven primary compositions

and fifty shades of gray

hollow stoned cities farmed electron tweets

echoes of plastic green forests

written on the streets

evolved regurgitated lumpiness

breaking non-Euclidean patterns

angstrom geometries

gutters of darkness

claimed canyons of convergence

packing accelerating motion

blurring the sense of super-realism

where untheism was a wall paint poster

meaningless chords sup data

silence on deaf ears, optics

instruments interpreting signal’s

sounds from air guitar conjunctions

inauguries effortless packaged virtues

biting down on common sense

barriers to light and dark

colors warm and red

dead land-blink sifts

surging flood of non-sense spin drift

primary colors transitioning through time

wind arisen from light

fading away to rhyme

above the clouds

beyond troubles of dirt

where waves of colors freak

pastel poetry abounds

from shadows’ work

like bodies crashing from a Taosian bridge

littering bits, pieces and shards of bones

flesh mass freshly splattered

smashed down below the fence

for deputies to climb to

specimen collecting bags

strange dead things in the night

special interest approaches to civil rights

picking up the pieces


  The why of procedures

policing policy plays politics

skull and crossbone antifahas

plantrixs silver black hoods gather

burning atheist crosses

golden orange flames

not really pastel, yet passably so

actors write their scripts in motion

on stage, through a door entry left

no-knock worst searches without systems analysis

fool- proofing methods

wit the Euro communist party

on American streets

bricks and Molotov cocktails

cattle cars to nowhere

       red caboose fading to darkness

       long ago before spring and fall

       hate motifs for capitalisms red

       white and blue unreformed year

       writing pastel poetry

the cadaverous covid kavorkian terminality

drums unsustainable all-go-rythms

clouds of dopey haze

shots through felon’s windows

no-knock searches

warrant drone battering rams in flight

captured images of observers

through windows

       bed and bullet

dregs of resistance

shagged carpets of careful calculation

square footage of business phenomenality

fast flush evidence

sky scrapers of barnacles

cling to existence over an acid ocean

wild rainbows of artificial intelligence

superficial censorship a mile wide

and a thought deep

the Tongass forest old growth tree cut down

inchoiring salmon management policy of extermination

      slavery of technology

exerts control of spirit and substance

being and nothingness

emptied, fishless Yukon River basin

recovers millions with seven years moratorium

to crash again slowly at ten percent

commercial catch annually

clear water, blue water, brown water, white foam, yellow sun, red moon

green and orange shades disappearing

cheating survival and swimmel rights

no marches demanding special legal protection

for golden-eyed spelunkers

anywhere on the western front

where writers satisfy with equal justice for all

quoting one that said;


“Death is the natural barrier preventing increase of infinite evil on Earth. If not for death, humanity would evolve hell for-themselves. Given infinite time human nature would evolve hell if it did not exist suitably manufactured for the conduct of absolute evil.”


That was an historic day

unlike all others that were not part of history

a day with rich full colors

and odors strong enough to wake the dead


If colors and death are equally meaningless

one may construct meaning for oneself

or find meaning with God

yet if meaninglessness prompts a response

it may be the choice between stupid and intelligent conduct-

so one may ask oneself;

what is the smarter choice

super-positioned entanglement

symmetry breaking

along two dimensions

or the reversal of time.




The Founder's Greatness Created a Practical Utopian Foundation

 The founders of the United States had a special greatness creating and setting the governing paradigm of the present and future United States. It is a Utopian doctrine permitting free people to develop their own interests with an egalitarian, classless social structure; that is without legally superior social classes. Today the founder’s paradigm has taken a lot of heat from the left who misunderstand and/or hate many works of the past.

 The Declaration and Constitution were the greatest secular governing articles ever constructed by man. The founders were a philosophically enlightened group working in freedom with high regard for God who is no respecter of persons; they knew free people need to be equal before the law. The founders created from nothing, in a new nation, a utopian doctrine supporting individual self-determination without coercion from authorities. It was a practical doctrine in several respects, as well utopian.

 The founders knew that the history of mankind is wicked regarding oppression, war, exploitation and crime. As Christians they understood that mankind has a problem of original sin undermining the best intentions the better elements of humanity may work for. Therefore the founders created a tri-partite government designed to police itself and prevent corruption and takeover of government by cliques, tyrants or malevolent turkeys. The constitution was a forward-looking document that allowed room for the new nation to grow into, when it grew up.

  Human society including that of founders’ day wasn’t perfect. Slavery around the world and was rich business; some of the citizens did not have full right to vote, or a right to vote at all, and might have been at war with the U.S. government in some cases. That is why the constitution was something of a Utopian doctrine that set a paradigm that would allow growth over time into a better and more perfect union with liberty and justice for all. The fulfillment of a utopian constitutional paradigm actualized by and for all of the people of the United States could not realistically occur in the founder’s day. It could though be practically founded and allowed to progress in the future toward the day when all of the people would be free and unexploited, all of the time. The genius of the founders of the United States in creating a practical governing utopian paradigm that could actualize over time could not foresee all of the challenges that would arise in the future of the nation; they did however create constitutional tools that would allow enlightened citizens to respond to those challenges

 A free society tends to exist easily in wild and sparsely populated lands compared to lands that are densely populated. A free civil society may become increasingly regulated and oppressive as population density requires more political management for smooth social flow, human health and security. There may be an inverse ratio relationship between population and human freedom. Free ranging cattle have more freedom than those packed into a feed lot. With too dense of a human population density civil liberties tend to erode or collapse though people have a right to watch society stall in grid lock.

  Today the United States needs reform of governing regulations in order to maintain the march toward development of the best possible governing paradigm keeping in the tradition and will of the founders of the United States. The U.S.A. need favor business beneficial to ecospheric restoration.

  Fundamentally three paradigm adjustments or reforms should be prioritized to continue development of the founder’s paradigm. The first is ecospheric defense and recovery with adaptation of economic practices to conform to criteria that support improvement/recovery of health of the national ecosphere.

  The second is defense of national borders to allow a slow, measured increase of population through immigration without illegal entry. Egalitarian economics and quality mass education require a stable, secure population dynamic. Some have said that America has always had immigration therefore it is always good. That is a problem of quantification and increase invariably being correct all time. Consider quantity management problems arising from such blindness in simpler physical systems such as water management behind a dam (it has always been saved therefore it must always have water added to it), adding weight to a ship or an aircraft, sending convicts to a particular prison (over-crowding), reducing food consumption to lose weight, etc.

  The third paradigm includes the first two paradigms. It is ecological economic reform that will support the social roles of government in a densely populous nation to support the most freedom, health and education for all possible. Egalitarianism economically is equal to political egalitarianism these days and requires progressive taxation on capital, income and inheritance to forestall increase of an ignorant, wealthy aristocracy of elitists reinforcing classical, ecospherically harmful economic policy.

Public debt of vast scale usually results in cuts to social activities of government of benefit to the poor and middle class. Elimination of public debt with progressive taxes is highly desirable. That is problematic for some. George Luis Borges descried a situation comparable to select attitudes about public debt in ‘Tlön, Uqbar, Orbus Turtius’-“The people of Tlön are taught that the act of counting modifies the amount counted, turning indefinites into definite. The fact that several persons counting the same quantity come to the same result is for the psychologists of Tlon an example of the association of ideas or of memorization.” (Exemplifying the challenge of mind over matter; if you don’t mind it don’t matter.)

 One of the paradigmatic challenges of the future the founders could not foresee was that of the abortion of human embryos and fetuses as casually as booger picking by doctors and patients searching for a way to power through callous means. That savage practice brought to the United States by an all-male court in 1971 should be reversed. The U.S. Government would have a necessary role in ending human abortion.

 Fundamentally ubiquitous birth control will reduce to a low rate the problem, yet the Government will need to act to outlaw abortion entirely yet allow removal of embryos and fetuses for the first four months of pregnancy if the woman chooses, with the embryos and fetuses transferred alive to a federal live storage vault for indefinite suspension (at some future time perhaps to a cold planet like Pluto) as soon as technologically possible. The U.S. Government created a vast national petroleum reserve; it should be able to do as much to rescue developing humans from the ash heap of history. Human embryos shouldn’t be killed and discarded by doctors and patients as indifferently as nose picking. An actually civilized society would not abort human life.

   The founders could not foresee all of the challenges ahead, yet they set a great paradigm to build on and grow through. The paradigm need be modified only slightly with several liberating intelligent regulations paradoxically to adapt it to great challenges of the modern times concerning population regarding over-use and abuse of a deteriorating global and national ecospheric health and concentration of wealth because of irrationally exuberant tax cuts gutting progressive taxation required to prevent the ascendance of a royal class of one-percenters a sedulously allegiant to global plutonomy. 



God and Morality (ideas)

God is Spirit. The Universe of three dimensions exists because energy in two dimension slows down from light speed when encountering the Higgs Field picking up a third dimension along the direction of travel. No one knows much about what energy is in two dimensions. point 'particles' have zero dimensions and strings one I believe. Spirit that is omniscient and omnipotent flexes His Intelligence and all things exist as He willed, yet it always was-even a Multiverse-fully actualized in a portion of His thought. Leibniz believed in spiritual monads (like a zero-point virtual energy bubble-dot), and Plotinus interpreted Plato in a way that makes the realm of forms and the Intelligence resemble the Apostle John's paradigm of "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John 1: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

2 The same was in the beginning with God.

3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men.

5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not."

On 'what is morality'- 

Morality, some have said, is a description of what people actually do socially to set rules of conduct. Thus some morality could be viewed as good or bad by others not in a particular society. There are numerous ways to find, get, construct, learn or inherit moral norms, yet because people are free and ultimately responsible for their own moral conduct in light of what they believe, different opinions arise regarding what is or isn't moral.


Why the Novichok- Isn't that Somewhat Klutzy Spycraft??

 In most spy movies malevolent agents seeking to poison some political victim use somewhat untraceable drugs that resemble a heart attack or look natural. One movie had a tiny cyanide pellet that could be injected by a passerby, kill the target and fade out of the bloodstream too quickly to be traced, so why I wonder would the Kremlin order a killing of a political opponent of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin with the worst possible means to point at Kremlin involvement? Maybe poisoning planner thought investigators would think the Novichok appeared through normal levels of nerve agent in the atmosphere to which Mr. Navalny was especially sensitive.

If Russia's spy service are so expert these days at influencing U.S. voters with cleverly constructed and placed Facebook advertising and fake news articles, how is it that they have become regressive from the era of From Russia with Love with the poisoned steel shoe blades?

Novichok might be the world's most powerful nerve agent; better even than the traditional G.A., G.B. and V.X. Keeping even a little of it about is very dangerous to the spook handling it as well as the victim. Only four or five governments are known to have some of the stuff, and besides that, maybe just a few unknown agencies acquired some during the chaos and breakdown of military supply control in the post-Cold War era. Actually former Soviet nerve agents and Biopreparat materials could be about anywhere along with a few cold nukes. That may add some spice and excitement to government planning for many of course, yet it shouldn't encourage President Putin to use a nerve agents developed by Soviets to reduce political opposition- it gets bad PR the Kremlin might not want.

Vladimir Putin was supposed to have had training by the K.G.B. as a spook; is Novichok killings and other blunt instruments the sort of training they put out back Leningrad circa 1980? What is even more remarkable is the fact that Alexi Navalny was given just enough Novichok to get very ill yet not enough to kill. That must be a very, very fine line regarding dosage. Straight shooter days of Ronald Reagan seem long gone indeed.



President Trump was nominated for the Nobel Peace prize recently for bring the Middle East Peace closer to being normalized with an Arab nation or three willing to normalize diplomatic relations with Israel and for getting the Taliban and the normal Afghans together to discuss bring peace to that nation after so many decades of interminable wars. President Trump also is one of the few recent U.S. Presidents not to start a war of his own- not even a little one. One would hope that he might be able to restore real normalized relations with Russia if he has a second term; one that would allow the west to fully interact with Russia socially and economically without all of the adversity as the Democrat Party has brought to bear when ever they get a chance to do so. I the world's environmental and demographic challenges are to be met by future Presidents that will require partnership with Russia across many fronts.

An Hour of Essays (read from my 2020 book 'For the Love of Wisdom) video



Quantum and/or Virtual Relativity (essay and video) and other Essays

I wanted to comment about virtual particles and virtual mass, dimensions and relativity. This year I got around to reading the 2018 book named ‘Mass’. The primary point I discovered in the book is that mass is a secondary quality of energy. In the basic Universe there are two-dimensions for energy (perhaps) and there is the Higgs Field. The Higgs Field slows down massless energy from two dimensional light-speed to three-dimensional sub-light speed –particles acquire a third dimension in the direction of travel. That phenomenon allows a three-dimensional Universe to exist with mass. It brings a host of questions too. One question concerns the two dimensional field that allows virtual particles to appear in three dimensions briefly before disappearing. What is that general field from two dimensions letting virtual particles appear in the vacuum of a three dimensional Universe? Is it one-in-the-same as the Higgs Field?

People are fairly familiar with the effects of Einstein’s relativity paradigm upon 3-dimensional mass. What about the general relativistic effects upon quantum particles that have slowed down to sub-light speed. Perhaps there is a class of virtual general relativity acting on energy (particles) that helps form orbits and fields in the quantum world. If sub-atomic particles are subject to relativity, I wonder how each particle and mass might interact with variegated degrees in relation to particle mass.

Virtual particles are fluctuations of a field. General relativistic effects may act upon particles with sub-light speed in relation to an otherwise two-dimensional Universe for energy. It is easy to speculate that gravity could be an effect of concatenated relativity acting on sub-light three-dimensional particles existing within or upon a two-dimensional Universe. I am sure there would be a lot more to it than that. The idea of sub-atomic virtual general relativity is interesting, at least for me, to consider. So I thought I would make a note about the possibility.


Lawless, Misguided Democrat Electorate a Concern for Conservatives

  The Democrat Party has made lawlessness and racism campaign platform devices in 2020. Everyone should want transparent and equal legal justice for all in the United States. Portland Oregon’s summer of protests and rioting over the George Floyd killing in Minnesota was a fair example of somewhat unreasoned rioting; pursuing economic justice for all of the poor including white people would be more effective than blatant pursuit of special laws for different races.

Former Vice President Bite-me hasn’t said anything to discourage Portland protests and rioting during the pandemic with protesters and rioters failing to maintain social distancing. He had zero concern for the fear and harm leftists brought to tourists, businesses and residents during the three months of daily protests and riots. Citizens have a constitutional right for peaceful free assembly of course yet don’t have the right to riot, threaten and use violence wherever they want, break traffic laws and halt free flow of vehicular traffic, intimidate or close businesses along the streets, harass law enforcement and judicial centers or bring chaos to quiet neighborhoods and homes. Protesters have a right to assemble someplace, perhaps a cow pasture at the edge of town such as at Woodstock or in pro basketball and football stadiums with the help of millionaire players and billionaire owners, to have vigils and demonstrations with Democrat mayors supplying concessions of beer, dope, hot dogs and veggie burgers to protesters attending; they do not have a right to form a mob wherever they wish and simply take over neighborhoods or even loot or kill.

In the 1960s with legal segregation, few protest methods for communication were locally available in the south, unlike the present. Democrat party and Antifah supported mob gatherings in major American cities are harmful financially to many innocent people and disrupt and degrade the civil condition of the nation. Alternatively, hundreds of thousands or millions of protesting twits could have been sent to Twitter, posted at Facebook and other social media to express dismay and outrage, unlike in the 1960s. There are numerous black and leftist politicians at every level able to change whatever laws would usefully upgrade the quality, efficiency and transparency of police and legal justice methods. Numerous websites, blogs, cell phones and so forth exist to insist upon fair legal justice for all; there is just no reason for lawless Democrat Party mob preferences for quasi-anarchistic and senseless harmful protests to occur instead of using the full and available spectrum of civil means of political expression for mass opinions  commonly available. The only practical reason for the intifada of Portland and elsewhere is to agitate more Democrats to vote.

In my opinion there is no good choice for President this year. The Vice-Presidential candidates are o.k. though. Maybe government-privileged-insider-for-life Joe Bite-Me and make-the-rich-royal Don Trump should step aside and let their running mates go forward.

Neither Party intends to make a tax on progressive tax on capital, inheritance or income a priority. Most of the real problems of blacks in America are caused by poverty instead of law enforcement inequality. Poverty can only be ended through non-racist tax and income laws that regard poor people of any race as equal simply for being poor; living on a couple of thousand dollars annually is tough in the U.S.A. for anyone of any race. One percent of the people of the U.S.A. are well on their way to having 90% of annual income of the nation. Though 20 people killed unjustly each year in the U.S.A. is reprehensible, so are the 190,000 people killed by Covid 19 in the U.S.A. so far along with encroaching dangers of national and world ecosystem decay.

The Election in Nov 2020 seems a choice between Charybdis and Scylla (in modern lingo a choice between mud and slugs ice cream and cardboard and waste treatment product casserole). Focusing on rational economic issues and how to reform capital to return a national egalitarianism to economics to make America great again (like it would be after Roosevelt and after M.L.K. in a modern synthesis) would be more useful for the poor, working class and somewhat prosperous professionals. The affirmative action class of Democrats tend to follow special interest (of their own class constituencies) political goals instead of laws that work well for all citizens regardless of race, gender or perversion. While intelligent political ideas and goals selection may not one of their traits it could be if their leadership had good ideas and were intelligent (that died in the mid 1980s).

Covid era developments threaten so many Americans with eviction while they are going broke (and Wall Street capital returns record highs) reminds me a bit of the dream-like movies ‘Evictus’ and sequel ‘Convictus’ that were international box office hits that is something like the film ‘Children of Men’. The plot has 30 or 40 million Americans evicted from their homes, rounded up and shipped on friendly freight trains to Los Angeles to live on streets converted into homeless refuges. 

The one-percent have the great idea of importing 120 million illegal aliens from Mexico and China to live in those empty homes (being more efficient and productive with a higher population density in the formerly spoilt homes) on the East Coast and Midwest to restart the economy like gangbusters. 

Disgruntled homeless Americans that haven’t fled north to live in New Bohemiatopia (formerly named Portland) Oregon to beat the heat and join in nightly big juju in the wooded park outside the Federal Courthouse tire of the risk of using the steep slopes of the Los Angeles river for a public privy, agitate for better policing without (Fearless Fodsick seven-shots-in-the-back to be safe) brutality to African-Americans. The richest Americans, disgusted with the ingratitude of the homeless after all of the free Twinkies they have allocated to them, decide to adopt-a-nation and find South Sudan willing to become sons of the most rich.

 Thirty million homeless Americans directly are relocated on rented Panamax vessels a thousand feet long to Somalia and furthered on to South Sudan over a new railroad they build contributing free supply side gandy-dancing labor. In South Sudan they are further rehabilitated and trained to learn useful semi-skills like advanced digging part 2.0 in order to make South Sudan great again. As a U.S. territory South Sudan catalyzes good jobs for the region while illegal aliens in America with a pathway to citizenship working in America clean up the mess in Los Angeles when they aren’t working on PhDs or doing volunteer work at leprosariums hospices and soup kitchens.

Idealism, Godel and Einstein

There is an epistemic and metaphysical difference of opinion about reality and the extent to which mind interprets and shapes its perception...