
The Mystery of Two Dimensional Cosmological Field Interactions (or not)

 Apparently there is a continuing foundational problem with the standard model of particle physics known as the Copenhagen Interpretation. The model works for practical quantum calculations yet it has an observation problem and remains silent about the nature of the quantum realm for-itself when not observed.

 There are alternative theories to the standard model that include descriptions of the unobserved quantum world in a venture of through the looking glass Lewis Carrol science including multi-universes, string theory and more. Most of those alternative theories have similar or the same mathematical relations to the observed quantum world as that of the standard model, if I read correctly from Adam Beckler’s excellent book on the foundations of quantum mechanics in ‘What is Real?’; they just go about things deeper and look somewhat farther although speculatively.

 Becker’s book is an historical investigation of the historical developments, people and relationships of the standard model and what followed it so far. It is fascinating reading and quite surprisingly has a philosophically well informed review of where or how philosophical ideas influenced quantum physical theories, and the lack of philosophical insight tended to bring out the usual social herd-conformity unwillingness to risk new scientific thought. Most popular works by physicists have a paucity of philosophical awareness in conformity to plain specialization along neo-logical positivist lines of “shut up and calculate”.

 The true nature of the unobserved quantum world is yet unknown. There are investigators searching for ways to solve issues left unsolved by the standard model and to conform new theories with cosmological observations. One of the obvious problems is that of quantum non-locality that Einstein called ‘spooky action at a distance’ where entangled particles would need to travel faster than light to share the same information in an example of what is non-locality. Other issues arise with non-locality and Multiverses with probability etc.

 There are numerous ways that mathematics may find models adding to the standard model with or without a profusion-even an infinite profusion of Universes. What if it is much simpler than that however. What if the actual nature of dimensions for-themselves are misunderstood (not just as mathematical exponents)? For the time being, a simplified four dimensional Universe paradigm may be more useful (or equally useful) for ordinary understanding than that of N Universes. Following is a simple approach to looking deeper into the nature of the Universe (without any mathematical suggestions for methods of investigation).

 The way two-dimensional fields or membranes interact with one another is something to think about. Cosmology questions that arise from information one may learn concerning quantum field theory- invented by P.A.M. Dirac and quantum cosmology, the fields seem to suggest answers from each other for-themselves.

 Dirac applied Einstein’s special relativity parameters to field theory and invented anti-matter in a way presently unknown to me. Another datum to consider is that of the Higgs Field. It is said that the Higgs field slows down particles travelling at the speed of light to sub-light speeds. I believe the reductions in speed are perhaps known, and that the speed of particle-waves such as exists within atoms, are constant for particular species of particle-waves. Maybe electrons travel faster than quarks or not, and perhaps gluons are slower than neutrons- who knows? In my opinion though, lighter particles with less mass and more power over a distance are likely to have less of a speed reduction from c (speed of light), and logically one might guess that heavier particles are also slow. There might be a ratio of wavelength to speed and mass parameters too.

 The way that particle-waves existing initially in a two dimensional state are slowed down in the Higgs field and acquire mass in three-dimensional existence- perhaps with the third dimension being along the line of travel is something to consider too. I wonder in particular if the Higgs Field is also two dimensional and transects the two dimensional energy membrane that is morphed into three dimensions there from. The thought occurred to me that one of the two dimensions of the Higgs Membrane-field accounts for time and the other, the third dimension, with gravity increasing around mass more, and warping the second dimension of the Higgs Field-time, along with it. A warped Higgs dimension may affect other particles around it, although the relation of General Relativity’s parameters to mass may affect quantum particle-waves located in the area of the warped field significantly, or not. Time-dilation affects for the quantum particle-waves located on their own two-dimensional membrane that encounter the intensely warped one-or two dimensions of the Higgs Field bent because of mass accretion locally might be limited to Higgs Field shared third dimension phenomena- I have little capacity to take speculations of that sort meaningfully further.

 So I suppose the paradigm of two-dimensional energy membranes interacting may have thousands of permutations for geometric calculus modeling. If one dimension of a two dimensional membrane is space and the other is time that would seem prima facie to be consistent with a three-dimensional spatial Universe with a fourth dimension of time. Particle wave positions calculated with the Schrodinger wave function might collapse upon observation because arresting motion from a dimension of the Higgs field isn’t realistic-as it is a dimension sustaining the existence of mass in the third dimension at the quantum level where mass may be at any rate, entirely contingent and relative- an apparent wind speed instead of a real wind speed (a sailor’s paradigm). Alternately entangled particles may coexist along a dimensional plane on opposite sides and at a distance relative to third dimension positions appear with collapse of a wave-function with observation.

 String theory does of course post thousands of dimensions, or maybe hundreds, to make mathematics consistent with observations and theoretical quantum structures that could account for the mass-energy of this Universe. If two-dimensional energized membranes interact to form a three dimensional Universe though, that is another line of development to consider as well, and one that might potentially be simpler for non-mathematicians to contemplate. The pair of two-dimensional field may differ in starting energy form comprising a heterodox birth of a three-dimensional Universe with time. The granularity or potential for energy particle-wave forms may differ too, and the position of the fields relative to one another may change as they could be themselves in motion perhaps around a shared axis point. General relativity acting upon the interactive Higgs Field dimensional membrane could account for dark matter and the increasing acceleration of the space of the Universe as well. It is easy to infer a relation between the ‘slope’ of gravity and rate of acceleration of a composite three-dimensional apparent Universe and a two-dimensional Higgs Field.

 Symmetry Breaking Universe Snowflakes

   As an island Universe

with islands of thought

in entanglements of energy

was it ever something sought?


  Infinite clusters of Universes

like neurons of the mind of God

dimensions intersecting being

sent time and space far abroad


  One verse for a penny

separating one and the many

energized to be and become

shadows and silence on the run


  Day and night, dark and light

wave-functions of evermore

particular waves super-positioned

collapsing together left and right


   Symmetry breaking Universe snowflakes

flying apart across a vacuum space

with upwelling currents at noumenal pace

covering each side of a second dimension lake.


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