
The Breakfast Scroll of Clod D’Gjap

 A discussion at breakfast concerning the lost scroll of Clod D’Gjap that was not finished resumed the investigation of the roll of the middle finger of fate in sentencing a god of the gaps to interstellar voids and dark spaces where science had yet to shed light and establish pagan-per-view. The last sc’roll establishing being and time for the moment was misplaced, or alternatively displaced leaving a state of inadequate instruction pour la scienzia (aka 4 the science) of semi-official business management of thought that users need. Therefore new coding for the creation of apps referred to as the god of the apps code was hastily advanced through particle accelerators sending scintillations cascading about. Scintillations in two dimensions were nothing more than energetic ideas wherefore encountering the Higgs Field and general relativity slow down to sub-light speed in three dimensions making curved three-dimensional waves with thermal heat radiating. These atomized apps of three dimensions with coerced fields tying complexities together present standardized forms.

 Heated breakfast scrolls that are honey sweet going down bring a semblance of bitterness to the condition of the apps determined to be self-determining while undeterministic for-themselves leaving a sense of jake-breaking flatulence persisting in memory.  Coffee is complimentary to the creation of newer meaning that would synergize; energize, the ensemble of everything with market value and greater understanding even though apps lacking authority in regard to the creation of anything not already existing in some form run on like clear water over angelic falls.

 Great apes of evolution send god to the feminine court of the gaps with the middle finger of scientific fate- the knowledge of which counts for wisdom in the food court of m’academia. Clod D’Gjap’s scroll documenting that evolution of secular takeover of scientific apps across the former terrain of nobles, clergy and sociological stalagtites of sundry forms is a necessary top-heavy log-rolling flip-flopping gradual adjustment in the basic advancing knowledge of the apps of the simulation to reality although reaching the erroneous working conclusion that thinking for themselves crowns themselves as the center of sentient universality with precocious prima facia mirth. Adjustments were required concerning their understanding of ancient code in relation to the new code they possessed especially in regard to logic inferences both necessary and strict; God is free-standing and not limited to gaps, apps or dark unborn Universes such as are commonly aborted a priori in simulations.

There was a post-script to the scroll apparently written in coffee- 

I don't know of many that prefer to 'wallow' in suffering. Suffering for a good cause may be an excuse, and then it may be known as courage or fortitude. Toynbee wrote about challenge and response to civilizations and noted that those without challenges tend to be the least productive and too much of a challenge created an arrested civilization that can't develop. Hence stimulus and response loops (S/R) are meaningful and make changes that build a history of patterns of response (character), yet one doesn't want to go out and seek them without thinking about them first. People may seek challenges; yet they tend to choose comfortable ones that won't overcome them or with a high probability of doing so. None would choose to be the first to moon the Earth from the Moon because of the likelihood of freezing one's butt off.  Suffering that others dump on others because they are sadistic louts or whatever is wrong obviously. The Apostle Paul in Corinthians mentions numerous sufferings that are overcome by the Lord- that is a different paradigm than the worldly view of course.

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