
Court Packing High B.T.U.Consumption Judges Is a Bad Idea

The Democrat party leadership has threatened to corrupt the U.S. Supreme Court by adding more members to it that will decide cases favorable for Democrats. It wasn’t a good idea when Franklin Roosevelt sought it and was slapped down by a friendly congress that knew better. Democrats since the Obama administration have taken to a policy of lunatic extremism to have their way using whatever force they can get away with, and that is malodorous when applied to the top guns of legal justice that is the U.S. Supreme Court. If it’s not broke, don’t fix it.

 The U.S. Supreme Court, in spite of the Chief Justice so heavily invested in Wall Street and the Obama appointees is still respectable enough. Nine justices are well able to make sound decisions. Adding another six judges would do nothing more than degrade the prestige of the Court, create a new layer of sinecured, high-paying personnel and staff, and make most decisions of the court partisan. The Court would become another divided entity like the Congress with votes along party lines the rule rather than the exception.

 A house divided, or a court divided, isn’t likely to stand.

Houses with inefficient heating and cooling drive up costs for everyone.

  In the future courts will hear more environmental economic issues and packed courts full of high-energy consumption judges are less likely that nine efficient judges to vote in favor cases concerning environmental economic progress.

 In warm climates prosperous people that use 70,000 B.T.U.’s or more for cooling most of the year need to earn more to pay high energy bills. They seek higher wages and pay packages and inflate costs for others in society including those that are energy efficient with low annual B.T.U. (British Thermal Unit) consumption. With high energy bills and inflated prices for goods, people on fixed incomes suffer, and those rationally seeking to lower human thermal emissions to the atmosphere cannot afford to install natural ground heating and cooling systems that use virtually no electricity except maybe a little solar energy for circulation. The hacienda owners with high energy consumption seek illegal alien workers to perform work at low cost and live cheaply buying used stuff while the enfeofed, comfortable class of energy consuming Americans with high incomes live comfortably affording inflated prices-they buy $5 Starbucks coffee with whip crème special frills instead of instant coffee from a Salvation Army thermos.

 An environmentally progressive court may appear one day to rectify environmental practices with economics suitable for democracy. A court that is packed with high energy consuming judges may take the world of unsustainably high personal energy consumption as normal and bias decisions to support their irresponsible lifestyles. Sometimes the composition of court personnel need be considered as much as issues like constructionism.

 Regard the N.F.L. changes at the quarterback position of recent years. Drop-back immobile pocket quarterbacks have fallen into disfavor though some remain around and successfully so. Hybrid runner-with-an-option to pass Q.B.s have entered the game, like Michael Vick and maybe Lamar Jackson. They are a running step ahead of good passing quarterbacks that are mobile who will run well if they need to yet prefer to pass or hand off the ball to runners. Seattle and K.C. have such Q.B.s presently in a John Elway mode of performance. One hasn’t occurred at the quarterback position is the appearance of the pure runner- a Marshawn Lynch sort of quarterback, who just runs or hands off the ball to two other runners in the backfield, with one or both of those halfback and fullback positions having Vick-Jackson runner-with-option to pass capable guys. Environmental economics progress benefits from mobile political leadership and honest Supreme Court Justices that understand the differences between pragmatic applied Earth adaptation and theoretical lazy faire business-as-usual interially high energy consuming sloponomic policies when they reach them for a verdict. It is possible to align a pure passer in a Victory passing wedge of course if the personnel support that sort of approach where wings of the wedge are offensive ends and wide-out receivers. If the wedge need move forward like a Roman infantry turtle for some reason that’s just the way it is. The court would need to decide if a pass was thrown prior to crossing the line of scrimmage. With the House choosing to flake up rules to advance legislation these days including that of court packing potentially, mobile adaptive quarterbacks and judges need to keep an eye on the goal line of environmentally sustainable economics with liberty, justice and egalitarian economics for all.





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