
The Founder's Greatness Created a Practical Utopian Foundation

 The founders of the United States had a special greatness creating and setting the governing paradigm of the present and future United States. It is a Utopian doctrine permitting free people to develop their own interests with an egalitarian, classless social structure; that is without legally superior social classes. Today the founder’s paradigm has taken a lot of heat from the left who misunderstand and/or hate many works of the past.

 The Declaration and Constitution were the greatest secular governing articles ever constructed by man. The founders were a philosophically enlightened group working in freedom with high regard for God who is no respecter of persons; they knew free people need to be equal before the law. The founders created from nothing, in a new nation, a utopian doctrine supporting individual self-determination without coercion from authorities. It was a practical doctrine in several respects, as well utopian.

 The founders knew that the history of mankind is wicked regarding oppression, war, exploitation and crime. As Christians they understood that mankind has a problem of original sin undermining the best intentions the better elements of humanity may work for. Therefore the founders created a tri-partite government designed to police itself and prevent corruption and takeover of government by cliques, tyrants or malevolent turkeys. The constitution was a forward-looking document that allowed room for the new nation to grow into, when it grew up.

  Human society including that of founders’ day wasn’t perfect. Slavery around the world and was rich business; some of the citizens did not have full right to vote, or a right to vote at all, and might have been at war with the U.S. government in some cases. That is why the constitution was something of a Utopian doctrine that set a paradigm that would allow growth over time into a better and more perfect union with liberty and justice for all. The fulfillment of a utopian constitutional paradigm actualized by and for all of the people of the United States could not realistically occur in the founder’s day. It could though be practically founded and allowed to progress in the future toward the day when all of the people would be free and unexploited, all of the time. The genius of the founders of the United States in creating a practical governing utopian paradigm that could actualize over time could not foresee all of the challenges that would arise in the future of the nation; they did however create constitutional tools that would allow enlightened citizens to respond to those challenges

 A free society tends to exist easily in wild and sparsely populated lands compared to lands that are densely populated. A free civil society may become increasingly regulated and oppressive as population density requires more political management for smooth social flow, human health and security. There may be an inverse ratio relationship between population and human freedom. Free ranging cattle have more freedom than those packed into a feed lot. With too dense of a human population density civil liberties tend to erode or collapse though people have a right to watch society stall in grid lock.

  Today the United States needs reform of governing regulations in order to maintain the march toward development of the best possible governing paradigm keeping in the tradition and will of the founders of the United States. The U.S.A. need favor business beneficial to ecospheric restoration.

  Fundamentally three paradigm adjustments or reforms should be prioritized to continue development of the founder’s paradigm. The first is ecospheric defense and recovery with adaptation of economic practices to conform to criteria that support improvement/recovery of health of the national ecosphere.

  The second is defense of national borders to allow a slow, measured increase of population through immigration without illegal entry. Egalitarian economics and quality mass education require a stable, secure population dynamic. Some have said that America has always had immigration therefore it is always good. That is a problem of quantification and increase invariably being correct all time. Consider quantity management problems arising from such blindness in simpler physical systems such as water management behind a dam (it has always been saved therefore it must always have water added to it), adding weight to a ship or an aircraft, sending convicts to a particular prison (over-crowding), reducing food consumption to lose weight, etc.

  The third paradigm includes the first two paradigms. It is ecological economic reform that will support the social roles of government in a densely populous nation to support the most freedom, health and education for all possible. Egalitarianism economically is equal to political egalitarianism these days and requires progressive taxation on capital, income and inheritance to forestall increase of an ignorant, wealthy aristocracy of elitists reinforcing classical, ecospherically harmful economic policy.

Public debt of vast scale usually results in cuts to social activities of government of benefit to the poor and middle class. Elimination of public debt with progressive taxes is highly desirable. That is problematic for some. George Luis Borges descried a situation comparable to select attitudes about public debt in ‘Tlön, Uqbar, Orbus Turtius’-“The people of Tlön are taught that the act of counting modifies the amount counted, turning indefinites into definite. The fact that several persons counting the same quantity come to the same result is for the psychologists of Tlon an example of the association of ideas or of memorization.” (Exemplifying the challenge of mind over matter; if you don’t mind it don’t matter.)

 One of the paradigmatic challenges of the future the founders could not foresee was that of the abortion of human embryos and fetuses as casually as booger picking by doctors and patients searching for a way to power through callous means. That savage practice brought to the United States by an all-male court in 1971 should be reversed. The U.S. Government would have a necessary role in ending human abortion.

 Fundamentally ubiquitous birth control will reduce to a low rate the problem, yet the Government will need to act to outlaw abortion entirely yet allow removal of embryos and fetuses for the first four months of pregnancy if the woman chooses, with the embryos and fetuses transferred alive to a federal live storage vault for indefinite suspension (at some future time perhaps to a cold planet like Pluto) as soon as technologically possible. The U.S. Government created a vast national petroleum reserve; it should be able to do as much to rescue developing humans from the ash heap of history. Human embryos shouldn’t be killed and discarded by doctors and patients as indifferently as nose picking. An actually civilized society would not abort human life.

   The founders could not foresee all of the challenges ahead, yet they set a great paradigm to build on and grow through. The paradigm need be modified only slightly with several liberating intelligent regulations paradoxically to adapt it to great challenges of the modern times concerning population regarding over-use and abuse of a deteriorating global and national ecospheric health and concentration of wealth because of irrationally exuberant tax cuts gutting progressive taxation required to prevent the ascendance of a royal class of one-percenters a sedulously allegiant to global plutonomy. 


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