
Lawless, Misguided Democrat Electorate a Concern for Conservatives

  The Democrat Party has made lawlessness and racism campaign platform devices in 2020. Everyone should want transparent and equal legal justice for all in the United States. Portland Oregon’s summer of protests and rioting over the George Floyd killing in Minnesota was a fair example of somewhat unreasoned rioting; pursuing economic justice for all of the poor including white people would be more effective than blatant pursuit of special laws for different races.

Former Vice President Bite-me hasn’t said anything to discourage Portland protests and rioting during the pandemic with protesters and rioters failing to maintain social distancing. He had zero concern for the fear and harm leftists brought to tourists, businesses and residents during the three months of daily protests and riots. Citizens have a constitutional right for peaceful free assembly of course yet don’t have the right to riot, threaten and use violence wherever they want, break traffic laws and halt free flow of vehicular traffic, intimidate or close businesses along the streets, harass law enforcement and judicial centers or bring chaos to quiet neighborhoods and homes. Protesters have a right to assemble someplace, perhaps a cow pasture at the edge of town such as at Woodstock or in pro basketball and football stadiums with the help of millionaire players and billionaire owners, to have vigils and demonstrations with Democrat mayors supplying concessions of beer, dope, hot dogs and veggie burgers to protesters attending; they do not have a right to form a mob wherever they wish and simply take over neighborhoods or even loot or kill.

In the 1960s with legal segregation, few protest methods for communication were locally available in the south, unlike the present. Democrat party and Antifah supported mob gatherings in major American cities are harmful financially to many innocent people and disrupt and degrade the civil condition of the nation. Alternatively, hundreds of thousands or millions of protesting twits could have been sent to Twitter, posted at Facebook and other social media to express dismay and outrage, unlike in the 1960s. There are numerous black and leftist politicians at every level able to change whatever laws would usefully upgrade the quality, efficiency and transparency of police and legal justice methods. Numerous websites, blogs, cell phones and so forth exist to insist upon fair legal justice for all; there is just no reason for lawless Democrat Party mob preferences for quasi-anarchistic and senseless harmful protests to occur instead of using the full and available spectrum of civil means of political expression for mass opinions  commonly available. The only practical reason for the intifada of Portland and elsewhere is to agitate more Democrats to vote.

In my opinion there is no good choice for President this year. The Vice-Presidential candidates are o.k. though. Maybe government-privileged-insider-for-life Joe Bite-Me and make-the-rich-royal Don Trump should step aside and let their running mates go forward.

Neither Party intends to make a tax on progressive tax on capital, inheritance or income a priority. Most of the real problems of blacks in America are caused by poverty instead of law enforcement inequality. Poverty can only be ended through non-racist tax and income laws that regard poor people of any race as equal simply for being poor; living on a couple of thousand dollars annually is tough in the U.S.A. for anyone of any race. One percent of the people of the U.S.A. are well on their way to having 90% of annual income of the nation. Though 20 people killed unjustly each year in the U.S.A. is reprehensible, so are the 190,000 people killed by Covid 19 in the U.S.A. so far along with encroaching dangers of national and world ecosystem decay.

The Election in Nov 2020 seems a choice between Charybdis and Scylla (in modern lingo a choice between mud and slugs ice cream and cardboard and waste treatment product casserole). Focusing on rational economic issues and how to reform capital to return a national egalitarianism to economics to make America great again (like it would be after Roosevelt and after M.L.K. in a modern synthesis) would be more useful for the poor, working class and somewhat prosperous professionals. The affirmative action class of Democrats tend to follow special interest (of their own class constituencies) political goals instead of laws that work well for all citizens regardless of race, gender or perversion. While intelligent political ideas and goals selection may not one of their traits it could be if their leadership had good ideas and were intelligent (that died in the mid 1980s).

Covid era developments threaten so many Americans with eviction while they are going broke (and Wall Street capital returns record highs) reminds me a bit of the dream-like movies ‘Evictus’ and sequel ‘Convictus’ that were international box office hits that is something like the film ‘Children of Men’. The plot has 30 or 40 million Americans evicted from their homes, rounded up and shipped on friendly freight trains to Los Angeles to live on streets converted into homeless refuges. 

The one-percent have the great idea of importing 120 million illegal aliens from Mexico and China to live in those empty homes (being more efficient and productive with a higher population density in the formerly spoilt homes) on the East Coast and Midwest to restart the economy like gangbusters. 

Disgruntled homeless Americans that haven’t fled north to live in New Bohemiatopia (formerly named Portland) Oregon to beat the heat and join in nightly big juju in the wooded park outside the Federal Courthouse tire of the risk of using the steep slopes of the Los Angeles river for a public privy, agitate for better policing without (Fearless Fodsick seven-shots-in-the-back to be safe) brutality to African-Americans. The richest Americans, disgusted with the ingratitude of the homeless after all of the free Twinkies they have allocated to them, decide to adopt-a-nation and find South Sudan willing to become sons of the most rich.

 Thirty million homeless Americans directly are relocated on rented Panamax vessels a thousand feet long to Somalia and furthered on to South Sudan over a new railroad they build contributing free supply side gandy-dancing labor. In South Sudan they are further rehabilitated and trained to learn useful semi-skills like advanced digging part 2.0 in order to make South Sudan great again. As a U.S. territory South Sudan catalyzes good jobs for the region while illegal aliens in America with a pathway to citizenship working in America clean up the mess in Los Angeles when they aren’t working on PhDs or doing volunteer work at leprosariums hospices and soup kitchens.

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