
Strange Quantum Effects and Structure

 There are a number of unusual quantum effects that are not observed in the macro-three-dimensional world of ordinary experience such as quantum entanglement and quantum uncertainty. One wonders why such effects occur and what might be inferred about the quantum world for-itself.

 The Higgs field seems to be the main illuminator for finding explanations of quantum effects and cosmology at a deeper level. The Higgs Boson is the force carrying particle of the Higgs Field, yet what is the cause of the Higgs Field one wonders, for all fields such as electro-magnetism usually have a causal explanation.

   I have read that the Higgs Field slows down about all quantum particles travelling at the speed of light in 2-dimensions to sub-light speeds, and that in so doing the quantum particles add an extra dimension- a third dimension along the line of travel. For that reason three dimensional particles and mass appear to exist, and actually might be said to exist as a secondary effect of energy. Mass particles fundamentally are energy particles slowed down into three dimensional and clustered together with combinations of other forces like the color force and strong nuclear force.

  If the basic Universal condition is just two-dimensional until the energy of it encounter the Higgs field, then mass of three dimensions still interacts with the two-dimensional, non-locked into a steady state decohered from two dimensions and masslessness. That two dimensional phase of the Universe may have short quantum lines to travel than those of three dimensions and account for some of the strange quantum effects observed in three dimensions without adequate explanations, yet what is the Higgs Field; is it a basic aspect of a second dimension presentation of energy? And what is the two dimensional Universe like in-itself before it is observed through the complicated three dimensional structure and filter? Wouldn’t its time component be at least entirely different than that of three dimensional mass that is besides subject to relativistic laws regarding the motion of three-dimensional mass?

Interestingly this sort of speculation about two dimensional energy underpinning the three dimensional mass of the Universe gives one material to speculate regarding pre-existing structure before any mass of the Universe formed or evolved in three dimensions. Evolution often entertains a presupposition that everything arose from nothing (as the book of Genesis says it did with the Universe being void and without form), perhaps virtual particles or vacuum energy. If there is two-dimensional energy prior to that, possible with unknown yet actual structures, one finds antipathetic inferences regarding structure.  While that might be a problem for evolutionists that prefer an absolute void at time equal zero (T=0) it isn’t a problem theologically; In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God.  Spirit preceded three-dimensional mass and two-dimensional energy at some point.

 Those searching for absolute nothingness to reinforce atheist beliefs in nothing might obviously reference one-dimensional points from nothing being the primordial substance-energy appearing from nothing as virtual particles. Virtual particles are statistical fluctuations of an energy field however, so one would guess that a fundamental power need exist in order for virtual particles to appear from ‘nothing’. One-dimensional particles make me wonder what came first; the particle or the dimension? At any rate at some juncture something existed prior to nothing, even if it was the absolute energy clump in zero dimensions sufficient for all possible Universes and their virtual vacuum energy spanning an infinite Multiverse; structure before nothing and a single dimension.

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