Looking around for work during this pandemic year has made things a little difficult. During the Obama administration corporate censorship took down every place I posted including one site where I earned $200 monthly writing essays. I had work until the end of February 2020 when I was forced to leave (though the state of Montana U.I. people said I voluntarily quit and never paid a dollar in benefits and saud apparently I would need to pay a penalty of about $1000 dollars to be eligible for an unemployment check.
Incidentally I will post a resume below in case anyone has actual work.
I was learning to be a dental lab technician for a year and a half and was getting very good at making models from impressions, cutting out dies and so forth. So I hoped to be able to find work in that area and continue learning how to reline dentures commercially. I had repainted homes and other building exteriors on and off for the better part of a half century yet am hoping to transition to something else. Ladders are tough on older knees-especially without any Medicare part B. I suppose I would still have some accuracy with select military skills however I am too old for military work to qualify.
Riding a bike around the city I am in I checked out eight dental labs listed as working in the spring and discovered that all except two are out of business. The thing is dentists are Fedex-ing packages to labs in China that make products far cheaper than in the U.S.A. There may be just 3000 dental labs remaining in the U.S.A. and they are fading rather fast especially with internet digital sata transfering scans of patients directly to China. Many dentists have invested as partners in their own labs in China cutting out American workers.
Resume’ of Garrison Gibson
Authorized to work in the US
for any employer
Bachelor's in
Excelsior College - Albany,
April 1989 to June 1991
Associate of Arts
University of Alaska-Juneau
Two years graduate theology
North American Reformed
Theology Seminary
Western Business College-
Portland Ore. 1980-81
Computer programming and
systems analysis
Work Experience
Dental lab technician
Pioneer Dental Studio -
Helena Montana
April 2018 to February 2020
Making dental models from
impressions, duplicating models, cutting out and rough sanding dies
Decades of roll and brush
exterior painting
Six months security Guard
Building painter
June 1974 to August 2020
Self-employed journeyman
building painter- mostly exteriors. Very good trim work
Author of 40 books (Garrison
C. Gibson) (science fiction, poetry, philosophy, contemporary history) online
Military Service
U.S. Army Guard and Reserve June
1982 to 1990 trained as combat engineer, chemical specialist, indirect fire
infantry, carpentry masonry
Misc. Skills MSWord, Desktop publishing