
Reds try to Flip Biden Victory to Continue Anti-Ecosphere Economics

 President Trump’s convincing five states of critical contention lost loss to President-elect Biden can’t be flipped by court challenges seeking to throw out lawful ballots and votes that gave substantial margins of victory to President-elect Biden in Arizona, Nevada, Michigan, Georgia and Pennsylvania. Courts are unlikely to want to help overturn Democratic elections to install a slightly more fascist regime rendering the United States like unto Belorussia. With just a little bear grease to toss ballots President Trump could become President for life with a symbolic vote every few years when the occasion is deemed amusing.

 Billionaires running the nation directly rather than indirectly through corporate power and concentration of wealth that will in time bring 95% of national income to one-one-thousandth of the population- as it was in England until 1910 or so, is inevitable with blind political leadership unwilling or unable to keep progressive taxes intact and substantial enough to disperse overly concentrated wealth. In the modern economy with networks and programming concentration of wealth is automatic with capital increasing faster than wages normally.

 Numerous measures need be taken to wrest control of the economy and national polity away from plutocrats. Media sycophants of their owner’s will to power accuse all political dissent as leftist when factually there are 360 degrees of political directions and taxation, program development and social policy for a modern democracy to follow rather than just the two degrees of capitalist vs. socialist/communist dialectical opposition as the twits would have it.

 Mr. Biden faces the problem of race being used to divide the populous. The large number and presence of illegal immigrants also divides the nation because it adversely affects and/or displaces employment values for citizens. Gender is also used to divide the polity and social media also tends to be divided as well as broadcast media between extremist red and blue viewpoints. Mr. Biden needs to insinuate economic economics into the national infrastructure. I am not optimistic on the prospects of his accomplishing that.

 Much of the red opposition to President-elect Biden’s administration will come from white housing and mortgage lender racists that feel informally segregated costly housing is in their real interests even if against national interest. Housing frankly should be more modern and ecospherically innovated such as hollow artificial mountain ranges with affordable and quite housing built in to the structure in order to allow wildlife to flourish on the exterior. As it is presently expensive energy and land-wasting housing sprawls everywhere with an entire industry of reds reinforcing the class-commune exclusive to “nigs”. Obsolete new housing structures built even on former fertile farmland, bad gas fossil fuel vehicles and highways and roads penetrating so far as to kill off wilderness ecosphere health and political ideas from the Marxist/Adam Smith dialectic era cannot be all there is to white society. Many reds are actually proud of the stagnant, non-progressive or even regressive housing-auto milieu as ‘white’ though in reality it is contemporarily a retarded. The thoughtless and unphilosophical just look at the existing culture as if it was god. Some large churches look at camels as if they were needles.

 I prefer measures that would make being a modern American citizen agreeable to the concept of a lifetime level field for economic opportunity in spite of ad hoc mafias that attack individuals and economically exclude or marginalize them for perverse political domination. Each American should have an assurance of a basic income and health care gratis and use it only if they need it. College tuition through graduate school should be free as well in order to allow Americans to maximize their natural intellectual endowments without repression. In American far too many uncreative people are promoted over those with good ideas and potential through college as if the U.S.A. had a perennial cultural revolution following the little red book of the chairman. A rectification of institution to purpose need be made so colleges really are for public education rather than training facilities for athletes to move into business management to work for the wealthy who in turn repress individuals with new ideas they cannot own.

 The United States requires a free marketplace of ideas where writing by any American citizen will not disappear to be marginalized in search engines to a dark, damp dungeon no reader will discover. Political ideas and free expression requires a lasting vehicle for writing and possible some videos maintained by the government that is not controlled by corporate wealth, though those heavily censored platforms continue to exist. Free speech in the modern world that is politically meaningful cannot really exist if it is entirely subject to control by plutocrats.

 Patents too need be reformed in order to allow broke inventors with good ideas to profit instead of just giving away new ideas to the world generally. The patent process in the U.S.A. is too costly and patents too difficult to defend for the 50 million Americans living on less than ½ percent of the national income. Patents also last too long and retard economic development and better production techniques by potential manufacturers. Patent exclusivity should be limited to five years. After than the inventor-patent holder would receive a 10% royalty for life from anyone manufacturing the product.

 The need to move the economy to one adapted to the limits of the actual ecosystem of the nation and world is manifest. Ecological economics is a field of academic study that need be applied practically and integrated with the [political economy. Select reforms should be made that will promote and give an advantage to green business productions that are less harmful to the ecosphere. That could be done through a number of ways. Not to do so is in effect to have a red economy clanking along under the direction of drunks or heads in effect too spaced out to have ecospheric recognizance.

 Is the U.S. democracy/republic in fact already dead with plutocracy having replaced it? That may already be the case. Votes happened even in the old Soviet Union and in various notably undemocratic nations, it is just that they don’t really matter.

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