
U.S. Leadership Regime Change Cohokia Style

Looking to America’s past to consider the present one may regard the ancient Missouri civilization of Cohokia that flourished for a couple of hundred years circa 1500. The civilization at East St. Louis had pyramids and a great sports field whereat athletes would throw a spear through a donut flung far down the sand-sprinkled clay court. Back in the day before machines made many  physical work tasks obsolete the ability to throw spears for war was more than a symbolic pursuit; it also symbolized sexual prowess. The way the Cohokians changed leadership regimes is of interest.

 When the ruling chief died or was deposed a complete house-cleaning followed. All of the Chief and his relatives including women and children were brought to the great sports court at the foot of the great pyramid and a great festive purge was held. Around the perimeter of the sports court a great trench was dug and the family of the dead or soon to be dead chief were assembled before it. A matching team of fell clubbers lined up in back of the former leader’s family and they, along with servants of the former chief were clubber on the head, fell into the trench and were swiftly buried as the trench was filled in directly with the good Missouri soil.


 In some respects the Cohokian regime change practices were forward thinking in comparison to that of the present United States. The Clintons for example, lingered around the term-limited office for decades seeking a way to get back in and thereby cluttering up and degrading the Democrat party. The Kennedy clan is another notable entry, and the Trump clan may actualize the same sort of phenomena in time. If the Cohokian method were used instead of the present system of media re-presentation of former leaders ad nauseum (adapted peacefully of course perhaps with banning of Presidential relatives running for office for a century) the United States would probably be better off.

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Regarding Colin Wilson's ''The Outsider'

Nice statement and photographic presentation; Clint Eastwood walking away from the philosophical showdown a winner. There are a few more tha...