
Three Steps for New American Exceptionalism

American can take three steps toward exceptionalism if it has sense. It can be a leader by example to other nations of right national policy. Here are three things that need be done to change the nation for the better.

 1)    Secure the borders against illegal immigration and limit lawful immigration to 300,000 annually with half being the poor drawn by lottery. Everyone in the nation need be on a legal sheet of music and a level field.

2)    Develop economic class consciousness and eliminate poverty entirely and have some solid safety net against being broke. Most wealth and income in the United States is held by a tiny minority of the people. Originally Americans revolted against European royalty, global powers and aristocratic superiors generally. Today Americans venerate the rich and many welcome globalism. Those global powers will reassert control over the U.S.A. and over time make it disappear along various fault lines convenient for planetary plutocrats. Restoration of solidly progressive taxation, free public education through graduate school, cap on patent exclusivity to 5 years with 10% royalties to patent holder subsequently etc would help defrappe that. Presently the nation has splintered to form eight or ten social classes based on individual characteristics like race, gender, perversion and so forth that are entirely stupid and benefit the rich primarily. Race rights are encouraged to eclipse equal rights, and that is bad.

 3)    Restore the environment. Ecosphere decay and mass species extinction occur with too many people with too many machines driving about like  environmentally non-reasoning apes killing things. The environment should be integrated into the economy in a positive way for people and ecosphere. This is why I am for radically slowing population growth on Earth and in the United States in particular.

 Yes it is possible to change toward being an exceptionally good example although improbable; the broadcast media and film is largely owned by wealthy networks that socially program the people to follow the real interests of the richest. I am for free enterprise rather than socialism. Democracy or a Republic hybrid can provide all of the benefits of socialism better with good leadership. Socialism and too little individualism degrades the quality of life and of the mind and runs the risk of elevating uncreative and ecospherically harmful people and classes to leadership positions with leadership going the wrong way that can be hard to replace.

 President Trump lost the election yet had some support from white people because he expressed concern for their class interest that has been thought to have suffered from non-white political advances and the left coalition with non-males, homosexuals and anti-Christians and atheists. White culture and politics and wars such as the civil and second world war wherein fascism was defeated allowed minorities in to dully participate in U.S. life and politics. It is unreasonable to expect them to be happy about having their interests attacked. The civil effort of civil rights is equal protection of the law rather than ascendance of one special class over others, or of the blue over reds. I must say I don’t like the terms because it reminds me of the corrupting and shallow political classes of the Byzantine Empire that initially formed around garment colors of chariot racing fans.

 What is fascism then? Fascist attitudes do exist in the red voters for Trump although it is a minority that are so disposed to hate Winston Churchill, venerate Robert E. Lee and regard General Hood as a kind of one-armed saint of war. Fascism is simply ruthless social behavior by an individual, collective, network or anyone to advance political interests. That is, fascism is a basic social behavior rather than a hard political form. Originally in Republican Rome it was a logical enough thing. When Rome was threatened by war they brought out the facies or sticks that were taken to the lead of a war parade to symbolize the time for fighting. Rome appointed a dictator for a year during times of war and he was given the facies that later became eponymous for the retrograde leadership of Mussolini and Hitler. Hitler incidentally was a shill for the aristocrats that were deposed during a civil rebellion at the end of the First World War. One should not forget the perennial advice to follow the money- there are always people that want money and power exclusively and will do anything to get it.


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