
Artificial Mountain Range Homes for a Planet (and a poem)

 If the population of the United States were to live within artificial mountain ranges homes for one million people apiece, just 325 structures presently would be needed for all Americans. Space for work and industry may need an equal amount of space so the total number of structures needed to let Americans and the economy of the United States function would be 650. Most of the United States could be restored to a wilderness condition and farmland between the structures that shelter farm space from wildlife.

 Transportation around the nation would be in hyper-tubes buried just partially under the surface of the Earth allowing inter-mountain travel at high speed. How would the  artificial mountain ranges look?

Although there are numerous possible optimal designs a simple one for illustrative purpose would be that of a 15-story double-hulled Quonset hut-like structure (inverted u shape) 100 miles in length. Residents would live in condominia between the double hull and the central space would be open. Exteriors would have solar panels and variegated natural surfaces for wildlife to utilize. Everyone would have an excellent view of the outdoors. The interior space might have a stream and fast transport modes. Optimizing geographic location placement of the structures would be valuable for exterior farming. Some areas of interior farming might be set aside in work structure areas for 15 stories of multi-level gardening with efficient hydroponics, trellises and dirt/watering from overhead. The topology of structure exteriors might be optimized with numerous temporal configurations possible with motile surface adaptation mechanisms. Housing is a fundamental human right. Even primitive tribes afforded every citizen a place to live. It would have been unthinkable for a tribesman of the upper Amazon to have existed in a homeless state. Each citizen of the renewed Earth would have equal space of 10,000 sq feet to exist in, and his or her intellect would determine how and what the space was used for. No citizen would own more than 300 times the wealth of the most poor citizen, although his business entity could have private capital of great scale and the total private capital of the state could be equal too yet not greater than public capital.  

 A century and a half of designed construction evolution probably would  be required to complete the fulfilment of a planetary housing plan. Business ideas would be accentuated that supported the construction project, and Wall Street would have a century and a half to adapt to the change. Eventually much new construction would exist off-world on Mars and elsewhere.

 Government forms need to adapt to the demographics and environment in which they will be used. Democracy offers numerous possibilities for adaptation that are not utilized and are generally unknown to most people.

 Interestingly 8 billion people on Earth would require just 8,000 artificial mountain ranges of 100 miles in length and 15 stories of height (soundproof and very solid structures) with another 8,000 units for work and industrial space to let the planetary ecosphere have a chance to recover with older structures except for a few historically important sites being removed to let wilderness return. Future developments on the Moon and Mars could exploit some features of space-Q-hut technology experimentally developed on Earth.


Like Poems of Time
God is eternal spirit
God > acts of God
God x (act 1) = Universe/Time
Energy = Mass =Time branch Universe unit
(Time Multiverse Unit per Universe)
Act 1 (Universe 1) Union of Time x (Act 2) = Multiverse
Time and Universe units = infinite yet complete number
Discrete yet always existing, beginning and ending in time
Characteristics of inherent expansion, contracted locally





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Regarding Colin Wilson's ''The Outsider'

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