
Invisible Martian Collusion with Biden to Steal Trump Votes?

 President Trump may have lost the election because of collusion between the Biden campaign and invisible Martian agents provocateurs and agents reallocating votes from machines that went to trump initially to the Biden buffer. Evidence is plain and abundant in that Joe Biden won by six million votes. Those votes were rightfully votes for Trump.

 Joe Biden fractured an ankle recently in a cage match with his dog providing more evidence of Martian collusion. Martians may have the capacity for taking the form of a dog. No other explanation could exist for the victory of the German Sheppard viciously body slamming the MME enabled Democratic President-elect into submission. That dog may be the foreign affairs liaison election coordinator with leadership of the Martian ministry of Excellent Subversions.

 If President Trump isn’t able to find more evidence of Martian collusion his Presidency may actually end leaving much unfinished and the great task of locating the Trump Presidential Twit library to conserve millions of Donald Trump’s greatest tweets to Twitter.

 Trump populism failed because (besides the fact that billionaire populism is a bit disingenuous) it needed to transition the industrial working core to ecologically beneficial activities rather than dig a deeper hole for atmospheric heating and mass species extinction. Nationalism and populism that lead by good example are fine; international agreements are no good substitute for fixing one’s own nation’s economically maladapted infrastructure- they are just a way of passing the buck. The kingdom of ecospheric health is within a nation rather than the diplosphere of treaties. While Earth is running a current accounts gap as if Mars had a great trade surplus with Earth (because of corporate and individual wealth hidden in offshore accounts), and there is no tax on wealth, there isn’t much chance of actually creating a sustainable ecosphere and economy on Earth that works for all of the people all of the time.

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