One might wonder if the Ukraine-Russian war is more than a testing ground for new weapons. The United States, Turkey and other N.A.T.O. countries have supplied copious weapons to Ukraine including combat drones and Multiple Launch Rocket Systems like HIMARS that have changed the way wars are conducted. Drones and other advanced tech combat systems are good business for manufactures so the war may alter the shape of global economics somewhat as China too makes drones for combat and sale and make seek to display its product line in the Ukraine conflict.
American issues of Christianity, cosmology, politics, ecosphere, philosophy, contemporary history etc
Drones Have Changed the Way War Works
Lakers should stay cool and keep their powder dry
The L.A. Lakers shouldn't try to find an instant winning player able to catapult them to a championship...that simply isn't going to happen. Russell Westbrook has one year to go on a fat contract and since he tended to fail to meet the expectations of those who engineered his trade and the Lakers are rather maxxed out on what the league allows a team to spend on player wages they need patience. Next year happens too and the Lakers need to keep all of their high. draft choices to get young quality players.
The Lakers have lots of entertaining players including Anthony and James so enjoying watching a good year without expecting a championship contender is reasonable. Seeking to trade away first and second round draft choices and pretty good back up players to get insufficient player quality in return is comparable to having a broken leg casted and taking it off too soon and rebreaking it...then keeping that up year after year,
A very talented manager can swindle a bad package for a good player sometimes. Smetimes it is necessary to wait. James and Anthony will still be around next year and this year some of the younger player might be developed looking ahead to building a complete team next year. Maybe the Lakers should have a two-year plan instead of a very short-sighted one year plan that need be done in a month.
Can Republicans Fulfill L.B.J.’s “Great Society” Dream?
After not listening to President Biden’s partisan rave continuing the “I hate Donald Trump” narrative in a major speech from what was known as Independence Hall from the City of Brotherly Hate I have given some thought to the idea of making America a Great Society again as L.B.J. attempted in his major agenda programmatic effort to end poverty in the United States. Since then the Democrat Party has allowed the nation to be flooded with illegal workers that undermine the value of wage labor in the U.S.A. keeping many Americans living at or below poverty level Millions of illegal migrant workers also have provided a sub-class that can’t vote or pay taxes so Democrats can give stimulus checks to the rich and middle classes during times of crisis and leave the sub-class out. The underclass is a national labor caste that provides servants for the middle class like child care, house cleaning and construction at prices not quite as satisfying as slave labor. Democrat middle class employers of illegals of course don’t usually need to pay for housing or medical costs for the illegal labor caste either, as employers of slaves once did. That raises an interesting historical point for research though; what did Confederate slave owners do with retired black slaves; just work them until they dropped dead or was their some sort of retirement housing for them?
President Biden successfully took his tired self to his home state to make a partisan hack attack on Republicans, MAGA and former President Trump. Apparently gathering what I can from hear-say reports of the speech the President descried ultra plus vite extremist faster than a speeding bullet, insurrectionist revolutionary political opponents that don’t recognize that he won the election in 2020. So I am not sure what to think. Can Democrats controlling the house form another committee or two to investigate unAmerican activities by the most extreme reds and maybe purge them from government and Hollywood where they make movies like Full Metal Jacket, Magnum Force and Sudden Impact? Can Democrats make Congress a unicameral legislature with just themselves in it? What will happen to the nation if the narrative that Donald Trump is bad and a red collusionist with Vladimir Putin to overturn Democracy and make it fascist loses force? People wearing Nazi helmets on motorcycles and maybe in Honda Prius's make be increasing in number. I saw an Hispanic motorcyclist riding a chopper with a Nazi helmet a couple years ago, although it could have been a gray neo-U.S. armed services imitation helmet used to cover the ears so people won’t know if the rider is listening to N.P.R. with earbuds.
Since Democrats labeled Republicans ‘Reds’ when the Cold War 1.0 was ended by Republicans with help from the late last President of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev the time may be right for making America a great society again following in L.B.J.’s footsteps. L.B.J. it is sometimes thought, may have died of a broken heart from all of the combat casualties in Vietnam and ineffectiveness of his Great Society program at ending poverty in the United State. He wasn’t able to run for a second term as President. It is difficult to choose which dream is true; that of purging the nation of the Red menace and its insurrection that goes on forever like a myocardial infarction until the Democrat Party dominates everything for Wall Street in the name of Joe Biden, or one of the other dreams.
The American Dream, the Dream of Martin Luther King, Footprints in the Sand, Spill the Wine Dream, On the Threshold of a Dream, DACHA Dream, The Red Dream, Joe Biden’s boyhood dream visiting Independence hall of standing within it as President brilliantly speaking defending the nation against terrible Red threats to Democracy, Lao Tze's Dream of the Butterfly or Man Disjunctive Forced Option etc. present many choices; how can all dreams be real or validated? The House UnAmerican Activities investigation could impanel a Too Tell The Truth subcommittee to bring before it representatives of all the the dreams to determine which one is really real.
Republicans can Make America Great Again with extremist legislation of they can recapture the House. Maybe they could form an American activities committee to discover what happened to intelligent legislation and where it is being held hostage and determine what the cost will be to ransom it free? Poverty need be entirely eliminated along with the illegal worker caste. All people working in America need to be legal and receive equal rights. Stopping illegal immigration is required for that to occur, and everyone that has been in the United States for a year should be made a legal resident or leave. If the U.S.A. is not to evolve into being a Banana Republic without bananas it needs to be sovereign for-itself, in-itself with everyone above board on a legal sheet of music.
Zaporizhia Power was built by Soviet and Possibly Russian Engineers
Just to get the facts straight; The Zaporizhzhia nuclear power station was built by the Soviet Union and perhaps Russian engineers between 1985 and 1989 and an extra unit was added by occupiers in 1995. The non-nuclear Zaporizhzhia thermal power station was built between 1971 and 1977. Carpet-baggers gave it to Ukraine in 1994.
Relocate Afghan Exiles from Abu Dabi to Gitmo
Guantanamo Bay should be converted to a Job Skills Training Center for thousands of Afghan exiles that were loyalists serving the United States during the last war there. It is unconscionable that they are presently languishing in a detention facility in the desert of a nation that is not their own. If Guantanamo Bay isn’t large enough to shelter the political refugees then California could serve. California is like a foreign country providing refuge to millions of non-citizen migrants already to a few thousand Afghans should be welcome too. One of the steps required for making America great again is the rectification of the labor market so all workers are legal and a permanent underclass does not exist to make the American democracy like the Athenian democracy circa 450 B.C. (middle class democrats were supported by slaves). Another step is to recognize and provide swift adjudication of political asylum requests and especially those whose lives were at risk for serving the U.S. military during a time of foreign war.
Another Fine Art Update
After completing his most recent science fiction novel; Self-portrait of the Artist as a Young Man’ I asked the artist what his next fine art project would be. He replied “It’s a miniature I call ‘Snow Blindness’. It’s in the conceptual stage. The canvas will be either all white or black. I don’t know how long the preparatory contemplation will require; that can’t be determined until the light of insight switches on while I’m building or writing.”
N.O.A.A. named to Flood Over Belief in God?
The National Oceanic And Atmospheric organization isn’t at all Christian or Jewish and has obviously borrowed or expropriated an important Christian/Jewish name for itself to disrespect it, expropriate it and obfuscate the spiritual importance. It is the federal equivalent of the Washington Redskins or Cleveland Indians names that were offensive symbols to actual Amer-Indians. N.O.A.A. is a godless organization of smug scientific atheist swells too happy to disrespect private American citizens of faith when they can. N.O.A.A. claims to administer oceans and atmosphere; it does a bad job of managing fish in Alaska. I haven’t seen a fish of moderate or large size jump from saltwater since 2000. Fish catches are down or canceled all over because N.O.A.A. stinks at fish administration and probably puts the blame on some other organization managing ocean resources. Sea lions and killer whales have also been bitten by bad animal administration. Select bird species are dwindling under bad N.O.A.A. administration. Canadian wildfire smoke drifts into Alaska occasionally- does N.O.A.A. administer that? N.O.A.A. local weather forecast broadcasts have been reduced to just one day ahead of time; an inadequate quant for planning trips over-the-water for supplies. The forecast wind direction and speed is often wrong and sometimes opposite. Before growing to become swells N.O.A.A. accuracy was better and local weather prediction made five days in advance; a minimal quantity for reasonable travel planning.
Maybe another Cash for Clunkers Presidential Race in 2024
The U.S. electorate should pick a President the way George Steinbrenner picked players for the Yankees. He always got the best available. When a player isn’t at the top of his game with great ideas vote him or her out of office directly. The nation needs a succession of intelligent Presidents with great new and innovative ecological economic and technological development ideas who can liberate the poor, and secure democracy against rich international corporatists more concerned with hiding cash offshore and relocating blue and white collar jobs to offshore locations with the cheapest quality workforce and low taxes available. Presidential selection should be regarded as a team relay with the fastest, brightest Americans chosen from any field rather than career bureaucrats that have evolved their way to the top by outliving rivals.
Democrats constructing Perfect Economic Storm
The United States economy is heavily invested in foreign production; especially in Asia. China’s emergence after the Cold War 1.0 into being a major trading partner of the United States was fomented by its vast market demographics, low labor costs for productivity and people culturally trained first in Confucian then Maoist ethics evolving toward mixed capitalism and enterprise that drew western investors. China in the 1990s was an emerging global economic power eager to throw off the shackles of poverty that had kept it in a second or even third world status decades before. Democrat policies to develop enmity over Taiwan and Chinese support for Russia’s position regarding the west and Ukraine in particular are a key element of the Democrat Party’s construction of the perfect economic and environmental storm that may lead ahead to depression.
Transpuckic Journalists Serve Mass Extinction
Contemporary broadcast journalism in the United States evolved from neutral observer presentations of the 1960s and 70s to adversarial journalism where-imp journalists interviewed and pieced together stories to prove points of narratives with transpuckic broadcast shots on the goal of reinforcing and advancing power to benefit special interests. Transpucktional reporting is adversarial, builds narratives with pieces of truth that support semi-fiction narratives, omitting exculpatory counter-tangential facts and other materials non-supportive of preferred narrative themes.
God and Omniscience
Some like those logic loops, tests and disjuncts for extrapolating to the unknowable. God is other than everything he created; entirely dif...
Here and there pointillist continua build rowing the skiff clambering over the road staying in shadows until spring insouciant compact snow ...
Alaskan officials have cut down or banned King Salmon fishing in much of Alaska because so few of the large fish are returning. The Ancho...
Why do F-22 pilots lose consciousness and let their planes crash and burn? The air superiority fighters are designed to survive oppositio...