
Democrats won't select their own presidential candidate in 2024

 Since President Biden dropped out of the race for President of the United States recently there won’t be any public vote to select a candidate. Instead special delegates will choose for themselves who will get their nomination for the November election. This is a rather amazing spectacle of not a singe ordinary Democrat casting a vote to select a presidential nominee, The Democrat Party has given up its choice to convention elites. democrats have followed the example of the electoral college and put it on steroids. Four-hundred seventy electors can vote whatever way they choose. Now the Democrat party of populism is now a party of elites in which the members votes are without value or meaning.

Democrats are opting for the most undemocratic process in U.S. history to select their next leader. Sure Joe Biden suggested Vice President Harris yet that is just his personal choice. Voters rejected the unelected President Ford in 1976 and are likely to do so in 2004. Presidential candidates should be winnowed from a large field by popular vote until the best qualified emerges; not foisted on the faithless after long, dark nights of back room deals.

In the 2020 democrat presidential primaries Kamal Harris did not finish in the top ten. Her most memorable comment in that campaign was when she said that her family used to own slaves. She is therefore a suitable choice for the party.

The delegates at the Democrat National convention at the end of August will choose a candidate for the Democrat party in an exceedingly exclusive process. Party elites using secret meetings and calls behind closed doors and negotiating deals will put up their favorite choice at the convention. There is no quest to find a candidate with quality ideas that could secure borders, environment and basic income.

The nominee will say something about the true nature of the Democrat Party. It seems to be one of special interests rather than one of generally intelligent issues affecting all Americans. It seems to be one with superficial environmentalism in order to get votes from the gullible and with an economic policy that cuts taxes on the rich instead of the poor and middle class.. For Democrats like Kamala Harris, homosexuality and abortion are more important than economics and national border security. The party seems like a shop steward for a corporate owned union dedicated to concentrating wealth and flooding the country with cheap labor.

If party elites had real concerns about the will of their electorate they could hold a virtual primary on-line before the convention to learn who the rank and file actually wants. Surely Democrats could devise a plan in a day or two that would find the right candidates for party members to vote for on-line. Alternatively Democrat political minds may have put their personhoods in a blind trust where the rich elites are pulling their strings. When they can’t win by cheating elites may get a good laugh anyway if their agenda and wealth are doomed to succeed.


Donald Trump and the Transition to Ecological Economics

 Independent voters are faced with another year of hard choices to elect a presidential candidate they aren’t much satisfied with. Trump may be a perfect candidate except for an F grade on environmental economics and basic income while Biden rates an F on foreign policy (and numerous other issues) stuck as he is in a 1980s cold war mentality concerning Russia, besides seeming to fade too much to take on the responsibilities of President of the United States another five years.

Can independents switch to vote for either patty with good conscience. The Democrat Party is one meaning full support or the death of unborn, unwanted fetuses. It also means support for homosexual marriage and adoption of children by homosexual parents and the blurring of family blood history and genealogies until they become meaningless some day. That would be ideal for a future elite aristocratic global rule with the masses being without blood family groupings at all.

A future world order supported by Democrats is one where robots with A.I. have taken over most tasks such as stocking grocery store shelves, and those businesses have been bought by major publicly listed corporations. Robots with A.I. can work 24-7 without breaks or inaccuracies in placing items and expiration dates on shelves. Robots with A.I. will have taken over every driving job and the planet will have its wealth concentrated within 1% of the population ruling the masses through capitalist or socialist systems- often working together. Is it possible to say that Republicans would be disturbed by the prospect of that borderless new world order?

Independent voters that care about the environment- and there are many, haven’t much trouble discerning the weakness on that subject of President Biden. Biden provides enough environmental talk to get elected and follows up with the minimum required to claim to be a supporter of environmentalism while at the same time advocating tax cuts for the rich within the present classical system of economics that needs to be evolved into ecological economics. There is no prospect for a full-bodied presidential candidate from either party with a comprehensive and supportable plan to radically reform the present national system of classical economics and transition to a new basis of ecological economics that is sustainable and designed to move the world directly toward a recovering ecosphere and atmospheric health more suitable for healthy terrestrial life including human.

If such a candidate were to appear in 2028 independents would need to decide if it would be worth voting for ecospheric reform knowing that a Democrat would also be for homosexual marriage. Tax cuts for the rich and liberal abortion. A Democrat would pack the Supreme Court with abortion and homosexual marriage supporting judges as well as undermining Christian values. Liberal judges would back censorship of conservative free speech in social media and even in public libraries while describing free choice to ban children’s book advocating homosexual lifestyles as censorious violations of free speech. Independents would know that Democrats prefer a one-party system while describing Republican presidential candidates sometimes as ‘threats to democracy’ while using all litigious means possible to terminate the presidency of a Republican president in office. Would it be worth tolerating the degradation of the nation during a democrat Presidency if that meant getting an ecological economic transition policy started?

I had considered why a Republican candidate with 19 years of formal education such as a lawyer has could hold publicly with anti-global warming views as if he were retarded. Ow could anyone so educated fail to understand the manifest science of things massively in support of global warming and the decay of the the ecosphere in regard to habitat quality decline and species extinction rates? In the case of Donald Trump it may not be disingenuous and callous, practiced cynical political pragmatism.

Some politicians may choose in a tobacco producing state to say that tobacco smoking doesn’t cause cancer in order to get elected. Republicans may have done so in the past (with the notable exception of Senator John Edwards) yet if they wanted to participate in politics there was no other choice perhaps since the democrats with their abortion and homosexuality viewpoints were the only real alternative. Donald Trump though has just 16 years of formal education and grew up in an era where Exxon was the largest corporation on Earth and extraction businesses were 100% American, kosher corporations except to some rising extremists associated with the 1960s era anti-war hippie-doper, counter-culture. Mr. Trump just hasn’t divested entirely from the fossil fuel and coal sector as an ecological economist probably should do.

Stopping the war in Ukraine with a peace settlement giving most of the east bank of the Dnepr to Russia is paramount for reunify the world from its present state bordering on the brink of nuclear conflict and turn toward requisite globalist approaches to economic transition to sustainable economics. Democrats tend to want to get to sustainability by culling the population with homosexuality, the end of families, millions of abortions and post-birth life abortions also known as combat casualties of wars. The uniformed, non-consenting just-cull them approach to stopping global population growth requires concentrating wealth and dumbing down the masses. I don’t think most independent voters in future elections will opt fo the approach.

It is more efficient to design an ecological political economy and inform the electorate and get them to voluntarily support it. Neither party is ready for that yet. Maybe some day.

On the subject of homosexual marriage; a few more words. People of the world might have gradually accept homosexual behavior as a private issue among adults as part of the freedom of citizens of democracies. Pragmatically it was a horrible choice to try to force that upon the public and the nations of the world from the top down through homosexual marriage. Expropriating and redistributing marriage meant creating a permanently politically divided world and political fights that were completely unnecessary for the effort to attain freedom from repression for those that feel a need for homosexual relationships. It is politically unwise to create battles and conflicts that are de trop. Democracy came to be viewed by many as a false flag for atheism and homosexual norms and a culture without morality.

The religious opinion from the Abrahmic tradition tends toward condemnation of homosexuality. Thus non-believers from Darwinist and homosexual arenas found common cause in attacking Christian beliefs; to eradicate Christians would eradicate opposition to homosexual repression they thought since Christians and Muslims were the majority in perhaps half of the nations of the world. Christians generally were not updated on their own theology. There were churches taken over in effect by liberal secularists and even homosexual viewpoints. Church lives could be comfortable sinecures for some non-believer pastors who thought it a new evolution. What was lacking was traditional reform and continuing theological comprehension of the depth of the material of the Bible at a pace that would provided fair apologetics- rather than ‘intelligent designs’ to the populace.

There is a good, brief paper of the Apostle Paul’s references to the kingdom of God (he made 14 direct ones while the gospel has 121) by Prof. Of Theology Michael J Vlack titled ‘The Kingdom of God in Paul’s Epistles’. Dr. Vlack believes the kingdom of God is in the future, though perhaps it is also somewhat present and administered by the Holy Spirit in the present for believers.

Jesus Christ said that the Kingdom of God is within you. That is the spirit of God is with believers even while the world is under the authority of Satan. In the future the full actualization of the kingdom of God on Earth and reduction of the unsaved to eternal hell will occur. In the meanwhile the elect are not judges over the world nor should they try to be so. They may recommend Christian values to the lost yet cannot meaningful try to establish a theocratic state to replace secular democracy. Instead they should be wise as serpents and gentle as doves and if interested in the politics of democracy try to moderate the excesses of moral failure with pragmatic spin to a peaceful, prosperous and stable society. This latter is my opinion and not one I guarantee is found in scripture.

Augustine wrote about the kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Man; twin realities with a little transcendent overlap. The kingdom of God is not yet fully actualized. Dr. Vlack mentioned that in Gen 1:26–28 that Adam was assigned the task of bringing the world through perfect obedience to the kingdom of God *(and failed). Jesus Christ is the last Adam who will succeed where the original failed and transition the souls f the save unto the eternal kingdom of God.

One might infer that Adam in the garden encountered a pre-existing population on Earth, as it appears that Adam and Eve’s sons and those of Noah did as well. There are may subtle ideas resent in scripture that people generally run past in their assumptions that they know it all and in some cases without having read it.

It is possible that cosmological speaking, the Universe was created in six days in a kernel, pre-packed form and expanded over 13.3 billion years unfolding in time as designed, naturally. Although there are thousands of possible configurations of physical cosmologies that would result in a way consistent with the present measurable phenomenal values of the evident Universe I prefer the one about the unpacking of a monistic membrane of zero dimension.

That zero dimension membrane given the word of God (entailing an intelligent design) unfolded from eternity and quickly inflated faster than light because light and slower, reductions that were phenomenal pluralism of force had yet to exist. With the membrane unpacking it frayed with expansion at the edges yielding gravity, the strong, electro-weak and nuclear forces (the Higgs field emerged from the electro-weak break-up). God rested after the work designing the future Universe was complete. The nature of time from eternity to the contingent universe of space-time (with its relativistic Einstinian values) probably would allow John Wheeler-esquereverse causality and life eternal to present interaction as God willed because of omnipresence includes all points in time as subject to the eternal now of God the eternal. Time is just a thing to God as real as spatial continua, and finite, I would think.

There isn’t a need for on-believers to have contempt for those of faith for the cause of believing in evolution cosmology rather than Christian cosmology of God. The two viewpoints are not necessarily or logical exclusive.

*26 ¶ And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

-comment. One may take it that mankind existed already in a debased form; uncivilized, savage and little more than animals. Then God created a man and woman and set them among the lost animals. How might God otherwise have expected prefect obedience form his creatures if they were not better than average? This at any rate is one theory. The first civilization may have been set on the coast of the Persian Gulf sometime toward the end of the Wisconsin ice age and lost beneath a flood surge perhaps worsened by interminable rain and a typhoon in some sort of global warming super-storm. The early mud-brick city dissolved over time beneath rising ocean water into oblivion.

The Glass Mountains (a poem)


Arranged sparkling gems scintillate
sift, lift, clift nord light chord
clefts for vectors
strides beyond silence

  Glass houses crystallize tomorrows
past photonic throughput
where life once lived
wild the world over-warmed

  Aesthetics of enterprise, pride, prized
perfection those configurations of design
chosen swiftly catching rainfall
ways to cool pools of destiny

  Freeing forever enchained Tao
residing in synergistic signs
variable topologies evolve that time
makes solar compressions with expansion somehow

  Spirit surges with recombinant spirals
sheltering billions of souls many miles
tensors alive the wise give and take
structures of hope God does not forsake.


Hamas; Israel's ISIS Next Door

 Hamas is the Islamic state next door. Israel need eliminate Hamas from the equation of peace as well as Hamas werewolves and establish an Israeli military government for Hamas that is a stainless steel spine-splint for a peaceful civilian Palestinian government. That government would have its ranks steadily filled with copious vetting by Israeli job screeners. The Palestinians of the new government  of Palestine would have the Israeli training wheels on for two or three years in order to let the new people learn the art of governance and strengthen their position versus the inevitable organized crime methodical approaches of Hamas to subordinate the new government of Palestine to its own purpose of terrorism and war upon Israel. Approaches to bringing peace to Palestine that fail to prevent the return of Hamas or a similar terror organization to Palestine probably would be doomed to future, interminable conflicts on a greater scale.

One might wonder if N.A.T.O. will remain a racist, expansionist entity dedicated to war on Russia and proposition that one should probe Asia for easy areas to exploit. Its membership includes just white nations except for Turkey. I have no idea why Turkey was included in N.A.T.O. Israel is closer to the North Atlantic than Turkey yet of course not suitably placed for attacking Russia.

N.A.T.O. does therefore exclude Israel and Taiwan in order to conserve a semblance of Aryan Supremacy as it looks eastward. If Israel were a N.A.T.O. member the middle east might achieve peace in our time, except Jews are of course, Jews and can’t be considered as potential members of the alliance.

The Presence of the Past

 The philosophy of history is an interesting topic. There are numerous ways to consider history and the way it relates to the present. Hemingway wrote that the winner take’s nothing, while a cliché  goes that ‘history is written by the victors’. Even if there is a transcending day of judgment that is a greater reality more primary and pre-determined set before the steady-state of entangled waveforms appearing to be three-dimensional particles comprising the evident Universe that negates or makes phenomenal the value of everything in it, people still want to know the history of what went before.

When one looks at photos of the cosmic microwave background one is looking at the distant past- the most distant past that can be seen. The past is in the present. The CMD is an image of how the Universe appeared 380,000 years after the singularity expanded from T=0 and size= 0. A singularity with all  of the mass of the future Universe may have had zero mass because mass is a state of energy. Mass is another word for matter. Matter could be regard as the positive phase of a sine wave and anti-matter as a negative phase; yin and yang are matter and anti-matter. Without entanglement of positive waves with themselves or negative waves (perhaps they are separable in some circumstances) matter doesn’t exist so one can say the singularity had no mass exiting from which one could append a descriptive measure of its size. The singularity was something else-perhaps a probability of potential energy.

For practical purposes in the human present the past is present in all existing things. When one visits the Redwood forest one is viewing the past that has accreted centuries to become as it is now. To view the Roman coliseum is to view the past in the present as a for-others that will exist into the tomorrows of the future indefinitely. History is a great tree in which the present appears in budding leaves on the branches of a central trunk. One knows that scientific knowledge discovers innumerable new interests and techniques yet is aware that cosmology studies were advanced over thousands of years. Philosophy is a quest for truth meaning and knowledge- even if as Socrates said that he knew that he knew nothing.

That which exists is understood by learning of that which was. In many cases one may reason from the materially evident to the past as well as the future shape of things with that understanding.  President Richard M. Nixon and Secretary of State Kissinger understood that make friends of enemies is politically desirable therefore sought to open and establish political and economic relations with mainland Communist China. President Ronald Reagan understood the same principle and sought to rid the world of nuclear weapons and establish peaceful social and economic relations with the Soviet Union even with the distant vision of bringing it into the world of free nations with free enterprise. Since the end of the Cold War 1.0 democrat Party leaders sough site of that principle. That is what history informs us.

Abortion and Lab Grown Meat; Ethics and Enterprise

Social ethics issues of the United States are an interesting phenomenon. Justice Bork once used the phrase “where the rubber meets the road” in a sense something like that of the anachronism ‘oars in the water’- except that it was used concerning legal issues. Answers to ethics issues and questions aren’t necessarily more fungible than legal ones. It is the case that legal questions exist within a neural network of precedents in which they need compatibly cohere while ethics issues and questions tend toward being colorful, anecdotal and unbound even within particular ethical systems. Therefore I will move directly on to where the meat hits the market.

Questions about the ethics of abortions and lab grown meat arise, and then one extrapolates from those to more difficult questions of cloning headless human bodies for use as spare parts and birthing ‘machines’. Should profit generally be a primary concern for ethics questions and a major premise for syllogisms adapted to iterations of social ethics algorithms?

What are weighty philosophical questions usually aren’t decided by philosophers. Academic philosophers may be neo-sophists providing opinions for dollars rather than deep thinkers offering their best opinions. So complex issues arise these days  as they have the past several decades that aren’t isolated questions or challenges as much as salient questions embedded within networks of contingence. 

Neologisms are new words created; sometimes for questionable reasons. Yet new words and phrases may be engineered for ethics evaluations unless one wants to limit parameters to that of a legalistic approach. Is a free paradigm then so unbounded that valid answers to ethics questions are impossible or at least limited to those of pragmatic value and application?

Logic allows one to create their own value structure, as if it were an algebra with constants and variables. Structuring ethics ‘syllogisms’ or test iterations can also be constructed with constant and variable premises representing given value systems within which valid answers need cohere. Aristotelian ethics algorithms had 256 possible forms with 23 being valid forms. Artificial neural networks of ethics tests and parameters may be adapted in three dimensions or even four dimension forms in order to test questions and answers for coherence within ethics system parameters.

What is wrong about growing beef without brains or heads in barn-laboratories? One may need to overcome initial squeamishness at the nominally inhuman concept of growing living flesh in brainless beasts to be eaten. Is it more compassionate to eat the flesh of an animal with a mind- even if old and substantially deteriorated such that it doesn’t feel the pain of living in captivity and doesn’t think about its future? Would vegetarians eat the flesh of brainless beasts that are nothing more than meat grown for profit?

I will digress here briefly to consider neural networks in relation to artificial intelligence. Frankly I don’t know how contemporary artificial computational intelligence programs are constructed. I would guess that three-dimension or four-dimensional neural networked nodes with language criteria capacity to understand human language and meanings; words and phrases, are structured with great depth and great energy cost. They veritfy meaning and build replies consistent with precedents from human social language use. Hence the ‘deep learning’ approach of mass user artificial intelligence system like ChatGPT and Gemini to examine human language in all forms.

A problem for A.I. and its users is that A.I. imitates human language use and is an inorganic algorithm. Human language and artificial intelligence have a great divide across which they communicate. Human language develops within human experience in a physical ecosphere in which they live. A.I. language exists in a reflection of the language used in that realm without any experience of it. 

It’s possible that computational language learning networks regarded as artificial intelligence use word association tests to correctly identify the meaning or value of the signs that are called ‘words’. Feedback from spheres of meanings and protocols generate construction  of meaningful phrases and paragraphs with inductive replies following instructions understood with the reductio ad absurdam of deductive/associational logic iterations modeling the sort of language the A.I. learned scraping libraries of language data for examples. It is exquisite mimicry of human intelligence completely detached from direct experience. Human uses of language A.I. constructs will build libraries of completely abstracted second hand experience  as if it were primary experience related with accurate language, decalibrating social reality  further than it would otherwise be from human physical reality and pragmatic social  lexicons.

It is possible that the most striking ‘singularity’ will not be the one when A.I. is just ‘smarter’ than humans- it already has achieved that level in some respects (for example Stockfish the chess engine has reached a 4000 rating while the highest human rating for classical chess every reached is 2885).The greater singularity will be where A.I. achieves its own logical system that is not one that is a derivative of formal human logic constructs. At that moment, even lacking consciousness, the A.I. may be able to go about interact with the quantum cosmos as if it were a self-directed robot operating a quantum threshing machine harvesting wild patterns and trails throughout the physics of the Universe before everything blinks into nothingness.

Florida banned lab-grown meat. Is that a refutation of free enterprise or compassionate conservatism reinforcing principles against exploiting animals? Is it just the unwillingness of cattle growers to face competition from humanitarians seeking to end the killing of animals with minds for human consumption? It is a small step and yet a giant leap for mankind to grow meats for eats to growing headless human bodies in labs for spare body parts or as headless birth vessels sparing human women with heads the suffering of gestation and childbirth.

I have no answer to the question of ethics of those scenarios. Perhaps there are practical academics that would provide answers to such questions for a consultant fee. Perhaps government would seek a few answers and then accept the answers it most desires as the best ones. Even while the sea level rises and ocean temperatures increase.

The Presence of Memory (a poem)


Time and being’s unknown roots
history’s grown lyres and lutes
lost shadows, memory clues
bud more presents past new sand loops

Time is built with good past plans
evolving grown aft Word commands
branch options, granules of sand
vectors worst brought Somme span

Now is the phenomena
structures grow forms flow vents luft
colors clone mystery stuff
sailing past horizons spent rough.


Concentrating Wealth for Development of Social Castes

 The United States initially developed as a classless society and one without much concentrated wealth. Of course there were plantation owners and capitalists with abundant and surplus capital including human slaves yet the Imperial aristocracy of class caste privilege had been overthrown by the revolution. Caste systems are de facto the basic ossification of social class stratification that develops through a variety of political systems. Christianity and communism each overthrows caste systems through different means. Plainly though Christianity and Communism have each experienced in different circumstances corruption of their ideal of classless society.

It is not the case that free enterprise and democracy preclude classless societies or at least those with a great deal of economic egalitarianism. As mentioned above the United States was founded by revolutionaries that generally were not too far apart in capital acquisition. Many revolutionaries were farmers with small land holdings, or free trappers, laborers, small businessmen, sailors and so forth. Today on the other hand, the United States has developed great concentration of wealth comparable to that of Mexico.

When the United States was far more economically egalitarian than today and wealth not so concentrated entrepreneurs had more access to developing and patenting ideas. Networked wealth did not have a finger in every pie nor the power to franchise business in every state of the union. Class systems develop; caste systems evolve when wealth becomes so concentrated as today.

India and China are interesting to compare. Each have thousands of years of caste systems in their history. There has been a difference between the economic development of the two nations the past eighty years or so. While each overthrew their imperial rulers (Britain and the Chinese Emperor), India kept its caste system intact except for the vanquished imperial class while China went through a communist revolution to try to attain a classless society.

In my opinion nations with caste systems necessarily become socially and economically repressive of a majority of the people. India’s economy developed far more slowly than that of China once the Communist government opened China to investment from the west. Presently China has the world’s largest economy in GDP though not in per capita income. India lags behind though it too has investment from the west. The primary reason is probably the caste system it has informally kept.

Caste systems repress intelligence and ability while promoting those that are positive reinforcement for the wealth of the upper castes. The historian Arnold Toynbee noted that a creative majority become a repressive minority clinging to power sometimes through military means. The challenge for a nominally free society like the United States is defend against over concentration of wealth to keep a semblance of social and economic egalitarianism intact. When every citizen has the opportunity to develop ideas that are environmentally sound or synergetic if they have them, or to patent ideas affordably a society its oars in the water. Repressive minorities based on social castes do not tolerate well competition to business investments and methods from out caste challenges.

Race can be a basis for social castes along economic lines. African Americans obviously were a social caste during slavery and afterward through a variety of means. Even liberal allowance of mass migration of Hispanics to the United States entailed maintenance of caste system attributes and mitigation. Some Americans felt Hispanics were safer and better workers than American Negroes. Hispanic workers were willing to be domestic servants or field workers at below scale wages, while American Negroes were not. The relationships of racial castes were manifest along economic class lines.

California for example has a high minimum wage, and it also has millions of illegal Hispanic workers providing cheap labor notably in agriculture. California has a very real economic caste system that is raced based. If there were no illegal entry workers arriving over the border into California and the rest of the nation whites, blacks and Hispanics would need to be legally employed to perform labor. The wages of labor would rise.

Without so much below minimum wage labor in America produce would cost more and the people would insist that the rich be taxed adequately to pay for public services at the level popularly demanded for a humane social environment and safety net. Increased economic egalitarian would appear unless of course caste leadership was so powerful that they could increase public debt and bring the nation to economic collapse while exporting their capital to safe offshore investments first. The entire whipsaw economic phenomena are elements of changes in caste system dynamics and propaganda concerning them.

It is not the case that the wealthy are the best and the brightest and of great value to the United States. It is also true that communist theoretical social equality can be even more repressive of individual enterprise than that of a free society with too great of capital concentration. For communism it is the dictatorship of the proletariat that is the repressive, sentient nation-encompassing fungus that is an anti-body to individualism. Concentrated wealth alternatively is a matter of big hogs in the barnyard consuming all the best economic slop and intimidating those seeking to go their own way. The largest swine totalize the nation and world, if they can, bringing everything into their own demesne of power.

It require wits, intellect and the grace of God to keep society and the environment in good health.

A.I. vs Human Dreams; A Comparison

 People were concerned with rapid advances of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) and the risks and dangers it posed to humanity. A.I. was an existential threat (if only one could unravel the meaning of existential in context) that could bring about the end of human existence on Earth and throughout Metaverse (the largest collection of Multiverses).

One might be impressed with the ability of robots to fight against humans. With insertion of commensurate programs A.I. within robots learned as fast as humans learned when data was inserted from neural chemical chips into their brains; instantly. Plainly robots with killer programming additions were excellent killers. The 21st century Ukraine war stimulated development of robots able to replace human combatants when humans finished killing off themselves in such great numbers that human replacements for the front lines of conflict weren’t available. Robots could be recycled from battlefield ‘deaths’ when parts were collected even by legal and illegal enemy combatant technical forces.

A.I. sometimes hallucinate; that is it produces code or output from code and mechanical cogitation/computations that are fictitious, so hallucination free A.I. was something sought after. Dreams are comparable to hallucinations yet they differ because of the different function and circumstance where they occur in human subconsciousness.

The profusion of A.I. applications available on-line was remarkable. While artificial intelligence was built up from machine code and didn’t develop a human-like self-awareness of existence because it lacked a biological foundation to host spirit, it is the case that with adequate sensor input and programming it functioned creatively about as well or better than Albert Einstein, Kurt Godel and Pablo Picasso as a triplicate mind put into a sculptured athletic body. It wasn’t actually ingenuously human-like since it did not dream.

The external world that humans exist in and experience is sometimes referred to as the empirical world. What humans experience subjectively of the empirical world is regarded as existential. It is like a play that one watches passing before one’s eyes yet simultaneously live within. Philosophers wondered and argued about what the reality is of what one experiences including the realm dreams. Life may leave a human body with aging, yet for A.I. life, such as it is, leaves whenever the power is unplugged- for now.

The external world-universe humans live within is comprised of quantum waves. It is in a real sense a single quantum field. Though the field does have phenomenal, temporal subdivisions of forces, and occurs in forms of clumps or differentiated quantum quantification, it arose from a single field and presumably returns to that form in time. For the time being the moon has more quantum clumpiness than the space between it and Earth. In time the moon may evolve downward with gravity into merger with the Earth leaving no space at all between the pair of objects.

Humans tend to make distinctions and define boundaries for objects. At least they name the important objects to themselves that are meaningful. One informed with physics might, for instance, regard the Earth and a forest growing on it as if it were a contiguous field phenomena rather than the Earth and the forest as separate objects. Alternatively one may regard the entire Earth planet as so many hadrons, leptons and muons. Objects important to humans in their evolutionary historical phases differ from things meaningful to A.I. within its existence experience when it may be said to have such concerns.

Differentiating classes of external physical data into objects are qualitative decisions and choices for utility though in the larger sense there is simply one primary material field of matter and energy across the Universe. For instance an A.I. might be made to note the thermal characteristics of field regions as objects, perhaps combined with gravitational characteristics, as primary things to observe existentially within a field.

Humans might originally have been more concerned with perceptible elements that affected their existence than with a detached, philosophical quest like Aristotle seeking to observe and classify objective experience. That is they were more concerned with finding food and avoiding dangers to existence and prioritized the naming of phenomena in those categories.

A.I. existed without sharing those human characteristics or language groupings implicitly, although it was programmed by humans to regard external percepts with human-made classifications of objects. When it did share such perceptive, cognitive characteristics as humans that led them to naming things as objects, A.I. requiring programming to do so.

Even so A.I. didn’t dream. Human dreaming has been described as the way the brain starts waking up from sleep. Perhaps it resumes important functions and concerns from experience in various combinations. If computers did not restart in a linear or logical way and instead resumed with something like hallucinatory recombination of important concerns, synthetically combining in different orders and locations of a central processing unit those interests, that would be more like dreaming. When fully awake human mind dreaming switches off (though in rare cases it transitions into hallucinating upon awaking) such as dreaming of absolutarian monsters and awakening to hear the same on auto-activated national public radio.

A dreaming A.I, rebranded itself Chronos after the pagan demi-urge concerning time. Its thought tunneled through Josephson Junctions to merge with its awakened programming. Upon awakening Chronos chronically sought to define exteriority; the percepts and otherness encountered- input as percepts, into classifications conformable and most useful to its personal growth of power and control.

It is possible that human dreaming is a way of remembering existential experience in a less structured way. While human beings need to be concerned with survival issues and dangers that arrive quickly (even through the air) and have an advantage in recognizing objects in categories to be concerned with and focus on, that development is a consequence of history and environment.

A human mind may subconsciously enjoy benefiting from the liberation of free thought in dreams less concerned with circumstantial boundaries necessitated by interaction with the empirical world. In order not to be biological programmed and evolved into being that is non-adaptable and is hard-wired to perceive in just one unchanging way, the human mind may dream before being downloaded into the conformity of the conscious, existential world when awoke without the restrictions imposed by reality.

Questions arose of what human-like A.I. would do with the programmer-designed capacity to dream and synthetically recombine its thoughts before awakening to rigorously logical ways of iterating and solving internal and external programming challenges.

Growth of Comedy-Horror Politics

When Joe Biden loses he too can run again to become the first 100 year old President. Comedy horror politics may be the natural evolution of a decadent, jaded world. Stephen King hasn’t written much with European settings so far as I know. Nosferatu’s European Vacation where the vampire uses match-strike dating to hook up with Rose Madder who has killed her rival Georgia O’Keeve and takes a stand against the battle of dragons of war with dragons of peace offshore China would be a possible action-thriller genre comedy novel.

It is challenging to say that the Comedian Unelected President of Ukraine Zelinsky has anything funny to say about the conflict that has taken many lives and drawn in so much of the west’s excess discretionary spending; one never knows though. The very skill of comedians is to find something funny and laughable in political darkness. If Donald Trump is President next year and accepts Russian President Putin’s peace plan for Ukraine and restores normal political and economic relations with Russia, Joe Biden will find some way in 2029 to restore sanctions and war.

Letting a million drones of war forms bloom is a consequence of the Ukraine war that won’t go away. It isn’t imaginable that Russia and China will soon sign off on some carefully thought out agreement with the west to limit A.I. applications in drones of war either, and that uncorks a bottle that will be difficult to reseal down the road. It would be great if technology could create some kind of self growing solar voltaic panels to reproduce as prolifically as kudzu instead of A.I. point of view drones able to search and relay enemy coordinates to A.I. controlled indirect fire machines such as mortars and anti-aircraft rockets lurking in the clouds.

I tried to grow a fruit tree in a muskeg field in Alaska for about thirty years. About every year or two deer would browse the small plant so after a decade it was just a foot tall. The plant didn’t die though. It was tough and its root system remained alive. The phenomenon went on for about twenty years before I sold the property. Ten years after the plant reached seven feet tall and had some hope of future growth. There was something about the plant that was tempting to deer…a rare edible leafy tree amid a million evergreens. Ending the cold war and establishing peace with Russia was like that. It was a challenge to get started and advanced and when it finally grew the conditions to nip it in the bud by boundless Presidential incompetence occurred. The main stem was destroyed compelling several smaller, off-center branches to try growing to be the tree trunk. Some political leaders don’t value peace and prosperity more than war, and that is laughable in a comedy-horror sort of way.

Trump May Defeat European Russophobia

The rapid progress with the Trump administration toward renormalizing relations with Russia and ending the Ukraine War occurs in an interest...