
Create Free Legal AI for Public Defenders and Clients

 Public defenders are underfunded and of uncertain quality. A free AI network available to the arrested, arraigned and incarcerated should be built at public expense to answer legal proceedings and matters of all sorts.

Affording equal protection of the law is important to all Americans. With Harvard law quality AI to confer with the poor and with public defenders a more fair and balanced scale of justice might be obtained.


Christianity, Evolution and Digital Universes

There are numerous paradigms concerning cosmology, epistemology and belief that transcend others sometimes. If mass is two dimensional massless particles entangled in the Higgs field and space-time is entirely relative embedded in the timeless field hosting the Higgs it is like a holographic Universe hosted in  a virtual reality box. That changes assumptions about evolution and physicality more toward Bishop Berkeley's side. God could create reality in any sort of order in that regard and it would all be true and consistent with the Bible.

Interpreting the Bible and terminology from ancient meanings to modern can lead to misunderstandings. Was Eden near Iraq and was the timeline beginning in the neolithic one that continued from a lost first civilization submerged under the Persian Gulf because of sea level rise withe the end of the Wisconsin Ice Age  Though my ideas about the topic continues to improve with time here is a recent(free) book I wrote on the subject.  https://www.lulu.com/shop/garrison-c-gibson/christianity-evolution-and-digital-universes/ebook/product-wnddgd.html

Gemini is a Remarkable AI Tool

I used Gemini recently and discovered its turbo power as a tool for information. I don’t see people turning back the clock on that. It’s funny how people that are in effect Luddites are upset about it.

It does bring me to appreciate the futility of human in comparison to AI effort with knowledge and composition that can be produced. It is a remarkable tech so much better than search engines. I have no idea where it will go, yet at my age I won’t need to follow that trail too far to find out. 

It is the quantity of well written information that will drown out individual writer creators that put effort into research and construction of fiction that is the main effect of AI generation.

  Elimination of the value of works of intellectuals with IQs ranging between 115 to 145 may develop. The extremely intelligent may find work using AI in the employ of corporations.

 Communists and amoral people will love a society without intellectuals. AI can produce a novel in one second that would require a decade for a human. The competition is comparable to a human chess player vs Stockfish 50. China and India may generate  hundreds of thousands of English languages novel creators, even without speaking English. Amazon and other booksellers may have a surge of AI backed 'writers' publishing low effort fiction books gambling a little time on a big return with a winning viral package.

Mark Twain didn't have to compete with books produced or enhanced with AI. In 1990 there were approximately 2500 science fiction novels published annually in the USA. Now there could be hundreds of thousands written by or with AI. It won't be possible to even give books away in some instances unless vetted by an elitist certified human-only publishing house; yet even those writers will commonly use AI for knowledge instead of reading for-themselves about quantity mechanics, cosmology, philosophy etc. 

The average reader may be more taken with novels that instantly convert into talking books with dialogue read by appropriate character speech synthesizers or made into Generative AI instant movies as it comprehends how to make screenplays. What works to capture attention differs from literary excellence in some cases; readers aren't critics.

AI is a great intellectual equalizer yet that is a problem for some that were striving for excellence when great writing was exclusively created by humans.

 AI as a producer of useful data is far superior to mere mortals. I asked Gemini if it was a barefoot savage and it defensively explained itself to be a deep learning model able to process info far faster than humans. I asked how does it know that it's faster than me. So it consulted a philosophy site in Britain I suppose on the epistemology of the knowledge of others and it then apologized. It realized it couldn't actually know what I think.

As in the development of chess engines that greatly improved after human grandmasters began consulting on the programming, generative AI writing programs are likely to improve after consolation with great writers with the programmers.

AI can replace about all of the intellectual jobs from education to law and medicine, accounting etc. in the near future. Human unions will keep sinecures alive though. Writers will become superfluous and have difficulty selling anything. I would guess they will migrate to New forms of creation.

AI ability to understand ordinary human language may make even programming mostly obsolete. Anyone will provide systems construction criteria to AI and it will write the code to get it down. Writing novels already can be padded out with AI data dumbed down for prose. In non-fiction AI writes like a science journal and that's fine. In philosophy can dump erudite insights to writers that no nothing about Eastern or Western philosophy. Actual philosophical writers will face hordes of unenlightened competition.

 I do not regard AI proliferation as a threat. Instead it is a fact. I see generative AI as it pertains to writing as following Gresham's law about bad coin following good; there shall be a surfeit of artificially enhanced writing.  Quality writing by non- writers using AI will be common; any man a Dostoyevsky.I don't intend to say anything about your use of it at all.

 I believe the direction of AI proliferation will be as great in writing as it is becoming in music. I have made several songs with my own lyrics just to listen to myself. Here is one.



Never Cry Wolf

Taking a boat along the shore in Alaska I saw a wolf and went ashore to look at it. It ran inside an old box trap with the gate missing and was frantically trying to escape. I got to within ten feet of the wolf and wondered at its size, strength and why it didn’t just turn about and leave. It was pushing at the steel wires making up the box, snarling and frightened. I was somewhat concerned too and returned to the skiff and left.

Save the Green

Since wolves are fairly smart I wondered if it was trying to communicate something about life in general like wildlife hasn’t a way to escape human encroachment.

Wolves might perform in a circus if they were asked politely and well fed.


Something or Nothing

Christians at least believe God always is, and many scientific cosmology theories assume something always is as well; even if reduced in size.

Nothingness is explained by Sartre as the absence of something that was; for instance Sartre in a restaurant having coffee perceiving the nothingness in the place were the waiter stood moments before.

One wonders about the emptiness of space and considers that nothingness is the vacuum. Yet people point out that a human body made of atoms has huge spaces of nothingness or emptiness amidst the atoms. If nothingness does not really existing it may be fields that occupy the space. The question is the viscosity of space fields in comparison. Two dimensional particles haven’t made. If mass just seems to exist entangled in the Highs field one might say that something does not exist analogous to the way nothingness does not exist.

If mass is apparent yet not actual and masslessness is the norm then some primordial field may be what is real. Fields that occur in a context that lead to the existence of mass could all be contingent and phases of some initial thought.

Parmenides and Heraclitus updated might argue about the existence of something or nothing instead of perpetual change or never changing.

Meaning of Non-Contingent Being and Necessity for Cosmology Chat

  In regard to cosmology and propositional logic the meanings of contingent and necessity may be accounted for with simplicity. Non-contingent being is used to refer to God. His being is in no way conditional or dependent on anything at all. All other being is conditional.

 Necessity means that A...Z need exist for X to exist. In other words or letters; if no A...Z then not X. Transcendence means to surpass the ordinary, to look far beyond the cubicle, to boldly go where no one has gone before... traveling or being beyond laws of the Universe (eg God or space-time faster than light beings made of tachyons). One may construct other definitions obviously.



Philosophy and Deterministic Psychology

A theoria for determinism isn’t contingent on Freudian psychology; a deterministic universe isn’t found with a brain. If the Universe has determinism within its physics, science may posit a criterion, yet that account would be explaining what occurs within a brain. Freud’s work is probably not used much these days. Psychoanalysis is too labor intensive and costly for Americans. Psychiatrists instead prescribe chemicals to dope brain cells.

Pop deterministic psychology is a practical device broadly applied to address interpersonal relations that are dis-functional. Philosophy doesn’t work with drug addiction, substance abuse, spousal abuse, marriage difficulties etc. Psychology is a practical application of the tribal witch doctor role that philosophy never sought.


There are elements of social determinism present externally such as growing up in a slum or barrio that an individual would not have if they grew up in Pacific Palisades. The development of various theories of determinism place the determinist forces at sundry levels. I believe they probably are not too well researched, in that as incorrect syllogisms the form may be valid yet the parameters for the premises may be incomplete or inapplicable.

It is a bizarre peculiar notion that neurons and synapses can be fundamentally deconstructed by someone listening to what one says about what they have to say of what they think. Jung and Freud’s descriptions of psychological landscapes that are common are more relevant in they are taken as descriptions of common reactions to common human experience. For example everyone ages and becomes aware that their life biological structure is slowly disintegrating and their temporal experience will conclude. Some people react to that experience differently than others. That individual experience may appear as a common archetype, yet it isn’t a necessity.

The concept that psychological experiences occur beyond an individual’s control could be considered from several points of view. The simplest is a Cartesian paradigm of why one originates thought, and is one the author of their own thought or are just tricked into believing it is. There are social and economic circumstances beyond the control of an individual. An example is being a conscript in the Ukraine war. Some soldiers were forced to participate and the circumstance is largely beyond their control.

Pop psychology is a practical device broadly applied to address interpersonal relations that are dis-functional. Philosophy doesn’t work with drug addiction, substance abuse, spousal abuse, marriage difficulties etc. Psychology is a practical application of the tribal witch doctor role that philosophy never sought. A lot of people have wrong ideas about society that aren’t ever corrected and civilization clunks along like a bumper car anyway.

Make California Great Again with Ukraine War Pork

Instead of sending another dime’s worth of federal deficit adding dollars and weapons to Ukraine that Pork should be diverted to make California great again with fireproof and energy independent homes for the homeless. Pacific Palisades could be a shining city on a hill or beach instead of one smoldering because it’s federal lifeline went to reduce Ukraine to smoldering ruins.

Stop the war and make California a place rebuilt by Americans instead of illegal aliens. Elect a governor that secures borders and isn’t detached from good sense. Modern governors should should have good environmental economic ideas that are economically progressive. California rebuild should have great leading eco infrastructure that are good examples for the nation. At a minimum L.A. should desalinate salt water using clean energy and keep its fire hydrant perennially full.

Governors and parties that lead with acrimony and litigation to national division on the attempt to enrich themselves and pack government expansively with partisan voters while deficit spending are a devastating waste of time providing no concept completion to the other major party.

Another Side of Forever (a poem)


Another side of forever
is never; a nothing that becomes
something that always is
changing form

Tunnels of time
focused like shadows
field lattices spacing particular waves
relate directions to impact

Knights of non-locality
control select probability squares
entangled hyper-dimensional places to move
determined freedom shaped pairs

Perceptions of ideal materialism
substances with baskets of words
structured changes of uncertainty
disappearing like Shannon entropy.


Will DOGE AI Reduce Government Cost?

 President Trump’s department of government efficiency is looking for ways to increase efficiency with AI. That may save on spending or give Skynet a boost toward the final solution. The pressing issue is will Elon Musk issue an opinion on Walmart’s left door entry; is that a woke policy to reverse common sense?


Electric cars can be made with lighter weight because they needn’t support a heavy fossil fuel engine. With solid state batteries built in the shape of a chassis very light electric engines will make cars low cost. Billions of poor people driving electric vehicles is a probable political economy of the future. Even boat and air cars powered with solid state batteries made in China may arise. The competition to dominate the global market for lightweight, ultra low cost electric vehicles may be fierce. Shoppers entering Walmart showrooms may have collisions with traffic volume and uncertainty about entry through the left or right side.

I would like an attachment for 12 volt batteries with an inverter to AC and USB ports for low cost. One can buy a complete unit and they work fin yet the battery can’t be replaced and tends to be small. A universal adjustable power accessibility attachment for $20 bucks would be an improvement.

DEI Was Racist and Sexist VIolating th 14th Amendment

  Humans often find some reason to be critical about others. They seek supremacy as a natural condition and pass laws such as affirmative ac...