
Musk's Starlink Satellites Might Soil the Stratosphere

Elon  Musk's plan to place 42,000 Starlink satellites above the Earth present a danger when making reentry for destruction by releasing aluminum oxide that will reach the stratosphere. So it makes sense that DOGE would want to trim the Environmental Protection agency and prevent legislation from arising to compel those that launch satellites that orbit the Earth to pay a tax for the safe disposal of satellites rather than burning them up in the atmosphere. The amount of aluminum oxide released into the upper atmosphere greatly surpasses anything approaching normal. The consequences may be profound down the road.


I once bought a used sailboat on the Severn River and sailed it to the Chesapeake without a motor or  depth charts. Unfortunately with some ways and no wind the vessel eventually rand aground in shallow water with the full keel and the waves took it to a concrete berm where it had holes broken through the fiberglass. I was informed that on the Chesapeake Bay it is illegal to let a boat become derelict-- a felony crime actually. So I therefore had to pay a business $2000 dollars to haul the boat away and break it up safely for disposal. The rich have no kind of similar responsibility to safely dispose of their space trash that threatens the safety or well being of human life on Earth and that is wrong.

Jesse Watters said recently that all boomers are rich and the generation spoiled. Such statements is why people hate journalists.. President Johnson began he war on poverty in the 1960s because so many Americans were poor. Some boomers died in Vietnam and other wars. not everyone was a pampered journalist in the 3rd millennium. Many Boomers are still poor and many never made it to old age. When I got off that sailboat on the Eastern shore I bought some chicken for dinner and ignored the subtle head shake of the sales lady at the service station convenience store. I went to a hotel room across the street and ate a drumstick and got a sharp shard of chicken bone stuck in my throat sideways where it remained until it dissolved much later because I couldn't afford to remove it. Watters would have 911 there if such a circumstance befell him with full medical coverage. He has no idea about the inconvenience of poverty.

Building on automatic trash cleaning machine to gobble up dead satellites in space, compact them and shoot them into the sun should not be beyond the technical capacity of those disposable, non-recycling kind of people that dominate in government. Maybe people would even pay something for the service or face federal charges for placing aluminum oxide sources into the stratosphere above the United States.

Investigative Reduction to Find a Foundation of Existence?

 “A Different Universe; Reinventing Physics from the Bottom Up’ by Robert Laughlin- a Nobel Laureate in Physics was a good read. It was some time ago when I read that. He speculated about phase changes comprehensively reforging nature, including mind. Scalar fields aren’t the only sort of potential analogy for space-time histories. God may have issued Leibniz’s one-dimensional spiritual monads with a thought- one couldn’t use a reductionist investigation from a Universe to reach a point before the existence of mind with much conviction. It’s always an extrapolation of what probably occurred. One sets compass directions and speculates on what can be found at the start or end rather, if one goes an infinite distance in time and space and what can be found there. One seeks theory-consistent candles at half the distance to the theoretical end that might provide confirmation. Until one has a better theory some are satisfied they have produced the final theory and explanation of everything.

A theory of God besides that of divine revelation is as difficult to prove or disprove as the existence of extraterrestrials that may deem it better to stay hidden or that have evolved to a non-physical, non-planetary form of being. I appreciate frontier scouts mapping the known and speculating about lies beyond the observable.


Physicists speculate that below absolute zero there is a phase change to infinitely hot. Hell may be the necessary destiny for all that have an immortal soul and aren't gathered to heaven with Jesus Christ; the universe would take the lost to a singularity and infinite heat or a phase change from a cold dead low temperature Kelvin Universe to absolute hot.

I believe comparing human and artificial intelligence and the question of if they are the same thing or equivalents is easy to provide an answer to. It is like comparing a carburetor or distributor to human intelligence and asking if they are the same thing. A.I. is a kind of fancy distributor of bits or qubits quite unlike a mind. Maybe computer architecture could get more bits for the buck if they used motion with existing micro-circuits in some way to multiply logic gate grids in Hilbert Space. Maybe they could add more dimensions to logic gate grids.

Hegel was just providing a scaffold for Darwin and Marx, each of whom would deny the teleology of Hegel. I lean toward agreement that dualism doesn't need to be in an either/or relationship with physicalism in the same manner that monism and pluralism may simultaneously coexist in physicalist parameters for a Universe. The actual construction of quantum field, particle-waves etc are very strange in regard to a wealth of philosophic lexicons. Plainly mind is a different configuration of field entanglement. Since all other physical elements tie into the basic local field (the Higgs) providing an extra dimension for two dimensional, massless particles it is reasonable to expect that mind and intentionality also alter quantum relationships. It is difficult to know if that is permanent. Free will is apparently another emergent state or phase change arisen from and within the local concatenated field entanglement compresence.


The Democrat Party May Be a Cult

 Pejorative opinions about the nature of social groupings abound; that's the nature of original sin. Hate of antipathetic and even entirely neutral social identity groups from politics, to race, wealth status etc are the normal way of the human race. Without God the futility of mankind only increases.

Defining very intense social groups as a cult is customary. Farming may be a cult, if one goes on the Miriam Webster footing. "Cult, which shares an origin with culture and cultivate, comes from the Latin cultus, a noun with meanings ranging from "tilling, cultivation". There are other etymologies including French and meanings such as adopt, adore, worship. I tend to understand it as a sub-culture of a small scale.


Macron Moves France Towards War with Russia

French President Macron took a big step toward the destruction of Europe through nuclear war with Russia. He has said that Russia is a threat and need be pacified- apparently meaning rendered harmless and without weapons or missiles. Macron is organizing upgrades to the Ukraine conflict placing France on a path to direct war with Russia. Perhaps he can do better than Napoleon did in failing to capture Moscow.

One might keep in mind that Macron’s blimpistry occurs against a backdrop where France quit N.A.T.O. before the Soviet Union faded away. The French may have wanted to seem harmless in the hope that the Soviets would not nuke them.


Europeans are functionally insane in regard to war on their continental portion, history informs us. At some point fighting against invasions from Asia and Africa, Europeans had legitimate reasons for conflict with external threat vectors, yet Russia is not an outside threat vector in regard to the Ukraine. Among themselves the dynamics of European political power brought them to war against themselves interminably; it was only with the nearly complete destruction of Europe in the Nazi war- the Second World War, that Europe became generally pacified for several decades. Europe was broken and military depleted.

The rise of American and Russian/Soviet nuclear powers rendered Europe impotent; they were compelled to rebuild in peace and develop a new prosperity with comparatively small military spending. Opportunities for world conquering were set back. Political egos smoldered forced to await a future when wars for global conquest could resume. Then Russia/the Soviet Union opted for peace, freed Eastern Europe and peace should have developed.


Besides the war on terror and a brief Balkans post-communist adjustment war peace continued. Maladjustment of the post-Soviet reapportionment of political entities created conflicts and the potential for the Ukraine war, yet peace prevailed. Europe then became the EU and N.A.T. O. Expanded eastward as if Russia was some kind of threat. That breaking of trust and taking advantage of Russian weakness after the end of the Soviet Union to expand N.A.T.O. was a direct cause of the present conflict. A rearmed Europe finds itself in a position to flex its strength and bring the world to the brink of nuclear war because ts leadership is replete with historically runty malcontents and agitators striving to outdo one another with militancy toward Russia.


France and Europeans would like to be the big dog of politics again. In 2020 the French Army had 118,000 members and not all of those were combat soldiers. Europeans have experienced weak U.S. leadership in the Biden, Obama and Clinton administrations that was too Eurocentric. They may have believed that with the end of the Soviet Union and reunification of Germany that Russian power had vanished forever and Russian nuclear weapons power would disappear. That latter point was a delusion.

Macron will need to adjust to the fact that Russia has 5,580 nuclear weapons and France something like 290. Russia is not going away and France will not be the planet’s big dog. Europe rather than butting their heads into a concrete wall need adjust to reality and accept that peace is again going to be forced upon them; this time before they bring about a global world war.

President Trump on the other hand has sought to neutralize European lunacy in regard to Russia.

The rapid progress with the Trump administration toward renormalizing relations with Russia and ending the Ukraine War occurs in an interesting historical paradigm that John Meirsheimer reviewed in a video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKjFD9fPQxg

Some have nominated former Assistant Sect. Of State Victoria Nuland for the designer of Joe Biden Ukraine policy yet I think that is an inadequate place to lay the blame. Bureaucrats may be a focal point or catch basin for social forces desiring policy directions yet they for-themselves couldn’t bring powerful disagreeing parties like the military industrial complex to support those or other policies they felt were counterproductive to profit although they might comply if required by the chief executive. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victoria_Nuland

Other have reported that the reason for the meeting in DC of President Macron and P.R. Starmer were to hand off supervisory custody of President Zelensky to the C.I.A. Apparently France was given custody by outgoing President Biden in order to prevent the Trump administration C.I.A. from gaining access to information that might be deleterious for the members of the Biden administration.


Canada as 51st - 60th States and Democrats as Fellow Travelers of Zelensky

 About the state of the union speech; those stay-sitting on their hands Democrats are sycophants of Zelensky and global war.

Another point; Canada should be the 51st through 60th states only if Canadians vote to and ask Congress to be a U.S. territory, then state, or rather states. Canada is good for a half dozen new states.


Does the Chinese Farming Transition to Home Responsibility Systems Provide Lessons on US Farm Subsidies?

 In going over a course on the history of the modern Chinese economy I encountered the Xiaogang phenomenon of family farmers organizing home responsibility systems for farming plots covertly in an era of full commune collective farming. The H.R.S. were so much more productive than collectives that the Deng leadership eventually transitioned the entire national farming system to H.R.S. One has to wonder how the Communist Chinese in the de-collectivizing era managed to eliminate farm subsidies yet the United States government hasn't.

There are of course innumerable areas in the modern era where government need be involved with economic management to prevent enormities from developing that harm millions. It may be necessary eventually to establish a basic income for all Americans in order to allow cherry picking of business ventures that are ecospherically  beneficially rather than deleterious. Such a level of careful examination of the effects of business ventures a priori would tend to leave people jobless periodically as a transition to sustainability was evolved. A.I displacement of jobs is another probable cause for large numbers of people losing income.

China's experience with gradual economic reform showed the difficulty of privatizing state owned enterprises until they have economic failure. Creating efficiency in government operations is important in democracies as communist societies evolving toward privatization even as they continue a policy of state social insurance for the well being of citizens.

Shouldn't there be a positive correlation between Federal spending, economic growth and reduction of public debt?

Farm subsidies apparently mostly go to large firms with concentrated wealth rather than small farmers.  This is what A.I. reported about farm subsidies;

"How are subsidies distributed?

The majority of subsidies go to the largest producers of corn, soybeans, wheat, cotton, and rice 

Most other agriculture, like fruits, vegetables, and tree nuts, receives minimal government support 

Some subsidies, like import tariffs, generate tax revenue for the government 

What are the criticisms of farm subsidies? 

They can harm the environment and public health

They can distort planting decisions

They can lead to overproduction

They can inflate land values

They can discourage farmers from innovating and cutting costs

They can steer resources to households with higher incomes."

So I wonder if there are lessons to be learned from the Chinese economic transition period from collective to private farming that may be applied in the United States to increase farm productivity. With the cost of food being so high even marginal decreases in cost would be useful to consumers.

Zelensky Finally Revealed He is an Enemy of the United States

 President Zelensky and his staff have revealed themselves as enemies of the United States. They feel entitled to U.S. military and economic support as if the U.S.A. were obligated to provide billions and billions of dollars to them. The weasels use every lever they can to coerce the administration into providing free military aid so they can have protracted war with Russia and take all of the land of Ukraine given by Bill Clinton after the breakup of the Soviet Union for themselves.

In Zelensky's bent logic the U.S.A. is somehow responsible for Russians killing Ukrainians if it doesn't send more weapons to extend the war. The United States doesn't need a relationship with an abusive lunatic. The U.S.A. should release any Russian assets it has frozen if the EU nations seize frozen Russian assets and give them to Zelensky for war and concealment in bitcoin.

I wonder if Zelensky was initially chosen by unknown elites in the same way that Hitler was chosen. Hitler was picked by the high command of the Wehrmacht because of his charismatic voice and appearance to co-opt the German Socialist Worker's party leadership. In all likelihood deposed German aristocrats were behind that. Zelensky may have been elevated for the same reason of being a comedian knowing how to sway crowds for those that like the modern punk-funk approach to politics and war. He seems like a perverse alien shill for recrudescent Axis power.

Some say Zelensky's trip to Qatar or Dubai was to arrange a place to store money. He could have bought billions in cryptocurrency already. Like Erich Honecker he may not have much safety after he leaves Ukraine. Hitler didn't suicide until the last hour before Russians arrived. At the end many dictators find a country without extradition to flee to.



Zelensky May Offer Comedian's Cease Fire Tormorrow

Starmer and Zelensky may announce a comedic cease fire for propaganda purposes tomorrow wherein Russia and Ukraine stop all air, sea and energy facility attacks for a month so Ukraine can have the opportunity to rebuild its military infrastructure for war that was devastated by Russia. Then the Axis powers will deploy tens of thousands of trooper-peacekeepers in Ukraine so they can spearhead attacks on Russian held areas when the cease fire ends.

Macron- an Axis partner, beat him to the punch...  https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/ckg1r4g08kwo

Put Zelensky and Starmer on the No Fly List

 British P.M. Starmer and Ukrainian President Zelensky are each harmful to U.S. interests and security and should not be allowed travel to the United States. The British P.M. is continuing the war in Ukraine thereby directly threatening the national security of the west. The United States should make an exemption for defense of Europe from nuclear attack in this case since there is plenty of time before nuclear war to register dissent.

Britain’s mindless fanaticism for war and eastward expansion is fueled by their lunatic puppet Zelensky’s rabid desire to have sovereignty over historically Russian land Ukraine. The Britain-Poland-French-German axis of evil to expand eastward militarily and ploy to negotiate a fake peace where Ukraine is armed with Axis weapons during a cease fire and Axis troops are deployed as ostensible peacekeepers on the line of combat contact in Ukraine perpetuates policy unacceptable to Russia and Russian security. The Axis powers count on the N.A.T.O. defense treaty to draw in the United States to defend the Axis countries if they get the hot conventional war going.

President Trump should renegotiate the N.A.T.O. treaty as he did N.A.F.T.A. in order to exclude lunatic policy selections from being acceptable grounds for American participation in mutual defense to be invoked. The Axis 2 lunatics are in effect weaponizing the N.A.T.O. treaty to exploit the U.S.A. as the blaster in the master-blaster Thunderdome paradigm.


On Christology

 Christology is not a simple subject. Even so I would say that making categories a,b,c, regarding what comprises a human or “a complete human” are not very satisfactory, much less applied to Christ. One can make a set of word to comprise a definition and invalidate that criteria with formal logical examination. One might define the parameters for an ostrich and if it includes fins then the criterion is wrong. One never gets anything more than words that are logically consistent with the criterion you built. Words are different than objects.

There is the additional problem of words as definite articles compounded, with those words individually difficult to define through reductionist procedures. One has trouble defining a spirit, a mind etc. especially as contingent objects. The divine nature and character cannot be defined exhaustively for that is not an object of human knowledge. How the Spirit of God indwells Christ as a human is not something that can definitely be known. neither is it simple to define what a soul is or how it is constructed; it could just be information or a record that God keeps of the data of a human life. If programmers can know the data that makes a program or an AI and recover it if hardware breaks down I am sure that God can do better than the best quantum computer would ever be able to do in order to capture the entirety of information that makes a human being, soul etc. what it is.

At end one can say that Christ was fully human and God. He is The Son and is Spirit as are the Father and the Holy Spirit. As a human physically he knew God the Father. One cannot satisfy the criterion of defining the proportions or composition of Jesus in regard to the other two members of the Triune God through physical means.


Red Chris Mine in Canada Presents Dangers for American Fish Downstream

 There is a proposed expansion of the Red Chris mine in Canada upstream of the Stikine River from Wrangell. It is an open pit mine and they ...