
Modern Ideology

Ideology is the pit and the pendulum swinging back and forth, inexorably drawing lower with each commercial iteration setting the sharp the edge upon the mind of the viewer, cutting into the solid independence of citizenship. Ideology bombards with ideas to kill the dandelions in the lawn with poison and eliminate the bees rest stop for pollinating flowers. Ideology urges one to consume fuel and drive low m.p.g. cars. Ideology makes all the pro-violent t.v. watchers build rectilinear houses in subdivisions and forsake the right proper way of geodesic home construction- so simple with commercial connectors.

Ideology is the globalist's greed selling out the United States for their corporate profit as the grass is greener 'over the border' with the masses of billions with commercial consumer market potential. Ideology is a wet blanket upon the fire of nationalism and U.S. political independence. Ideology is a mass communication brainwashing for corporatism today with the cult of television under the guiding greed of global corporatists providing the thinking that displaces personal interests for the minions of corporatism in the ongoing march of destruction of the independence and security of the people of the United States and its ecology...

Ideology hasn't traditionally been thought of as a philosophical discipline. Ideologies tend to be considered as political opinions formulated in to dogmatism. Yet ideas as a philosophical discipline has been throughout philosophical history an interesting field for contemplations and research; we shall not consider that here.

I like the idea of a nation being free to profit its own people and promote the ecological health of the country, yet in America today nationalism and protectionism are dirty words-in fact one is called a fascist for patriotism very nearly if that patriotism opposes illegal immigration, a stable population and national energy and transportation self-reliance. Not that their are not fascists out there in the real world-they may be homos for global corporatism as much as patriots for nationalism. With the broadcast media and unHolywood generally homos for global corporatism, and innumerable foreign nations interested in pimping the economic possibilities of the united States it shall not be a simple matter to free the nation from modern ideological stuffing.

Nations that may profit by exploiting or plundering the United States, and that are corporatist dependent will naturally oppose national self-interest and compare it to Prussia-possibly. The 19th and early 20th century conflicts wherein the very wealthy formally royal classes sought to continue their power through the glove of fascist politics failed, and democracy is full of morons to stupid to change to an ecologically renewable economic structure-so what ideology can avoid the globalist concentration of wealth or the ignorance of corporatism as well as preclude authoritarianism? This is not a simple criterion and the creeping ecological and demographic issues that challenge the world continue. I may offer a package of ideological approaches for $19.95 on the Internet if I have the time to put one together.

Modern ideology must begin where unmodern ideology leaves off. Maybe ideology from the 19th century is no longer relevant to political philosophical research interests, perhaps political scientists discover more in history reading than modern ideological formulators if such exist. It isn't as simple to create a modern ideology as a line of fashion dress perhaps, and that may not be simple. In the 1930's depression some Americans made clothing out of burlap bags or gunny sacks and the art has evolved a little since then.

If no ideology designers at global media evil headquarters are turning out ideologies to brainwash the masses with, or trying to get them all watching the right movies or listen to the politically correct songs before an election so be it. We may need to place modern ideology in the realm of those accidental accretions of change that form interesting composite structures like Darwin's theory, continental plates or science fiction anthologies. I noticed a painting for sale at an auction advertised on the Internet for a probably price of 5 to 7 million dollars-it was just yellow and white with swirls. Artists may have a keener notion of simplicity than I, yet Vincent Van Gogh probably would have created better paintings in his time that could not sell at all-perhaps its partially a factor of ideology that sets the social value of select objects of art.

Ideologies in politics tend to follow economic needs; either to rectify, conserve or liberate from collateral or reciprocal economic conditions. For Karl Marx opposition to one's side was conceptually always one sided so a dialectical opposition could be formed and a simple ideology of resistance advanced. Marx was lucky enough not to have experienced a circumstance were multiple opponents vied against him. If Marx had not hated Slavs he would have found Russian history more interesting in that it had multiple parties seeking to overthrow the tsar over the century before the successful Bolshevik revolution. Ideologies can rival each other and be discarded by historical neglect like last season's television shows.

When Scopes was charged with the crime of teaching that man evolved from a lower life form and Clarence Darwin successfully defended him for some a new era in ideology was born. It unfortunately allied itself rather well with revolutionary Bolshevism and Marxist atheist theory. Marx's atheist leanings were probably motivated in a real politic sense by the affiliation of churchmen historically with land and the ruling classes. The papacy was perhaps the greatest single landholder in Europe for a time, and the Church of England still has the Queen as its titular head, while Calvin supported a revolutionary justification for charging interest or usury because the advancing Swiss business classes liked it. Ideology historically tends to follow leading socio-economic classes.

The hierarchical priesthood in the United States today tends to oppose changes in dogmatic Biblical interpretations as a sort of reflection of former eras of claims of papal infallibility. The theological ideological dogmatism cannot be altered because many of the priests are not motivated more by understanding the Bible than they are in using the church as a way to provide income for themselves and families. The same disdain for intelligent reform of dogmatic beliefs regarding understanding the book of Genesis in light of reality and philosophy as well as what might be inferred about the nature of God and time-space relations from quantum mechanics is found in an ignorance of the ecclesiastic need for reform in to a priesthood of believers structure without an hierarchical priesthood. Republican political ideology during the Bush era was heavily influenced by the need to exploit the fundamentalist Christian vote as Kevin Phillips noted in 'American Theocracy'.

Political ideologies of convenience economically and social mass inertia toward the adoption of certain new beliefs are in part a function of modern mass communications and mass government financed lower education. The global interests of corporatist developers and the preference for immorality by the unHolywood-perhaps better named Devilwood- film industry- support the promulgation of an ideology in support of atheism; without God as a witness they find no accusers of immorality to their comfort. Communism does not require atheism for existence-actually it is moderately compatible with Christian compassion for others-so long as it leaves of authoritarian rough edges, yet it is paradoxically capitalism that works most in the present ideological era to undermine Christian values-and hierarchical priests chasing tithing income and power are doing a fairly good job at that for-themselves. We shall pray for a change of heart to enlighten them towards comprehending that a priesthood of believers can be a radical new applied theological tool for support of democracy and Christian values.

Modern ideology such as Madonna's 'Material Girl' express the desire by the masses for material security if not glamour and over abundance. Epicurus paradoxically, while the quintessential materialist, was for moderation in everything and fundamentally enjoyment of life without pain or want. The modern moderate monism philosophy of analytical philosophers has found its way through intentional-inward and extensional-outward empirical criteria, to a depletion of the abstract phenomenalities of the a priori represented by mathematics and changed the way people think about not only the relationship of words to objects but of the relationship of mind to matter (negating each) and relating matter and mind to events that can be described as relative wheres and whens if not ultimately so much as why's from the beginning.

Ideology in the post-modern monism does not require an atheist acceptance of either evolution nor its nullification by dogmatic creationism, it does not need quantum mechanics to pair with a concept that God could not possibly do more with quantum mechanical referents than physicists, it does provide a way to investigate the beautiful and interesting world presented for humanity as a life experience; yet lets return to more dampened forms of contemplation of modern ideology for now...

A philosophy of modern ideology could be fairly simple; 'if you don't mind it don't matter', or dogmatic 'give the public sex and slop if you want them to vote Republican again', yet the most cynical petite philosophies would seem to be 'tell them what they want to hear'. Like the broadcast media content the matter can be changed completely later.

Julius Caesar was criticized in the Senate for seeing to be all things to all people-best friend of every man and best man of every woman-he had the redeeming and useful political trait of being a military genius. Modern ideological content may change yet the human purposes may not. The concentration of wealth and gaining of advantages over others with subtlety and sophism is for some the meaning of real life, repression of civil liberties and the reduction of human potential is the cost for the many.

Modern ideology may uses the over-the-transom method of swamping citizens with data and complexity of an entirely artificial sort. Propaganda methods may take direct attacks and dissolution of local autonomous self-determination may be enhanced by contemporary globalist styles and broadcast techniques. Ideology is a simplified sharing of political goals and a rationale for doing political work that will best support a government of, by and for the people. Global manipulators are generally against anything besides concentration of their wealth and power, yet will never generally say so

The erosion of opportunities for self government follow the success and communication screens of mass attraction with constant anti-self-interest programming. The de facto ideology of the C.E.O. and owners of trans-national corporations replace personal, individuated political ideological foundation. The economy develops in an unstable way that is premised upon trans-national corporatism uniting with communist on a pedestal.

The Khmer Rouge wanted to restart the world at the Year Zero. A death of ideology, the elimination of theories that rival the ultimate cult is a fact of the modern world.

A philosophy of ideology is something of an oxymoron-ideology tends to be an ossification of ideas that people use yet don't much want to think about for-themselves. Its a 'fire and forget' approach to politics that works especially well in this century old era of mass electronic communications (more or less).

Yet let's take the idea of a philosophy of ideas that are bent, folded and mutilated (and spindled even) seriously. There is a history of ideas, and probably a history of ideology too. There may even be a pursuit of wisdom about ideas that have reached love-of status.

Dictators love ideologies. Stalin and Mussolini were idea-ologists. Their ideas were the only ones that were politically correct. Mao had a nice little red book he wrote himself. Marcus Aurelius-possibly the last great Roman Emperor was a stoic philosopher and compiled enough ideas to have a book named 'The Meditations' with his ideas in it even though it wasn't a crime punishable by death not to revere the book. He was not ahead of his time in that regard.

Politics in a democracy is about pluralism. Politics are the brain waves of civilization flowing through the masses like wisps of reason seeking a cluster of neurons to fire with imagination. A society without political free speech, dissension and contention for leadership is a moribund society under the influence of authoritarianism and facing the inevitable stagnation and decay that rots its way in to the still, silent acquiescence discovered within the conformity to political death. Ideologies may have a political correctness to them that resemble the rightness of a sailboat properly anchored with storm winds approach the little bay-one just knows its correct and walks to the store with confidence that it won't drift up on to the jetty of doom.The philosopher G.W. Hegel believed that the entire Universe is fundamentally an idea evolving in to sentience.

Hegel's ideas were radical and comprised in his 'Phenomenology of Mind' a brilliant evolution of theistic will derived many surmise from the Judeo-Christian histories of the evolution of the Universe in 6 movements/nominal 'days' alluded to in the book of Genesis. Karl Marx developed his ideology of Marxism not just to make his name famous, but with the help of Hegel and Darwin's twin tower ideas about evolution of the spirit and evolution of matter-life Marx formed an evolution of politics through dialectical competition to an ultimate peace and pax non-ideologica in brotherhood/sisterhood of human beings.

Marx had good reasons to develop a redistributionist utopia because he had a rotten life with dead kids and all living in poverty striving to be a writer and profit in some way in an industrialist London with pervasive social adversity for workers...communism was a way to beg the point politically and negotiate for higher wages with the premise that everyone is against the rich-and that may not be so unless they steal 50 billion dollars too often or make 750 billion dollar public loans to redistribute to rich bankers in society.

Ideology is a mass market era phenomena in which millions of people locked in to an urban industrialism and post-industrial globalism can all think or not-think something about politics and social responsibility. A label such as 'conservative' or liberal can morph to mean about anything or the same thing as people quit thinking for themselves in the specialized pursuit of earning a living. The boundaries of real personal economic egoism expand to encompass the globe while ideology that is accurate is left behind as the mass media of communication broadcasts smokescreens of inaccurate distractions politically that make masses malleable to their exploitation.

Music is a contemporary source of fractalized mini-ideological reinforcers. Many songs can't have two sentences without repeating a third phrase three times. All of the Beatles song lyrics probably could be condensed to 4 or 5 paperback pages yet they influenced more people politically than many serious political ideologists. The 2oth century became the century of the mass man as Ortega y Gasset wrote in 'The Revolt of the Masses. Gasset anticipated world war two as should many other. Clemenceau realized that the U.S. failure to stand with France in negotiating a peace treaty with Germany would doom a second go round. Ideology has interpreted the causes for the second world war and of how to regard the German people with their history of genocide-lets take a look at some of the actual causes for the first and second world wars from a general perspective and see how they coincide with the present philosophy of global anti-nationalism in support of corporatist-communist expansionism.

Germania was invaded as far as the Rhine by Julius Caesar and legionaries, yet it was Charlemagne who established a unified France and Germany in a Holy Roman empire after the battle of Tours to stop the Mohammedans in 722. Germany through various circumlocutions thence experienced a royal or imperial rule until 1918 when the people revolted following Crown Prince Ruprecht's brilliant yet doomed by lack of manpower final offensive in France. The German people finally created a Republic-their first...the Wiemar Republic.

German history is notable for its division racially in to scores of small principalities, that is Germans were never unified as Germans in a democratic context until modern history. On the east and west and to the north and south to lesser and greater extent Germany was bounded by racially non-Germans and in their won assemblage of affiliated states Germans under oppressive political rule probably aspired for liberation and unification. With the additional issue of wealthy Jewish merchants affiliating with the upper classes the seeds of racial self-actualization were deeply set. The old regime in Germany would have a Jewish pogrom when times were bad to relieve pressure upon themselves.

Following the defeat in the First world war, a war fought by the royal government for its own reasons separate from racism and generally against democratic nations yet with more complexity involved then just that the German military leadership sent the charismatic Adolph Hitler to take over the German Socialist Worker's Party to form a populist movement perhaps though the initial reason was espionage. Hitler had a rare voice that vibrated at a yelling tonality in normal speech that mesmerized audiences. The adroit movement by the military to lead a German populism developed in the brief history of the Wiemar Republic to become the Nazi Party.

German desire for a racial unification in a democratic state for the first time in German history amidst a dangerous European political environment with Marxist revolutionaries on the east in the former Russia and the antagonist Allies (such as Britain, France and the U.S.A.) demanding large reparations and real estate concessions on the west and with deep poverty and social chaos made the 1920's Germany an easy and logical place for a modern populist dictatorship to rise.

Ideology in a populist dictatorship has an interesting derivative facticity in the modern world generally-a state receiving modern mass transportation and broadcast media is faced with a choice of unrestricted liberalism with necessary state intervention to prevent sedition and corruption of the freedom of the media or censorship of it with the correlating authoritarian formation of government. Technology changes the social environment Oretega y Gasset realized.

Following the German defeat in world war II Conrad Adenauer led the first Germany government of a really democratic nature, yet it was just a half a loaf for the Soviet Union would occupy the eastern half of Germany for nearly 45 years evidently trusting it more as a subjugated communist authoritarian state that as a potential adversarial one. Thus German still has a history of democracy and freedom for all in a unified state for less that a quarter century and that is just a beginning. Nationalism wasn't the cause of German wars in the 20th century. It may be said that political evolution was the cause of the mass wars. probably the German people signing off on fascist populism had no idea where it would lead a priori. Corrupt political leaders were happy to take control as usual and commonly and bring an impoverished and suffering people the promise of prosperity. Quick government projects and highway building provided the impetus to get the fascist economy moving although unsustainable without war. This is another of the paradoxical coincidences of the new Obama administration and Adolph Hitler besides the voice. Obama has a 3/4 trillion dollar highway and infrastructure plan perhaps also on a 1930's conceptual paradigm (it isn't 3000 m.p.h. people pods crawling along power lines through the middle).

Ideologies of a political nature are invariably disposable and can serve only temporary goals-there can be no conclusions or final solutions to the human condition. Change and antipathy, corruption and bias and all the evils of Pandora's box are forever renewed by each generation of human beings that seeks to eliminate any opposition to its rise to political power hopefully with all rivals to their way repressed or exiled. Ideologies require continuous refining and reformation in order to accurately reflect the political priorities of an age in a nation. Wrong ideologies such as anti-nationalism can drive millions to foul their own nests politically and surrender security and prosperity to foreign rule, while anti-foreigner ideologies can be exploited to drive millions in to corrupting their north slopes to plunder oil and harm the environment instead of surrendering to purchases of Saudi Arabian oil for import.

In the Obama era about to settle upon the nation like a cloud of unknowing a green revolutionary ideology may develop tat will place electric power lines in interstate highways to power electric cars, segregate SUV's and other fossil fueled vehicles from some traffic lanes in order to let lightweight electric commuter vehicles drive safely to work. U.S. electric energy independence may become an ideology that renews the desire for home power production independent of foreign owned power company electron sales in the U.S.A. The ideology to segregate fossil fuel vehicles through gradual marginalization of their place in American life may replace the ideology of segregating people for various reasons from equal protection of the laws and equal reason to have a fair standard of living. People require ideologies to live and the upgrading of obsolete ideology should be a priority in the Internet era allowing communication of right moral ideologies to all at low cost.

In the build up of the second (2003) Iraq war Americans had cheap gasoline and little concern about the 50,000 vulnerable Iraqi citizens said to be dying annually during the sanctions that started in 1990. The ignorance about the democide in Iraq was notable during the discussions about the right or wrongness of going to war. During the post war nation reconstruction the Democratic Party provided virtually no ideas about how to speed up successfully the transition to a stable Iraq-they just advocated immediate withdrawal while contradictorily fully funding the U.S. military venture.

Ideologies that provided defensible posturing were positioned more so than solutions advanced that were founded upon understanding. Ideology drove the democratic party to call the Iraq reconstruction a war itself for four years and protest as such and in the Vietnam Conflict era of 1969 to 1972 to protest a war that the Democrats had created but the Republican President Richard M.Nixon had begun the inexorable process of withdrawing from. He told Premier Thieu in December 1968 that he would immediately begin withdrawing U.S. military forces from Vietnam upon taking office. Richard M. Nixon was America's 'peace with honor' President accomplishing what the Democrats could not. Ideology drove the populist politics far more than reason, while today the United States is being undermined by global financial ties that will perhaps result in a world dictatorship following some future economic global depression.

It is a fact that ideologues in politics can be terribly destructive, yet the Savonarola's of religion or reform may not irrational exuberance in elite areas that fund socially ruinous trends even if there methods of correction are wrong. If right political courses can be compared to navigation at sea with a compass, then accuracy in each is desirable because being a little off in heading even buy three or four degrees can take a ship of state to a bad end on some shoal water, reef or lane of pirates. As the evil rise to political power and the founders are replaced by those simply seeking power it is easy to understand why mature societies do decline and fall.

The criminal politicians like Joe Stalin would have been just as successful in Al Capone's Chicago mobsterism as in Moscow of the 1920's. Intellectual reform that recognizes what the real interests of people are isn't ever in over supply. Communist pandering to the masses of ignorant, indolent mass broadcasters dominating politics through exclusive mass media power is similar to that of a corporatist society. Intellectuals may be directly exploited without the security of a just democracy with reinforced civil rights allowing people to have the opportunity to profit from their own work. Thugs make 'equalize' social economics to their advantage as might apes take away from chimps wood tools they have invented to snatch ants out of deep and inaccessible hives. Gosh-life isn't fair always and it requires right ideology to save even the planet from those that are too stupid to comprehend the concept of non-renewable resource exploitation limits yet smart enough to exploit it to profit themselves personally right now.


Theories of Everything

A theory of everything is the natural criterion for cosmological theory; human understanding natural defines an undifferentiated or unified field from the one down rather than from the bottom up with partials, fragments and discrete singular particles or pluralistic units sewn together to comprise a complete theory. Human reason itself exists in a complete, finite sphere of knowledge that actualizes ideas temporally. From a temporal point of view it has an intuitive idea of the all or the One and in the modern world seeks to fill it in (knowledge) with theories of everything in units and quanta (Einstein), with dimensions and quantum entanglement-with mechanistic or self-standing operations theories of the Universe while we don't even know what a Universe is or if it has purpose implicitly.

Jesus Christ said that 'the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak', implicitly providing a description of spirit as the thinking aspect of human existence rather than the material or inert, not thinking mass of nature (we can infer the last aspect and preclude, probably in error, Leibniz's theory of monads or smallest components of quanta as one or two dimensional membrane of a spiritual nature. With spirit mankind examines all that is presented to his awareness and exploits the capability for inductive reasoning to hypothesize about the Creator in the abstract through logic, and to explore with inference and contemplation through inductive logic the nature of the Universe of experience so far as it can be confirmed tentatively through the logic of scientific method for empirical confirmation.

We cannot be sure of the results we obtain with empirical, a posteriori judgments-we may use calculus to consider the tensors of the past and of the future, yet we run in to uncertain with quantum entanglement in more than two relationships and would find perhaps complications with the special theory's relevance in the quantum world-how does it parameters work in the extra-dimensional criterion in itself and how is the conservation of momentum and energy transferred between the extra dimensions. With the newer theories of Super-string and M-Theory we are presented with up to 11 dimensions and wonder if the problem of dimensionality is parallel to the problem of wave-particle duality and relativity, or to the fundamental issue of was the singularity unique, or are their an infinite number of them perhaps in the mind of God. We find more questions the more new information is presented. A theory of everything is an effort to define and make finite the understanding of the functions and scale of the Universe, while Godel's Incompleteness theorem's provide a mathematical notion that every theory of everything would be infinitely in error because of its incompleteness-there may be far more to the apparent Universe than is apparent even if a good mathematical model of select aspects of its workings can be matched. Mathematics remarkably model's known functions of the universe, yet they generally prove to be incomplete eventually. We like the Biblical paradigm for Genesis because it's literals are logically necessarily contingent upon God who is eternal. Yet we explore the given realm of experience to understand it better.

When the modern foundations of cosmological theories unifying quantum mechanics with relativity that conform to the standard model of physics seems to be crumbling, one should remember the bumper sticker that reads... '186,000 miles per second isn't just a good idea-IT'S THE LAW!'

The trouble with writing about the beginning is determining where exactly too start? Quantum super-positioning (spooky action at a distance), entanglements and that improbable and uncertain road-map ahead, behind and existing in what seems presently to be the real world changing perpetually in order to make room for the next shapes of things to come may have been spoken in to existence as a sort of sono-luminescent order of God inducing fusion of ideas and energy. Such a sudden impact crashing all things in to being and becoming with the indeterminacy of change and quantum mechanical quirks that could produce everything is thought to be a criterion of reality. A Higgs Field of a 'dehydrated, instant' Universe in minimal singularity that was the second millisecond/millisecond to some power may be known in full-A Universe in full is always cancelling out its past and changing in its destiny towards age. Could one say that the Universe had fulfilled it's destiny while it was still in the process of change?

The favorite theory of special relativity is under serious challenge by quantum mechanical theories; everyone except Adolph Hitler and Adolph Eichmann liked Albert Einstein-he was the grandfatherly genius that replaced Issac Newton as the resident planetary cosmological cognoscenti for-himself. With all of the complexities of relativity we have had to learn since youth such as the attenuation of waves, red-shifts blue shifts, the twins paradox and the differential calculus of time differences on the east side and west sides of the Universe it is hardly fair to say that it might all have been a waster and really non-locality is the rule. How can one take time seriously if it is itself subject to uncertainty or entanglement and other effects that are supposed to stay in the quantum mechanical realm of theoretical explanations? Recent articles in science magazines have pointed out that most of what had been considered to be traditional, standard models of physics may be wrong...so where to start on synthesizing a new one for the public to consider (see the March and April 2009 Scientific American issues on Einstein and Dark Energy)?

An article with a theory on what causes the appearance of an increasing acceleration of the expansion of space was published with a conjecture about the replacement of that theory with one that has the Earth in region of space that is a comparative vast void in relation to the density of space and matter of most of the rest of the Universe. The Universe may have a material distribution that isn't symmetrical in either shape or content. Instead of the Earth being a typical insignificant clump of dust left over from stellar synthesis it may be in some sort of rare empty region of space-time in which light may pass without so much gravitational slowing as in the balance of the Universe. The red shifted measurements of the recession velocity of distant, ancient light/from stars/novas/quasars etc. may be effected by the travel time of light through the more dense regions; or it may be that the more dense regions are more slowed by local gravity and the less dense regions may move more quickly. If the Universe has such large scale uncertainties for observers one can readily imagine other uncertainties regarding the role of the apparent Universe as possibly just a small part of a protocol in a structure of unknown configuration or purpose.

The need to determine the relationship between quantum mechanical effects and special relativity regarding space-time configuration would seem to be a difficult task for explorers in theories and experiments. At the smallest scale quanta repel sometime violently or annihilate and release energy (such as anti-matter and matter have been thought to do); the beginning of the Universe may have been such a phenomena; plurality emerged from a singularity rather than a plurality. Space itself as it is today seems to be a large nothingness or monistic field yet it too yields a pluralism of virtual particles of brief existence appropriate to the low density in which they appear in space-time.

Relativity posits that time is subjective and locally experienced in space-time, quantum mechanics has faster-than-light tunnelling entanglements of particles and information of quanta at distances incommensurate with the space-time characteristics of a relativistic Universe leaving just two alternatives obvious to me if the idea is taken seriously... 1) Space-time has 'short-cuts for quantum mechanical particles through extra dimensions or an underlying field through normal space-time perhaps with echoing effects of time (especially if space dimensions have moved) 2) Other explanations for relations of quantum yet should be discovered such that treat the appearance of mass-energy as appearances upon an intelligent-in-effect underlying field. The field may be considered to be a membrane of zero dimensions I suppose, or it could be that some unification of relativity theory with quantum mechanical theory such that each are true yet at different levels of the association of matter, energy, space and time.

It might also be helpful to consider the configuration of space-time in some way in the light to a theistic policy of eternal construction by God that is temporally experienced by human consciousness. This would be a realist policy in which God had actualized every possible way of existence that was good from eternity including the appearance of the passage of time. In a theory of everything one might desire some kind of a formula that will account for all of time that is coordinated as a fractilized non-locality with the pieces yet moving about within the laws of special relativity. The quality of human experience of movement through space-time may be the primary way that time exists for human beings-for itself space dimensions and the allocation of energy and matter resources may just be a meaningless question or relation unless one takes the Spinoza option for an opinion about everything.

String and Super-string theory, Membrane Theory and other non-standard models that consider the relationship of quantum mechanical relationships creating effects in the observable Universe do not conjecture extra-Universal structures beyond the range of the observable Universe- for such imagination would have neither a theoretical or observable relation to science-and that is a convenience for amateurs required to draw upon their non-mathematical speculations with assistance form philosophy and theology.


Obama & the G.M Acquisition

G.M.'s intention to offer the Obama administration a majority share-with the U.A.W. getting 39% and creditors the balance, I believe-is a substantial temptation for the United States Government to join either a socialist or a corporatist camp. Like the temptations of Christ in the desert by Satan, the President is offerred the world of fossil fuel automobiles and real transportation power if only he will take over the sputtering dinosaur. Corporatism was invented by Mussolini and in the modern economy global corporations have made it a pervasive Leviathan seeking to devour-how better to forestall innovative technological change in transportation than to dump an automaker on the people of the United States whioim should be bound to perpetuate the industry indefinately especially with the U.A.W. synergy with federal government unions.

President Obama can ante and raise the pot in the democratic battle against corporate global takeover of the government of the United States by taking G.M. and converting it in to a transportation prototype laboratory providing leadership in economic and ecologically synergetic tranportation change. The new G.M. could produce prototypes for distribution in mass numbers for three years before discontinuing production. G.M. should become a large skunk works producing electric cars, vehicles such as hovercraft that work on highways, no moving parts vehicles and so forth-automobiles represent one of the failures of capitalism in that cposts were not reduced at all but have steadily increased over the years far more even than gasoline.

Auto transportation made by a government design corporation could provide new working technol9ogies with patents released to other auto producers after three years of sale of new vehicles...the government can afford to coordinate highway design alteration with vehicles designed especially for the new highways. There should be special interstate lanes for vehicles that weight less than 600 pounds, and in-highway power lines or even super-conductors wrapped within hydrogen cooling pipelines to power electric vehicles taking electricity directly from the lines. America needs real change in vehicular platform concepts, or even for a new transport grid paradigm that no longer uses any four wheeled vehicles or roads...it is possible to imagine many such alternatives.President Obama must fence off the devil of corporate temptation and turn the plank of temptation into something morally acceptable to surf with.

Americans have little education about corporate ecological economic theory-President Obama hasn't at all taken upon himself the burden of educating the public about the political, international undertow that subverts the present and future of American, secure, prosperity and political independence. The concentration of wealth in the United States is devastatingly mired in social reality without concern for the environment or its ability to sustain human life on earth.

Modern Americans are largely incapable of significantly changing their economic structure in a timely and appropriate way in regards to returning the global ecosystem to excellent health. For most Americans are little better than occupational primates inertially focused upon capturing as much money as they can in order to have a good life in the planetary primate colony-and one with prestige and power too if possible. Environmental reality is independent of social reality, and Americans and world leaders judging from the talk emerging from the G-20 summit recently in London, are an incapable bunch of morons unable to comprehend what a non-expansive, ecologically renewable economy is-and that it is no necessary to transition into it...that failure will probably lead to global wars of population reduction when the corrupt contemporary economy with its dysfunctional co0llage of ecologically destructive components leads to cascades of economic and social breakdowns-rioters in the Wall-marts of social reality looking for fuels for their ecology destroying vehicles to drive on global warming creating roads.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi recently talked about 'growing the economy' as if it were a plant. She meant instead, I would think to say 'expand the economy'. For the non-renewable, disposable economic infrastructure can only keep full employment as it destroys the ecological health of the Earth; the economy expands but the planet doesn't. Global consumption increases as does the population while the ecology of the Earth decreases and is fouled with pollutions. While the Speaker may get her wish of increasing employment and natural resource consumption the planet edges closer to the brink of a plethora of economic and ecological collapses-the world politicians just don't get it-once the primate occupational procedures are firmly established they want to repeat the economic cycles endlessly and no politicians seem to have a clue about how to change to a nearly renewable, non-expansive economic policy and infrastructure that can have full employment and quality of life improvements without increasing resource consumption or 'expanding' the economy. Pelosi's idea of 'growing the economy' would be rational if it was an ecological economic concept; unfortunately it seem more retro politics intended to increase the wealth and global power of the established idiots at the top.

Corporatism represses free enterprise and the principles of capitalism as described by Adam Smith. It becomes a form of concentrating wealth and reducing the opportunities for actualization of democracy. President Obama is believed by some to be the most effective tool through which globalist corporatists can get Americans to continue it's policies and avoid substantial reform in the present post-Bush Ii political climate of corruption accomplished. Others believe that President Obama, while entirely unprepared to transition the United States to an ecological economic environment strongly based in Democracy rather than global corporate rule actual would try to accomplish what President Clinton failed to accomplish at all during his two terms as President...reform the energy and transport situation entirely away from corporate, global power supplies and vehicles and to a citizen home and office recharge of electric cars environment as a minimum step in the securing of a national democracy for the 21st century with security borders free of anarchic labor subversion from Mexico and China.

Democratic strength is in the right of individual citizens to actualize their own pursuit of happiness. Mass social organizations tend to work to conform and repress the development of individual interests more so than the reverse-yet that is a complex subject.

Many do mistakenly subscribe to an Marxist dialectical vision of capitalism-corporatism vs. socialism and assume that corporatism must succeed over socialist. In fact if corporatism must be placed in to that kind of Hegelian-Marxist dialectic it would be the synthesis emerging from the clash of capitalism vs. socialism. Many find that the merger of Chinese communism with western capitalism and corporatism following the end of the cold war is the actualization of the synthetic emergence of corporatism.

Corporatism is a corruption of the principles of democracy because it is anti-national, piratical and subversive regarding nationalism and democracy; corporatism represses political free speech by its employees indirectly (they fire you for free speech), corporatism through its concentrated stock owning power creates an endogamy of an owning class that inertially makes a semi-monopolistic political and economic structure that viciously attacks competition to it's establishment.

Corporatism for the United States is a radically destructive form of Toynbee's globalist phase of the decline of a civilization; the global phase coincides with the transformation of a formerly creative majority becoming a repressive minority and of the internal and external proletariat uniting (such as with the invasion of illegals and reorientation of the U.S. Southwest increasingly toward Mexico).

Corporatism is an example of Darwinian selection of the crude and unintelligent, unphilosophical business class of non-inventive exploiters of inventors pursuing and accumulating social and political power...the majority of mankind are not so inventive as a rare minority yet the majority want power in politics and wealth; the consequence is the establishment of a vast, unintelligent corporatist global entity without rational environmental limits failing to transition into an ecological economic policy centered upon national and democracy-for democracy cannot well defend national interests from the irresponsible power of concentrated wealth in globalist corporatism.


Dumbing Down Education and Opportunity

Collectivism is definitely dumber than the best scores of the brightest individuals-the U.S. public education system is a collectivist agency for state propaganda with a near monopoly on the minds of American youth. It would be better if the federal government paid for private accredited elementary and secondary schools for any parent requesting such. Diversity in quality education is a strength and would increase the jobs for bright educators unwilling to be bound to just a dictated list of texts to educate students with-if the United States is ravingly becoming more collectivized under the influence of wealthy global corporatists yet simultaneously losing benefits-if Americans will have an extra 11 trillion dollars left by the Obama administration when it leaves office-and Mr. Obama promises that the budget will be balanced two years after he leaves office-it becomes difficult to argue in defense of the proposition that Americans are becoming collectively brighter.

When globalists can consistently flood the United States with illegal alien workers or import legal ones under some flimsy paper policy, while the industrial infrastructure is outsourced to China and real wages in the United States have declined for the majority for the past three decades where is evidence that the United States is tightening its grip on nationalism in such a way that it eliminates debt, increases prosperity for ordinary citizens, repairs the ecosystem and promotes national Independence form the convenient power of global corporatists with television in their pocket as the greatest advocate for global concentration of wealth and displacement of American national interests for real people?

I.Q. is difficult to assess across all fields equally. I.Q. measurements tend to be specialized for suitability for progress in achievement in pre-determined fields. If one takes the most broad measurement of I.Q.-brain size-it is likely that Americans brains are comparable to those of much of the rest of the world-so one would assume that the stupidity of American cultural intelligence collectively is a consequence of the culture and leadership.
Americans should have full employment with a non-expanding economy. They should recognized the thousand varieties of quality improvements to fundamental economic infrastructures necessary to assure the health of the glob ecological environment.

Human beings live within cultures that they create or invade and/or illegally occupy. Some may afford to rent culture and adapt their own lifestyle in conformity to the existing structure and its lack of progressive intelligence. As in most prior civilizations the United States as a successful nation becomes dumb, dull and stupidly bogged down within its success unable to continue to change. Challenges presented starkly to nascent civilizations or societies that require a pre-determined response in order for the advance of the culture and economy of that society are plain; social intelligence is adapted to the self-evident challenge. In the United States today a certain level of material security has been reached that is continued deleteriously in regard to the social, political and environmental cost of continuity.

Discovering some way to keep a society evolving once it has attained a certain level of success is one of the most difficult problems of civilizations. The United States has mass produced automobiles nearly a century and has in effect re founded its culture and reproductive cycles upon automotive ownership that, along with inefficient, overly expensive building structures inimical to ecological health, comprise the primary core of economic and cultural life. The somnolent people of the United States have been dumbed down in to believing that their temporal physical culture and economy is a renewable and efficient economy that will not erode their political independence, self-reliance and environmental security. The people of the United States have been trained to believe that the Glob, and Globalist economic policies are some kind of Utopian criteria in which all human beings will have equal opportunity and a good life-they have been trained to disregard their own ecological and political reality and give up their liberty to foreign control and international corporate rule, if they were to think about it at all. The extreme difficulty of revising an established economy is being defeated by the traditional option of simply expanding it. That approach is very dumb indeed.

Americans re-elected George W. Bush in 2004, and gave him 800 billion dollars to give to buy bad debt and for banks to have liquidity in the last months of his second term. Some of those same banks will make new loans to Americans and charge interest on that while the same borrowers as taxpayers are paying interest on that 800 billion that went to the banks-how bright can Americans be?

A Hillary-Bill Presidency would have been the first HillBilly administration it may be true, and the Rhodes scholar selection committee may have been aware of the effects of the advanced placement...but does that mean Americans are dumb and dumber?

'Dumb and Dumber' was a popular success and it reinforces the no-fail consumerism encouraged by global corporatism. Running up one's debts to the max is what individuals and the government are led to do while being sight and sound brainwashed by a broadcast media controlled by the richest in controversion of fundamental principles of democracy.
Transnational corporate interests including ownership of the broadcast media have largely subdued democracy and even disequalized free speech. Even compressed air vehicles with an aux gas engine get 3000 m.p.g. and yet the innovation of variegated vehicle use in urban commute corridors is neglected by congress and alternative power sources and systems technologies are not rare. http://www.tgdaily.com/content/view/34269/113/

Americans don't care enough to free themselves from the vice-grip of fossil fuel engine powered national debts...
American prosperity led by the end of the 20th century to a declining reliance on foreign societies to do the hard work in macro-economics to a certain increasing extent. Industries were outsourced to China, India and elsewhere, the auto market became dominated by globalist and Toyota rose to the top of domestic automobile sales. The people became dependent on fossil fuels for their automobiles controlled by a global oligarchy of oil companies and voted a second term for an Exxon-Halliburton oil administration pursuing new oil fields in Iraq said to have more than 200 billion barrels at 2 dollars per barrel development cost.

In accepting a corruption of supply side economic to mean that cutting all taxes for the upper class is good and increase in the gross national product will repay borrowed money to finance the government the people accepted willingly the idea that the federal deficit financing isn't really a way of deferring taxes for the poor and middle class to repay with interest, and that all that redistribution of wealth from borrowed money to private corporations that pay few taxes with the Bush tax cuts hasn't any effect on annihilating public infrastructure investment. Perhaps the U.S. public is dumb about there basic political realities in the world today, and are dumb for blandly accepting the corporatist broadcast media foot in everyone's door displacement of their own private interests too willingly.

The consumerist mentality doesn't support the lone intellectual of course at least if he or she isn't employed by global corporations. An alternative socialist/atheist party exists of course as the shop steward flip side of the global corporatist coin. Collectives have taken over in the United States and people accept it with concepts that it is rugged individualism to spend to the max and pay lifetime rents to a financial service sector of business comprising 30% of the economy.

India produces about 170,000 qualified engineers each year up to U.S. standards while the United States graduates about 70,000. China graduates more than 400,000 engineers and together that means that a lot of invention, innovation and business will start overseas while American political independence comparatively declines even farther.

It is difficult to square away a nation's economic and social problems while it has a flood of illegal and legal immigrants lowering educational standards and filling holes in the bucket of planning democratic politics that will generally improve economic and social opportunities simultaneously with environmental conservation. At the top the broadcasters and other rich collectives and individuals simply accept the corruption of life at the economic bottom with a capitalist rational that there always must be that marginalized sector at the bottom.

From the bottom there is a different and more realistic desire looking up. Systems analysis is preferred that rationally encompasses real corrections to long-term and emerging dysfunctional social mass-economic and environmental issues. Many issues cannot be solved alone but are components of a leaky boat or nation that must all be corrected together to keep the thing afloat. Traditionally the rich and satisfied stagnate the economy after a time and let it rot believing everything is fine and good. The comfortably enfeofed aren't able to comprehend what needs to be done beyond their own satiety to secure the nations on going vital interests in need of renewal and upgrading.

Immigrants may arrive in the United States in numbers that can be entirely assimilated and that will not harm the interests of other citizens meaningfully, nor harm the environment substantially nor either undermine wage negotiation factors in labor supply and demand. Social interest is in protecting the rights of the individual first instead of corporate collectives wishing to profit by exploiting labor for cheap wages.

What number of immigrants could be a non-harmful number; 250,000 annually? It isn't actually possible to determine that without first stopping illegal immigration entirely, and reducing the number to perhaps 200,000 annually for five years during which time the nation could begin to correct its many educational, broadcasting exclusivity, economic-quality of life and environmental issues. Congress should vote annually on how many legal aliens to assimilate each year instead of the rationalized by the rich out of control subvert the poor policies going along with the tax the poor and tax away their economic opportunities for life approach policy of the present administration and the congress.

The Glob has approximately two hundred million migrants today-and they complicate the political issue of establishing locally renewable economic structures that do not exclude any citizen. There are difficult challenges that should be addressed such as how to increase the quality of life within a non-expanding economy, and how to discover fair capital balances between labor and management within a non-expanding, full-employment economic structure. The world tomorrow will have refugees from global warming environmental disasters that will disrupt local efforts at economic stability-yet one must sympathize with such refugees. The issuer will arise about how to place them within suitable economic structures non-disruptively. Illegal immigration traditional subverts the established culture and implicitly rational economic planning.

Are Americans dumb; maybe political dumbness is satisfying judging by the way debts and whatever are going?


On Determinsm

Determinism follows from initial boundary conditions that permit a limited or pre-determined number of forms or states to develop over time. In the case of a singularity that formed the Universe following an expansion the boundary conditions would have been the composition of the singularity; if it were incapable of phase changes such as were matter and anti-matter, if space-time could not emerge from an infinite, perfectly formed point of infinite density the pre-determined state might have been the existing state; one might consider eternity as a pre-determined state that is the actual and unchanging state.

The paradoxes of the initial singularity that would form the Universe, if there was an initial singularity that formed the Universe instead of something else such as a zero-dimensional membrane that generated the appearance of matter, mass or energy in a somewhat illusory way through the interaction of other zero-dimensional membranes creating an appearance of dimensions, coincide with ideas about The One or God that the neo-Platonist philosopher Plotinus wrote about in his 54 tractaes named The Enneads of Plotinus...God is eternal and perfect as The One-so why create forms or emanate anything to exist such as a Universe?

Actualization of boundary conditions of a Universe following an initial design or smaller, primordial structure means that a pre-determined condition is a necessary condition of the actualization of ingredients. Every plant that grows, such as a mustard seed, is pre-determined to become a mustard plant--and such is the fate of all genomic endowment structures for actualization as what they are on the basis of their initial boundary conditions. One must insert a disclaimer here for any broken forms that fail to actualize there growth potential because of flaws or environmental externalities of an egregiously averse kind that might abort potential for actualization.

The theoria of determinism received a lot of impetus of an affirmative kind through the development of modern science and Newtonian mechanics. Some bragged that given knowledge of initial conditions of the Universe they might predict its entire fate; advocates of free will excepted human beings from the boundaries of determinism on a premise that the mind allows the violation or symmetry breaking of natural causal laws. Perhaps with the principle of general relativity one might say that human beings have the ability to intentionally shape their world lines in ways not possible for inanimate objects or events without human sentience implicitly resident.

The prospects for determinism seem to exist even in Chaos theory where an indefinite chaotic program will eventual yield one of three pre-determined states of the constituent members of the chaotic class of objects--that seems a logical principle in the context that a pervasive, universal logic seems to exist locally and non-locally regarding the association of point particles or objects, intervals, forms and the laws of coherence that provide bonding and permutation forces in events. Such events comprise time-space material existent phenomena-determinism in a sense might be thought of as some kind of probablistic assurance that certain physically coherent structures will continue to exist and not randomly disassociate.

The Universe has many unknown and perhaps unknowable structures in its quantum mechanical realms that seem to avoid the limits of the event association patterns of the regular dimensions of the Universe. These events of quantum super-positioning and quantum entanglement have an unknown yet seemingly profound relationship upon the events of the standard dimensions of the Universe; in some ways they seem like the backstage strings or wires that move about the scenes and players on the globe theatre strutting and fretting for an hour amidst sound and fury signifying nothing to those that believe its all wild and undetermined.

The idea of extra degrees of freedom of motion and of thought is one of the desirable aspects of indeterminism. The quantum mechanical potentials seem to add a random indeterministic element of freedom to experience-yet if a life is pre-determined it does even so present itself as wild to the individual without prescience experiencing the life-and though Jesus foreknew His fate on the cross he did obviously experience the event as quite a horrible experience; he asked if the cup might be relieved from his drinking, yet said that nevertheless Thy will be done...

Initial boundary conditions set for any given constructed system pre-determine the following conditions for the system including range of motion and elemental compositions. One thinks of stellar synthesis over three generations and the new chemical elements created, many of which exist on Earth-and also the new chemical compounds created naturally on the Earth through a number of processes including organic, and realize the importance of conserving the biosphere of the planet in order to allow the maximum actualization of potential components of existence in order to increase the actualization of the initial boundary conditions of the Universe.

One might believe that God has eternally actualized all possibilities of existence including pre-determined temporal boundary conditions within an infinite number of Universe. Knowledge and coordinate event actualization would be boundary conditions that could serve to define order and structure capable of supporting pluralism and the potential for pluralism.

Why would The One construct a pluralist actualization of all tings-I guess it might be a necessity of being Omnipotent to eternally actualize all things that are good-and that requires much work. Maybe one cannot associate the six days of creation with Einstein's equation or discovery that a billion years is consistent with a thousand times a thousand and apply that time value to the creation of life in the Universe (times six). What a day is according to measurements using the speed of light for the measuring stick within parameters of general relativity, if it turned out to be a billion or two, would do nothing to clarify the differences between the eternal and the temporal, between one Universe or an infinite number of universes, or the way in which beings with limited intelligence far short of omniscience experience the travel through the pre-determined, pre-constructed Universe.

The temporal Universe seems like a reciprocol of the finite mind in which it can experience emergence, change and evolution as a process of actualizing temporal forms.

Freedom and Other Ideas

Consider the concept that God created the world in some miraculous manner as a phenomenality of time and space locality within an eternal, adimensional criterion...absolutely free and good, absolutely actualized in every respect, in free will every possible Universe, structure, person and so forth that might exist, has always existed in the most appropriate form. Within God contingent beings exist phenomenally and perhaps in short lives, yet they have always been for God plays that time construction perhaps just once yet it has always existed and was always foreknown. Evil and wickedness-a moral fault in the last case, and an importunate or tragic occurrence to human or other sentient experience in the former, differ. Wickedness is a defective moral trait of sentient beings; evil are bad things that happen from natural or other inanimate or unintentional causes. God cannot have a place for wickedness in the eternal economy-it is a possibility of free will choices of contingent beings of course, but not a characteristic that would function within the eternal or divine economic criteria for the saved or redeemable with faith in Jesus Christ.

Freedom is the natural condition of God and of those that accept the Son of God as their personal savior. Freedom to actualize the creative good to the absolute fulfillment of all things is perhaps the destiny of those of mankind that would be saved; repression and corruption of individual liberty and of the global ecosystem are wicked misfeasance's of mankind correctable upon God's schedule. Freedom is of the highest value, as is equal protection of the laws for all citizens.

The idea of 'rating' freedom must be a product of a television rating remote control generation used to being 'served' by 'providers' to whom they must merely acquiesce. Such a generation would outsource its freedom after being told that it isn't free and they are too far in debt to afford it. Borrow from foreign governments perhaps to 'bail out' the bankers of freedom and 'unfreeze' the flow of money to lenders and the people-it all must be a matter of getting the currents to flow and the velocity of money to increase.

Freedom has an unstated value in rural areas that is obviously lost in densely populated urban areas. Freedom is the condition of being free to act without interference from others. In areas of Alaska one may still walk without encountering another human soul for days, and during the day or night no man will show up to say that you must kow tow or immediately attend to some commanded detail. Freedom is a real and actual state of human relations to others.

Freedom describes ranges of motion without blockage in physical systems as well as in relationships with other human beings. The enslaved do not right it highly-they become thought controlled and programmed to deny the reality of the meaning of freedom as something other than slavery. Freedom may be lost gradually as politicians enslave a people through debt and sell out a nation for the benefit of global or foreign control.

The Biblical story of Sodom and Gomorrah is in part a classical example of the loss of civil freedom in an urban setting through the imposition of the rule of behavioral vice. Behaviorist psychology developed theories about the environmental determinism that conditions human behavior. Urban human behavior conditions human behavior differently than do rural environments. The pastoral volkerwanderuung of Abraham and his brother Lot ended with their separation and Lot and his people taking the land east of the Jordan River. Lot was a developed of the region of Sodom and Gomorrah and they became heavily urbanized.

Lot was captured by Chedorlaomer and others and made a prisoner. Abraham-always the good servant of God and free within his service to God rescued and freed his brother Lot restoring him to his home. This penultimate warning to Lot wasn't adequate in the slightest as a premonitory piece of guidance for the urbanites of the morally depraved cities. Without the natural freedom of the more wild environment the people developed a natural swine emulating social behavior. The ideas of civil liberties such as the more rural and free founders of the United States were able to formalize later in the Constitution of the United States and the amendments to the constitution were beyond the abilities of the people of Sodom and Gomorrah for at least three reasons-one they did not have the freedom or liberty politically to write a constitution and two they weren't generally literate. The third and more important reason is that in urban areas the freedoms of natural social distance that exist in a rural environment are over time eroded. Rural and pastoral morals that proscribe select social behaviors as immoral become targeted as repressive. Social distance is attacked as being against freedom along with the moral protections of it.

In the late period of the existence of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah it is evident that the natural moral defenses and freedom of a rural and pastoral existence had been entirely lost. Lot pleaded with the angels of God to spare the destruction of his city (by the bay perhaps) if even a few good men of moral character could be found. The citizens of Sodom of course insulted even Lot's visiting angels with a demand that they be tossed to them for sexual perversions and other getting to know you activities of the class that are found when the meaning of civil liberty is transformed in to meaning the extinction of self and personal freedom from others. In the United States urban dwellers lead the way in the removal of social distance and personal liberty in the natural transition of the term in a process of social decay to mean the removal of any personal possession of civil rights. The fundamental urban social civil right eventually becomes the right to be a member of a herd of swine-citizens

The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah did reset the moral clock for the kin of Abraham providing enough breathing space in a higher moral climate that could last long enough for them to be taken in to captivity by Egypt and reformed gradually under the further plan of the Lord. Beginning with their liberator-leader Moses the Jews were given a strict code of moral behavior that would transition them a while further even amidst their surrounding depraved neighbors. In time their behavior also would decay and yet God provided His Son to lead a new revolution of personal freedom in God though the Spirit dwelling in the hearts and minds of His people. The Temple and its hierarchical priesthood was annihilated by the raving forces of secular doom in the form of the legions of Pompey and the burning of enough timber to crack the stone walls of Jerusalem. Perhaps 300,000 Jews were slaughtered then. Freedom doesn't just have a relative meaning, or perhaps it does. One must choose what to do with one's freedom, and what it is to mean.

In Communist China the movement toward freedom occurs within a highly populous urban and rural environment. The environment imposes strict limits upon the potential for human population increase without mass starvation. Decades of authoritarian communist rule was a reaction to corrupt former imperial and nationalist governments and the primitive Chinese economy. A Chinese history of invasion or exploitation by foreign government forces made a military repression of every opponent a natural fact especially in the near century of global cold war following the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917. Recent Chines development of trade ties with the west are claimed to be moving China toward a potential of freedom, yet urban freedom without civil authoritarian historically drifts toward decadence, and with the global rise of the political-economic philosophy of Benito Mussolini's invention of corporatism with its dictatorship by C.E.O.'s and repression of political dissent by executives and employees through the methods of employment termination and exclusion from social employment generally via corporate network shunning it isn't likely that the new China will escape the synthetic blend of repressions east and west that grow with the globalization of world trade.

Freedom in rural areas for much of the world in the 20th century was of the primitive sort. It was said that some of the peasants in the Mekong delta of Vietnam were basically politically illiterate, yet they resisted exploitation by the urban powers in Saigon and thus supported Viet Cong insurgents. Tragically many of the peasants were destroyed in the war and even the globally coordinated under the forces of communism Viet Cong impressed villagers in to their militia on pain of death I believe. The rural resistance to urban exploitation is an historical movement of the 20th century that was co-opted by communist organizers in to a Marxist underground movement generally, or commonly.

Communist organizers had the fairly easy task of persuading enough rural supporters to revolt against corrupt urban regimes that the 'free world' forces often found themselves fighting against people struggling to be free from wealthy urban oppressors. The wealthy urban oppressors were paradoxically the communists themselves ultimately with ideas of globalism and dictatorship of the proletariat under the absolute authority of a central committee that would deny any political freedom at all to the rural poor ultimately, while the 'free forces' of the west would support global corporatism following the 'defeat' of global communism. The rural people of the planet would discover their political liberties becoming increasingly eroded by an authoritarian synthetic global government combining corporatism and communism. freedom isn't 'over-rated' it is of absolute importance; the difficulty is in discovering how to defend it against the overwhelming forces set to destroy it globally.

As the new Obama administration in the United States is set to take office January 20, 2009 it is important to defend against the constant moral decay that will be sent to the door of the Oval Office. President Obama should air-brush the footprints of former President Clinton on the floor of the office in the place he stood to receive service from a student intern to remind him that lobbyists and politicians will send servo-units his way in order to bring him over to the side of natural urban decay. The decay of urban freedom is a renewable fact of human social history that contributes to its destruction, while the opposite forces of the preservation of rural freedom may also simultaneously defend and attack real civil liberties that mean fundamentally protection from others instead of a removal of freedom to dissent social compaction.

If environment is a coefficient of freedom, as is very evident in the pollution and destruction of ecological health planet-wide because of the numbers of people acting adversely upon it, ideology and intelligent are as well variables in the equation of support for a maximally free human social existence on the planet Earth.


Creationism, Evolution and More

The concepts of creationism and evolution are terms that occur within larger contexts. We shall consider some of those contexts...

The Scope's trial brought a religion vs. government conflict to America in the 20th century; the contest between imperial government and imperial religion has existed since the beginning of Christianity; the crucifixion of our Lord was instigated by the Jewish religious leaders and implemented by Roman imperial power. Jesus Christ was a king but not of this world, Pontius Pilate the Prefect of Judea did not want to execute Jesus yet was levered in to the act by possible accusations of treason to Caesar.

Christians of centuries following the crucifixion were persecuted by government rule significantly. Later the church was taken over in the eastern Roman Empire by the Imperial Government. In the former decadent western empire following it's collapse the Christian Church Bishop of Rome began slowly to acquire more power not only over his peer Bishops in other regions of the trans- Mediterranean region but politically as well. Gregory would become one of the first Popes with significant power-yet the historical relationships between Popes, politics, imperial governments, foreign invaders of Italy with inimical, antipathetic beliefs such as the forces of Mohammedans was complex and substantially. In several nations such as Spain and France and Germany the bilateral relationships between what Emperors, Monarchs and Popes with sometimes two or even three Popes existing simultaneously) changed more often than the solstices and equinoxes seasonally.

Form ordinary citizens support of church positions sometimes coincided with their own political interests for liberation-and sometimes worked against them. The reformation signified by Martin Luther was somewhat conservative in some regards as he did not support a simultaneous political revolution-yet certainly other reformers did support political revolution. In some nations following the end of 'imperial' Catholic rule such as Holland the national church subsequently was comparatively weak and unable to restrain political ventures it opposed sometimes including military activity abroad or the reverse. In many regards the 'slide rule' for relationships between heretical opinions, Church relationships to citizens as political subjects and as second class Christians led by an upper class priesthood of small business family churchmen or hierarchical mass organizational imperial ecclesiastic structures was generally unobservable by ordinary, illiterate or semi-illiterate peasants, peons, comrades, clods and citizens of the respective political entities.

A transcending human characteristic existing in all eras is the Darwinian selection of the most greedy and power-hungry toward leadership of any significant organization capable of generating political, financial or other forms of wealth and power. For every Francis of Assisi their are followers that will transform such a Franciscan organization in to the animal party frat house for good times. For every good natured genius such as Albert Einstein there is waiting another would be Satin-on-a Political Pedestal happy to Napoleon himself along amidst the pathos and pervasive misery. Will state and church controversy every end on a specific, broad question such as Creationism vs. Evolution is the point of this essay topic; human understanding will never become perfect and omniscient while in the temporal form seeing through a glass darkly. Creationism might be thought of as a cosmological theory while evolution as a biological theory. One has many uncertainties and indeterminacy of meaning in each term (creation & evolution). Presently neither term is fully understood in either a realm of faith or in that of science for the complexities and depths of meaning and knowledge within each are vast and unfathomed.

Scientific American in March and April published two interesting articles on cosmology that would change the Universe-view that most people have if they read and thought about it.

An article considered Einstein'ss special theory of relativity and it's relationship to quantum mechanical non-local phenomena such as quantum entanglement and quantum superposition; how can relativity in normal Einsteinian geometric space be right if faster than light 'action at a distance' relationships between quantum particles exists? The answer obvious to most might be that either spatial dimension extensions including time are not what we think they are, perhaps being phenomenalties set to a scale of human cognitive recognition, or there may be shortcuts through extra dimensions that no one presently has fully mapped (such as M-Theory). Plainly there are other possibile explanations for how faster than light quantum entanglement and superpositions may exist.

One potential explanation is that the basic forces underpinning the structure of mass and energy in space-time are much more complex than was thought previously. The big bang theory nominally has some resemblance to the collision of particles made in particle accelerators-at a certain force the relationships of stable or long lived constructions break apart under impact and cascade a wealth of smaller components. We generally take it that this is an example of thermodynamic properties even with the stipulation that the physical process is theoretically isotropic and reversible-yet these are just paradigmiatic interpretations made of observable phenomena that are not in-themselves necessarily mutually exclusive and exhaustive analytically accurate limits or interpretations of the meaning of what is observed-there can be more to it than believed, such as a pervasive unknown force that is space itself that is at the minimal density level yielding virtual particles in large extension and an inflaton in small size-such may be what a membrane theory comprises primordially.

It seems possible that special relativity is an accurate protocol for a particular level of relationships in space-time that is not controverted by a potential encompassing substratum that functions at a different energy and mass structure inclusive of having a different relationship to space-time. This consideration allows a very simple union of areas of creative thought in physics and theology; the eternal realm of forms of Plato and Plotinus perhaps refined quite a bit as physics has refined the ideas of Parmenides and Democritus more than a little. In the monist thought of Parmenides we also discover a greater One that allows all of the manifold of pluralist appearances to exist; the generalities of the ancients encompassed some useful thought about the nature of reality being discovered only in the past century.

The second interesting article was on the subject of dark energy as a theory for the apparent acceleration of the expansion of space time; could anisotropy in the distribution of matter in the Universe be a better explanation for the appearance of an expansion of space-time?

If the Earth and Milky Way is in a special region of space-within a great void-either unique or just one of a minority component of vast voids in the Universe-it could be more than just another common speck in a isotropic Universe; this adds another point to the score of the weak anthropic principle vs secular, hedonist atheists that even Christian humanists could be happy with considering.

The Universe may have been created by sono-luminescence spoken in to the underlying 'membrane' of the pre-existent Universe or not. Time may be relative yet discrete and even recurrent. Eternity may contain all temporal series and like the extended realm of whole numbers in mind a contingent mind may journey along the course to discover the appearance of time, space and motion. God may have created all space-time only contingently even within his unchanging, omnipotent Being. Creationism and evolution are fun entry portals in to the consideration of incredible physical and theological questions.

One may consider the parameters of this apparent Universe, it's age based upon the distance that light has travelled at the edge of the observable Universe and an extrapolation of the time required for existing, evident physical processes and structures such as star and Galaxy formation to have occurred from known and hypothesized laws of physical change; one may set that paradigm in to a larger and more theoretical context of a Universe that could be just one piece of a larger and more complex structure, and that may be not of such a nature as what it appears to us through perception and reasoning, inference and logic, and correlate that with what is known theologically and through the Bible. We may disregard our trust in our own comfortable knowledge so far as possible while yet keeping that knowledge to use as a foundation for exploration and understanding of cosmology beyond what we presently know. In my opinion God permits the Universe to appear to exist for human life-it is necessary to be conservative in applying propositions and predicates that may be logically faulty. One should notassume that certain terms are free of the indeterminacy of translation-even the word 'beginning' may occur like a box amidst a succession of Chinese puzzle box like relations with meanings not even deictic placing.

A paradigm for the construction of a Universe of whatever scale and configuration within the context of an eternally existing God who actualized from eternity all possible things that are good is a helpful way to consider larger scale structural configurations of the Universe with uncertain physical delimitation.


Liberalism and Evolution Theory Paradigms of Britain

For many readers the concept of evolutionary liberalism might invoke the idea of Darwinian theory as opposed to clerical misinterpretations of the Bible and the historical, 19th century social conflicts between Godless atheists, Marxists and sundry varieties of 'liberal' ideologies opposed to a conservative, traditional order. Because this sort of interpretation is rather common I will dispense with it first before moving on to consider other meanings and developments of the phrase 'Evolutionary liberalism in Great Britain.

So let's consider the two main points of Charles Darwin, popularizer of the theory of evolution-an idea considered earlier by Anaximander, his grandfather Erasmus, Lamarck, and Lucretius in the poem De Rerum Natura, amongst others. The first idea is that life originated from a common source. The common source of all life is God, and I believe Darwin supported that concept. His second idea is that a competition amidst all life exist and the most fit survive...

Life isn't a survival of the fittest, but instead is a biochemical search for growth environments and a selection by the life force of the most favorable. This can be seen in the relocation of the headquarters of Halliburton to Dubai, and in the outsourcing of U.S. production to Chinese factories enabling the concentration of wealth and the best economic growth medium for defectors from American priority.

Life force must adapt to the environment yet implicitly seeks to overcome it. The biochemical will of life necessarily fits in to such environmental conditions available, while, in the case of humanity it seeks to overcome or transcend the boundaries of the environment that determine its form and provide its sustenance. When the life force overcomes the environmental boundaries it may cut off itself from these two primary conditions. If the life force has not intellectually developed sufficiently it may destroy its environment and fail to structure artificial, substitute challenge criteria that is a coefficient for growth. Humanity faces that challenge presently.

It is implicit in President Obama's idea of education increases as along-term goal for the United States. His belief fails to contain the obvious idea that good government parameter setting cannot be compensated for by any sort of increase in the quantity of public education that creates uncreative individuals employed by boundary jumping trans-national corporations.

English evolutionary liberalism has found many areas for increase of individual rights, yet individuals today increasingly fit in to a corporatist political philosophy that minimizes their individuality and silences their political and national opinions within a corporatist and Rousseauist paradigm of the general will eclipsing the individual will. That corporate political philosophy is inimical to the retention of individual liberty and conservation of ecological health.

The United States and England have had many competitive circumstances, and human technology has overcome the security of the environment well enough to continually degrade its quality. Fishing is bad in parts of Alaska and commerical fishing quotas should be cut by 50% to allow more for egalitarian sports fishing. North Pacific mid-ocean fishing intercepts by all nations should be reduced so that at least 60% of the fish escape capture annually. President Obama and Prime Minister Brown should work to assure that practical political governance is not contingent upon citizens being educated as drone employees of trans-national corporations. Sovereign nations should produce a quality of life acceptable to citizens that have achieved literacy and numeracy.

All citizens should have good housing and a nation should be self reliant except for luxuries in order to promote ecologically renewable economic policy. Helvetius believed that all people are more or less of sound intellect yet it is bad education that makes them stupid. Bad government mass education can provide such stupidity for its people that no amount of education would ever make them prosper.

Good government eliminates public debt, promotes border security, ecological economic policy, universal monolithic dome home ownership and health care, a net increase of ecological quality and quantity and electric mass transportation of privately owned electric vehicles on monorails at 700 miles per hour to regional destinations. A liberal political environment would seek to create mass employment opportunities in non-outsourcable employment sectors, yet bad government believes that citizens actually can invent things, get patents for them and produce them somewhere outside of China and without effective corporate suppression of rival technologies.

On a philosophy thread the history of evolutionary liberalism in Great Britain might take several different courses. Recently I have been reading Bertrand Russell's 'A History of Western Philosophy' that has quite a bit to say on the subject of the evolution of liberalism in both political philosophy and theories of knowledge or metaphysics. There seem to be two main branches of philosophy that Russell noted continued to exist during the second world war period when he wrote his book. I will write something about that and of the deeper structures of the Universe that may continue to be thought to exist as valid ideas for philosophical researchers today.

To get to the heart of the matter there were two main schools of thought in liberalism that survived the cut to make it to the 20th century. One was the political philosophy that derived fro the empiricism of Locke, Berkley and Hume, and the other the subjectivism and later romanticism that originated with Kant, Hegel and other German 19th century idealist yet also produced thinkers such as Rousseau and Karl Marx. Liberal political philosophy was the idea that individualism was the right relation to God and country, yet in the Romantic branch individualism might be carried out to the point where heroic survival of the fittest anarchy might prevail with the eventual consolidation in to the power of absolute statism and the rule of just one surviving free man such as Stalin or Hitler. In modern corporatism no organizations should be allowed to exist to compete with the state; Rousseau believed that trade unions and such would create rival allegiances to the general will of the people and the government.

The political war for liberal power received quite a push during the 30 years war over religions in Europe as protestants sought liberation from Catholicism and the Inquisition, yet the political relationships between national churches, imperial rulers and national kings would be complex and difficult evolutions for centuries ahead. The English civil wars following John Locke's writing, the dictatorship of Cromwell and restoration of the monarchy in a tamed down relation to the legislature were all difficult elements of the historical changes of political liberalism in the struggle against oppressive, arbitrary political power.l

I believe a certain bias was made to exist through association of belief in God with national churches and political powers in a hierarchical way. Priesthood of Believers efforts with egalitarianism were historically repressed with violence and failed to replace the inaccurate ecclesiastical structures of a hierarchical priesthood. The epistemology of Kant went so far as to preclude a certain level of trust in the existence of the apparent world perhaps necessary for scientific advancement, yet alternatively the empiricists decried reason in the form of logic and metaphysical deliberation upon questions that might have not positive, evident proof yet would provide ideas about the phenomenal creation useful such as dead reckoning might be for a sailor without a g.p.s. or comprehensive charts.

The deep structure of the Universe perennially is of philosophical interest. One wonders what the smallest and largest structures are, and why they exist, with answers hoped for beyond the law of necessity in a unified field.

Time and space seem to be united in movement. One can observe that the transformation of mass and energy in space-time follow thermodynamic laws of order that would be more improbable to reverse rather than continue forward. One wonders if space-time is dependent upon the thermodynamic inertia of mass-energy in some way to continue to increase or expand outward.

One wonders if time or space have cumulative or quantitative changes, if time is simply of the present phenomenally or remains behind in some way associated with the expanding creation of space-past. If God is infinite in all directions are the smallest particles of existence infinitely recursive too, contained ultimately within an eternity of the Creator inaccessible directly to humanity?

Spinoza may have believed a pantheistic monism prevails, while Leibniz thought space and matter were made of smallest units akin to quarks or branes called monads-each monad was a soul. Bertrand Russell believed the concept of monads was still of interest for philosophical considerations on the relationship between perception and reality.The questions about the evident world of reality presented to the senses and its relationship to God, if God created the Universe or contains its temporality as space-time as a sub species within His eternal Being necessitate a consideration of the meaning of language about God and the apparent Universe sufficient to comprehend the protocols of relation of being between the apparent universe of qualities evident to the senses and the 'real' eternal Spiritual eternal realm of God.

Leibniz was the first to create a mathematical logic and language with which he hoped to describe apparent reality and its relation to mind directly without ambiguity. Subsequent British empiricists and analytic philosophers have attempted degrees of the same project. Perhaps Kripke's mathematical efforts of logic continue in a similar approach.

Consider human existence in this world as if it were a sentient self-aware set of numbers that God has created. Humanity has a limited and particular set of mathematical qualities and capabilities limited to those implicit in its original set of attributes. Adam and Eve might be though of as some sort of potential numbers such as zero and one that were not in a temporal condition to begin with, for temporality entails change and motion. When they ate of the tree of knowledge they began generating new whole numbers such as 2,3 etc. If humanity could be thought of as the set of whole numbers and their self-will to be the original sin it is possible to understand the nature of philosophical questions such as ask if God created the set of whole numbers and the a priori universe in which they live why isn't everything them God? Why isn't the set of whole numbers God?

The whole numbers are just one series of numbers that God created. Everything in their Universe that appears to them is real enough, yet it has a limited, specific set of attributes for-itself (the realm of things in themselves). The inanimate objects such as telephone poles were made perhaps as fractional real numbers without sentience. God is the set of all sets of numbers, infinite in everything that exists as an infinity, and creator of all finite sets, defining their attributes. The protocols of existence are such that only God is God with the qualities of omniscience and so forth, and everything He has made has just those attributes phenomenally that they were given. No attribute or quality is God, and it isn't especially meaningful to consider the definite subsets He has created as God any more than it is to ask why if every bridge was made by a particular architect, all the bridges are not the architect and why the Bay Bridge of the Chesapeake . isn't the Golden Gate of San Francisco.

Appearances of things-in-themselves are real enough and [presented for human experience by God. Kantian ideas about things in themselves being unknowable are somewhat irrelevant here, for the eternal God presenting temporal appearances or qualities knowable to human perception does not need to be inversely known omnisciently in order for the qualities to be experienced. Scientific reasoning in a priori and analytic judgments may discover farther and deeper relationships of mass-energy, space-time or material qualities that are efficiently real for human purposes, Humanity exists with limited knowledge and potential (unknown) in a Universe of space-time contained by a deeper, eternal nexus of infinite spirit that is a property of God.

The evolution of liberalism in Great Britain and elsewhere are aspects of changing phenomenal geophysical characteristics and comprehension in a world, galaxy and Universe of the same nature. Marriage, one of the most ancient of liberal causes providing women with a measure of security is being undermined by a more recent 'liberalism' of homosexual subversion of the marriage union through an effort to change the heterosexual meaning of the institution. Reactionary anti-liberalism isn't limited to homosexual aggressions on heterosexual structures for stability and individual security, they also exist in the Obama administration's approval of public funding for the destruction of human embryos for research. Frederick II pursued some rather odd scientific research too. President Obama might just recognize the federal ban of forcing its citizens to fund the murder of embryos compelled the scientific invention of broad new areas of developing stem cells through other, and moral means. British complicity in the revisionist, reactionary illiberal attacks on the sanctity of human life and marriage are logical trends following the will of the rich and powerful toward immoral profit. Liberalism in Great Britain is challenged today by a host of retrograde political attacks devolving from the advance of corporatism.

Federal Mortgage Guarantees

I would prefer that in the future the United States Government guarantee home loans only if they meet select quality criteria. Homes should cost no more than four times the average annual American income. Homes should be on lots that have 900% more natural area that housing shelter. Homes should be given preference in loan repayment rates that have no net loss of biota, in which exterior surfaces are covered ecologically. Homes should be required to produces electricity through wind, solar and or hydrogen fuel cells in areas where that is practical. All homes qualifying for federal loan guarantees must have contractors that were certified as employing only U.S. citizens in the construction.

Why should the Federal Government bail out crooked banks by nationalizing them and dumping toxic debt on the public? Thomas Jefferson would have been so such a course of action as an anti-federalist-neither would he have sought substantially national economic reform with the help of China.

The federal government should bail out only those with less than 150 thousand dollars in mortgage debt-it is a silly policy for working Americans to fund what are in essence spoiled lifestyles of people that require large big box homes that cost $250,000 and up. Borrowing money from world investors to prop up the decadent U.S. lifestyle with greed determining what size of home one needs, what kind of fuel inefficient vehicle what purchases from foreign importers and how a zero personal savings policy is good, government because it accelerates the velocity of money are bound to reach a bad end for U.S. national security. The United States has taken up a policy following the end of the cold war of support for trans-national corporations making of American real property a liquid value that can be bought and traded en mass by global investors.

Americans are simply corrupt and spoiled-that is the reason for the present financial crisis. They refused to defend the borders adequately against illegal alien immigration in order to allow cheap labor to build houses that were too large. American workers could be unemployed while illegals were fully employed. The wages of labor in the U.S.A. plummeted as over production through illegal, cheap workers stuffed the profits of the non-working class financial sector of crooks. A national magazine recently published a rogues gallery of some twenty or so of these guys that exemplify the corruption of American business and political policy the past 16 years. Americans must develop a non-spoiled, rational steady state economic structure if it isn't to become owned by foreign powers.

OPEC in Saudi Arabia has said recently that too quick of a transition to alternative fuels in the United States would create global issues of a deleterious nature. Saudi Arabia and OPEC and collapsed the price of oil in order to undermine national efforts in the United States to create an independent alternative energy posture. Saudi Arabia as the citadel of Mohammedanism seeks a hegemony over the worlds spiritually through the coercive power of global dependence upon the inefficient and polluting fossil fuel cycle. The U.S. administration has walked blind in to the course of the axis of evil oil producers and internal combustion engine manufacturing with its recently received stimulus policy of some 785 billion dollars. While the home mortgage crisis at the level of lenders may receive some relief through taxpayer assumption of their debt and interest payments so that double interest can be paid by homeowners to the bank lenders as well as the taxpayers, the administration has failed to comprehend that Americans just need to have a rational approach to economic development and let the global fast buck arbitragers, hedge fund specialists and money market managers take a licking and keep on ticking if they can, with their own economic accountability for bad lending practices.

The Obama administration is once again under the influence of Clinton's economic Rasputin Lawrence Summers-virtually no rational national home mortgage economic policy can arise under that aegis which seeks to expand housing unit size and prices to the largest possible size. The administration should find economic ideas from Robert Schiller, Lester Thurow and Herman Dailey. http://www.amazon.com/Ecological-Economics-Sustainable-Development-Selected/dp/1847209882 http://www.mott.org/publications/Mott%20Mosaic/April%202007%20v6n1/retrospect%20April%202007.aspx http://www.theoildrum.com/tag/ecological_economicss

President Obama said when running for office that common sense in economic priorities needed to be applied, yet in his first major bill with victory he has forgone the quest for a sustainable economic policy in favor of support for the usual fiscal perfidy that has made the financial related services sector a full 25% of the U.S. national economy. A nation that fundamentally skims from Chinese production and illegal migrant labor instead of sustaining new technological production that would fit in with a steady state economy wherein only quality rather than quantity improves demographically and materially is set on a path for boom and bust that continues to raise the notch of diminished renewable resources higher. It is an unrealistic course that serves those M.B.A.'s and managers unscrupulously enough to have no care about anything besides their personal profit. Martin Buber said that a lie is treason unto oneself; the economic lies about that devalue of non-sustainable development, with mortgages of vast size that can be paid solely while the occupants have a huge, unrealistic salary based upon inflated global based financial services,are economic treason to the nation.

After the Union act of 1800 that forced Ireland into political union with Britain the Irish became poor and were forced off the land. More than a million moved to England following the potato famine and many went to the United States. Life in England was mean; nasty brutish and short for the Irish in England. IT was only after decades of striving to improve their legal standing that they found they could stop paying rent and receive grants for their housing that would let them save money. While American pay large rents to globalists they cannot save money, instead they make transfer payments to trans-national corporation and destroy the posterity of the nation leaving a legacy of servitude to the corporatist trans-national elites that decree what their economic policy should be.

The United States does require an intelligent, sober Congress and Senate rather than one enthralled to the silky comforts of wealthy. The people of the United States should reform basic federal economic policy such that homes with high energy efficiency ratings receive priority in funding support, and homes that have the capability of producing their own electrical energy have a higher place in federal support than homes that purchase electricity from a trans-nationally owned corporate grid.

U.S. homes should have a minimum insulation r value of 100 for mortgage lending. Homes should be made of concrete and last 300 years between exterior recoating.

The social security administration should restrict payments to those earning less than the average worker annual income. Twenty-five thousand dollars is a lot of money for those not working. A nation that has current accounts pay non-working Americans more than working Americans cannot have a rational economic policy.

The new tax elements of the stimulus plan did nothing for those self-employed that must pay 10% tax. for the working, self-employed poor earning less than 12,000 annually their should be a tax moratorium for credit in the first term of the Obama administration to relieve the poor from a variety of tax issues that impede improvisational work opportunities.

Medicare policy should cover only those earning less than $24,000 annually. The federal government should assure that all the poor can receive free medical service by paying the mal-practice insurance of physicians that register in a free treatment for the poor screening service. Physicians that provide free coverage to 40% of their patients would receive free federal mal-practice insurance. A worker's compensation like medical screening and referral service should screen patients and physicians.

The U.S. Mexican border area of a 3 mile depth should become a U.S. Army and Marine base where troops could be stationed to defend their classified base activities.

The Congress should pass a bill enabling states to arrest illegal immigrants and send them to federal penal facilities. When the federal government is manifestly incapable of fulfilling its legal obligations rationally the states must defend themselves. The federal government has allowed more than one million Mexican illegals to cross the border each of the last 20 years-that is a manifestly incompetent performance by the U.S. Government. It is because of the cyclically corrupt U.S. housing industry policy that the Clinton and Bush administration pursued that illegal alien construction and service workers were drafted to blimp the housing industry.

Broke Branches (poem)

  Dialectic clashing of evolutes- trees left right and center political arguments following guide paths in the dark through the snow and hil...