
U.S. Post-Moral Era Impact on Foreign Policy (with video)

When the Clinton and Obama administrations with the help of the U.S. Supreme Court progressed into turf traditionally considered immoral and moved a post-industrial nation into a post-morality status with homosexual marriage added to an existing corpus of corruption of moral norms such as abortion, making effective foreign policy became challenging. For who in the third world would really want to be like the U.S.A. morally? While the Clinton drip of e-mails continues her descent in the polls, as the Pope presents a sacerdotal priesthood militant hierarchy of imperialism as an elite caste of Christians is rife with child abusers, the public is assaulted with broadcast media intimacy that in prior eras who have comprised pornography. What is lacking is good macro-economic sense as wealth increases its concentration. As a sense of sin decays, so does democracy and democratic responsibility. When democracy transitions to moral irresponsibility wealth and power concentrates as the masses are misled to believe that the financial insiders are responsible for maintaining political health instead of themselves.

In most of the Muslim world the prospects for reaching an equivalent post-moral status, beyond good and evil. within the next century, are quite poor. A completely corrupt broadcast media is required for mass brainwashing support for bum-rushing decadent laws along with a dominant libertine judiciary to force the masses into immoral acquiescence. In some cases additional factors such as contraception and a high standard of living for women are required to get sufficient support for abortion. The Muslim world simply hasn't comparable social institutions to compel immorality on the people as does the U.S.A. Neither have undemocratic societies a good prospect for selecting corrupt and ineffective political leadership sold out to wealthy minority interests in show business that prefer dope, homosexuality, abortion and extended life spans through fetal research or even cloning and cyborg transition.

It is possible to simple make new, positive, rational political planks to move toward moral upgrade and ecological economics with lowest possible entropy increase to earth consistent with technological and material progress-it does require intelligence rather than pervasive destruction of traditional morality.

American foreign policy has decreasingly plausible match-ups to foreign social interests such that would bring them to mate with the immoral condition of the District of Columbia, Boston and etc. that are formative of American immoral conditioning through politics and the media.

In the post-moral era the U.S.A. has a detached from scriptural reality Christian evangelical community with a pre-tribulationist end-times theory waiting for Armageddon and rapture into thin air. They have wrong eschatology. They believe the Beast of Revelation could be President Obama, Hillary Clinton, an evil clown, a foreign political leader or CEO of a major corporation etc. , yet it was the first century Roman Emperor Nero-working tribulation on Peter Paul and other Christians. There are plenty enough real things in politics to worry about and fix to chase after spore of deficient hermeneutical method. If millions are living voodoo-cracker eschatology expecting a Sky Dragon , marks of the beast, and Babylon the Great Whore (some wonder, could it be the U.S.A., China or Iraq?-probably it was first century Jerusalem approaching 70 a.d.) )to appear like the Great Pumpkin before they fly like O.J. out of the Hertz rental car seat into the sky (an ancient t.v. ad) they will be handicapped in seeming to have political competence. Some enterprising politicians would likely try to make their expectations come true and brand people with 666 after the zombie fad of atheism debauches itself into the desert dirt.

Wrong end-times theory evangelicals may have reasonable morals yet their political competence is lacking. How can people that believe the social environment is going to be ruled by Satan before Armageddon have anything beside an escapist, pessimistic point of view wherein they hope for rapturous removal to heaven? In fact the tribulation and Armageddon occurred in the first century a.d.,. Jesus had established the kingdom of God and a slow build over history to a point where a majority of the world population would become Christian and set it into motion before his crucifixion. It is a kind of growth prospect over the long run comparable I suppose to that of Wall Street's historical long term value rise.

Catholics, Britons and Muslims all comprise extraterritorial, global imperial interests with political orientations profoundly different from nationalist democracy in the U.S.A. not to mention India. Britain is of course America's mentor in immorality and led the way with influences such as Elton John to homosexual marriage. Actual American values with the post-tribulationism or rather post-millennialism of Puritans like Jonathan Edwards are lacking. Defenders of democracy and morality have faded away as corporate interests have promoted wealth globally mostly for themselves and demoted morality. The complexity of finding a democratic core in the United States and forming a pragmatic and moral foreign policy seems remote.

Cold financial calculations such as that of taking historically Russian Ukraine and transferring ownership to global corporatism through a puppet proxy state of Ukraine must have guided the Clinton administration's leverage on Boris Yeltsin. The Obama administration has urged Ukraine to deny Russian even the Eastern side of the Dnepr lands. What should have happened, and still could, is peaceful Russian separatism and eventually east-west coalition into commercial and social trading and business informal merger.

The post-moral policy of the Obama administration is influencing events in Afghanistan. Kunduz has been retaken by the Taliban, and why logically not? Disaffection from American immorality along with withdrawal of direct U.S. combat troops to occupy the nation helped the Taliban rather than U.S. and allied territorial prospects in Afghanistan. American perfidy in the Middle East seems more emergent with Syrian, Kurdish, Saudi Arabian, Egyptian, Israeli, Iraqi and Iranian relations. It seems that it must be more than a little challenging for people of those nations to trust the U.S. at all, though it would be impolitic to say so.

America's European 'partners' have experienced the post-moral policies from the U.S.A. producing fruits such as Syrian mass-migration to Europe. The post-moral era seems to stimulate end-of western-civilization social values, and the left appears to value that prospect, while people of the second and third world tend to admire the wealth owned preponderantly by a small percent of Americans and devalue the immorality, if they are from a nation with any sort of morally reinforcing values. National values really matter. As in the I.Q. phenomenon where one doesn't know what one doesn't know and doesn't have an awareness of being in the dark, a society may lose moral and national political values and become entirely unaware of that. It may even be difficult to remind a decaying society that they are going on a path that does not lead to prosperity, security or eternal life with the Lord.

The administration policies affect the security of Christians in Nigeria as well as the Middle East who have fled due to terror and government purging. Clinton-Obama policies have built up deviant sex and broadcast media language use and decreased public perceptions of Christian values. As the administrations seem to try to degrade Christianity nationally that harms global prospects for Christian evangelization and conversions for proselytes. It makes it easier for political actions against Christians abroad as it is believed that D.C. is itself a Satan led anti-moral leader.

While it appears bad enough it is remarkable that post-millennialist interpretation of scripture such as Kenneth Gentry has described in 'He Shall Have Dominion' views the long-range prospects optimistically. At some point a turn to Christian moral norms and ethics will transition into being as a majoritarian Christian global population develops. With ecological economic evolution and godly democracy for a people mostly living within the kingdom of God the future looks bright. It is remarkable though, how many vicissitudes the world goes through as its leaders lack enough good information and faith to even consider coordinated and effective remedies for the world of challenges.


Alternative Energy Prospects Increasing

Discoveries in alternative energy production still require implementation of product. The state of Alaska ought to invest something in fuel cell power plants in remote locations to power toaster-incinolet privies and microwave ovens. All of the wood-burning stoves and fires for cooking in the world's poorest villages could be replaced by several fuel cells per settlement along with a fuel cell, wind and or solar power if donors wanted to develop such a planetary infrastructure.


Solar water stills and other technologies to make life better for the poor might be other areas to invest in.


Does Latino Pope Francis Recognize U.S. Border Sovereignty?

An Argentinian, Latino Pope that said all immigrants including illegals should be treated equally while speaking in the United States did not perhaps recognize the equal treatment of the law for all people in the sovereign lands of the U.S.A. It was as if people breaking the law should be given special status and regarded as not breaking the law.

It is a rather amusing topic for a Latino Pope to be counseling the nation on behalf of illegal immigration of Latinos to the U.S.A. as if entirely Latino countries south of the U.S. border aren't enough and they need to take over the U.S.A. It is a fascinating historical issue since Argentina purged its nation more completely of aboriginal Americans than any other in the western hemisphere, and also had a semi-fascist military junta that disappeared lots of people and sought to conquer the Malvinas Islands. Failing in that effort during which time Francis was not especially outspoken in opposition evidently he can look to expand his flock northward into the U.S.A. through the soft underbelly of liberalism.

Perhaps I am not writing about this issue very well-it really is rich in history.

Pope Alexander VI issued a bull-the first Inter Caetera before the Treaty of Tordesillas of 1494. The bull banned;  "all persons, no matter what rank, estate, degree, order or condition to dare, without your special permission (the Pope) to go for the sake of trade or any other reason whatever, to the said islands and countries after they have been discovered and found by your envoys or persons sent out for that purpose."


The Pope claimed half the the world-that was a good example of imperialism. When England and other nations developed good navies and effectively dominated much of North America while the Spanish took much of the south an  America treaty was reached in 1670 whereby, in effect, a line east-west was made across the Atlantic with the Northern part going to the Protestant British and the southern portion to the Spanish Catholics, Habsburgs. Some people still want it all evidently

There is indeed a rich history in Pope Francis seeming to flunk recognition of border integrity and freedom from Southern expansion northward. I tend to think that if the U.S.A. formed in the South, and the Spanish took the North, that Pope Francis as a Philadelphia Argentinian would be arguing in support of Hispanic migration south in order to expand the Catholic realm of imperial influence. As Pope over a former great world imperium via proxies global domination is still latent desire. Not that all of the people of the world shouldn't be Christians-they should. The Burj Caliphate replaced the World Trade Towers with the will of those that want to expand a Caliphate to global domination by a false prophet. Neither of those imperial entities are just plain Christian with Jesus as Lord, yet the Catholics are probably close to the spirit of God than Muslims. Well, at least neither are former British imperialists seeking global domination through finance.

In my opinion people are poor for circumstantial and historical reasons involving a lot of history geography and a prevalent inner drive toward imperialism wherein everyone wants to be at the top of their own social pyramid instead of growing a garden.

What Does Burj Khalifa Symbolism in Islam?

The tallest building in the world known as the Burj Hkalifa has symbolic meaning to Muslims. I suppose it means something like Burgeoning Caliphate to westerners. It is no wonder that ISIS also swelled into prominence during the construction phase and opening of the tallest building.


Quoting from Islamic world.net on the meaning of khalifa obe finds 'KHALIFAH is an Arabic word literally meaning "one who replaces someone else who left or died" (English: caliph). In the context of Islam, however, the word acquires a narrower meaning. The Muslim Khalifa is the successor (in a line of successors) to Prophet Muhammad's position as the political, military, and administrative leader of the Muslims"


"Prophet Muhammad 
said:"There will be Nabuwa with Rehma (prophethood with Mercy). The there will be Khilafah with Ba’yah (pledge). Then Allah will change it when He wishes. Then there will be Mulkan ‘Adoodan (Rule by force). Then Allah will change it when He wishes. Then there will be Mulkan Jabriya (against people’s will). Then Allah will change it when He wishes. Then there will be Khilafah Ala Minhajin Nabuwa (on the path of prophethood). The earth and the sky will bestow their treasures." (Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Courtesy of Khilafah.Org)"


U.S. Public Debt at 105% of G.D.P.

Econoblog has published an informative piece on the public debt 'overhang'-something like an avalanche snow cornice I suppose, that may account for the slow economic growth.


There is also an ecosphere degradation overhang-its much more than just global atmospheric heating. The mass extinction of species is in a sense a loss of a data bank and library of critters that could be helpful for populating exo-planets with life (it ought to be more than just humans and robots).

The nation needs to transition to ecological economics, yet that requires intelligent government leadership, so I suppose it is only a joke to consider.

'Beast of the Revelation Identified'-A good eschatology video

The video on the identity of the Beast of the Revelation has excellent academic quality. For many Christians it would be a Copernican Revolution for their understanding. It is rather amazing to live for a long time and learn new things about Christianity that change the way one views areas of thought one believed settled. Video length 145 minutes.

Foreign Migrant Labor Mainly Benefits Imperial Management

It seems as if mass foreign migrations, often illegal, usually benefit management. Labor supply and demand is comparable to product supply and demand. international trade agreements exist to prevent dumping of product that would harm foreign management/investors, yet politicians and some clerics reinforce dumping of migrant labor that is harmful to labor supply in the nation receiving the migrants. Since the world isn’t primarily a commune and ‘rich countries’ aren’t either and instead have real supply and demand capital systems, moving large numbers of poor workers to ‘rich nations’ simply harms labor values locally and globally.

Economic and social theorists ought not be so intellectually disingenuous as to ignore the perennial intervention in labor market value with that result in dumping cheap migrant labor. capitalism is not really then given a chance to work as it should with so much ‘goaltending’ keeping labor value as low as possible politically.

The slowest to improve the plight of the poor is the result of effective imperial quality politics driving international mass migrations. The way capitalism is supposed to work is that when the labor market tightens in a nation wages go up. Management that wants cheap labor move their factory to a country with cheap labor supply and the poor in that country have better lives. Because relocating factories can be costly there is a certain degree of social stability as management/investors are recalcitrant about moving. A stable society and population has less crime and better prospects for education and compilation of micro-capital. The costs of government are less with social stability, zero unemployment and excellent wages.

Imperialist prefer social chaos and confusion with low or no wages, cheap labor supply and poverty with political power and wealth concentrated. Creating political situations that cause mass migrations accelerates conditions harmful to labor and of benefit to management. Generally lawlessness and disorder harms the poor more than the rich Orderly progress with rational expectations support hope for a better life.

Because some would perhaps confuse the state of Christians being free from the law and given to live by the spirit, in the modern context, I will note that the law that Christians are free from is not contemporary civil law, but the Jewish laws that existed in ancient Israel. Those laws could be inaccurately complied with even without the right spiritual relationship to God. Jesus Christ enabled those of faith in the Lord to live in the spirit and fulfill all the requirements of the law through the saving grace of Jesus Christ, the Father and Holy Spirit. The destruction of the Jewish temple in 70 A.D. by the Romans accentuated the point. The ancient laws and sacrifices at the temple had been surpassed.

Christians are obligated to obey civil law except where it conflicts with laws of God as given in scripture. Jesus said to render unto Caesar what is Caesar's, and unto God things that belong to God. Plainly that has more than one meaning, for Christians belong to God, and the lost belong to the world.

The word for land or earth was pronounced 'gay' in ancient Greek (spelled GE). The temporal experience and the land comprising it that the unsaved lust after isn't heaven, and the experience of it won't go on forever. While the worldly are spiritually dead and must live under the law, except so far as they choose not to as anarchists, it isn't the ancient Jewish law that they must live under; it is that of the civil government where they are. Laws in a democracy are the property of the people, made by and for the people, until the laws are corrupted by power, or the people themselves become corrupt and incapable of making and enacting just law. Spiritual correctness prevailing in a society requires fewer laws; love one's neighbor as thyself.

It is possible for governments and donors to provide training and emergency help to poor nations in order to allow them to help themselves. Yet when cheap labor travels to ‘rich nations’ to expand the labor supply and lower wages there is less need to look abroad for cheap labor to exploit. Exploiting cheap labor is the imperial way-that is what slavery in the America was about after all-importing slaves was made illegal very soon in the history of the U.S.A. as a democracy.

The longest path to ending planetary poverty runs through a perpetuation of shifting mass cheap labor about from country to country. Destroying social structures in poor countries that do exist will require extra time and cost to bring into a stable state of order in they ever attain a better standard of living. Like military units with a stable history being disinclined to perpetuate war crimes in comparison to newly formed and irregular forces, civil societies that are made into ghettos or destabilized and made to lose many to emigration are challenging to restore to a stable condition. Shifting about of mass migrations of labor in the modern context perpetuates rather than relieves poverty. Imperialists welcome cheap labor and degradation of civil equality.


John Boehner Considering a Run for the White House?

With many republican and Independent voters mildly dissatisfied with the field of candidates running for the Presidency in 2016 Speaker John Boehnor's decision to resign his post may indicate a potential run for the White House.

Bill Clinton entered the 1992 election only about January 1992 unfortunately overshadowing the late Senator Tongass' earlier entry into the virtually absent field of Democratic candidates. While it would have been better if the royal families of Clintons and Bushes had not ever run for the Oval Office viewing it as a family bad of Lay's potato chips in that they can't stop at just one, John Boehner may have the general public trust to serve credibly in the White House if the Trump candidacy or that of Ben Carson doesn't rev up sustainable public interest through fall ratings season.

Entry of a candidate into the dragon flames of campaign pressure might be comfortable for one already in the octogon of electoral combat.


U.S.-China Collective Accord; No Internet Economic Spying

Some actually believe that China and the United States will not conduct economic espionage in cyberspace as a new bilateral agreement stipulates. No hackers, no crime, government owned businesses included or excluded? etc. and additional interesting items to consider make it seem like some sort of plastic watermelon.


If the world has three fundamental collective ad hoc unions including investors, government bureaucrats and ordinary people, maybe two of the three have a balance of economic power tipping the scale in a particular direction. It does seem though that the U.S. Government doesn't  trust capitalism enough to let Lunar development of ecosphere industrial research adn development plots of a thousand acres each be offered to anyone in the world that has the ability to industry-stead on the moon. Monopoly is not well regarded in capitalist theory and competition is; so why the continuing U.S. monopoly on Lunar development such that nothing ever happens?


Shouldn't the Pope Have Supported Legal Immigration?

The Roman Pontiff in a speech to Congress in D.C. appeared to say that the U.S.A. is hostile to immigrants, and failed to recognize the difference between legal and illegal immigrants. It is just wrong for clerics to support law breakers subverting civil order and rational government; political leaders have enough trouble as it is. Ordinary people deserve rational expectations about demographics and environment to form a continuum that is true and stable.  Not every American is rich...many live from day to day.

The United States is a nation where all people had immigrant ancestors at some point yet that does not mean that a democracy ought to have open borders and no effective civil justice and equal opportunity for the citizens of a nation in a demographically challenged world replete with terrorists.


Plainly the world need ecological economics engineering to syntegrate with politics and political thought in order to transition to sustainability, yet subverting existing populations and their educational base and cultural politics and initiatives to advance to more modern structures able to meet demographic stress on the ecosphere. Mass population migrations defeating social planning efforts for conservation, education, employment and sustainability don't help if they are mass illegal movements.

The Pope said to welcome the stranger in our midst. True-if he isn't law breaking and complies with law and order. When I visited the Vatican during the reign of Pope John Paul the II I was initially denied entry for wearing shorts. I went around the block, changed clothes and returned. Even strangers must comply with house rules.

Loving one's neighbors as oneself does not mean letting them move in and take possession. First one should try to fix the neighbor's place if it doesn't work-and that should be ecospheric economics. President Obama stimulated civil war in Syria for years causing quite directly the present flight of hundreds of thousands to Europe (because it is richer than Africa in some senses and hence a better place to go).

The Pope should have just stayed with criticizing the President's lack of christian morality in forcing through homosexual marriage. The President doesn't realize the importance of marriage in that it is a paradigm of the church uniting with God through the Son as the bride of Christ. For the church to take up sin as official doctrine as some have (e.g. the P.C. U.S.A.) is to send a lot of people to hell.

Everyone wants to emphasize the benefits of salvation while few describe the terrible penalties for failure to follow the correct way of the Lord.

Post-Tribulation End TImes With Jesus and YHWH

 A Baptist minister said to me once that The Revelation was like a newspaper written for Christians of the time of John of Patmos. It needed...