
U.S. Post-Moral Era Impact on Foreign Policy (with video)

When the Clinton and Obama administrations with the help of the U.S. Supreme Court progressed into turf traditionally considered immoral and moved a post-industrial nation into a post-morality status with homosexual marriage added to an existing corpus of corruption of moral norms such as abortion, making effective foreign policy became challenging. For who in the third world would really want to be like the U.S.A. morally? While the Clinton drip of e-mails continues her descent in the polls, as the Pope presents a sacerdotal priesthood militant hierarchy of imperialism as an elite caste of Christians is rife with child abusers, the public is assaulted with broadcast media intimacy that in prior eras who have comprised pornography. What is lacking is good macro-economic sense as wealth increases its concentration. As a sense of sin decays, so does democracy and democratic responsibility. When democracy transitions to moral irresponsibility wealth and power concentrates as the masses are misled to believe that the financial insiders are responsible for maintaining political health instead of themselves.

In most of the Muslim world the prospects for reaching an equivalent post-moral status, beyond good and evil. within the next century, are quite poor. A completely corrupt broadcast media is required for mass brainwashing support for bum-rushing decadent laws along with a dominant libertine judiciary to force the masses into immoral acquiescence. In some cases additional factors such as contraception and a high standard of living for women are required to get sufficient support for abortion. The Muslim world simply hasn't comparable social institutions to compel immorality on the people as does the U.S.A. Neither have undemocratic societies a good prospect for selecting corrupt and ineffective political leadership sold out to wealthy minority interests in show business that prefer dope, homosexuality, abortion and extended life spans through fetal research or even cloning and cyborg transition.

It is possible to simple make new, positive, rational political planks to move toward moral upgrade and ecological economics with lowest possible entropy increase to earth consistent with technological and material progress-it does require intelligence rather than pervasive destruction of traditional morality.

American foreign policy has decreasingly plausible match-ups to foreign social interests such that would bring them to mate with the immoral condition of the District of Columbia, Boston and etc. that are formative of American immoral conditioning through politics and the media.

In the post-moral era the U.S.A. has a detached from scriptural reality Christian evangelical community with a pre-tribulationist end-times theory waiting for Armageddon and rapture into thin air. They have wrong eschatology. They believe the Beast of Revelation could be President Obama, Hillary Clinton, an evil clown, a foreign political leader or CEO of a major corporation etc. , yet it was the first century Roman Emperor Nero-working tribulation on Peter Paul and other Christians. There are plenty enough real things in politics to worry about and fix to chase after spore of deficient hermeneutical method. If millions are living voodoo-cracker eschatology expecting a Sky Dragon , marks of the beast, and Babylon the Great Whore (some wonder, could it be the U.S.A., China or Iraq?-probably it was first century Jerusalem approaching 70 a.d.) )to appear like the Great Pumpkin before they fly like O.J. out of the Hertz rental car seat into the sky (an ancient t.v. ad) they will be handicapped in seeming to have political competence. Some enterprising politicians would likely try to make their expectations come true and brand people with 666 after the zombie fad of atheism debauches itself into the desert dirt.

Wrong end-times theory evangelicals may have reasonable morals yet their political competence is lacking. How can people that believe the social environment is going to be ruled by Satan before Armageddon have anything beside an escapist, pessimistic point of view wherein they hope for rapturous removal to heaven? In fact the tribulation and Armageddon occurred in the first century a.d.,. Jesus had established the kingdom of God and a slow build over history to a point where a majority of the world population would become Christian and set it into motion before his crucifixion. It is a kind of growth prospect over the long run comparable I suppose to that of Wall Street's historical long term value rise.

Catholics, Britons and Muslims all comprise extraterritorial, global imperial interests with political orientations profoundly different from nationalist democracy in the U.S.A. not to mention India. Britain is of course America's mentor in immorality and led the way with influences such as Elton John to homosexual marriage. Actual American values with the post-tribulationism or rather post-millennialism of Puritans like Jonathan Edwards are lacking. Defenders of democracy and morality have faded away as corporate interests have promoted wealth globally mostly for themselves and demoted morality. The complexity of finding a democratic core in the United States and forming a pragmatic and moral foreign policy seems remote.

Cold financial calculations such as that of taking historically Russian Ukraine and transferring ownership to global corporatism through a puppet proxy state of Ukraine must have guided the Clinton administration's leverage on Boris Yeltsin. The Obama administration has urged Ukraine to deny Russian even the Eastern side of the Dnepr lands. What should have happened, and still could, is peaceful Russian separatism and eventually east-west coalition into commercial and social trading and business informal merger.

The post-moral policy of the Obama administration is influencing events in Afghanistan. Kunduz has been retaken by the Taliban, and why logically not? Disaffection from American immorality along with withdrawal of direct U.S. combat troops to occupy the nation helped the Taliban rather than U.S. and allied territorial prospects in Afghanistan. American perfidy in the Middle East seems more emergent with Syrian, Kurdish, Saudi Arabian, Egyptian, Israeli, Iraqi and Iranian relations. It seems that it must be more than a little challenging for people of those nations to trust the U.S. at all, though it would be impolitic to say so.

America's European 'partners' have experienced the post-moral policies from the U.S.A. producing fruits such as Syrian mass-migration to Europe. The post-moral era seems to stimulate end-of western-civilization social values, and the left appears to value that prospect, while people of the second and third world tend to admire the wealth owned preponderantly by a small percent of Americans and devalue the immorality, if they are from a nation with any sort of morally reinforcing values. National values really matter. As in the I.Q. phenomenon where one doesn't know what one doesn't know and doesn't have an awareness of being in the dark, a society may lose moral and national political values and become entirely unaware of that. It may even be difficult to remind a decaying society that they are going on a path that does not lead to prosperity, security or eternal life with the Lord.

The administration policies affect the security of Christians in Nigeria as well as the Middle East who have fled due to terror and government purging. Clinton-Obama policies have built up deviant sex and broadcast media language use and decreased public perceptions of Christian values. As the administrations seem to try to degrade Christianity nationally that harms global prospects for Christian evangelization and conversions for proselytes. It makes it easier for political actions against Christians abroad as it is believed that D.C. is itself a Satan led anti-moral leader.

While it appears bad enough it is remarkable that post-millennialist interpretation of scripture such as Kenneth Gentry has described in 'He Shall Have Dominion' views the long-range prospects optimistically. At some point a turn to Christian moral norms and ethics will transition into being as a majoritarian Christian global population develops. With ecological economic evolution and godly democracy for a people mostly living within the kingdom of God the future looks bright. It is remarkable though, how many vicissitudes the world goes through as its leaders lack enough good information and faith to even consider coordinated and effective remedies for the world of challenges.

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Regarding Colin Wilson's ''The Outsider'

Nice statement and photographic presentation; Clint Eastwood walking away from the philosophical showdown a winner. There are a few more tha...