
Characteristics of Morphish Lawyer-Presidents

Lawyers elected to the modern Presidency may have select common behavioral characteristics. As actors they may represent hidden special interests. As mouthpieces they may be puppets of plutonomy or foreign interests. Most apparent though is their readiness to usurp the role of the Legislative branch in making law wherever possible-since as lawyers they regard law as a malleable substance to be finessed and applied as executive of it in the most advantageous manner possible.

There is a danger that a lawyer-President may find common cause with the lawyer-Supreme Court to form a corrupt ad hoc alliance in knocking down the legislature. It is as if Wall Street interests ran the treasury, commerce and the Federal Reserve too. Laws and constitutional theory may be bent with plain power. V.I. Lenin was a lawyer, like Bill Clinton, Barrack Hussein Obama and Vladimir Putin; lawyers in some cases benefit a society with a more authoritarian or imperial approach to the office of the Presidency. That approach is fundamentally less than democratic however and a mistake is it to regard populist authoritarianism as a good example of democracy.

As a lawyer F.D.R. wanted to change the number of lawyer-judges on the Supreme Court. President Obama has forced through several legal changes generally without plain majority support. The judiciary gave the President queer marriage. Obamacare was forced through by use of the nuclear option that will have future consequences. The Democrats of the Senate appear set to force through a dangerous end of sanctions on Iran in exchange for Iran willing to be slower and more thorough in developing a nuclear weapons program over the next 15 years. For a lawyer President the law may be a kind of putty shaped as any kind of charge they like rather than a practico-inert substance of rules. It is true that laws need be changed now and then yet it is the legislature that is supposed to do that-not the chief law enforcement officer.

It is  bad development to place lawyers in the White House. haven't Democrats got a single competent Hollywood Star to run for the job if they want at least to seem interesting and less corrupt?

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