
Does Latino Pope Francis Recognize U.S. Border Sovereignty?

An Argentinian, Latino Pope that said all immigrants including illegals should be treated equally while speaking in the United States did not perhaps recognize the equal treatment of the law for all people in the sovereign lands of the U.S.A. It was as if people breaking the law should be given special status and regarded as not breaking the law.

It is a rather amusing topic for a Latino Pope to be counseling the nation on behalf of illegal immigration of Latinos to the U.S.A. as if entirely Latino countries south of the U.S. border aren't enough and they need to take over the U.S.A. It is a fascinating historical issue since Argentina purged its nation more completely of aboriginal Americans than any other in the western hemisphere, and also had a semi-fascist military junta that disappeared lots of people and sought to conquer the Malvinas Islands. Failing in that effort during which time Francis was not especially outspoken in opposition evidently he can look to expand his flock northward into the U.S.A. through the soft underbelly of liberalism.

Perhaps I am not writing about this issue very well-it really is rich in history.

Pope Alexander VI issued a bull-the first Inter Caetera before the Treaty of Tordesillas of 1494. The bull banned;  "all persons, no matter what rank, estate, degree, order or condition to dare, without your special permission (the Pope) to go for the sake of trade or any other reason whatever, to the said islands and countries after they have been discovered and found by your envoys or persons sent out for that purpose."


The Pope claimed half the the world-that was a good example of imperialism. When England and other nations developed good navies and effectively dominated much of North America while the Spanish took much of the south an  America treaty was reached in 1670 whereby, in effect, a line east-west was made across the Atlantic with the Northern part going to the Protestant British and the southern portion to the Spanish Catholics, Habsburgs. Some people still want it all evidently

There is indeed a rich history in Pope Francis seeming to flunk recognition of border integrity and freedom from Southern expansion northward. I tend to think that if the U.S.A. formed in the South, and the Spanish took the North, that Pope Francis as a Philadelphia Argentinian would be arguing in support of Hispanic migration south in order to expand the Catholic realm of imperial influence. As Pope over a former great world imperium via proxies global domination is still latent desire. Not that all of the people of the world shouldn't be Christians-they should. The Burj Caliphate replaced the World Trade Towers with the will of those that want to expand a Caliphate to global domination by a false prophet. Neither of those imperial entities are just plain Christian with Jesus as Lord, yet the Catholics are probably close to the spirit of God than Muslims. Well, at least neither are former British imperialists seeking global domination through finance.

In my opinion people are poor for circumstantial and historical reasons involving a lot of history geography and a prevalent inner drive toward imperialism wherein everyone wants to be at the top of their own social pyramid instead of growing a garden.

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