
Wholistic Extra-Terrestrial Ecosphere Manufacture Goals

Wholistic Extra-Terrestrial Ecosphere Manufacture Goals

Contemporary science has learned a lot about ecosystems and biology. On the Earth however there is no opportunity to apply all that knowledge to create a complete living ecosphere; for one planetary ecosphere already exists. So science without any practical opportunity to develop an ecosphere on this world must look to others to apply concepts as practical works.                                         image credit: N.A.S.A.

Science is not exclusively owned by government of course; the private sector applies science to manufacture items of value and also funds research. The government could take a small step for mankind in zoning ecosphere manufacture plots on the moon of a thousand acres each in a variety of lunar environments for the use of any corporate research and development entity that wants to locate a grow your own ecosphere on the moon. No nation should be excluded from the opportunity to create a demonstration ecosphere on the Moon of the Earth if it is willing to try.

There is a lot more barren rock with no atmosphere in the solar system than human friendly, verdant worlds. Ecosphere Engineering needs to get started on learning how to really make green environments where there is only cold death. Maybe some of the articficial ecospheres will have a different color motif for photosynthesis, or base growth on heat from a planetary core, microwaves reflected from a star or etc.

Obviously there is an obligatory need to roundly trash talk politicians and human leadership as idiots, greedy varmints, ##!! etc. I trust that recognition is sufficient to allow me to proceed. Plainly investing in practical works is not a normal government activity these days in a psychological age of fracture with plenty of Hollywood special effects, drugs and globalism.

The U.S. Government as unofficial owners of the moon by primitive right of first dibs should make industrial lunar plots of a thousand acres for ecosphere building available to anyone that can get to the moon and build one. It would be rather like the frontier homestead program adapted for large-scale ecosphere experimentation.

There are innumerable and different approaches to building a self-contained ecosphere on a planet or moon with zero atmosphere and near absolute zero temperatures. Little thousand acre experimental plots could provide room for proof of concept manufacture. There is no requirement that an extra-terrestrial body be entirely converted to human habitability. It would be sufficient to manufacture cellular habitats of a thousand acres or so in such quantity as is deemed useful.

Building self-sustaining real ecospheres in extra-terrestrial local would require ecosphere engineering of an intellectual scale challenging to the do it by the book bureaucratic collectives flourishing on Earth today. What is learned on the Moon could benefit recovery of the Earths dwindling ecosphere as well as being used as a way to improve human prospects on Mars.

Human beings need to improve their use of natural ecospheres such that they are more efficient, more conservative and reduce added entropy to a minimum while continuing production. Even so expansion of new ecospheric regions around the solar system is requisite for sustainable human development. Recovery of a healthy Earth ecosphere, perhaps using fishing as a measuring tool-the earth should attain fish population health like that existing in 12,000 B.C.-ought to be a goal of a mature ecosphere manufacturing industry.

Government tends to want to encourage construction of faster space engines and flimsy Martian temporary housing yet if humans arriving at distant places off-world have the same inability to build healthy ecospheres and just consume and destroy them as at present, their prospects will be pretty poor as they are in effect running from themselves and their own nasty habits.

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