
Brit Immigrant Harper-Mercer Killed 10 at Umqua CC-Why?

Christopher Harper-Mercer (the shooter at Umqua CC) was a British immigrant as a youth.The dual citizenship and inherent ex-pat status may have formed complexities for his reasoning. I think the cultural disconnect helped shape his ideas, and all of the changes in Oregon and DC also morphed the social environment. When I was in the Oregon Army Guard in 1982 this sort of thing wasn't a part of cultural history-it started with the Clinton era.


A 26 year old from Oregon growing up in the 90s and 00's was likely to encounter an awful lot of bad underground trash lyrics in music. radio Satan (informal) from Sacramento was an influence too. Social conditioning was rather degenerate. Much illegal immigration has saturated Oregon since the 80's. It is a place where some young white guys can feel marginalized and perhaps jealous of the loss of a beautiful land in an unrealistic way. With a dual citizenship tie to Britain it is not unlikely that a latent colonial supremist sentiment for his tribe incentivized his thought.

Shooting up a school is unthinkable though. yet Columbine and the slaughter at Eugene were punk trend apparently aging a little in the Obama years. To a certain extent every life has an element of trimish punk about it, it is just that some people deal better with the anomie aspects better than others.

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